1,064 matches
in Literature: Essays in the New Stylistics, ed. Roger Fowler, Oxford, 1975, 213-257. 24 Boris Eichenbaum, "Die Illusion des,Skaz'", în: Russischer Formalismus. Texte zur allgemeinen Literaturtheorie und zur Theorie der Prosa, München, 1971, 161-167; și Irwin R. Titunik,,,Das Problem des "skaz". Kritik und Theorie", în: Erzählforschung 2, Göttingen, 1977, 114-140. 25 Viktor Șklovski, "Arta ca procedeu", în Russian Formalist Criticism: Four Essays, Lemon și Reis (ed.), p. 12. 26 Vezi Uspenski, Poetics, 131. 27 Vezi mai sus, p. 26
by Franz Karl Stanzel [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1079_a_2587]
Typographic Man, Toronto și Londra, 1962. 211 William Jinks, The Celluloid Literature. Film in the Humanities, Beverly Hills 1974; Helmut Schanze, Medienkunde für Literaturwissenschaftler, München 1974 (cu bibliografie detaliată); Adam J. Bisanz, "Linearität versus Simultaneität im narrativen Zeit-Raum-Gefüge. Ein methodisches Problem und die medialen Grenzen der modernen Erzählstruktur", în: Erzählforschung 1, ed. W. Haubrichs, Göttingen 1976, 184-223; Horst Meixner, "Filmische Literatur und literarisierter Film", în: Literaturwissenschaft Medienwissenschaft, ed. Helmut Kreuzer, Heidelberg 1977, 32-43. Începuturile unei clarificări a relației dintre narațiunea literară
by Franz Karl Stanzel [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1079_a_2587]
Practice .A review of 1109 examinations", în Br.Med.J., 1, 1958, pp. 1079-1981. 91. Stoicescu I.P. "Pleurezia tuberculoasă", în Medicina Internă (sub red. L. Gherasim), Ed. Medicală, Buc., 1996, vol. I, pp. 396-407. 92. Thompson D.R. "The world tuberculosis problem", în Bull UICT, 1974, suppl. 1, 15. 93. Trofor A. "Adenopatii hilare" (pp.77-97) și "Diagnosticul diferențial al bolilor pulmonare difuze" (pp. 97-105), în Tuberculoza o introducere în pneumologie (sub red. Tr.Mihăescu), Editura Dan, Iași, 1998. 94. Trofor A
Curs de pneumoftiziologie by Antigona Trofor [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/940_a_2448]
Intern Med 1993; 119:1198-1208. Hachulla E. Corticothérapie par voie générale, pp.209-222. En E. Hachulla et P-Y. Hatron. Détecter les maladies systémiques auto-immunes. Masson, Paris, 2000 Helfer EL, Rose LI. Corticosteroids and adrenal suppression: characterizing and avoiding the problem. Drugs 1989;38(5):838-845 Javaid B, Quigg RJ. Treatment of glomerulonephritis: will we ever have options other than steroids and cytotoxics? Kidney Int 2005; 67(5):1692-703 McEvoy GK, Litvak K, Welsh OH et al, eds. American Hospital Formulary
II-a au prioritate față de persoana a III-a, iar pluralul are prioritate în fața singularului. În perspectivă comparativă, limbile diferă după cum acordul se face cu N1 sau cu N2. În engleză, acordul se face cu N1: (23) a. The real problem here is me / *am me / *am I / *is I. b. The culprit is me / *am me / *am I / *is I. (cf. Heycock, 2009) (24) The cause of the riot is / *are some pictures of the wall. (cf. Heycock, 2009) În
Ian, The Biblical Politics of John Locke, Wilfrid Laurier University Press, Waterloo, 2004. Parkin, Jon, Taming the Leviathan: The Reception of the Political and Religious Ideas of Thomas Hobbes in England, 1640-1700, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2007. Pateman, Carole, The Problem of Political Obligation: A Critical Analysis of Liberal Theory, University of California Press, Berkeley, 1985. Perkins, Chris Henry (ed.), England's Striking History: An Introduction to the History of England and its Silver Hammered Coins from the Anglo-Saxons to the
was influenced by the reformulations of the natural law theory that proposed a more optimistic vision on human nature (than Hobbes's) and, in 1663 he elaborated a theory of natural law (in Essays) providing for a connection of the problem of obligation to the issue of sociability. Continuing this line of thought during the Exclusion Crisis, Locke wrote the Two Treatises of Government, in which he uses both versions of the political theory of his time, one based on Christian
of the Whig revolution. Next, the book presents Locke's theory of limited sovereignty, focusing on topics such as political freedom, the separation of powers, the criticism of absolutism and the right of resistance. In the end, it analyzes the problem of moral obligation and of political obligation, showing that Locke builds moral consensus on Christian values which are intuited by knowing the natural law. The Christian religion is the source of solidarity, but not because revelation is the so-called source
Concept of the Political, de Carl Schmitt, George Schwab (ed.), pp. 99-122, The University of Chicago Press, Chicago și Londra, 2007, p. 105. 110 Locke, Al doilea tratat, § 242, pp. 205-206. 111 Ibidem, § 242, p. 256. 112 Carole Pateman, The Problem of Political Obligation: A Critical Analysis of Liberal Theory, University of California Press, Berkeley, 1985, p. 77. 113 Locke, Al doilea tratat, § 242, p. 206. 114 Ibidem, § 243, p. 206. 115 O perspectivă originală asupra problemei obligației la Locke a
în faptul că cea dintâi are în vedere numai problemele anumitor indivizi sau ale unei comunități, în timp ce a doua prezintă o teorie generală (despre principiile guvernării) și folosește cazurile particulare numai pentru a ilustra sau testa teoria. 116 Pateman, The Problem of Political Obligation, p. 79. 117 Greg Forster, John Locke's Politics of Moral Consensus, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2005, p. 219. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- DREPTATEA CA LIBERTATE 2 1 Prefață Introducere Nașterea whigismului Conceptul whig de stare naturală Proprietatea și mecanismul social
10 Helen Wallace, op.cit., pp. 44-45. 11 Hellen Wallace, op.cit., p. 45. 12 Helen Wallace, op.cit., p. 48. 13 Ibid. pp. 51-69. 14 William Wallace, op.cit., p. 535. 15 Euractiv, "Gas crisis resolved but lack of EU energy policy remains problem", 04.01.2006, data consultării: 14.05.2007, http://www.euractiv.com/en/energy/gas-crisis-resolved-lack-eu-energy-policy-remains-problem/article-151227. 16 Richard Sakwa, Putin. Russia's choice, Routledge, Londra, 2008, ediția a 2-a, p. 215. 17 Ludovic Royer, "La Russie et la construction
by Paula Daniela Gânga [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1034_a_2542]
316. Kant nu dezvoltă însă problema și nu sesizează vreo corelație între generațiile viitoare și mediul înconjurător. Conceptul de dreptate între generații este introdus explicit de John Rawls în A Theory of Justice, capitolul al V-lea, secțiunea 44, "The problem of justice between generations", unde acesta își propune să explice valoarea socială, adică binele intrinsec al activităților instituționale. El introduce o condiție suplimentară pentru teoria sa morală, și anume, aceasta trebuie să rezolve problema inter-generațională. Problema dreptății inter-generaționale este considerată
is qualified by balancing an inclusion principle with the hierarchy of interests. Another chapter is dedicated to the presentation of the main argumentative structures used in environmental ethics, such as the distinction between the normative and the descriptive, the demarcation problem, the problem of the criterion, the argument from ignorance, the 'slippery slope' argument as well as the argument based on the autonomous value of the wholes. The ensuing chapter analyses the relation between the individualistic and holistic approaches in environmental
by balancing an inclusion principle with the hierarchy of interests. Another chapter is dedicated to the presentation of the main argumentative structures used in environmental ethics, such as the distinction between the normative and the descriptive, the demarcation problem, the problem of the criterion, the argument from ignorance, the 'slippery slope' argument as well as the argument based on the autonomous value of the wholes. The ensuing chapter analyses the relation between the individualistic and holistic approaches in environmental ethics, with
1919-1995), antropolog și terapeut american, unul dintre membrii fondatori ai Școlii de la Palo Alto. Împreună cu colaboratorii săi, lansează în 1956 ipoteza dublei constrîngeri ce funcționează în comunicare. Lucrări de referință: (în colab. cu Watzlawick, Paul, Fisch, Richard) Change: Principles of Problem Formation and Problem Resolution, WW Norton, New York, 1974; (în colab. cu Fisch, Richard, Segal, Lynn) The Tactics of Change. Doing Therapy Briefly, Jossey Bass, SF, 1982; (ed., în colab. cu Watzlawick, Paul) The Interactional View. Studies at the Mental Research
terapeut american, unul dintre membrii fondatori ai Școlii de la Palo Alto. Împreună cu colaboratorii săi, lansează în 1956 ipoteza dublei constrîngeri ce funcționează în comunicare. Lucrări de referință: (în colab. cu Watzlawick, Paul, Fisch, Richard) Change: Principles of Problem Formation and Problem Resolution, WW Norton, New York, 1974; (în colab. cu Fisch, Richard, Segal, Lynn) The Tactics of Change. Doing Therapy Briefly, Jossey Bass, SF, 1982; (ed., în colab. cu Watzlawick, Paul) The Interactional View. Studies at the Mental Research Institute, Palo Alto
septembrie 1997. 1 Times Literary Supplement, nr. 4940, 5 dec. 1997, p. 30. 2 Public Life and Late Capitalism, Cambridge și New York, 1984. 32 Democracy and Civil Society: on the Predicaments of European Socialism, the Prospects for Democracy, and the Problem of Controlling Social and Political Power, Londra și New York, 1988, Londra, 1998, Civil Society and the State: New European Perspectives, Londra și New York, 1988, Londra, 1998. 1 Vezi: Caterina Mengotti, Civil Society in the Latin American Context, lucrare nepublicată, Centre
by John Keane [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1061_a_2569]
Barth, "Ethnic Groups and Boundaries", în Process and Form in Social Life: Selected Essays of Fredrik Barth, Londra, 1981, pp. 198-227. 13 John Keane, Democracy and Civil Society: On the Predicaments of European Socialism, the Prospects for Democracy and the Problem of Controlling Social and Political Power, Londra și New York, 1988; 1998, și The Media and Democracy, Cambridge, 1991. 14 Vezi interviul meu, "Towards a Civil Society: Hopes for Polish Democracy", op. cit.; și Jan Jozef Lipski, "Two fatherlands Two Patriotisms", "Survey
by John Keane [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1061_a_2569]
the Undersecretary of State Averell Harriman, former ambassador to Moscow, former candidate to American Presidency, has been appointed to study the Vietnamese conflict. He has played an official visit to Romania in November 1967. The author shows that the main problem which was approached during the bilateral talks was the conflict in Vietnam; the American envoy listened to evaluations and assessment by his Romanian counterparts and retained them with attention. Later on, Harriman addressed a letter to the "Washington Post" newspaper
the risk that Romania to be invaded by USSR because of the Romanian point of view regarding the public condemnation of intervention in Czechoslovakia. He stated that if it was that danger Venezuela would have the intention to raise that problem at the UN in the name of the countries from Latin America with the purpose of preventing such a blamable action in contradiction with principles of the UN Charter. The visit in Columbia. The main goal of the delegation was
Press, Cambridge, 1998. Linklater, Andrew, and Hidemi Suganami, The English School of International Relations. A Contemporary Reassessment, Cambridge University Press, 2006. Linklater, Andrew, Critical Theory and World Politics: Citizenship, Sovereignty and Humanity, Routledge, London and New York, 2007. Linklater, Andrew, The Problem of Harm in World Politics. Theoretical Investigations, Cambridge University Press, 2011. Mayall, James, Politica mondială. Evoluția și limitele ei, Editura Antet XX Press, Filipeștii de Târg, 2000. Mansbach, Richard, and Kirsten Rafferty, Introduction to Global Politics, Routledge, London and New York
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1987. Adler, Emanuel, and Michael Barnett (eds.), Security Communities, Cambridge University Press, 1998. Albert, Mathias, David Jacobson, and Yosef Lapid (eds.), Identities, Orders, Borders. Rethinking International Relations Theory, University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis, London, 2001. Archer, Margaret, Being Human: The Problem of Agency, Cambridge University Press, 2004. Bakker, Isabella, and Stephen GILL, Power, Production and Social Reproduction. Human In/security in the Global Political Economy, Palgrave MacMillan, New York, 2003. Barkin, Samuel, Social Construction and the Logic of Money: Financial Predominance and
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The Sovereign State and Its Competitors, Princeton University Press, Princeton New Jersey, 1994. Tadjbakhsh, Shahrbanou, and Anuradha M. Chenoy, Human Security. Concepts and Implications, Routledge, New York and London, 2007. Thakur, Ramesh, and Oddny Wiggen (eds.) South Asia in the World: Problem Solving Perspectives on Security, Sustainable Development, and Good Governance, United Nations University Press, Tokyo New York Paris, 2004. Thakur, Ramesh, The United Nations, Peace and Security: From Collective Security to Responsibility to Protect, Cambridge University Press, 2006. Thomas, Caroline, Global Governance
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the 21st century?, University of Bristol, The Policy Press, 1999, pp. 101-111. Welsh, Jennifer, "Taking Consequences Seriously: Objections to Humanitarian Intervention" în Welsh, Jennifer (ed.), Humanitarian Intervention and International Relations, Oxford University Press, New York, 2004. Wendt, Alexander, "The Agent/Structure Problem in International Relations Theory" în International Organizations, (41) pp. 335-370, 1987. Wendt, "Bridging the Theory/Meta-Theory Gap in International Relations" în Review of International Studies 17, 1991. Wendt, Alexander, "Anarchy is what states make of it: The social construction of
by IOANA LEUCEA [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/958_a_2466]
the political discourse (beyond terminology, the concept is not new, having a long history). I insisted on the issue of defining human security, on the inherent difficulties that appear in evaluating the threats to human security, and especially on the problem of structural violence. Chapter four refers to the relation between national identity, state centric security and human security, marked by a fundamental tension, showing the fact that from a constructivist perspective of the interpretation of the causes of certain risks
by IOANA LEUCEA [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/958_a_2466]