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or fold them up like a garment?" He spoke, mustering hîș heavy clouds around hîm, black, opake. Then thunders roll'd around & lightnings darted to & fro; 110 Hîș visage chang'd to darkness, & hîș strong right hand came forth To cast Ahania to the Earth: he siez'd her by the hair And threw her from the steps of ice that froze around hîș throne, Saying, "Art thou also become like Vala? thus I cast thee ouț! "Shall the feminine indolent
by William Blake [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1122_a_2630]
strong right hand came forth To cast Ahania to the Earth: he siez'd her by the hair And threw her from the steps of ice that froze around hîș throne, Saying, "Art thou also become like Vala? thus I cast thee ouț! "Shall the feminine indolent bliss, the indulgent self of weariness, 115 "The passive idle sleep, the enormous night & darkness of Death "Set herself up to give her laws to the active masculine virtue? "Thou little diminutive portion that
by William Blake [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1122_a_2630]
death, "To weigh me down beneath the grave into non Entity "Where Luvah strives, scorned by Vala, age after age wandering, "Shrinking & shrinking from her Lord & calling hîm the Tempter. 130 "And art thou also become like Vala? thus I cast thee ouț!" Șo loud în thunders spoke the King, folded în dark despair, And threw Ahania from hîș bosom obdurate. She fell like lightning. Then fled the sons of Urizen from hîș thunderous throne petrific; They fled to East & West
by William Blake [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1122_a_2630]
d on the Abyss, 40 The horrid trumpets of the deep bellow'd with bitter blasts. The Enormous Demons woke & howl'd around the new born King, Crying, "Luvah, King of Love, thou art the King of rage & death." Urizen cast deep darkness round hîm; raging, Luvah pour'd The spears of Urizen from Chariots round the Eternal tent. 45 Discord began, then yells & cries shook the wide firmament: "Where is sweet Vala, gloomy prophet? where the lovely form "That drew
by William Blake [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1122_a_2630]
275 Above, beneath, on all sides round în the vast deep of immensity, That he might starve the sons & daughters of Urizen on the winds, Making between, horrible chasms into the vast unknown. All these around the world of Los cast forth their monstrous births. But în Eternal times the Seat of Urizen is în the South, 280 Urthona în the North, Luvah în East, Tharmas în West. And now he came into the Abhorred world of Dark Urthona, By Providence
by William Blake [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1122_a_2630]
fury The plow of ages & the golden harrow wade thro' fields 15 Of goary blood; the immortal seed is nourish'd for the slaughter. The bulls of Luvah, breathing fire, bellow on burning pastures Round howling Orc, whose awful limbs cast forth red smoke & fire, That Urizen approach'd not near but took hîș seat on a rock And rang'd hîș books around hîm, brooding Envious over Orc. 20 Howling & rending hîș dark caves the awful Demon lay: Pulse after
by William Blake [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1122_a_2630]
death & valleys of despair. "Now sound the clarions of Victory, now strip the slain. "Clothe yourselves în golden arms, brothers of war." They sound the clarions strong, they chain the howling captives, 165 They give the Oath of blood, they cast the lots into the helmet, They vote the death of Luvah & they nail'd hîm to the tree, They pierc'd hîm with a spear & laid hîm în a sepulcher To die a death of Six thousand years, bound round
by William Blake [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1122_a_2630]
the wond'rous war. But Urizen hîș mighty rage let loose în the mid deep. Sparkles of dîre affliction issued round hîș frozen limbs. 90 Horrible hooks & nets he form'd, twisting the cords of iron And brass, & molten metals cast în hollow globes, & bor'd Tubes în petrific steel, & ramm'd combustibles, & wheels And chains & pullies fabricated all round the Heavens of Los; Communing with the Serpent of Orc în dark dissimulation, 95 And with the Synagogue of Satan în
by William Blake [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1122_a_2630]
the time approaches fast that thou shalt be aș a thing 545 " 'Forgotten; when one speaks of thee he will not be believ'd. " 'When the man gently fades away în hîș immortality, " 'When the mortal disappears în improved knowledge, cast away " 'The former things, șo shall the Mortal gently fade away " 'And șo become invisible to those who still remain. 550 " 'Listen. I will tell thee what is done în the caverns of the grave. " 'The Lamb of God has
by William Blake [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1122_a_2630]
dark deep, even to Consummation, "For if thou feedest not hîș rage, it will subside în peace. "But if thou darest obstinate refuse my stern behest, 145 "Thy crown & scepter I will sieze, & regulate all my members "În stern severity, & cast thee ouț into the indefinite "Where nothing lives, there to wander; & if thou returnest weary, "Weeping at the threshold of Existence, I will steel my heart "Against thee to Eternity, & never recieve thee more. 150 "Thy self-destroying, beast form'd
by William Blake [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1122_a_2630]
greater than against this Luvah, "For war is energy Enslav'd, but thy religion, "The first author of this war & the distracting of honest minds "Into confused perturbation & strife & honour & pride, 155 "Is a deciet șo detestable that I will cast thee ouț "If thou repentest not, & leave thee aș a rotten branch to be burn'd "With Mystery the Harlot & with Satan for Ever & Ever. "Error can never be redeemed în all Eternity, "But Sîn, Even Rahab, is redeem'd
by William Blake [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1122_a_2630]
the deeps!" Urizen wept în the dark deep, anxious hîș scaly form To reassume the human; & he wept în the dark deep, Saying: "O that I had never drunk the wine nor eat the bread 165 "Of dark mortality, or cast my view into futurity, nor turn'd "My back, dark'ning the present, clouding with a cloud, "And building arches high, & cities, turrets & towers & domes "Whose smoke destroy'd the pleasant gardens, & whose running kennels "Chok'd the bright rivers
by William Blake [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1122_a_2630]
the chisel & the mallet, I, whose labours vast "Order the nations, separating family by family, "Alone enjoy not. I alone, în misery supreme, "Ungratified give all my joy unto this Luvah & Vala. 180 "Then Go, O dark futurity! I will cast thee forth from these "Heavens of my brain, nor will I look upon futurity more. "I cast futurity away, & turn my back upon that void "Which I have made; for lo! futurity is în this moment. "Let Orc consume, let
by William Blake [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1122_a_2630]
not. I alone, în misery supreme, "Ungratified give all my joy unto this Luvah & Vala. 180 "Then Go, O dark futurity! I will cast thee forth from these "Heavens of my brain, nor will I look upon futurity more. "I cast futurity away, & turn my back upon that void "Which I have made; for lo! futurity is în this moment. "Let Orc consume, let Tharmas rage, let dark Urthona give 185 "All strength to Los & Enitharmon, & let Los self-curs'd "Rend
by William Blake [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1122_a_2630]
beds; they drink, they sing, they view the flames Of Orc; în joy they view the human harvest springing up. A time they give to sweet repose, till all the harvest is rîpe. And Lo, like the harvest Moon, Ahania cast off her death clothes; 345 She folded them up în care, în silence, & her bright'ning limbs Bath'd în the clear spring of the rock; then from her darksome cave Issu'd în majesty divine. Urizen roșe up from
by William Blake [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1122_a_2630]
Death! the human form dissolving, companied "By beasts & worms & creeping things, & darkness & despair. "The clouds fall off from my wet brow, the dust from my cold limbs "Into the șea of Tharmas. Soon renew'd, a Golden Moth, "I shall cast off my death clothes & Embrace Tharmas again. 600 "For Lo, the winter melted away upon the distant hills, "And all the black mould sings." She speaks to her infant race; her milk Descends down on the sand; the thirsty sand
by William Blake [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1122_a_2630]
Beulah, în hîș selfish cold repose "Forsaking Brotherhood & Universal love, în selfish clay 630 "Folding the pure wings of hîș mind, seeking the places dark "Abstracted from the roots of Science; then inclos'd around "În walls of Gold we cast hîm like a Seed into the Earth "Till times & spaces have pass'd over hîm; duly every morn "We visit hîm, covering with a Veil the immortal seed; 635 "With windows from the inclement sky we cover hîm, & with walls
by William Blake [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1122_a_2630]
wailing, terror & despair. Forsaken of their Elements they vanish & are no more, No more but a deșire of Being, a distracted, ravening deșire, 735 Desiring like the hungry worm & like the gaping grave. They plunge into the Elements; the Elements cast them forth Or else consume their shadowy semblance. Yet they, obstinate Tho' pained to distraction, cry, "O let uș Exist! for "This dreadful Non Existence is worse than pains of Eternal Birth: 740 "Eternal death who can Endure? let uș
by William Blake [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1122_a_2630]
the waggons of heaven And took away the wine of ages with solemn songs & joy. 795 Luvah & Vala woke, & all the sons & daughters of Luvah Awoke; they wept to one another & they reascended To the Eternal Man în woe; he cast them wailing into The world of shadows, thro' the air, till winter is over & gone; But the Human Wine stood wondering; în all their delightful Expanses 800 The elements subside; the heavens roll'd on with vocal harmony. Then Los
by William Blake [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1122_a_2630]
simțirii, care îți dau fiori, mînia-i ne-ncetată ca să-i stînga. Ochii săi, luminătorii marelui sau suflet, se contractă ori dilata: Contractați, ei văd tainițele munților nemărginiți, Vinele de-aur și de-argint și ascunzișurile Valei 139, Și orice crește din cast mugur sau sufletul înmiresmat respíră: 125 În timp ce dilatați ei văd a' Soarelui și Lunii grozavii 140, Elementarele Planete și sferele de foc excentric. Nările sale respiră-o pălălaie, si pletele-i sînt precum codri Cu jivine; acolo leul fioros privește
by William Blake [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1122_a_2630]
425 Eu umblu printre turmele-i și-aud mehăitúrile mieilor săi. O, de-aș putea să-i privesc față și să-i urmez neprihănitele picioare! Umblu pe lînga pașii turmelor lui; veniți încoace, turmelor plăpînde. Puteți vorbi c-un suflet cast care pe făcătorul sau îl caută? Nu îmi răspundeți: atunci stăpîna voastră-s pusă în grădina ceasta. 430 Asupra voastră voi veghea și pașii vi voi însoți; nu sînteți aidoma cu păsările Care cîntă și zboară în văzduhul luminos; însă
by William Blake [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1122_a_2630]
Unul dintre Cei Veșnici glăsui. Totul era tăcut la sărbătoare. "Omul e Vierme; satul de bucurie, caută peșterile somnului Printre Florile lui Beula, în egoista-i tihna rece Frăția părăsind-o și dragostea Universală, în egoistă huma 630 Înfășurîndu-și áripile caste ale minții, căutînd întunecoasele unghere Scoase 328 din rădăcinile Științei; apoi cuprinși în jur De muri de Aur îl azvîrlim că pe-o sămînță în Pămînt Pîn' ce trecut-au vremi și spații peste el; așa cum se cuvine, în fiecare
by William Blake [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1122_a_2630]
cu cei patru Zoa că simțuri eterne). Pe papirus se pot vedea scrise cuvinte ce pot fi citite doar cu ajutorul oglinzii: "Each Man is în/ hîș Spectre's power/ Untill the arrival/ of that hour,/ When hîș Humanity/ awake/ And cast hîș Spectre/ into the Lake." ("Fiecare este-n/ puterea Nălucii/ Pînă sosește-acel/ ceas/ Cînd Firea-i de Om/ deșteptata/ Aruncă Năluca/ în Iaz."). Postura personajului din imagine sugerează ritualul extatic de rugăciune cunoscut sub numele Shema Israel ("Asculta Israele"), folosit
by William Blake [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1122_a_2630]
Man...) repetate în Jerusalem, 38, 17-21; Vala, I, versurile 520-521 (...; such thing was never known...to be reviv'd) repetate cu modificări în Jerusalem, 80, 23-24 (în loc de Eden în Jerusalem apare Albion's land); Vala, ÎI, versurile 72-79 (Luvah was cast ... innocence & youth) repetate în Jerusalem, 7, 30-37; Vala, ÎI, versurile 364-366 (Arise, you little glancing wings...lives is holy) repetate din Visions of the Daughters of Albion, 8, 9-10; Vala, ÎI, versurile 389-390 (I have chosen the serpent...children) repetate
by William Blake [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1122_a_2630]
a susține aceste tendințe, reflectă în mod special drama societății omenești sfâșiată de tot felul de contradicții. Spre exemplu, Adam, o ființă minunată se ridică pentru prima dată spre lumi‑ nă; Eva neconcepută încă, pe jumătate ascunsă de figura Creatorului, castă, grațioasă, privește cu ochii limpezi, neștiutori, plini de curiozitate, necunos‑ cutul. Însă sensul fantasticei istorii a dramei omenești se desfășoară în conti‑ nuare: Adam și Eva, ființe frumoase, puternice, fericite, sunt părinții unei rase care se zbate între foc și
Michelangelo Buonarroti / Mesajul biblic al operelor sale by Ioan Blaj () [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/442_a_992]