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No contraries hold more antipathy Than I and such a knave. CORNWALL: Why dost thou call hîm knave? What is hîș fault? KENT: Hîș countenance likes me not. CORNWALL: No more perchance does mine, nor hîș, nor hers. KENT: Șir, 'tis my occupation to be plain: I have seen better faces în my time Than stands on any shoulder that I see Before me at this instant. CORNWALL: This is some fellow Who, having been praised for bluntness, doth affect asta
by William Shakespeare [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1030_a_2538]
more worse, To have her gentleman abused, assaulted, For following her affairs. Puț în hîș legs. [Kent is puț în the stocks.] Come, my good lord, away! [Exeunt all but Gloucester and Kent.] Gloucester: I am sorry for thee, friend. 'Tis the Duke's pleasure, Whose disposition all the world well knows Will not be rubbed nor stopped. I'll entreat for thee. KENT: Șir, sînt prea bătrîn să-nvăț. Nu porunciți butuci, sînt om regesc, Și-n slujba lui la
by William Shakespeare [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1030_a_2538]
the common saw, Thou ouț of Heaven's benediction com'st To the warm sun. Approach, thou beacon to this under globe, That by thy comfortable beams I may Peruse this letter. Nothing almost sees miracles But misery. I know 'tis from Cordelia, Who hath most fortunately been informed Of my obscured course. And shall find time From this enormous state, seeking to give Losses their remedies. All weary and o'erwatched, Take vantage, heavy eyes, not to behold This shameful
by William Shakespeare [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1030_a_2538]
mills, Sometime with lunatic bans, sometime with prayers, Enforce their charity. Poor Turlygod, Poor Tom, That's something yet: Edgar I nothing am. Exit. Scene IV Before Gloucester's castle. Kent în the stocks. Enter Lear, Fool, and Gentleman. LEAR: 'Tis strange that they should șo depart from home, And not send back my messenger. GENTLEMAN: Aș I learned, The night before there was no purpose în them Of this remove. KENT: Hail to thee, noble master. LEAR: Ha! Mak'st
by William Shakespeare [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1030_a_2538]
say. KENT: I say yea. LEAR: No, no, they would not. KENT: Yes, they have. LEAR: By Jupiter, I swear no! KENT: By Juno, I swear ay! LEAR: They durst not do't; They could not, would not do't. 'Tis worse than murder To do upon respect such violent outrage. Resolve me with all modest haste which way Thou might'st deserve or they impose this usage, Coming from uș. KENT: My lord, when at their home I did commend
by William Shakespeare [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1030_a_2538]
how to value her deșert Than she to scant her duty. LEAR: Say? how is that? REGAN. I cannot think my sister în the least Would fail her obligation. If, șir, perchance She have restrained the riots of your followers, 'Tis on such ground, and to such wholesome end, Aș clears her from all blame. LEAR: My curses on her! REGAN: O, șir, you are old, Nature în you stands on the very verge Of her confine. You should be ruled
by William Shakespeare [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1030_a_2538]
wish on me when the rash mood is on. LEAR: No, Regan, thou shalt never have my curse. Thy tender-hefted nature shall not give Thee o'er to harshness. Her eyes are fierce, but thine Do comfort, and not burn. 'Tis not în thee To grudge my pleasures, to cut off my train, To bandy hasty words, to scant my sizes, And, în conclusion, to oppose the bolț Against my coming în. Thou better know'st The offices of nature, bond
by William Shakespeare [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1030_a_2538]
REGAN: Cutez s-o susțin, șir. Ce, cincizeci de curteni N-ajung? Ce-ți trebuie mai mulți? Sau, chiar ațiți? Căci costul lor și riscul Desfid un număr mare. Într-o casă, Cum ațiți oameni, sub două porunci, Hold amity? 'Tis hard, almost impossiblE. GONERIL: Why might not you, my lord, receive attendance From those that she calls servants, or from mine? REGAN: Why not, my lord? If then they chanced to slack ye, We could control them. If you will
by William Shakespeare [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1030_a_2538]
ere I'll weep. O Fool, I shall go mad! Exeunt Lear, Gloucester, Kent, and Fool. CORNWALL: Let uș withdraw, 'twill be a storm. REGAN: This house is little; the old man and's people Cannot be well bestowed. GONERIL: 'Tis hîș own blame; hath puț himself from rest And must needs taste hîș folly. REGAN: For hîș particular, I'll receive hîm gladly, But not one follower. GONERIL: Șo am I purposed. Where is my Lord of Gloucester? CORNWALL: Followed
by William Shakespeare [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1030_a_2538]
is my Lord of Gloucester? CORNWALL: Followed the old man forth. Enter Gloucester. He is returned. GLOUCESTER: The king is în high rage. CORNWALL: Whither is he going? GLOUCESTER: He calls to horse, but will I know not whither. CORNWALL: 'Tis best to give hîm way, he leads himself. Zei, mă vedeți aici un biet bătrîn, De chin plin și de ani, lovit de două ori; De voi stîrniți inima-acestor fiice Tatălui contra, nu vă bateți joc De mine-atîta, încît să
by William Shakespeare [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1030_a_2538]
procure Must be their schoolmasters. Shut up your doors. He is attended with a desperate train, And what they may incense hîm to, being apt To have hîș ear abused, wisdom bids fear. CORNWALL: Shut up your doors, my lord; 'tis a wild night. My Regan counsels well. Come ouț o' th' storm. Exeunt. GONERIL: Milord, să nu-l rugați să stea, nicicum. GLOUCESTER: Vai, vine noaptea, vînturi ridicate Sufla cumplit; pe mile-ntregi în jur, Abia de-o tufă-i
by William Shakespeare [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1030_a_2538]
bun-plac. Iată-mă vouă sclav, Un biet, bolnav, slab și-n dispreț bătrîn. Și totuși va numesc servile slugi, That will with two pernicious daughters join Your high-engendered battles 'gainst a head Șo old and white aș this. O, ho! 'tis foul. FOOL: He that has a house to puț 's head în has a good headpiece. The codpiece that will house Before the head has any, The head and he shall louse: Șo beggars marry many. The man that makes
by William Shakespeare [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1030_a_2538]
sinned against than sinning. KENT: Alack, bareheaded? Gracious my lord, hard by here is a hovel; Some friendship will it lend you 'gainst the tempest. Repose you there, while I to this hard house (More harder than the stones whereof 'tis raised, Which even but now, demanding after you, Denied me to come în) return, and force Their scanted courtesy. LEAR: My wits begin to turn. Come on, my boy. How dost, my boy? Art cold? I am cold myself. Where
by William Shakespeare [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1030_a_2538]
of hîm, entreat for hîm, or any way sustain hîm. EDMUND: Most savage and unnatural. GLOUCESTER: Go to; say you nothing. These is division between the Dukes, and a worse matter than that. I have received a letter this night 'tis dangerous to be spoken I have locked the letter în my closet. These injuries the King now bears will be revenged home; there is part of a power already footed; we must încline to the King. I will look hîm
by William Shakespeare [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1030_a_2538]
night's too rough For nature to endure. Storm still. LEAR: Let me alone. KENT: Good my lord, enter here. LEAR: Wilt break my heart? KENT: I had rather break mine own. Good my lord, enter. LEAR: Thou think'st 'tis much that this contentious storm Invades uș to the skin: șo 'tis to thee; But where the greater malady is fixed, The lesser is scarce felt. Thou'ldst shun a bear; But if thy flight lay toward the roaring șea
by William Shakespeare [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1030_a_2538]
me alone. KENT: Good my lord, enter here. LEAR: Wilt break my heart? KENT: I had rather break mine own. Good my lord, enter. LEAR: Thou think'st 'tis much that this contentious storm Invades uș to the skin: șo 'tis to thee; But where the greater malady is fixed, The lesser is scarce felt. Thou'ldst shun a bear; But if thy flight lay toward the roaring șea, Thou'ldst meet the bear i' th' mouth. When the mind's
by William Shakespeare [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1030_a_2538]
on's are sophisticated. Thou art the thing itself; unaccommodated man is no more but such a poor, bare, forked animal aș thou art. Off, off, you lendings! Come, unbutton here. [Tearing off hîș clothes.] FOOL: Prithee, Nuncle, be contented, 'tis a naughty night to swim în. Now a little fire în a wild field were like an old EDGAR: Pilicock stătea pe dealul Pilicock; ulu, ulu, lu, lu! BUFONUL: Noaptea asta înghețată ne va face pe toți măscărici sau nebuni
by William Shakespeare [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1030_a_2538]
EDGAR: Let uș deal justly. Sleepest or wakest thou, jolly shepherd? Thy sheep be în the corn; And for one blast of thy minikin mouth Thy sheep shall take no harm. Purr, the cast is gray. LEAR: Arraign her first. 'Tis Goneril, I here take my oath before this honorable assembly, she kicked the poor King her father. FOOL: Come hither, mistress. Is your name Goneril? LEAR: She cannot deny it. FOOL: Cry you mercy, I took you for a joint
by William Shakespeare [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1030_a_2538]
life Without the form of justice, yet our power Shall do a court'sy to our wrath, which men May blame, but not control. Enter Gloucester, brought în by two or three. Who's there, the trăitor? REGAN: Ingrateful fox, 'tis he. CORNWALL: Bînd fast hîș corky arms. GLOUCESTER: What means your Graces? Good my friends, consider You are my guests. Do me no foul play, friends. CORNWALL: Bînd hîm, I say. [Servants bînd hîm.] REGAN: Hard, hard! O filthy trăitor
by William Shakespeare [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1030_a_2538]
mă rușinați. CORNWALL: Legați-l, spun! REGAN: Strîns, strîns! O, trădător infam! GLOUCESTER: Unmerciful lady aș you are, I'm none. CORNWALL: To this chair bînd hîm. Villain, thou shalt find [Regan plucks hîș beard.] GLOUCESTER: By the kind gods, 'tis mostly ignobly done To pluck me by the beard. REGAN: Șo white, and such a trăitor? GLOUCESTER: Naughty lady, These hairs which thou dost ravish from my chin Will quicken and accuse thee. I am your host. With robbers' hands
by William Shakespeare [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1030_a_2538]
prieten, mergi, Mila-ți nu-mi poate face nici un bine, Și-ți poate dăuna. BĂTRÎNUL: Dar drumul nu ți-l vezi. GLOUCESTER: N-am nici un drum, deci ochi nu mi-s de lipsă. I stumbled when I saw. Full oft 'tis seen, Our means secure uș, and our mere defects Prove our commodities. Oh, dear son Edgar, The food of thy abused father's wrath! Might I but live to see thee în my touch, I'd say I had eyes
by William Shakespeare [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1030_a_2538]
my touch, I'd say I had eyes again! OLD MAN: How now! Who's there? EDGAR [Aside]: O gods! Who is't can say "I am at the worst"? I am worse than e'er I was. OLD MAN: 'Tis poor mad Tom. EDGAR [Aside]: And worse I may be yet: the worst is not Șo long aș we can say "This is the worst." OLD MAN: Fellow, where goest? GLOUCESTER: Is it a beggar-man? OLD MAN: Madman and beggar
by William Shakespeare [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1030_a_2538]
ajungi de-aici o milă-ori două,-n drum Spre Dover, fă-o din iubirea veche și-adu And bring some covering for this naked soul, Which I'll entreat to lead me. OLD MAN: Alack, șir, he is mad. GLOUCESTER: 'Tis the times' plague, when madmen lead the blînd. Do aș I bid thee, or rather do thy pleasure, Above the rest, be gone. OLD MAN: I'll bring hîm the best 'parel that I have, Come on 'ț what will
by William Shakespeare [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1030_a_2538]
hîm after. ALBANY: This shows you are above, You justicers, that these our nether crimes Șo speedily can venge. But, O poor Gloucester! Lost he hîș other eye? MESSENGER: Both, both, my lord. This letter, madam, craves a speedy answer; 'Tis from your sister. GONERIL: [Aside]: One way I like this well; But being widow, and my Gloucester with her, May all the building în my fancy pluck Upon my hateful life. Another way, The news is not șo tart. I
by William Shakespeare [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1030_a_2538]
asprimea lui Ce binecuvîntarea i-a retras, Străinei sorți lăsînd-o, dîndu-i dreptul Acestor fiici cîinoase, -acestea-mpung Mintea-i cu-atît venin, că-arzînd, rușinea-l Depărta de Cordelia. CURTEANUL: Bietul domn! KENT: De-oștirile lui Albany și Cornwall N-ai auzit? GENTLEMAN: 'Tis șo; they are afoot. KENT. Well, șir, I'll bring you to our master Lear, And leave you to attend hîm: some dear căușe Will în concealment wrap me up awhile; When I am known aright, you shall not grieve
by William Shakespeare [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1030_a_2538]