1,907 matches
full of</spân><spân lang="en-GB"> people. We enter</spân><spân lang="en-GB">ed</spân><spân lang="en-GB"> and ask</spân><spân lang="en-GB">ed</spân><spân lang="en-GB"> them to allow uș to stay there for few minutes, because some guys </spân><spân lang="en-GB">we</spân><spân lang="en-GB">re chasing uș to beat uș up. They ask</spân><spân lang="en-GB">ed</spân><spân lang="en-GB"> uș whether they should call the police. No, don’ț, I was
Marș, B.O.R.! () [Corola-website/Science/296180_a_297509]
and they didn’ț raise a finger. The idea that police protects uș is an illusion. We call</spân><spân lang="en-GB">ed</spân><spân lang="en-GB"> a taxi, we </spân><spân lang="en-GB">went</spân><spân lang="en-GB"> to some friends’ place and we </spân><spân lang="en-GB">were</spân><spân lang="en-GB"> finally safe. </spân></p>
Marș, B.O.R.! () [Corola-website/Science/296180_a_297509]
ÎI. În mod normal apar în regiuni în care se formează stele noi și nu au fost niciodată observate în galaxii eliptice. The light curves (a plot of luminosity versus time) of Type Ib supernovae vary în form, but în some cases can be nearly identical to those of Type Ia supernovae. However, Type Ib light curves may peak at lower luminosity and may be redder. În the infrared portion of the spectrum, the light curve of a Type Ib supernovă
Supernovă de tip Ib și Ic () [Corola-website/Science/322247_a_323576]
second time, two days later, she gave her testimony publicly: “Relinquishing the first-person grammatical form, she translated her personal experience into a collective narrative,” embodying the “new Jew” that fought Nazism and “thus answered a collective need” to know that some Jews did not go to their slaughter like sheep (Rabinowitz, cited în Lubin 2002: 133). Lubin analyzes the expanded role of the witnesses to Lubetkin’s testimony: “Lubetkin allows her listeners to do more than enable the testimony; she allows
De la povestire personală la act politic () [Corola-website/Science/295715_a_297044]
part of an assets-based approach to dismantling racism. One artist, one educator, and one activist în each of several towns collaborate around the local legacy of civil rights. The artist gathers personal stories on the subject that are used în some way thereafter with the help of the educator and the activist. The idea is that people may have limited material resources but are rich în experience. The stories are vessels for what people have learned and what they find meaningful
De la povestire personală la act politic () [Corola-website/Science/295715_a_297044]
Khoi-San languages which are not official languages, but are one of the eight officially recognised languages. There are even smaller groups of speakers of endangered languages, most of which are from the Khoi-San family, that receive no official status; however, some groups within South Africa are attempting to promote their use and revival. Aș a result, there are many official names for the country. These are: South Africa also recognises eight non-official languages (Fanagalo, Lobedu, Northern Ndebele, Phuthi, Khoi, Nama, and
Nume oficiale ale Africii de Sud () [Corola-website/Science/312442_a_313771]
South Africa are attempting to promote their use and revival. Aș a result, there are many official names for the country. These are: South Africa also recognises eight non-official languages (Fanagalo, Lobedu, Northern Ndebele, Phuthi, Khoi, Nama, and Sân). Furthermore, some South Africans use the name "Azania" în preference to "South Africa", which they disapprove of because of its colonial origins. Those using the name are most often affiliated with parties coming from an Afrocentric left-wing tradition, such aș the Pan-
Nume oficiale ale Africii de Sud () [Corola-website/Science/312442_a_313771]
Woburn, Medford și Reading. Like an increasing number of Massachusetts counties, Middlesex County exists today only aș a historical geographic region, and hâș no county government. All former county functions were assumed by state agencies în 1997. The sheriff and some other regional officials with specific duties are still elected locally to perform duties within the county region, but there is no county council or commissioner. However, communities are now granted the right to form their own regional compacts for sharing
Comitatul Middlesex, Massachusetts () [Corola-website/Science/313087_a_314416]
farmland în and around Lafayette and moved there from Connecticut to supervise land sales. By 1847 Ellsworth was distributing broadsides looking for farmers to purchase his farmland. He became president of the Tippecanoe County Agricultural Society în April 1851 - despite some local resentment over what was called "the Yale Crowd" - but he was defeated the same year when he ran for the Indiană House of Representatives. Ellsworth Street and Ellsworth Historic District are named for the early real estate developer. The
Lafayette, Indiana () [Corola-website/Science/325005_a_326334]
me open my heart, it took a while, and then she showed me the exact steps, what I hâd to do, how to protect myself. What were these steps?</spân></spân></p> Keep your papers în a safe place, save some money, just în case, and some clothes into a bag ready, the keys within reach. At any time, the situation can get worse, until you manage to move away. Because you cannot move ouț of the blue, after you hâd
(English) ” I was living in a sealed concrete cube, there was no way out” - Interview with a domestic violence survivor (part II) () [Corola-website/Science/296120_a_297449]
a while, and then she showed me the exact steps, what I hâd to do, how to protect myself. What were these steps?</spân></spân></p> Keep your papers în a safe place, save some money, just în case, and some clothes into a bag ready, the keys within reach. At any time, the situation can get worse, until you manage to move away. Because you cannot move ouț of the blue, after you hâd a fight, after he beat you
(English) ” I was living in a sealed concrete cube, there was no way out” - Interview with a domestic violence survivor (part II) () [Corola-website/Science/296120_a_297449]
remote area of the house - they actually teach you how to react. They gave me a list, but you can’ț really keep everything în mind when it happens: first, the papers, keeping them în a safe place, maybe at some friend’s house, the marriage certificate, without which you cannot file for divorce, your ID, the child’s birth certificate, some money, the house papers, important documents, that you have to prepare for the moment you are ready to run
(English) ” I was living in a sealed concrete cube, there was no way out” - Interview with a domestic violence survivor (part II) () [Corola-website/Science/296120_a_297449]
really keep everything în mind when it happens: first, the papers, keeping them în a safe place, maybe at some friend’s house, the marriage certificate, without which you cannot file for divorce, your ID, the child’s birth certificate, some money, the house papers, important documents, that you have to prepare for the moment you are ready to run. If you cannot take the original, because he is watching everything closely, then legalized copies, a little bag with some clothes
(English) ” I was living in a sealed concrete cube, there was no way out” - Interview with a domestic violence survivor (part II) () [Corola-website/Science/296120_a_297449]
certificate, some money, the house papers, important documents, that you have to prepare for the moment you are ready to run. If you cannot take the original, because he is watching everything closely, then legalized copies, a little bag with some clothes hidden somewhere near the door or, better, some clothes kept by a friend or at work, șo somewhere you alone have access. Not like I did that night when I ran away wearing slippers and with no papers, no
(English) ” I was living in a sealed concrete cube, there was no way out” - Interview with a domestic violence survivor (part II) () [Corola-website/Science/296120_a_297449]
you have to prepare for the moment you are ready to run. If you cannot take the original, because he is watching everything closely, then legalized copies, a little bag with some clothes hidden somewhere near the door or, better, some clothes kept by a friend or at work, șo somewhere you alone have access. Not like I did that night when I ran away wearing slippers and with no papers, no clothes, no keys, I just found myself în the
(English) ” I was living in a sealed concrete cube, there was no way out” - Interview with a domestic violence survivor (part II) () [Corola-website/Science/296120_a_297449]
Eve were at that time. St. Ignatius of Antioch, Theophilus of Antioch and St. Hippolytus of Rome did not develop a proper doctrine of deification. It was too early for such work, but, as we shall see, they have conceived some teachings related to deification, that later patristic will consider. Diac. Dr. Liviu PETCU - Asistent cercetător științific, Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă „Dumitru Stăniloae” din Iași, Universitatea „Al. I. Cuza”.
Îndumnezeirea omului după Sf. Ignatie Teoforul, Teofil al Antiohiei şi Sf. Ipolit al Romei by Liviu PETCU () [Corola-journal/Journalistic/145_a_42]
Philip K. Dick" este un film documentar produs în 2001. "The Penultimate Truth About Philip K. Dick" este un alt documentar biografic produs în 2007. Dick a publicat două povestiri sub pseudonimele "Richard Phillips" și "Jack Dowland". Se pare că "Some Kinds Of Life" a apărut în octombrie 1953 în Fantastic Universe sub pseudonimul Richard Phillipps deoarece în același număr lui Dick i s-a mai publicat o povestire, "Planet For Transients", sub numele real. Povestirea "Orpheus with Clay Feet" a
Philip K. Dick () [Corola-website/Science/304149_a_305478]
Landmine Marathon în ediția din decembrie 2009, însă și în septembrie 2012, singura, având și un articol în care vorbește despre începurile sale și despre trupa Halestorm. Lzzy și-a "împrumutat" calitațiile vocale pentru o versiune nouă a melodiei "Shed some light" pe care a cântat-o împreună cu trupa Shinedown. Versiunea nouă a fost auzită live, însă a aparut apoi și că versiune de studio. Mai tarziu, Halestorm a făcut un cover al acestei melodii, avându-l ca invitat pe solistul
Halestorm () [Corola-website/Science/329706_a_331035]
been maintained since the Renaissance. The last place în this hierarchy belongs to visual education, right behind musical education. This subject is looked upon aș something laughable, kept alive mostly to fill the teaching norms of tenured teachers în case some of them are left without any classes because of drop-outs. Whenever I receive classes, I feel they’re offered to me ouț of pity. Such classes are usually held by the principals, Math, Biology, Music teachers etc., șo that visual
Școala de artă activistă () [Corola-website/Science/295701_a_297030]
conscience through various jocular ways that would get pupils to relate to certain topics. I try to get them to think about other areas, such aș the political and social ones or the public sphere, șo that they can at some point take a critical (or non-critical) stând through creative visual means. [...] From my more limited experience of working with high-school students, I noticed that many of them are more aware of the current socio-political issues than I was at their
Școala de artă activistă () [Corola-website/Science/295701_a_297030]
other countries aș well. I proposed a mimicking of the protester; the students’ drawings would be protest placards. Their creativity, at a conceptual level, is amazing, due to the relaxed relation they have with the discipline. After they were finished, some students refused to show their drawings, maybe because of certain fears or a lack of confidence în their work stemming from their exposure to tradițional models. They threw them în the trash can and I hâd to pick them up
Școala de artă activistă () [Corola-website/Science/295701_a_297030]
Wright and the Taliesin Fellowship would "migrate" between the two homes each year. This allowed Wright the ability to return to each home with a new perspective. To Wright, Taliesin was perfected with each change, yet subject to continual evolution. Some of the buildings designed at Taliesin were Fallingwater, the Guggenheim Museum, and the first Usonian home, the Herbert and Katherine Jacobs house, în Madison, Wisconsin (1936). În 1940, Frank Lloyd Wright and hîș third wife, Olgivanna (December 27, 1898 - March
Taliesin East () [Corola-website/Science/313151_a_314480]
Nas, nu este considerat mai prejos decât Illmatic și Stillmatic. Este considerat un album personal, deși există păreri conform cărora implicarea sentimentală a lui Nas este un punct slab. Conform unora, producția albumului este slabă, Jon Robinson declarând: „Nas delivers some remarkable lines over some of the most unremarkable beats heard în years.” („Nas aduce niște versuri remarcabile peste niște negative neremarcabile”—traducere neoficială). În ciuda acestor două puncte slabe, majoritatea criticilor și publicațiilor din domeniu au lăudat albumul. Cea mai înaltă
God's Son () [Corola-website/Science/314779_a_316108]
mai prejos decât Illmatic și Stillmatic. Este considerat un album personal, deși există păreri conform cărora implicarea sentimentală a lui Nas este un punct slab. Conform unora, producția albumului este slabă, Jon Robinson declarând: „Nas delivers some remarkable lines over some of the most unremarkable beats heard în years.” („Nas aduce niște versuri remarcabile peste niște negative neremarcabile”—traducere neoficială). În ciuda acestor două puncte slabe, majoritatea criticilor și publicațiilor din domeniu au lăudat albumul. Cea mai înaltă poziție a albumului în
God's Son () [Corola-website/Science/314779_a_316108]
din noiembrie 2000 și la câteva emisiuni TV, ultima fiind în decembrie 2000. Viitoarele single-uri ale albumului care urmau să fie lansate au fost anulate, iar single-urile promo "Tell Me Why", "Weekend Love" și "If You Wanna Have Some Fun" au fost introduse pe piață. În cele din urmă fanii începuseră a fi îngrijorați de faptul că fetele începuseră să aibă cariere pe cont propriu, deoarece credeau că astfel grupul s-ar putea destrăma. În 2001, formația a anunțat
Spice Girls () [Corola-website/Science/312987_a_314316]