3,989 matches
omului de a trăi într-o ordine constituțională bazată pe respectarea drepturilor omului, pe siguranță, pe eliberare de teamă, teroare, opresiune, nedreptăți și nevoi, de sărăcie și foamete). În raportul Adunării Generale ONU din 2001, intitulat We the peoples: The role of the United Nations în the 21st century 12, unul din mesajele-cheie a fost promovarea modelului holistic, ca reacție la modelul izolaționist (natură nu este decât "un mediu care înconjoară" omul dar care suferă dintr-o poziție de inegalitate, de
28 September 2000, www.un.org/millenium/declaration/ares552e.htm, accesat la data de 30 martie 2015. The Habitat Agenda. Istanbul Declaration on Human Settlements, UNCHS, www.un.org/ga/Istanbul+5/statereport 1.htm. Report "We The Peoples. The Role of UN în the 21st Century", published by UN Department of Public Information, NY 2000, www.unmilleniumproject.org, accesat la 30 martie 2015. United Nations Environment Programme/UNEP, Declaration of the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment, Stockholm, 1972
on Human Settlements, UNCHS, www.un.org/ga/Istanbul+5/statereport 1.htm. Transforming our world: The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, http://sustainabledevelopment.un.org/post2015/transformingourworld. UN Department of Public Information, NY 2000 Report "We The Peoples. The Role of UN în the 21st Century", www.unmilleniumproject.org. United Nations Environment Programme/UNEP, Declaration of the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment, Stockholm, 1972, www.unep.org. United Nations, UN-Habitat, Governing Council of the United Nations Human Settlements
an accountant) is similar, suggests the author, with the Jews tribulations after leaving Egypt (counting, preparation and difficulties of the road to the Promised Land). The fifth section (Deuteronomy), besides presenting aspects of daily life în the community (women's role, free time, religious education etc), makes at the same time a kind of evaluation of the past and the future of the community în the context of post-communist freedoms. Unlike the "optimistic" message of the Old Testament în which Moses
transition în Estern and Central Europe. Marius OPREA is a Romanian historian (specializing în recent history and archaeological expert), poet and essayist. He studied history at the University of Bucharest, and earned a Ph.D. with a thesis on the role and evolution of the Communist-era secret police, the Securitate between 1948 and 1964 (Rolul și evoluția Securității, 1948-1964). Oprea currently works aș a journalist, researcher of the victims of communism buried în common graves aș archaeologist and chief of the
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the physician? If mathematics has its own subject of study and its own methods for studying it and evolves according to its own internal dynamics, how is it that it can play such an important indispensable, according to some philosophers role in science?) a problem that is different from the challenge of Wigner and Steiner and from the problem of coordination that appears at logical positivists -, followed by an argument for the idea that the only way to respond to this
Aplicabilitatea matematicii ca problemă filosofică by Gabriel Târziu [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/888_a_2396]
of the applicability of mathematics is much more important than it is considered in the contemporary philosophy of mathematics. He argues that there are two ways of arriving at the problem of the applicability of mathematics by appealing to the role of the aesthetic factor in mathematics and by pointing to the fact that mathematics has its own object of study and its own methods of studying it, and also its own criteria for considering a certain domain or object as
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2002. 12 D. Yankelovich, "The Meaning of Work", în J.M. Rosow (ed.), The Worker and The Job, Englewood Cliffs, N.J., Prentice Hall, 1974. 13 F.I. Nye, V. Gecas, "The Role Concept: Rewiew and Delineation", în F.I. Nye et al. (eds.), Role Structure and Analysis of the Family, Beverly Hills, Sage Publications, Londra, 1976. 14 A.H. Eagly, Sex Differences in Social Behaviour: A Social-Role Interpretation, Hillsdale, N.J., Erlbaum, 1987. 15 A. Abele, & B. Wojciszke, "Agency and communion from the perspective of
Doar trăiam în Breaza, al doilea oraș din Europa în ceea ce privește aerul curat. 4 Generale - termen care mi se pare a fi mult mai adecvat decât generalese, cum este folosit, în mod obișnuit, în interiorul instituțiilor militare. 5 Cristina Rădoi, Women's role in reconstructing peace and security, AFASES, 2011, p. 160. 6 Am fugit întotdeauna de modelul de femeie gospodină, nu am vrut să învăț să gătesc de la mama pentru că nu vroiam să devin nevastă gospodină. Treptat, am văzut că și bucătăria
în the form of myth of the feminine singularity), novelistic representation (representation of mimetic type în the novel and short story) and the dramatic representation (the theatrical way of being and acting of the Parisian woman by means of scenarios, role plays, scenes). From the social and cultural perspective, the Parisian woman is identified aș a palimsest, overlapping and convergence of multiple projections that define her: homo modernus, homo gallicus, homo dixieviemis, homo miticus, homo urbanus, homo eroticus, homo dramaticus and
Pariziana romanescă : mit şi modernitate by Elena Prus [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/881_a_2389]
convergence of multiple projections that define her: homo modernus, homo gallicus, homo dixieviemis, homo miticus, homo urbanus, homo eroticus, homo dramaticus and homo ludens. Contradictory aș a modern identity, the Parisian woman is coherent aș a literary character, în the role of a constant of the French literature, aș a value present în the physiologies and the novels of the XIX-th century. Aș a distinctive literary type, the Parisian woman becomes a contagious nucleus which implies redimensions în the aesthetic field
Pariziana romanescă : mit şi modernitate by Elena Prus [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/881_a_2389]
dans une apothéose de caprice et d'art, était uniquement payé par la spéculation, une fortune sans cesse mouvante, qui semblait infinie comme la mer" [ibidem, p.96]. 122 "Plus la grande dame portait de bijoux, mieux elle jouait son role, tenait son rang" [Butor, 90]. "Un diamant tenu par un fil d'or pendait au baș de l'oreille, comme une goutte d'eau qui aurait glissée sur la chair" [Maupassant, Bel-Ami, p.28]. 123 "Îl y avait autour d
Pariziana romanescă : mit şi modernitate by Elena Prus [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/881_a_2389]
la comanda „Sus!”, executăm mișcarea. Peretele a fost ridicat ca o foaie de hârtie; copiii râdeau de bucurie. Acum, fiindcă îl avem în mână, hai să-l punem pe ștraf. Cei de pe margine, bucurându-se și ei, au adus două role metalice; strângându-ne mai mult unul lângă altul, lăsând un capăt al peretelui pe ștraf. Așa am suit toți cei patru pereți. Era o analogie cu povestea lui Moș Ion Roată. Am mulțumit lui Dumnezeu că ne-a dat pricepere
Imn pentru crucea purtată – abecedar duhovnicesc pentru un frate de cruce by Virgil Maxim () [Corola-publishinghouse/Memoirs/863_a_1818]