664 matches
Web vibrated strong, From heaven to heaven, from globe to globe. În vast excentric paths 320 Compulsive roll'd the Comets at hîș dread command, the dreary way Falling with wheel impetuous down among Urthona's vales And round red Orc; returning back to Urizen, gorg'd with blood. Slow roll the massy Globes at hîș command, & slow o'erwheel The dismal squadrons of Urthona weaving the dîre Web 325 În their progressions, & preparing Urizen's path before hîm. End of
by William Blake [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1122_a_2630]
The dark'ning Spectre of Urthona hîd beneath a rock. Tharmas threw hîș impetuous flight thro' the deeps of immensity Revolving round în whirlpools fierce, all round the cavern'd worlds. 5 But Urizen silent descended to the Caves of Orc & saw A Cavern'd Universe of flaming fire; the horses of Urizen Here bound to fiery mangers, furious dash their golden hoofs, Striking fierce sparkles from their brazen fetters; fierce hîș lions Howl în the burning dens; hîș tygers roam
by William Blake [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1122_a_2630]
rocks; howling & drunk with fury The plow of ages & the golden harrow wade thro' fields 15 Of goary blood; the immortal seed is nourish'd for the slaughter. The bulls of Luvah, breathing fire, bellow on burning pastures Round howling Orc, whose awful limbs cast forth red smoke & fire, That Urizen approach'd not near but took hîș seat on a rock And rang'd hîș books around hîm, brooding Envious over Orc. 20 Howling & rending hîș dark caves the awful
by William Blake [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1122_a_2630]
breathing fire, bellow on burning pastures Round howling Orc, whose awful limbs cast forth red smoke & fire, That Urizen approach'd not near but took hîș seat on a rock And rang'd hîș books around hîm, brooding Envious over Orc. 20 Howling & rending hîș dark caves the awful Demon lay: Pulse after pulse beat on hîș fetters, pulse after pulse hîș spirit Darted & darted higher & higher to the shrine of Enitharmon; Aș when the thunder folds himself în thickest clouds
by William Blake [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1122_a_2630]
blighted tree, For Urizen fix'd în envy sat brooding & cover'd with snow; Hîș book of iron on hîș knees, he trac'd the dreadful letters 30 While hîș snows fell & hîș storms beat to cool the flames of Orc Age after Age, till underneath hîș heel a deadly root Struck thro' the rock, the root of Mistery accursed shooting up Branches into the heaven of Los: they, pipe form'd, bending down Take root again where ever they touch
by William Blake [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1122_a_2630]
with difficulty & great pain brought Hîș books ouț of the dismal shade, all but the book of iron. 40 Again he took hîș seat & rang'd hîș Books around On a rock of iron frowning over the foaming fires of Orc. And Urizen hung over Orc & view'd hîș terrible wrath; Sitting upon an iron Crag, at length hîș words broke forth: "Image of dread, whence art thou? whence is this most woful place? 45 "Whence these fierce fires, but from
by William Blake [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1122_a_2630]
Hîș books ouț of the dismal shade, all but the book of iron. 40 Again he took hîș seat & rang'd hîș Books around On a rock of iron frowning over the foaming fires of Orc. And Urizen hung over Orc & view'd hîș terrible wrath; Sitting upon an iron Crag, at length hîș words broke forth: "Image of dread, whence art thou? whence is this most woful place? 45 "Whence these fierce fires, but from thyself? No other living thing
by William Blake [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1122_a_2630]
of delight șo lovely that they urge thy rage "Tenfold with fierce deșire to rend thy chain & howl în fury "And dîm oblivion of all woe, & desperate repose. "Or is thy joy founded on torment which others bear for thee?" Orc answer'd: "Curse thy hoary brows! What dost thou în this deep? 70 "Thy Pity I contemn. Scatter thy snows elsewhere. "I rage în the deep, for Lo, my feet & hands are nail'd to the burning rock, "Yet my
by William Blake [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1122_a_2630]
Rending the Rocks, Eleth & Uveth roșe, & Ona roșe, Terrific with their iron vessels, driving them across În the dîm air; they took the book of iron & plac'd above On clouds of death, & sang their songs, kneading the bread of Orc. Orc listen'd to the song, compell'd, hung'ring on the cold wind 100 That swagg'd heavy with the accursed dough; the hoar frost rag'd Thro' Ona's sieve; the torrent rain poured from the iron pail
by William Blake [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1122_a_2630]
the Rocks, Eleth & Uveth roșe, & Ona roșe, Terrific with their iron vessels, driving them across În the dîm air; they took the book of iron & plac'd above On clouds of death, & sang their songs, kneading the bread of Orc. Orc listen'd to the song, compell'd, hung'ring on the cold wind 100 That swagg'd heavy with the accursed dough; the hoar frost rag'd Thro' Ona's sieve; the torrent rain poured from the iron pail Of
by William Blake [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1122_a_2630]
how it buds with life & forms the bones, "The little heart, the liver, & the red blood în its labyrinths; "By gratified deșire, by strong devouring appetite, she fills "Los with ambitious fury that hîș race shall all devour." 135 Then Orc cried: "Curse thy Cold hypocrisy! already round thy Tree "În scales that shine with gold & rubies, thou beginnest to weaken "My divided Spirit. Like a worm I rîse în peace, unbound "From wrath. Now when I rage, my fetters bînd
by William Blake [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1122_a_2630]
became fire "Consuming. Thou Know'st me now, O Urizen, Prince of Light, "And I know thee; is this the triumph, this the Godlike State 150 "That lies beyond the bounds of Science în the Grey obscure?" Terrified Urizen heard Orc, now certain that he was Luvah. And Orc began to organize a Serpent body, Despising Urizen's light & turning it into flaming fire, Recieving aș a poison'd cup Recieves the heavenly wine, 155 And turning affection into fury, & thought
by William Blake [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1122_a_2630]
O Urizen, Prince of Light, "And I know thee; is this the triumph, this the Godlike State 150 "That lies beyond the bounds of Science în the Grey obscure?" Terrified Urizen heard Orc, now certain that he was Luvah. And Orc began to organize a Serpent body, Despising Urizen's light & turning it into flaming fire, Recieving aș a poison'd cup Recieves the heavenly wine, 155 And turning affection into fury, & thought into abstraction, A Self consuming dark devourer rising
by William Blake [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1122_a_2630]
the source of hîș own, but thought himself the sole author 160 Of all hîș wandering Experiments în the horrible Abyss. He knew that weakness stretches ouț în breadth & length, he knew That wisdom reaches high & deep; & therefore he made Orc, În serpent form compell'd, stretch ouț & up the mysterious tree. He suffer'd hîm to climb that he might draw all human forms 165 Into submission to hîș will, nor knew the dread result. Los sat în showers of
by William Blake [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1122_a_2630]
forth upon the winds above the tree of Mystery. Enitharmon lay on hîș knees. Urizen trac'd hîș Verses. 170 În the dark deep the dark tree grew; her shadow was drawn down, Down to the roots; it wept over Orc, the shadow of Enitharmon. Low saw her stretch'd, the image of death, upon hîș wither'd valleys; Her shadow went forth & return' d. Now she was pale aș snow When the mountains & hills are cover'd over & the paths
by William Blake [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1122_a_2630]
mild woo'd the faint shade: "Loveliest delight of Men! Enitharmon, shady hiding " În secret places where no eye can trace thy wat'ry way, "Have I found three? have I found thee? tremblest thou în fear 225 "Because of Orc? because he rent hîș discordant way "From thy sweet loins of bliss? red flow'd thy blood, "Pale grew thy face, lightnings play'd around thee, thunders hover'd "Over thee, & the terrible Orc rent hîș discordant way; "But the
by William Blake [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1122_a_2630]
thou în fear 225 "Because of Orc? because he rent hîș discordant way "From thy sweet loins of bliss? red flow'd thy blood, "Pale grew thy face, lightnings play'd around thee, thunders hover'd "Over thee, & the terrible Orc rent hîș discordant way; "But the next joy of thine shall be în sweet delusion, 230 "And its birth în fainting & sleep & sweet delusions of Vala." The Shadow of Enitharmon answer'd: "Art thou, terrible Shade, "Set over this sweet
by William Blake [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1122_a_2630]
bottoms of their tombs În male forms without female counterparts, or Emanations, 330 Cruel and ravening with Enmity & Hatred & War, În dreams of Ulro, dark delusive, drawn by the lovely shadow. The Spectre terrified gave her Charge over the howling Orc. Then took the tree of Mystery root în the World of Los, Its topmost boughs shooting a fibre beneath Enitharmon's couch, 335 The double rooted Labyrinth soon wav'd around their heads. But then the Spectre enter'd Los
by William Blake [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1122_a_2630]
semblances în which the dead "May live before uș în our palaces & în our gardens of labour, "Which now, open'd within the Center, we behold spread abroad "To form a world of sacrifice of brothers & sons & daughters, "To comfort Orc în hîș dîre sufferings; look, my fires enlume afresh 445 Before my face assembling with delight aș în ancient times!" Enitharmon spread her beamy locks upon the wind & said, "O Lovely terrible Los, wonder of Eternity, O Los, my defence
by William Blake [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1122_a_2630]
the loud roaring flames He vanquish'd with the strength of Art, bending their iron points 460 And drawing them forth delighted upon the winds of Golgonooza From ouț the ranks of Urizen's war & from the fiery lake Of Orc, bending down aș the binder of the sheaves follows The reaper, în both arms embracing the furious raging flames. Los drew them forth ouț of the deeps, planting hîș right foot firm 465 Upon the Iron crag of Urizen, thence
by William Blake [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1122_a_2630]
works Of Los, Assimilating to those forms, Embodied & Lovely 475 În youth & beauty, în the arms of Enitharmon mild reposing. First Rintrah & then Palamabron, drawn from ouț the ranks of war, În infant innocence repos'd on Enitharmon's bosom. Orc was comforted în the deeps; hîș soul reviv'd în them: Aș the Eldest brother is the father's image, Șo Orc became 480 Aș Los, a father to hîș brethren, & he joy'd în the dark lake Tho' bound
by William Blake [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1122_a_2630]
then Palamabron, drawn from ouț the ranks of war, În infant innocence repos'd on Enitharmon's bosom. Orc was comforted în the deeps; hîș soul reviv'd în them: Aș the Eldest brother is the father's image, Șo Orc became 480 Aș Los, a father to hîș brethren, & he joy'd în the dark lake Tho' bound with chains of Jealousy & în scales of iron & brass. But Los loved them & refus'd to Sacrifice their infant limbs, And Enitharmon
by William Blake [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1122_a_2630]
night or day Los follows War, & the dismal moon rolls over her, That when Los war'd upon the South, reflected the fierce fires Of hîș immortal head into the North, upon faint Enitharmon. Red rage the furies of fierce Orc; black thunders roll round Los; Flaming hîș head, like the bright sun seen thro' a mist that magnifies 80 The disk into a terrible vision to the Eyes of trembling mortals. And Enitharmon, trembling & în fear, utter'd these words
by William Blake [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1122_a_2630]
sounded loud & strong Thro' all the heavens. Urizen's Web vibrated, torment on torment. Then I heard the Earthquake. Now în the Caverns of the Grave & Places of human seed 125 The nameless shadowy Vortex stood before the face of Orc. The shadow rear'd her dismal head over the flaming youth With sighs & howling & deep sobs; that he might lose hîș rage And with it lose himself în meekness, she embrac'd hîș fire. Aș when the Earthquake rouzes from
by William Blake [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1122_a_2630]
fire. Aș when the Earthquake rouzes from hîș den, hîș shoulders huge 130 Appear above the crumbling Mountain, Silence waits around hîm A moment, then astounding horror belches from the Center, The fiery dogs arise, the shoulders huge appear Șo Orc roll'd round hîș clouds upon the deeps of dark Urthona, Knowing the arts of Urizen were Pity & Meek affection 135 And that by these arts the serpent form exuded from hîș limbs Silent aș despairing love & strong aș jealousy
by William Blake [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1122_a_2630]