720 matches
unor represalii violente, ca în cazul muncitorului Antonio Ruiz Villalba, împușcat de poliție în 1971. Compania a devenit un model de luptă al clasei muncitoare spaniole. 1973 este un an memorabil pentru SEAT, prin introducerea motoarelor DOHC (doi arbori cu came în chiulasă) care au adus un mare succes mărcii. Erau în principiu două: 1 600 și 1 800; ambele au fost montate pentru prima dată în Spania, substituind motoarele de pe 1 500 și 132 - poate modelul cel mai luxos fabricat
SEAT () [Corola-website/Science/304910_a_306239]
highest order, 1 Th. 4:16; Jude 9. Others think that Michael the archangel is no other than Christ himself, the angel of the covenant, and the Lord of the angels, he whom Daniel saw in vision, v. 5. He came to help me (v. 13); and there is none but he that holds with me in these things, v. 21. Christ is the church’s prince; angels are not, Heb. 2:5. He presides in the affairs of the church
Arhanghelul Mihail () [Corola-website/Science/299139_a_300468]
for a long time. The next weekend we decided to go back together to this second area from where they hâd been evicted, because the police hadn ț given them any legal notice. Shortly after we got there, the neighbors came to tell uș that they won ț accept Romă people there etc. and then came the police and the threw uș ouț once more after two hours. From there we went to an ex-squat where some comrades of mine used
(English) Racism, Evictions and Organizing for the Housing Rights of Roma Migrants in France (part III) () [Corola-website/Science/296123_a_297452]
second area from where they hâd been evicted, because the police hadn ț given them any legal notice. Shortly after we got there, the neighbors came to tell uș that they won ț accept Romă people there etc. and then came the police and the threw uș ouț once more after two hours. From there we went to an ex-squat where some comrades of mine used to live, which was abandoned at that moment, yet still habitable, at least for a
(English) Racism, Evictions and Organizing for the Housing Rights of Roma Migrants in France (part III) () [Corola-website/Science/296123_a_297452]
not the problem of our country, but a European problem. About how many Romă migrant homeless people are there în Grenoble, from what you know? Violene: Around 1000. And we are talking about more or less the same people, that came here a few years ago. There are many families we meet over and over again, that have the same problems. Hâș there been any inițiative of social policy în the past few years regarding the situation of these people? Violene
(English) Racism, Evictions and Organizing for the Housing Rights of Roma Migrants in France (part III) () [Corola-website/Science/296123_a_297452]
Naționalism, fascism and the Holocaust în Romanian History - a critical approach” the movie was screened and the following interview with Mihai Andrei Leaha was taken. Mihai, what was your motivation of doing this film? Before speaking about my motivation, which came honestly on the way, I first have to say that I did not know about this subject. My generation was not taught about the Holocaust în school. Antonescu was like a național hero - who struggled for the național unity ideal
„Fie zi, fie noapte, afară tot întuneric era. Asta era Transnistria, unde-am trăit iadul pe pamânt.” Deportarea romilor în Transnistria () [Corola-website/Science/295835_a_297164]
not taught about the Holocaust în school. Antonescu was like a național hero - who struggled for the național unity ideal. We hâd no clue about that ugly part of history. For me at first it was surprising and the motivation came with the wish to learn more about this subject. Șo, basically when the Institute for Studying the Problems of Național Minorities (ISPMN)“ launched the program I was very happy that my colleague Iulia said, we should do a film about
„Fie zi, fie noapte, afară tot întuneric era. Asta era Transnistria, unde-am trăit iadul pe pamânt.” Deportarea romilor în Transnistria () [Corola-website/Science/295835_a_297164]
and eye-witnesses from surrounding villages; perpetrator sources such aș reports and letters; the landscape - the places of the former camps which are shaped by nature. How did you develop this narrative? The idea of using plain landscapes în the film came while we were filming în the South. Because we knew that is really difficult to get archive material and we thought about what should we add to these wonderful interviews? First of all we wanted to give the voice to
„Fie zi, fie noapte, afară tot întuneric era. Asta era Transnistria, unde-am trăit iadul pe pamânt.” Deportarea romilor în Transnistria () [Corola-website/Science/295835_a_297164]
And we do not want to do that again, although it is necessary to know, but let’s leave this part a bit ambiguous and let’s just use the specific military orders. And that is how the second layer came up: we emphasised the historical context via this cold military voices and tried to interconnect them with the very humane interviews discourse. The 3rd layer was the empty landscapes. First it was just that we wanted to have a break
„Fie zi, fie noapte, afară tot întuneric era. Asta era Transnistria, unde-am trăit iadul pe pamânt.” Deportarea romilor în Transnistria () [Corola-website/Science/295835_a_297164]
here with me, because it’s terrible. He went with some survivors to a notary to legalize his statements, because there were no papers în the archive to proof that they were în Transnistria. And the notary was yelling: “You came with all these gypsies into my office, now everything will stink here” and “Why should we help these bastards?” and șo on. And then we decided that we have to do a film about it, because this is not possible
„Fie zi, fie noapte, afară tot întuneric era. Asta era Transnistria, unde-am trăit iadul pe pamânt.” Deportarea romilor în Transnistria () [Corola-website/Science/295835_a_297164]
uș hitchhiked together with his wife, they left uș there and went to Dresden, where they called my brother în law and this is how he managed to find uș. Luckily, my brother în law hâd a car and he came and took uș from there, we wouldn’ț have managed otherwise, because it was cold, we were tired and our clothes were wet. (...)</spân></spân></p> Residence permit</b></spân></spân></spân></p> This is how we got to Germany
Te așteptai să-ți dea ce e mai bun () [Corola-website/Science/296092_a_297421]
without legal forms în restaurants, în bars, în small factories. They earned about 2000 marks per month and they started to trust the manager and they told him: here, you keep our money until we leave. But one morning somebody came and told you to leave, to go back to România. And you went only with the clothes you hâd on. Nobody told you to get ready, because you were to leave în a day or two. You hâd to leave
Te așteptai să-ți dea ce e mai bun () [Corola-website/Science/296092_a_297421]
which militated for a bi-national (Jewish-Arab) state în Palestine. [caption id="attachment 1916" align="aligncenter" width="600"] Leon Misosniky, artist and antifascist militant, no title, 93 x 65, marker[/caption] Liviu Beris: [...] On July 5, 1941, Romanian troops entered Herta. Someone came and told my father that the Romanian troops are on the outskirts of the city. My father, who hâd fought în the Romanian army, told me “come on, let’s greet our men! We won’ț be deported to Siberia
„Holocaustul este referitor la evrei, dar există pericolul peste tot – pentru toată lumea.” () [Corola-website/Science/295840_a_297169]
a completă cu lichid de răcire RĂCIREA PE AER -cilindrul are niște șanțuri și niște fante special concepute pentru a capta aerul și a răci motorul el mai are un ventilaor legat printr-o curea sau direct la axul cu came(un terminal al acestuia) care mărește gradul de răcire și asigură răcirea atunci cand autovehiculul, scooterul sau generatorul de curent etc. stă pe loc și nu poate capta aer prin fante Componentele principale ale instalației de răcire sunt generatorul curentului de
Instalația de răcire a motoarelor cu ardere internă () [Corola-website/Science/311655_a_312984]
son hâd died, he brought him back to the country and thought about decorating his grave with the most beautiful headstone possible. And șo he remembered the two Chinese. They were the only ones who could do it. Șo he came to the câmp and told the new commanding officer of his wish. They both went to the workshop and called the two Chinese workers. Zlătescu talked to them. Less superior, but still patronizing. ‘Chinks, I’m here to ask you
Zile de lagăr () [Corola-website/Science/295839_a_297168]
de David Schwartz MOTTO: First they came for the COMMUNISTS...[1]</a></i></b> O semnificație importantă a poemului lui Martin Niemoeller, dincolo de mesajul de solidarizare fundamental în orice confruntare cu nedreptatea, este dată chiar de pri-ma să frază, enunțarea de fapt a unui adevăr valabil pentru
Persecutarea activistelor și activiștilor de stânga în România înainte de 1945 () [Corola-website/Science/295829_a_297158]
against the social order.” Nicolae Causescu himself was sentenced to 3 years în prison în August 1939 on the basis of that provision.”[ 1] A harrowing personal history is that of Communist militant Hâia Lifșiț from Kishinev. Immediately after Bessarabia came under Romanian administration, Hâia Lifșiț, a school teacher, was arrested for Communist activity and was stripped of her teaching rights. She got a job aș an unskilled laborer în a factory Throughout the 1920s, she was arrested several times for
Persecutarea activistelor și activiștilor de stânga în România înainte de 1945 () [Corola-website/Science/295829_a_297158]
la el acasă pe tânărul Eliade și-i împrumuta publicații rare din biblioteca tibetană. Orientalistul rus Bogdanov trăise patru ani în Afganistan și se stabilise după război în India, unde lucra la Consulatul Francez din Calcutta și făcea traduceri pentru „Cama Oriental Institute”. Detesta cultura și arta indiană, pe care o considera „idolatrie”, și nu suporta decât India islamică. Trăia greu la Calcutta și își dorea să plece din India. Eliade i-a scris profesorului Nicolae Iorga, recomandându-l pe Bogdanov
Nopți la Serampore () [Corola-website/Science/334763_a_336092]
erau înrădăcinate în anii '50 futuristici, epoca atomică” Hanson și montorul Dante Spinotti au hotărât ca filmările să fie în format widescreen, si a studiat două filme Cinemascope din acea perioadă: "The Tarnished Angels" al lui Douglas Sirk și "Some Came Running" de Vincente Minnelli. Înainte de începerea filmărilor, Hanson i-a adus pe Crowe și Pearce în L.A. unde au rămas timp de două luni, pentru a-i cufunda în atmosferă orașului. A angajat și profesori specializați pe dialecte, le-a
L.A. Confidential (film) () [Corola-website/Science/328944_a_330273]
lansat de MGM), dar a câștigat la categoria Cea mai bună melodie cu "Over the rainbow" și pentru Cea mai originală melodie. Vrăjitorul din Oz nu a primit Oscarul pentru efectele speciale, premiul a fost câștigat de filmul "The Rains Came" din 1939, pentru secvența cu musonul. Au mai fost nominalizări pentru Cedric Gibbons si William A. Horning. Vrăjitoarea cea Rea din Vest (locul 4) "Over the Rainbow" (locul 1) "Ding Dong the Witch is Dead" (locul 82) "Toto, I have
Vrăjitorul din Oz (film din 1939) () [Corola-website/Science/315912_a_317241]
called Great Island in the county of New Hampshire in New England, chiefly in throwing about (by an Invisible hand) Stones, Bricks, and Brick-Bats of all sizes, with several other things, as Hammers, Mauls, Iron-Crows, Spits, and other Utensils, as came into their Hellish minds, and this for space of a quarter of a year." William Roll, Hans Bender, și Harry Price sunt probabil trei cei mai renumiți cercetători de poltergeist în analele parapsihologiei. Harry Price investigated Borley Rectory which is
Poltergeist () [Corola-website/Science/323232_a_324561]
reached the region of Bega and stayed there for two weeks while they conquered all the inhabitants of that land from the Mureș to the Timiș River and they received their sons as hostages. Then, moving the army on, they came to the Timiș River and encamped beside the ford of Foeni and when they sought to cross the Timiș's flow, there came to oppose them Glad, (...) the prince of that country, with a great army of horsemen and foot
Cucerirea de către unguri a Bazinului Panonic () [Corola-website/Science/328578_a_329907]
to the Timiș River and they received their sons as hostages. Then, moving the army on, they came to the Timiș River and encamped beside the ford of Foeni and when they sought to cross the Timiș's flow, there came to oppose them Glad, (...) the prince of that country, with a great army of horsemen and foot soldiers, supported by Cumans, Bulgarians and Vlachs. (...) God with His grace went before the Hungarians, He gave them a great victory and their
Cucerirea de către unguri a Bazinului Panonic () [Corola-website/Science/328578_a_329907]
invenție complet noua, si a fost prezentat in 1972 , cu ocazia facelift-ului la seria 1,5 pe modelele 280, 280C, 280E, 280CE.Totodata a fost prezentata pe piața si noua clasa S, modelul W116. Motoarele M110 cu doua axe cu came(DOHC) au fost pentru prima data folosite de Daimler-Benz in 3 serii diferite: la /8, la S-Classe W116 si la mașinile sport SL si SLC. Aceasta motorizare de top avea 136KW, cu un sistem de injecție controlat electronic D-Jetronic de la
Mercedes-Benz W114/W115 () [Corola-website/Science/323997_a_325326]
pe mașinile de Seria 1, doar pe cele cu aer condiționat, dar totuși cu partea superioara cu o forma diferita. Intre 1972-1973 au existat modele de tranzacție ale Seriei 1,5, deoarece cu introducerea motoarelor noi cu doua axe cu came pe 280 si 280E, in aprilie 1972 , mașinile au fost imbunătățite tehnic si optic. Totodată au rămas si caracteristicile "vechi" ale Seriei 1. Din cauza esteticii si timpul scurt de producție aceste modele sunt foarte căutate si in zilele de astăzi
Mercedes-Benz W114/W115 () [Corola-website/Science/323997_a_325326]