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by Mircea Agabrian [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1074_a_2582]
dizertație sau doctorat: Rouba Al-Fattal, The Foreign Policy of the EU în the Palestinian Territory, Centre for European Policy Studies, CEPS Working Document nr. 328/May 2010; Levi, Idan, The EU Policy în the Middle East. Problematic Nature and Potențial Role, Dissertation zur Erlangung des Grades des Doktors der Philosophie im Fachbereich Sozialwissenschaften der Universität Hamburg, 2005; Hamntan, Michail, The EU's External Relations deficit towards the Middle East, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Political Science, Academic
ale Europei, Editura Institutul European, Iași, 2007. Katzenstein, Peter J. (ed), The Culture of Național Security: Norms and Identity în World Politics, Columbia University Press, New York, 1996. Levi, Idan, The EU Policy în the Middle East. Problematic Nature and Potențial Role, Dissertation zur Erlangung des Grades des Doktors der Philosophie im Fachbereich Sozialwissenschaften der Universität Hamburg, 2005. Mâlita, Mircea, Jocuri pe scena lumii. Conflicte, negocieri, diplomație, Editura CH Beck, București, 2007. Ministerul Apărării Naționale, Politica Europeană de Securitate și Apărare, Departamentul
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Adjusting Fundamental Security Concepts Strategic Assessment, The Institute for Național Security Studies, February 2008, vol. 10, http://www.inss.org.il/publications.php? cât= 25&încât=&read=1650. Stann, Jeffrey (Drafter), "Sustainable Developpement and Preventive Diplomacy", The Forum on the Role of Science and Technology în Promoting Național Security and Global Stability, Summary on Drafting Panel Discussion, 1995, http://clinton 1.nara. gov/White House/EOP/OSTP/forum/html/susdev-draft. html. Stein, Kenneth W., "Advice to the Next President about the Middle
or PhD projects: Rouba Al-Fattal, The Foreign Policy of the EU în the Palestinian Territory, Centre for European Policy Studies, CEPS Working Document No. 328/May 2010; Levi, Idan, The EU Policy în the Middle East. Problematic Nature and Potențial Role, Dissertation zur Erlangung des Grades des Doktors der Philosophie im Fachbereich Sozialwissenschaften der Universität Hamburg, 2005; Hamntan, Michail, The EU's External Relations deficit towards the Middle East, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Political Science, Academic
the research conducted among specialists on specific issues of the Middle East (Israeli- Palestinian crisis by default), which have encourage our inițiative and have kindly given uș points of view about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, aș well aș assessments regarding the role of the European Union diplomacy în managing/ resolving the conflict; to our knowledge, this investigation hâș not been done în the context of a doctoral thesis which addressed a similar theme and were presented to the public until now în
subchapter "Final conclusions", starting from the question Is peace really wanted în the Near and Middle East? And if șo, who can make a decisive contribution în this respect?, I tried to conclude by starting from the analysis of the role which the European Union diplomacy hâș taken în solving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Surely these answers will be of use when thinking of the future of the Middle and Near East. At the end, we hope that this thesis will bring
conflict. Surely these answers will be of use when thinking of the future of the Middle and Near East. At the end, we hope that this thesis will bring a contribution în elucidating what the Israeli-Palestinian conflict represents thru the role of the European Union diplomacy; also the purpose of this paper is to contribute to an existing familiarity with the political situation în the Middle East conflict, proposing some scenarios and forecasts of the peace process. We address în this
17. 6 Lora Anne Violă, Talking States: A Theory of Diplomacy, Department of Political Science, University of Chicago, 2004, http://cas.uchicago.edu/workshops/cpolit/papers/ viola.doc, p. 4. Accesat: 10 iunie 2007. 7 Raymond Cohen, "The Diplomatic System - Role and Function of Diplomacy", în Theoretical Background: Diplomacy and Conflict Resolution, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, 1997, http://www.passia.org/publications/annual seminar reports/pub reports no 101.htm, p. 2. Accesat: 3 iunie 2007. 8 Lora Anne Violă, op. cît., p. 4. 9
sistematică sau extinsă a forței armate; în situația în care intervenția armata este generalizată sau masivă criză se considera că a degenerat în conflict armat sau război. 71 Jeffrey Stann (Drafter), Sustainable Developpement and Preventive Diplomacy, The Forum on the Role of Science and Technology în Promoting Național Security and Global Stability, Summary on Drafting Panel Discussion, 1995, p. 1, http://clinton 1.nara.gov/White House/ EOP/OSTP/forum/html/sus dev-draft.html. Accesat: 4 iulie 2007. 72 Pentru detalii a
Spania, Suedia și Italia, între 1900 și 1950 și-au deschis consulate în Ierusalim (oraș care atunci, ca și acum de altfel, avea o semnificație aparte). 520 Levi Idan, The EU Policy în the Middle East. Problematic Nature and Potențial Role, Dissertation zur Erlangung des Grades des Doktors der Philosophie im Fachbereich Sozialwissenschaften der Universität Hamburg, 2005, p. 41. 521 "Mideast&N.Africa Encyclopedia: Tripartite Declaration 1950", Answers.com, http://www.ans wers. com/topic/ tripartite-declaration. Accesat: 22 iulie 2010. 522
a manner between the EU and the UȘ". 1045 "The EU doesn't have the necessary skills to mediate or resolute the conflict because it is not a real political power. It lacks an effective foreign common policy and its role în the region is mainly commercial and humanitarian". 1046 Comentariile au fost extrase din răspunsurile formulate de respondent. 1047 "The European Union certainly hâș the potențial to play a greater role în the resolution of this conflict. Aș the United
It lacks an effective foreign common policy and its role în the region is mainly commercial and humanitarian". 1046 Comentariile au fost extrase din răspunsurile formulate de respondent. 1047 "The European Union certainly hâș the potențial to play a greater role în the resolution of this conflict. Aș the United States hâș facilitated the peace process for several decades, it is difficult to assess the EU's ability to lead mediation efforts. For more detail on the EU's role, you
greater role în the resolution of this conflict. Aș the United States hâș facilitated the peace process for several decades, it is difficult to assess the EU's ability to lead mediation efforts. For more detail on the EU's role, you might try contacting Robert Dineen, who recently left Jerusalem and his post aș head of the Quartet office to take a position at the Council on Foreign Relations în Washington, DC". 1048 "Clearly from the EU record, they can
the conflict: granting the status of the new independent state with all accompanied security and political arrangements that is predominantly în the hands of United States, Israel and regional Arab states. However, the EU would be able to play important role în the second phase în helping the new administrative structures to build up their instituțional, human and financial potențial. This role would resemble EU's role în Kosovo with the EULEX mission and the entire EU's involvement în the
the hands of United States, Israel and regional Arab states. However, the EU would be able to play important role în the second phase în helping the new administrative structures to build up their instituțional, human and financial potențial. This role would resemble EU's role în Kosovo with the EULEX mission and the entire EU's involvement în the Western Balkans region since 1999 and Eastern Neighborhood like în the case of mission în Georgia. Therefore, major goals of this
Israel and regional Arab states. However, the EU would be able to play important role în the second phase în helping the new administrative structures to build up their instituțional, human and financial potențial. This role would resemble EU's role în Kosovo with the EULEX mission and the entire EU's involvement în the Western Balkans region since 1999 and Eastern Neighborhood like în the case of mission în Georgia. Therefore, major goals of this involvement is to help democratic
E.U. is very near geographically. Șo it is very important for E.U. to have peace în the region and they know that solving Palestine - Israel conflict is the important step to have peace în the region. But the role of E.U. is not that good and not affected, because they don't want to do something which U.S.A. doing, and also the E.U. Countries do not have the same view în the role of E.U
region. But the role of E.U. is not that good and not affected, because they don't want to do something which U.S.A. doing, and also the E.U. Countries do not have the same view în the role of E.U. în Middle East, șo they are not united în this issue. Șo there role is now " payer and not player ". If the E.U. decide to have a sufficient role, they can do șo, if they can
t want to do something which U.S.A. doing, and also the E.U. Countries do not have the same view în the role of E.U. în Middle East, șo they are not united în this issue. Șo there role is now " payer and not player ". If the E.U. decide to have a sufficient role, they can do șo, if they can use the economic relation with Israel aș the instrument, like what happened în South Africa case, Israel
not have the same view în the role of E.U. în Middle East, șo they are not united în this issue. Șo there role is now " payer and not player ". If the E.U. decide to have a sufficient role, they can do șo, if they can use the economic relation with Israel aș the instrument, like what happened în South Africa case, Israel who don't want E.U. Countries to have role în solving the conflict". 1052 "There
U. decide to have a sufficient role, they can do șo, if they can use the economic relation with Israel aș the instrument, like what happened în South Africa case, Israel who don't want E.U. Countries to have role în solving the conflict". 1052 "There is nothing wrong with the skills of the European Union în terms of mediation and conflict resolution. What is lacking is the will and the power. The EU does not act aș a unitary
mirrors". 1164 "Between myth and reality. The fight for the Holy Land". 1165 "The hidden face of the Middle East conflict". 1166 "România and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict". 1167 "The Kurdish problem în the context of the Iraqi crisis". 1168 "The role of the EU în guaranteeing global security". 1169 "The Near East conflict during 1948-2000". 1170 "Instituțional system". 1171 "The decisional process în the European Union". 1172 "The internațional dimensions of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict". 1173 "Leadership under siege, the impact of
alternativ stânga dreapta); posibilitatea unei companii plăcute, prin motivarea unui prieten de a face mișcare împreună. Acest aspect se poate atinge și în sala de sport, însă dacă prietenul nu dorește să alerge, ci îi place să facă mișcare cu rolele sau bicicleta, acest lucru este posibil nu mai în aer liber; posibilitatea economiilor financiare (nu credem că se merită să achităm un abonament la o sală de sport doar pentru a face jogging pe banda de alergare sau să achiziționăm
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