3,813 matches
of the catholic press and to establish the decisive criteria and norms (taken by the Holy See) that made a publication to be considered a catholic one. Furthermore, the center of our research is dominated by the Romanian Roman-catholic press, but, in order to create a scientific comparative analysis we would like to begin with a general presentation and evaluation of the catholic press in Romania (which also includes the unitary press and that of the catholic minorities: Hungarian, German) and
Catolicii în spaţiul public. Presa catolică din România în prima jumătate a secolului al XX-lea by Iulian Ghercă [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/908_a_2416]
pay more attention to the social means of communication and to the whole mass-media phenomenon 1031. The documents issued by the Church's hierarchical authorities and the development of the catholic communication institutions highlighted the importance accorded to the press, but also the non-existence of a coherent long-term plan regarding the means of communication. The Vatican's main aims were to uniform the Catholicism (as a result of the Catholic Church's reorganization in the modern society) through mass-media and the
Catolicii în spaţiul public. Presa catolică din România în prima jumătate a secolului al XX-lea by Iulian Ghercă [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/908_a_2416]
the help of the press). The study Giuseppe Chiaudano and the model of the catholic newspaper was very important for our research because we identified the norms and the conditions for the creation and the development of a catholic publication, but also its role and place within the Church and the modern society (the work cited here was endorsed by the Holy Father and this fact legitimated it and offered it an official position). To continue, our research follows the chronological
Catolicii în spaţiul public. Presa catolică din România în prima jumătate a secolului al XX-lea by Iulian Ghercă [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/908_a_2416]
press in Spain, Italy and France (structured also in three parts dedicated to the press in the three catholic states mentioned above) presents information about the means of communication and the manner in which the press developed in these states, but also how it was influenced by the social-political evolution. This short but necessary introduction was made in order to compare it with the situation of the catholic press in Romania, considering the major existing differences (especially from the point of
Catolicii în spaţiul public. Presa catolică din România în prima jumătate a secolului al XX-lea by Iulian Ghercă [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/908_a_2416]
to the press in the three catholic states mentioned above) presents information about the means of communication and the manner in which the press developed in these states, but also how it was influenced by the social-political evolution. This short but necessary introduction was made in order to compare it with the situation of the catholic press in Romania, considering the major existing differences (especially from the point of view of the catholic confession statute) under the aspect of the catholic
Catolicii în spaţiul public. Presa catolică din România în prima jumătate a secolului al XX-lea by Iulian Ghercă [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/908_a_2416]
of some organizations and institutions trough which it could act unitary. However, this project accomplished only partially, with the Vatican's undisguised intervention through the Apostolic Nuncio and direct financing. The result consisted in publishing the newspaper Albina (The bee) but, unfortunately, its appearance stopped after a short period. This fact proves the native hierarchs' limited capacity to collaborate efficiently and to exceed their personal pride and different visions regarding the organization and the development of the press and of the
Catolicii în spaţiul public. Presa catolică din România în prima jumătate a secolului al XX-lea by Iulian Ghercă [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/908_a_2416]
visions regarding the organization and the development of the press and of the Catholicism in Romania. The third chapter is structured in four subchapters which present the different attempts to unify the catholic press in Romania, its amplitude and organization, but, also, the manner in which the Romanian catholic publications manifest themselves at the international events organized by the church that regarded the means of social communication. In The participation of Romania at the World Congress and Exhibition of the catholic
Catolicii în spaţiul public. Presa catolică din România în prima jumătate a secolului al XX-lea by Iulian Ghercă [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/908_a_2416]
at the promotion of the catholic press in the whole world and its exposure in society. The participation of Romania at these international events was poor and it showed the lack of communication and unity of the Romanian catholic community, but also low degree of development, in comparison with other states like Hungary and Poland. The projects of a catholic daily paper in Romania reveals the numerous attempts to create a catholic newspaper in the capital of our country, whose aim
Catolicii în spaţiul public. Presa catolică din România în prima jumătate a secolului al XX-lea by Iulian Ghercă [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/908_a_2416]
the country after they studied in the West (Italy, Germany). Consequently, they followed the example of some catholic publications from the countries mentioned above and they published several catholic magazines (their theme being strictly religious, with cultural and social information but almost no politics). The Old Kingdom had not a tradition of the Romanian catholic press. In Transylvania, the struggle for national unity combined with that for the units' confessional freedom developed some publications and created a tradition of the Greek
Catolicii în spaţiul public. Presa catolică din România în prima jumătate a secolului al XX-lea by Iulian Ghercă [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/908_a_2416]
for national unity combined with that for the units' confessional freedom developed some publications and created a tradition of the Greek Catholic press even from the end of the 19th century (these printings main feature being not the religious one, but the membership of the intellectual and political elite from Transylvania to the unit rite, supporting Romanians' fight for unification). Therefore, the development of the catholic press in Romania did not follow a good plan or the initiative of the church
Catolicii în spaţiul public. Presa catolică din România în prima jumătate a secolului al XX-lea by Iulian Ghercă [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/908_a_2416]
rites, of more ethnic groups and catholic missionary orders (all overlapping the fact that Romania was a state where the Romanian Orthodox Church dominated) for the Christians and the catholic clergy the importance of the press was a considerable one, but it could not exceed the confessional barrier in order to gain a unity of expression and manifestation. Keyword: minority religion, Catholic Church, public opinion, media, press Traducere realizată de Dana Maria MĂTĂȘEL Résumé Le sujet central de ce livre est représenté
Catolicii în spaţiul public. Presa catolică din România în prima jumătate a secolului al XX-lea by Iulian Ghercă [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/908_a_2416]
de pays, de langue et de nationalité. Ce fait a été prouvé par l'organisation des événements comme L'exposition mondiale de la presse catholique, Le Congres mondial de la presse catholique, par la création de quelques institutions qui ont eu le but de réunir l'activité de la presse (L'annexe 32 et L'annexe 43 ASV, Fondul Archivio della Nunziatura Apostolica in Romania 1920-1933, busta 19, fascicolo 59, ff. 690-710). 1037 Silvia Grosu, "Valențele presei clericale din Basarabia (1918-1940)", în Studii și
Catolicii în spaţiul public. Presa catolică din România în prima jumătate a secolului al XX-lea by Iulian Ghercă [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/908_a_2416]
We grow ladies. Here is the sobbing centre". Observațiile lingvistice ale lui Bradbury sunt mai numeroase și sunt centrul atenției: "... modern Slaka is a young nation proudly on the march, its eyes fixed not only on the day after yesterday but the day before tomorrow!!!" Crearea unui spațiu care amenință viața, descrierea opusului utopiei (utopia fiind punctul de pornire al ideologiei, dar nu și al practicii comuniste) este modul Desperado de a ne avertiza să ne ferim de totalitarism. Fugind de
by LIDIA VIANU [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/982_a_2490]
aria secolului și nimeni nu o va putea înlocui": Rouen is the rainiest place getting Inside all impermeables, wetting Damp marrow in drenched bones. Midwinter soused us coming over Le Mans Our inn at Niort was the Grape of Burgundy But the winepress of the Lord thundered Over that grape of Burgundy And we left in a hurgundy. (Hurry up, Joyce, it's time!) Notele poemului sunt în mod cert actul de naștere, manifestul poeziei livrești. Eliot le-a alcătuit mai
by LIDIA VIANU [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/982_a_2490]
author calls the fairy-tale tradition, all of which Modernism set out to contradict and replace. The theoretical conclusions of this First Part point at a drastic relativization of structure, order, character and sense of time which is announced by Modernism, but actually effected by AfterModernist writers. The recent changes are not so much a matter of 'freedom' from norms as a temporary departure from common conventions. The author's conclusion is that since art is more about difference than novelty the
by LIDIA VIANU [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/982_a_2490]
and courtesans-like extracted from mythology, history and from literature, inviting the reader by finding out their mythical, legendary, real historical, or literary fictional built up destinies to think over the condition of women or on the human condition, generally speaking. But who are the courtesans and the courtesans-like? The courtesans are women practising paid sexual relations, or so called "gold diggers". They display their sexual power, use it and benefit (or lose) from it. In the large category of courtesans I
Curtezane şi pseudocurtezane: în mitologie, istorie, literatură by Elena Macavei [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/942_a_2450]
such as Sabatini (with Jewish people), Adami, bogomils, castrated, etc. with Christians practiced multiple sexual relations in orgiastic processions. The real courtesans are part of a special social category, which existed only in some periods of history, in some cultures but with an unknown statute. These are hetaerist from the Greeks, ganika from the Hindu people, hua (girls-flowers) from the Chinese people, meretrices and meretriculae from the Romans, geisha from the Japanese people as well as mistresses of rich European noblemen
Curtezane şi pseudocurtezane: în mitologie, istorie, literatură by Elena Macavei [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/942_a_2450]
Included in the same subcategory are de luxe prostitutes from hotels and special places. The courtesans-like are past and present individuals with high ranks (empresses, queens, princesses) with a low and medium social condition not having a real courtesan statute, but offering episodic courtesan behaviour used for individual and communitarian interests. The same courtesan-like subcategory interferes with mistresses, concubines, and prostitutes. Mistresses are self implying in intimate, erotic relationships. Those making this option are strongly affective and pecuniary motivated. These kinds
Curtezane şi pseudocurtezane: în mitologie, istorie, literatură by Elena Macavei [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/942_a_2450]
interests. The same courtesan-like subcategory interferes with mistresses, concubines, and prostitutes. Mistresses are self implying in intimate, erotic relationships. Those making this option are strongly affective and pecuniary motivated. These kinds of relationships are life long duration or only episodic but with an enduring relationship. The concubines are deliberately or by constraints living in intimately, erotic extramarital relationships. They are similar with an illegal wife. Even in this position they may be accepted on an episodic or permanent lifelong basis with
Curtezane şi pseudocurtezane: în mitologie, istorie, literatură by Elena Macavei [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/942_a_2450]
with an illegal wife. Even in this position they may be accepted on an episodic or permanent lifelong basis with love or interest motivation. Common prostitutes (on the streets or in bordellos) have multiple sexual relations, without any affective involvement but with a personal or familial interest. In bordellos or similar places they should respect rules, but on the streets they are apparently free, even depending on intermediates or clients. Their destinies may interfere. The privileged courtesans may begin as paramours
Curtezane şi pseudocurtezane: în mitologie, istorie, literatură by Elena Macavei [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/942_a_2450]
permanent lifelong basis with love or interest motivation. Common prostitutes (on the streets or in bordellos) have multiple sexual relations, without any affective involvement but with a personal or familial interest. In bordellos or similar places they should respect rules, but on the streets they are apparently free, even depending on intermediates or clients. Their destinies may interfere. The privileged courtesans may begin as paramours, concubines, or as a wife and ending with the same statute or decaying as whores. Exactly
Curtezane şi pseudocurtezane: în mitologie, istorie, literatură by Elena Macavei [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/942_a_2450]
The privileged courtesans may begin as paramours, concubines, or as a wife and ending with the same statute or decaying as whores. Exactly as real courtesans, the courtesans-like have intimate erotic relationships, with affective feelings or they don't, selectively, but based on their own interests (economic, political, cultural, philanthropically). As independent persons they may offer to anyone, anytime, when they decide to. If they have masters, of course, they will respect their will. The street and bordello courtesan-like are euphemistically
Curtezane şi pseudocurtezane: în mitologie, istorie, literatură by Elena Macavei [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/942_a_2450]
fickleness, extravagance, opulence, greed, prodigality and cruelty. They were very strong in their apparent weakness. The courtesans (and courtesans-like) generated favourable situations for themselves as well as their followers and influenced political decisions. Able to express love, self-denial, courage, sacrifice, but to intrigues, malice, revenge, betrayal, these alcove queens made men blind and satisfied the erotic needs of desired men: to admire, adore, delight, possess, dominate and stimulated and protected their pride. The courtesan's and courtesans-like's penetrating intelligence helped
Curtezane şi pseudocurtezane: în mitologie, istorie, literatură by Elena Macavei [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/942_a_2450]
went further and decisively implied in political decisions (by request or not), and sometimes substituted the souverans' will in obtaining political, economic and cultural initiatives. The courtesans were beautiful, sensual, smart, ambitious and cultivated. They were both admired and respected, but received envy, jealousy, and revenge as well. Powerful and willing, they confronted with hostility, rivalry and competition from the men of the courts, queens and empresses, nobles' wives and their alike that waited to find the proper time to replace
Curtezane şi pseudocurtezane: în mitologie, istorie, literatură by Elena Macavei [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/942_a_2450]
willing, they confronted with hostility, rivalry and competition from the men of the courts, queens and empresses, nobles' wives and their alike that waited to find the proper time to replace them. Mettresses and divan dives experienced glory and brightness, but sufferings, decay, disdain and social exclusion as well. Their spectacular life was marked especially by their successes. Their life was often with luxuries, born titles, accumulated luxuries, won thrones as well as havingthem offered to their relatives, dominated the political
Curtezane şi pseudocurtezane: în mitologie, istorie, literatură by Elena Macavei [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/942_a_2450]