472 matches
a textemelor (în principal a expresiilor idiomatice). Chomsky a fost unul dintre primii lingviști din epoca modernă care au atras atenția asupra creativității în/prin limbaj și, mai ales, asupra funcției creatoare a limbajului obișnuit. Încă din Current Issues in Linguistic Theory (1964), lingvistul american susținea că "faptul central" al oricărei teorii lingvistice ar trebui să fie acela că, "la un moment dat, un vorbitor matur poate produce o propoziție nouă în limba sa, iar alți vorbitori o pot înțelege nemijlocit
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the present study provides a relevant insight into some essential coordinates, which may further serve as guidelines for other explorations in the field. 2. Thus, we aimed to explore in our research project particularly two of the crucial tenets of linguistic integralism: the primacy of semantics within the levels of language (and, implicitly, within the branches of linguistics), and the threefold organization of language (as speaking in general - concrete particular language - discourse). Based on these principles, we claim that a "linguistics
the levels of language (and, implicitly, within the branches of linguistics), and the threefold organization of language (as speaking in general - concrete particular language - discourse). Based on these principles, we claim that a "linguistics of repeated discourse" (and, particularly, a linguistic of textemes) can be established only on the basis of the distinction designation - meaning - sense, manifested on three dimensions: elocutional linguistics, studying the textemes in general, regardless of how they are configured in different particular languages and/or texts; "idiomatic
aim to provide a description of these units of "repeated discourse" (as units of "speaking in general"), to outline their semantic definition and to delineate their (sub)categories. Regarding the former issue, we conclude that textemes are a class of linguistic units (always) determined and (sometimes) framed, and that these properties have significant consequences both on their "idiomatic" and textual-discursive status. Furthermore, we define textemes as units of "repeated discourse" characterized by non-coincidence (or, more precisely, by non-direct derivability) of the
from the structural semantics developed by Coseriu and subsequently formulate several principles and concepts of a possible configurative semantics, to study the idiomatic meaning of associative configurations in a certain "historical" language. Our main difficulty here is to distinguish the linguistic configurations (admitted as "facts of language" at the level of the "idiomatic" norm) from the mere "psychological" associations of words, which aim solely the knowledge of "things". However, we have proved that this difficulty is not an insurmountable obstacle and
conventional ("repeated") units can contribute not only to the creation of sense, but also to the creation of worlds. In this regard, we adopt and use Mircea Borcila's theory of "discursive poiesis", which is consistent with the tenets of linguistic integralism. By selecting as case study Mihail Sadoveanu's novel Creanga de aur/The Golden Bough (1933), our analysis follows three steps: identifying and interpreting the referential quanta based on textemes; identifying and interpreting the referential fields, as well as
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Group, "MIP: A Method for Identifying Metaphorically Used Words in Discourse", în Metaphor and Symbol, vol. 22, nr. 1, pp. 1-39; Gerard J. Steen, Aletta G. Dorst, J. Berenike Herrmann, Anna A. Kaal, Tina Krennmayr, Trijntje Pasma, A Method for Linguistic Metaphor Identification. From MIP to MIPVU, John Benjamins, Amsterdam/ Philadelphia, 2010. 103 Mircea Borcilă, "The Metaphoric Model in Poetic Texts", în János Péntek, (ed.), Text şi stil. Text and Style. Szöveg és stì
R. Norrick, "Foreword", în Harald Burger, Dmitrij Dobrovol'skij, Peter Kühn și Neal R. Norrick (eds.), Phraseologie/Phraseology, vol. 1, p. xii. 133 Wolfgang Mieder, Proverbs. A Handbook, Greenwood Press, Westport, CT/Londra, 2004, pp. 16-17. 134 David Cram, "The Linguistic Status of the Proverb", în Cahiers de lexicologie, vol. 43, 1983, pp. 53-71. 135 Stephen D. Winick, "Intertextuality and Innovation in a Definition of the Proverb Genre", în Wolfgang Mieder (ed.), Cognition, Comprehension and Communication: A Decade of North American
Germania), în dialog cu Marin Mincu". 190 Eugeniu Coșeriu, "The Principles of Linguistics as a Cultural Science", p. 109. 191 Mircea Borcilă, "Lingvistica integrală și fundamentele metaforologiei", p. 58. 192 Ibidem, pp. 59-60. 193 Eugeniu Coșeriu, "Nu există schimbare lingvistică" ["Linguistic Change Does Not Exist", 1983], în Omul și limbajul său. Studii de filozofie a limbajului și lingvistică generală, antologie, argument, note, bibliografie și indici de Dorel Fînaru, Editura Universității "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" Iași, Iași, 2009, p. 318. 194 Idem, "Creația
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