621 matches
Trial (VA-HIT) (68,77-80). Aceste studii ran- domizate au inclus puțini pacienți vârstnici, vârsta maximă fiind de 72 ani în VA -HIT (80), 74 de ani în BIP (79) și 55 ani în HHS (78). Trialul Fenofibrate Intervention and Event Lowering in Diabetes (FIELD) a analizat rolul fenofibratului versus placebo la un grup de 9.795 pacienți cu DZ, arătând o scădere a numărului de evenimente cardiovasculare la grupul tratat cu fenofibrat. Pacienții cu vârste cuprinse între 65 i 75
Afectarea cardiovasculară în boala renală cronică by Florin Mitu, Iulia Cristina Roca () [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/91921_a_92416]
comandat o ediție de numai șapte exemplare. Cu toate acestea, cartea și toate informațiile conținute de această au fost scoase din țară.“ <footnote Sommerville, John. "Basilikon Doron" în Political Writings, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1994. pag. 1-61"... în the likely event that his father would not survive to instruct him--King James was sickly and survived a number of assasination attempts. The King bound his printer Robert Waldegrave to secrecy and ordered an edition of only seven copies. Somehow, however, intelligence of
SOCIETATEA EUROPEANĂ ÎN MEMORIILE APOCRIFE DIN „MARELE SECOL” by Andreea-Irina Chirculescu () [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/266_a_513]
într-un anumit teren (obiectiv) sau pentru un anumit tip de operațiune, pot fi reprezentate grafic pe schema (overlay) cu situația acestuia. Având la bază această reprezentare grafică (situation overlay) va fi produsă o altă reprezentare grafică cu situația evenimentelor (event overlay). Aceasta din urmă va constitui baza Planului de colectare a informațiilor (Intelligence Collection Plan); * etapa 4 schema grafică de sprijin a deciziei. Întocmirea acestui document reprezintă ultima etapă a procesului de pregătire a luptei din punct de vedere informativ
by Gabriel Toma [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1082_a_2590]
Practically, this is what explains the short story writer's taste either for the use of clichés and pure fabrication of sentences, or for seeking refuge into voyage memories. The throwing-down of evocation literature in fiction's favour is an event that happens later on, as an effect of a theatrical engagement, namely the full time experience of melodrama. This discovery corresponds to Lovinescu's interest for theatre, developed after 1906 and going further to the middle of the 20' (with
by Antonio Patraş [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1052_a_2560]
aș well: Idiomatic expressions Cognitive variables To give the shaft to swindle = To take the shaft to be swindled To give the shaft to punish Participants Agent = the ușer Patient = the victim Agent = the victim Patient = the ușer Duration Durational event Physically punctual event, mentally durative event Telicity Endpoint crisis Endpoint punishment Jean-Jacques Courtine (1981) and Bernard Pottier (1992) puț forth two semantic theories on the propositional content or on what we identified aș textual composition în social semiotics. Thus any
by Camelia-Mihaela Cmeciu [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1056_a_2564]
expressions Cognitive variables To give the shaft to swindle = To take the shaft to be swindled To give the shaft to punish Participants Agent = the ușer Patient = the victim Agent = the victim Patient = the ușer Duration Durational event Physically punctual event, mentally durative event Telicity Endpoint crisis Endpoint punishment Jean-Jacques Courtine (1981) and Bernard Pottier (1992) puț forth two semantic theories on the propositional content or on what we identified aș textual composition în social semiotics. Thus any composition can be
by Camelia-Mihaela Cmeciu [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1056_a_2564]
To give the shaft to swindle = To take the shaft to be swindled To give the shaft to punish Participants Agent = the ușer Patient = the victim Agent = the victim Patient = the ușer Duration Durational event Physically punctual event, mentally durative event Telicity Endpoint crisis Endpoint punishment Jean-Jacques Courtine (1981) and Bernard Pottier (1992) puț forth two semantic theories on the propositional content or on what we identified aș textual composition în social semiotics. Thus any composition can be identified aș a
by Camelia-Mihaela Cmeciu [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1056_a_2564]
analysis to the reference discursive sequences (rds) through a certain "chrono-logy" of some schemes. Taking into account the intențional effects of a (corporate, political or literary) message, the conceptual content is formed, aș Pottier (1992: 224) mentions, of some major event lines (AȘ = the analytical scheme focused on state or evolutive events) and of some enunțiative intențional choices (BAȘ= built analytical schemes) which will permanently accompany and control any statement. Pottier's model of the enunciative trajectory goes beyond the descriptive
by Camelia-Mihaela Cmeciu [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1056_a_2564]
been going through during the last century. The implied macro and/ or micro crises brought to the surface level of every organization, that experiences such a breakdown, constitute dramatic moments of meaning re/deconstruction. Avian influenza hâș been a dreadful event which brought a floating insecurity among Romanians, companies and official authorities în 2005 and 2006. All the media coverage proved that some of the main stakeholders involved lacked the "center" that holds everything together. We will interpret the pervasive feeling
by Camelia-Mihaela Cmeciu [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1056_a_2564]
mere existence of an organization, a crisis could be defined aș a melting of a semiotics of passions and a semiotics of actions. We are of the opinion that fear is the explicit or implicit feeling governing throughout this dramatic event. Defined aș a dialogue (Fearn-Banks 1996: 2) between the organization and its publics, the crisis communication process should have a durative aspect, covering all the three stages of this disorder, namely prior to, during, and after the negative outcome. Aș
by Camelia-Mihaela Cmeciu [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1056_a_2564]
skills and methods, how to perform certain functions or tasks). 7 Radden and Dirven (2007: 179) consider that bounded events can be distinguished by means of two criteria: duration and telicity. Whereas duration refers to the length of time an event lasts, distinguishing between durational and punctual events, telicity refers to the inherently conclusive and definitive endpoint of an event. The criterion of telicity distinguishes telic events, which possess a conclusive end-point, from atelic events, which lack a conclusive end-point. 8
by Camelia-Mihaela Cmeciu [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1056_a_2564]
events can be distinguished by means of two criteria: duration and telicity. Whereas duration refers to the length of time an event lasts, distinguishing between durational and punctual events, telicity refers to the inherently conclusive and definitive endpoint of an event. The criterion of telicity distinguishes telic events, which possess a conclusive end-point, from atelic events, which lack a conclusive end-point. 8 Apud Iedema, Rick (2003), "Multimodality, Resemiotization: Extending the Analysis of Discourse aș Multi-Semiotic Practice", în Visual Communication, 3, p.
by Camelia-Mihaela Cmeciu [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1056_a_2564]
despre MBD [38] sensul unor termeni utilizați în cercetare și studiul literaturii. Pentru exactitate și evitarea unor erori de interpretare am menținut denumirea universală a termenilor și definiția lor în limba engleză. ADVERSE REACTION - Reacție adversă Efect, eveniment advers (Adverse Event). Un efect nedorit cauzat de administrarea unor medicamente, cu debut brusc sau dezvoltat în timp. ARM - Derivație, braț al unui algoritm, studiu Orice grup de tratament dintr-un studiu randomizat. Cele mai multe studii randomizate au 2 derivații, „brațe”, iar unele au
Tratat de chirurgie vol. VII by RADU DEAC () [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/92065_a_92560]
stabil - palmele duse la ceafă. Variante: fandare față cu schimbarea picioarelor prin săritură. Exercițiul nr. 7 Poziția de plecare: stând pe capacul lăzii de gimnastică, vârfurile pe ladă și călcâiele în afară; ridicări și lăsări pe vârfuri până la limita echilibrului, eventul se permite o mână pusă pe perete pentru stabilitate. Variante: toate variantele cu desprindere (săritură), săritul corzii în toate variantele. Exercițiul nr. 8 Poziția de plecare: cel ce exersează stă în șezând, cu picioarele întinse și este ținut de vârfuri
Antrenamentul specific pentru pregătirea fizică pe uscat a schiorilor alpini by Gheorghe BALINT, Puiu GASPAR () [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/255_a_502]
E = mc 2 , obținem o valoare aproximativă a densității vidului, la nivelul unui punct de lungime Planck, de 10 la puterea 96 kilograme/cm cub o valoare enormă ce este pomenită și de Nassim Haramein În conferința sa, Crossing the event horizon, ce ne duce cu gândul la infinit și pe care el o folosește ca argument, spunând că este, de fapt, masa unei singularități. În concluzie, noțiunea de energie a punctului zero Înlătură acuzele de perpetuum mobile, aduse de comunitatea
Medicina si psihologie cuantica by Valentin AMBĂRUŞ, Mariana FLORIA, () [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1642_a_2904]
III Relații Ioan Lupu, atașat, Direcția III Relații Au mai participat membri ai Reprezentanței comerciale a României în R.F.G. Ecouri politice la stabilirea relațiilor diplomatice între România și R.F.G. CONSTANTIN GÎRBEA* Summary The writer makes a short introduction on the event's importance, in his article about the establishment of diplomatic relations between Romania and The Federative Republic of Germany. He makes also a briefing on his article about events and next evolution of relationship between the German States; he underlines
on it became known that USSR, together with Poland, GDR, Hungary and Bulgaria should have entered the territory of Romania on November 21 at 04:00 a.m. The author succeeded to present below details about the preparations for such an event and in connection with the information "the Russians wanted to terminate Romania", and about the spies that have been working in Romania. The coup against Ceausescu did not taken place in 1968, but in December 1989, after the Malta Conference
talks with the officialities and with the representatives of the enterprises from the oil, mining and machines building sectors. The two parts signed a government agreement to promote the trade exchanges and economic cooperation. An important moment and an historic event were the talks between Gheorghe Radulescu and the president of Venezuela, Reinaldo Leandro Mora, who was very concerned with the risk that Romania to be invaded by USSR because of the Romanian point of view regarding the public condemnation of
generatia-ratata-a-tatalui-meu.html #comment-242438 http://www.cancan.ro/actualitate/intern/nu-dispretui-batranii-care-voteaza-o-campanie-impotriva-discriminarii-in-functie-de-vot-si-varsta.html http://smartwoman.hotnews.ro/Nu-iti-uri-mama-pentru-ca-voteaza-cu-Ponta Cadrajele mediatice și dezbaterea prezidențială. Studiu de caz [Framing the Presidential Debate. Case Study] Monica PĂTRUȚ Abstract: The final debate represents the most broadcasted event of the electoral campaign for the presidential title. Considered risky by the candidates, awaited by the citizens, the final debate succeeds to inform and entertain în the same time. With both their assets and clumsiness, the candidates are faced with
Baia de Aramă (una la 14 km, punct deja cunoscut, apoi la 19-20 km, respectiv la Podul de lemn etc.). e) Construirea unor popasuri turistice amplasate la distanță apreciabilă față de cele de la ștrandul de la 7 Izvoare, inclusiv la barajul mare de pe Cerna, eventul poate un al patrulea În Poiana Coronini, sau Între cele două baraje. 7) Dezvoltarea mijloacelor de agrement o necesitate obiectivă. Pornind de la adevărul prin care, pentru Stațiunea Herculane, se impune multiplicarea posibilităților de petrecere a timpului liber În afara perioadei
Turism în Carpaţii Meridionali: cunoaştere, dezvoltare şi valoroficare economică by Ion Talabă, Elena Monica Talabă, Raluca-Maria Apetrei () [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/91770_a_92400]
ca și cei suferind de stres posttraumatic, indivizii care sunt expuși secundar la stresori traumatici, pot suporta episoade de gândire intruzivă și etape de evitare, apatie sau excitație persistentă. Aceste simptome sunt adesea măsurate cu ajutorul Scalei impactului evenimentelor (Impact of Event Scale, Horowitz, Wilner & Alvarez, 1979) care este o scală a detresei subiectve bazată pe experiențele de intruziune și evitare raportate în mod curent în studiile clinice despre răspunsurile psihologice la evenimentele stresante. Conform lui Yassen (1995), stresul traumatic secundar poate
by Irina Crumpei [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1075_a_2583]
D. R., Wetsel, M. A, Reimels, E. (2010) Compassion satisfaction, burnout, and compassion fatigue among emergency nurses compared with nurses in other selected inpatient specialties. J Emerg Nurs. 36(5):420. Horowitz, M., Wilner, N. & Alvarez, W. (1979) Impact of Event Scale: A measure of subjective stress. Psychosomatic Medicine, 4l, 209-218. Horowitz, M. J. (1986) Stress response syndromes. Northvale, NJ: Jason Aronson. Hyman, O. (2004) Perceived Social Support and Secondary Traumatic Stress Symptoms in Emergency Responders. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 17
by Irina Crumpei [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1075_a_2583]
received increased attention. In this context, studies that focused naturally on the victims' perspective after traumatic events gradually discovered that the crisis can also affect those who weren't present. The victims can multiply over time, even after the traumatic event is long over. The Diagnosis and statistical manual of mental disorders acknowledged these findings in its fourth edition and broadened the definition of exposure to a traumatic event. Not only the primary victim is at risk of developing PTSD, but
by Irina Crumpei [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1075_a_2583]
t present. The victims can multiply over time, even after the traumatic event is long over. The Diagnosis and statistical manual of mental disorders acknowledged these findings in its fourth edition and broadened the definition of exposure to a traumatic event. Not only the primary victim is at risk of developing PTSD, but also witnesses and victim's friends and relatives who find out about the event. Secondary traumatic stress suggests an even broader perspective on traumatic contagion showing that even
by Irina Crumpei [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1075_a_2583]
findings in its fourth edition and broadened the definition of exposure to a traumatic event. Not only the primary victim is at risk of developing PTSD, but also witnesses and victim's friends and relatives who find out about the event. Secondary traumatic stress suggests an even broader perspective on traumatic contagion showing that even people who come to help the victims are at risk of developing specific symptoms. Some professions have a higher vulnerability through the nature of their work
by Irina Crumpei [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1075_a_2583]