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ț at home, I found reasons to leave, too, to go to my mother’s or somewhere else, șo I wouldn’ț be alone with him. Immediately after New Year’s Eve - he hadn’ț spent it at home - he came back în the same manner he hâd left, making a lot of noise and saying he wasn’ț ok with anything. Once he was all over me, twisting my wrists and neck, how could I hâd rang the police, I
(English) ” I was living in a sealed concrete cube, there was no way out” - Interview with a domestic violence survivor (part I) () [Corola-website/Science/296119_a_297448]
help me, who was to retrive my keys and my papers? There were times when he didn’ț care and other when he was really violent and I hâd to wait for the right moment to sneak în. The police came, but he didn’ț open the door, but în the end he let me în. În the meantime I hâd been to the ER, get myself checked and they recommended I should get a forensic certificate. Anyway, I hâd nowhere
(English) ” I was living in a sealed concrete cube, there was no way out” - Interview with a domestic violence survivor (part I) () [Corola-website/Science/296119_a_297448]
My Youth". Trupa a lansat mai tarziu single-ul "The Beach" și "Prey", înainte de a elibera albumul întreg în 31 octombrie , 2015. Albumul include 11 piese: "A Moment of Silence", "Prey", "Cry Baby", "Wiped Ouț!", "The Beach", "Daddy Issues", "Baby Came Home 2/Valentines" ,"Greetings from Califournia", "Ferrari", "Single" și "R. I. P. 2 My Youth". The Neighbourhood a performat la Coachella 2013. The Neighbourhood a interpretat piesă ”Afraid” la show-ul de la SXSW, sponsorizat de Live Nation în martie 2013. În
The Neighbourhood () [Corola-website/Science/336309_a_337638]
Soarelui, un arătător în formă de semilună ce se deplasa de-a lungul unei porți determinând deschiderea automată a ușilor la fiecare oră, și cinci cântăreți sculptați care cântau când erau loviți cu o pârghie declanșată de un arbore cu came atașat unei roți cu apă. Durata zilei și a nopții putea fi reprogramată în fiecare zi pentru a trata schimbarea duratei zilei și nopții de-a lungul anului. Matematicianul și fizicianul scoțian John Napier a notat că înmulțirea și împărțirea
Istoria mașinilor de calcul () [Corola-website/Science/315303_a_316632]
Versurile sugerează faptul că este vorba despre o comuniune de tip sexual. „Speak în Tongues” face la un moment dat aluzie la o piesă de-a lui Lou Reed, „Walk on the Wild Side”. În această piesă apare versul "Candy came from ouț on the island", asemănător cu primul vers al piesei trupei Placebo, care sună în felul următor: "Kitty came on home from on the island". Interesant este că formația Eagles of Death Metal (apreciată mult de cei de la Placebo
Battle for the Sun (album) () [Corola-website/Science/315198_a_316527]
aluzie la o piesă de-a lui Lou Reed, „Walk on the Wild Side”. În această piesă apare versul "Candy came from ouț on the island", asemănător cu primul vers al piesei trupei Placebo, care sună în felul următor: "Kitty came on home from on the island". Interesant este că formația Eagles of Death Metal (apreciată mult de cei de la Placebo), a scos un cântec cu un titlu asemănător, „Speaking în Tongues”. „The Never-Ending Why” pune accentul, conform lui Molko, pe
Battle for the Sun (album) () [Corola-website/Science/315198_a_316527]
de tip 807/20 provenind de la Renault 16 TS modificat de către « vrăjitor », sau 113 cai DIN cu 6250 tr/min și un cuplu de unitate 14.3 mkg la 4500 tr/min. Printre numeroase modificări (arbore cotit, admisie, arbrore cu came, ...), este alimentat prin două carburatoare horizontale cu corp dublu Weber și răcit de un radiator cu ulei. Cutia de transmisie are 5 viteze. Frânarea se face în față prin frâne pe disc ventilate (premieră pentru mașinile franțuzești) și frâne pe
Renault 12 () [Corola-website/Science/330292_a_331621]
filmul ""The Mask of Dimitrios"" ("Masca lui Dimitrios"), bazat pe subiectul unui roman de Eric Ambler. În 1948, filmul ""Johnny Belinda"" are un succes extraordinar, interpreta principală, Jane Wyman primind premiul Oscar ca cea mai bună actriță. Urmează drama ""Three Came Home"" ("Trei se întorc acasă", 1950) bazat pe un fapt real din timpul războiului, cu Claudette Colbert, comedia ""How to Marry a Millionaire"" (Cum să te căsătorești cu un milionar) cu Marilyn Monroe, primul film pe ecran lat (Cinemascop), apoi
Jean Negulesco () [Corola-website/Science/298262_a_299591]
i></b> Bashar Al-Kishawi is a medical school graduate and a journalist. He left Kuwait when he was 18. He is Palestinian and for this reason, his right to benefit from higher education was denied în Kuwait. În 1990 he came to România to study medicine. Due to the Romanian legislation, Bashar hâd to choose reskilling after graduation. He became a journalist and currently works for Radio România. He is one of the five “voices of migration” from the performance Born
„Povestea mea putea fi spusă de altcineva” () [Corola-website/Science/295728_a_297057]
at the Students’ House and at the Children’s Palace. That’s when I got a passion for photography and it’s the reason I signed up for a class on media and journalism after I graduated. And when you came along, I was thrilled, because my story could be told by someone other than myself, someone who listened to me and took notes. When I was talking to you guys, I was very careful to highlight certain things, certain values
„Povestea mea putea fi spusă de altcineva” () [Corola-website/Science/295728_a_297057]
Biserica Greco-Catolică (pictată de pictorul național Tattarescu), Biserica Catolică, Centrul cultural Ion Vinea, Ateneul, Schitul Sf. Nicolae, Gradina Alei (printre primele grădini publice realizate în România), Ruinele cetății medievale , Podul Bizetz - primul pod în curbă din Europa, Portul Ramadan, Canalul Cama(Florilor sau Sf. Gheorghe), Gara Giurgiu Sud, Gara fluvială, Căpitania portului, Portul Giurgiu și faleza, Ruinele combinatului chimic, Teatrul Valah, Muzeul de Istorie, Galeria de Arte, Mănăstirea Sf. Nicolae, Mănăstirea Sf. Gheorghe, Catedrala Adormirea Maicii Domnului, Bisericile Sf. Gheorghe, Înălțarea
Județul Giurgiu () [Corola-website/Science/296659_a_297988]
a unei călătorii în timp, "Pavăza timpului", un "polițist temporal" din secolul XX, echipat cu informații și tehnologie dintr-un viitor mult mai îndepărtat, este întrecut de un cavaler medieval și abia scapă cu viață. Altă operă, "The Man Who Came Early", prezintă un soldat din Armata de uscat a Statelor Unite ale Americii (conform, United States Army) din secolul al XX-lea, staționat în Islanda, care e transportat în secolul al X-lea. Deși are o grămadă de idei, lipsa aptitudinilor practice de
Poul Anderson () [Corola-website/Science/320598_a_321927]
At least like that, working abroad, I was hoping to raise money and cover our debts. I worked for almost 18 years în Spain and at the beginning, for about five years, I’ve been through hell; until my husband came and the situation improved. I sometimes went to sleep thinking maybe it would be better never to wake up again. What to wake up for? Only the children kept me alive. After five years, when my husband came, I felt
Când casa ți-e o prelată și-o saltea, un pat îți pare un vis! () [Corola-website/Science/296090_a_297419]
my husband came and the situation improved. I sometimes went to sleep thinking maybe it would be better never to wake up again. What to wake up for? Only the children kept me alive. After five years, when my husband came, I felt resurrected. Then we were able to rent our own place with a real roof! When they entered the house, my children were șo happy to have electric light and running water. I don’ț know if you understand
Când casa ți-e o prelată și-o saltea, un pat îți pare un vis! () [Corola-website/Science/296090_a_297419]
illegally and was caught în Spain; he was told it was forbidden for him to return to Spain for four years. Did the kids go to school în Spain? </strong> Three of them went to school, while the oldest one came to work with me. I could I do?! He was my main support! All that time working în Spain, I raised money to come back to România and build a small house here. Maybe it seems... weird what I’m
Când casa ți-e o prelată și-o saltea, un pat îți pare un vis! () [Corola-website/Science/296090_a_297419]
about where I was staying. I lived on the street since I was six and a half years old, until I was 17. At first, there was that feeling of total freedom, that nobody was bothering me about when I came în, when I went ouț, where I ațe. I was a kid and you know how it is: when you are a kid, everything seems great or somehow you always manage to find joy. Of course there were also many
„Orice om pe lumea asta trebuie să aibă un loc unde să doarmă, să mănânce și să se spele” () [Corola-website/Science/296060_a_297389]
at me, I was watching them... Something was growing inside me, I was no longer a child. But I was dirty, and I was feeling dirty... And little by little I hâd to wish for a change, and that change came. I started going to a day centre around Dristor neighbourhood. You would go there during the day, wash your clothes, eat, there was a schedule, a psychologist and a social worker trying to assist you to integrate, to go to
„Orice om pe lumea asta trebuie să aibă un loc unde să doarmă, să mănânce și să se spele” () [Corola-website/Science/296060_a_297389]
but they couldn’ț keep me. Even the people from the recruiting firm în România tried to convince me to stay. But I decided to go to London, I thought there were more opportunities here than în Slough. I just came to London. I knew two people here, I thought they were my friends, but they didn’ț help me with anything. I saw how the rents work here, that you can’ț get anything if you don’ț talk to
Căutam chirie zi de zi () [Corola-website/Science/296094_a_297423]
to see me, since I was from România, from the East. And there were all kinds of propositions, from going ouț for coffee to...the weirdest was when one guy started taking photos of me în his apartment when I came to check the place ouț, and he was trying to get me to take my clothes off.
Căutam chirie zi de zi () [Corola-website/Science/296094_a_297423]
intelectuală urmărește bulk of the evidence tend to show fost considerată la fel ca și cum ar fi ce brevete citesc, și că-l revăd pe that the use of oxygen in this context fost eliberată de Bangladesh. De lângă pensiunea unde locuiam. came as a surprise to those people altfel, modul pragmatic american Bănuind că sunt urmărit de skilled in the art...” Ne mai având poate fi evidențiat din una din Securitatea română pentru că aș fi nevoie de informațiile mele, mi s-a
ANUL 6 • NR. 8-9 (16-17) • IANUARIE-FEBRUARIE • 2011 by Claude Mătasa () [Corola-journal/Journalistic/87_a_73]
fiind una din vocile principale ale serialului Familia Simpson. A mai jucat în filme ca: Godzilla (1998), "O noapte la muzeu 2" (2009), "Ștrumpfii (film)" (2011), "The Birdcage" (1996), "Mystery Men" (1999), "America's Sweethearts" (2001), "Shattered Glass" (2003), "Along Came Polly" (2004), "Run Fatboy Run" (2007). S-a născut într-o familie de evrei sefarzi vorbitoare de limbă ladino, bunicii săi fiind din Salonic, Grecia. A studiat actoria la Tufts University din Medford (Comitatul Middlesex). Aici îl cunoaște pe Oliver
Hank Azaria () [Corola-website/Science/334169_a_335498]
away. Back to my mother, she died on May 24 2008, despite the efforts and the treatments. On her 72nd birthday, December 6 2007, she was în Constantă. I hâd last seen her în the summer of 2007, when she came from Constantă, where she was living with her brother. He also became homeless after his wife left to work în Italy. What I wanted to say was that my mother was still very active - she was cooking, cleaning, walking around
„Nu aș mai face niciodată credit ipotecar” () [Corola-website/Science/296064_a_297393]
este o serie de române horror pentru copii scrisă de A G Cascone (două autoare folosind un singur pseudonim). 1. Terror în Tiny Town (1996) 2. Invasion of the Appleheads (1996) 3. Along Came a Spider (1996) 4. Ghost Knight (1996) 5. Revenge of the Goblins (1996) 6. Little Magic Shop of Horrors (1996) 7. It Came from the Deep (1997) 8. Grave Secrets (1997) 9. Mirror, Mirror (1997) 10. Grandpa's Monster Movies
Deadtime Stories () [Corola-website/Science/310810_a_312139]
un singur pseudonim). 1. Terror în Tiny Town (1996) 2. Invasion of the Appleheads (1996) 3. Along Came a Spider (1996) 4. Ghost Knight (1996) 5. Revenge of the Goblins (1996) 6. Little Magic Shop of Horrors (1996) 7. It Came from the Deep (1997) 8. Grave Secrets (1997) 9. Mirror, Mirror (1997) 10. Grandpa's Monster Movies (1997) 11. Nightmare on Planet X (1997) 12. Welcome to the Terror-Go-Round (1997) 13. The Beast of Baskerville (1997) 14. Trapped în Tiny
Deadtime Stories () [Corola-website/Science/310810_a_312139]
local artist, but rather that of the Western middle class. This local class emerges together with the intensifying of publishing activities, the development of media outlets, architecture studios or advertising agencies, art galleries and contemporary art spaces. These creative spaces came to meet the propagandă needs of the new market economy and implicitly of the “culturalization” of the working classes, aș well aș the reskilling needs of the former upper class. By culturalization I mean the reliance of the new economy
Spațiul creativ este noul tău loc de muncă! Gentrificare, artă și muncitori culturali () [Corola-website/Science/295757_a_297086]