720 matches
Forming of Germany and England Towards the Middle of the Seventeenth Century, Londra, 1792, pp. 166-167: „I must confess I was never șo mortified în my life... At last, having got over the common, which was near two miles, we came to a lane: one of our captains, a Saxon and a gentleman, with a bold heart shot his own horse and call his men to stând by him and defend the lane. But the enemy charged uș with great fury
SOCIETATEA EUROPEANĂ ÎN MEMORIILE APOCRIFE DIN „MARELE SECOL” by Andreea-Irina Chirculescu () [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/266_a_513]
armed men. They used the king, but especially those that were with him, with great rudeness and incivility, and they took from his majesty three hundred guineas, all he was at that time worth, and his sword: but when they came to understand who he was, they offered to restore him both; but he would take back nothing but his sword. Being brought to shore, he went to Lord Winchel, where he was taken with another fit of bleeding at the
SOCIETATEA EUROPEANĂ ÎN MEMORIILE APOCRIFE DIN „MARELE SECOL” by Andreea-Irina Chirculescu () [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/266_a_513]
o mare capacitate de muncă”, cum îl va numi Eliade, și se îndreaptă spre Constantinopol pentru a se îmbarca pentru Bombay, probabil pe aceeași rută pe care câteva decenii mai târziu Eliade ajungea în India. Acolo Modi fondează, în cadrul celebrului Cama Oriental Institute 4, o colecție de studii iraniene (Journal of the Cama Oriental Institute) pe care, fiind încă la Calcutta, Eliade o va cere pentru biblioteca proiectatului institut de studii asiatice 1. Și este foarte probabil să fi primit la
îndreaptă spre Constantinopol pentru a se îmbarca pentru Bombay, probabil pe aceeași rută pe care câteva decenii mai târziu Eliade ajungea în India. Acolo Modi fondează, în cadrul celebrului Cama Oriental Institute 4, o colecție de studii iraniene (Journal of the Cama Oriental Institute) pe care, fiind încă la Calcutta, Eliade o va cere pentru biblioteca proiectatului institut de studii asiatice 1. Și este foarte probabil să fi primit la București, prin grija celor doi savanți parsi, Modi și Anklesaria, mare parte
and by its own way of dealing with this dynamic. We cannot deny that during this period the balance inclines in favour of the nuclear family, that the traditional family - smaller or larger, by case or by the environment it came from - is dislocated, disrupted especially by the young ones leaving for the cities, either to work or to study. The disruption is facilitated by the existence of dwellings: any worker who was a member of the party and of the
1960 (vezi pliantul, foto 29). �ntre 1957 ?i 1959, inginerul N. Esquillan (1902-1989) permite construirea uneia dintre cele mai �ndr?zne?e bol?i �n form? de membran? de beton precomprimat, palatul CNIT-ului, la Paris � La D�fense (R. Camelor, B. Zehrfuss, J.�de Mailly, arhitec?i). Aceste opere au �n comun o extrem? tensiune dinamic?, care vine at�ț din c?utarea expresiv?, c�ț ?i din �ns??i natură structurilor lor. Aceast? energie, că s? zicem a?a
Arhitectura în Europa: din Evul Mediu pînă în secolul al XX-lea by Gilbert Luigi [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/892_a_2400]
back, but not Not the six hundred. Cannon to right of them, Cannon to left of them, Cannon behind them Volleyed and thundered; Stormed at with shot and shell, While horse and hero fell, They that had fought so well Came through the jaws of Death, Back from the mouth of Hell, All that was left of them, Left of six hundred. When can their glory fade? O the wild charge they made! All the world wondered. Honour the charge they
by ADRIAN NICOLESCU [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1104_a_2612]
au avut loc 12 lupte la Isonzo. ** Aflînd că generalul suprem al corpului expediționar aliat Sir Charles Monro, înlocuitorul generalului Sir Ian Hamilton, a decis evacuarea trupelor (operație care a reușit perfect), Churchill s-a exprimat (parafrazîndu-l pe Caesar): He came, he saw and he capitulated. Se spune că aflînd de capitularea Franței, George VI a spus: "Personal, sînt mai fericit acum că nu mai avem aliați cu care să fim politicoși și cărora să le facem toate poftele". Iar mareșalul
by ADRIAN NICOLESCU [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1104_a_2612]
Moldavian society during the previous decades of the making of Romanian national state in 1859 by the union between Moldavia and Wallachia. As a Hungarian native, primarily instructed as a geologist and economist, Carol Mihalic de Hodocin (b. 1802-d. 1862) came in Moldavia in 1838, from Transylvania, a Roumanian land at that time integrated to the Austrian Empire. He was invited at the suggestion of the great Romanian scholar, Gheorghe Asachi by the Hospodar of Moldavia, Michael Sturdza. Taking into account
această acreditându-le și înnobilându-le, Blake poate trage concluzia că "Mân is All Imagination" (E: 664) și că omul și Dumnezeu sunt una. În acest scenariu, desigur, filosofia greacă este pernicioasa și trebuie atacată cu toata asprimea: "What Jesus came to Remove was the Heathen or Platonic Philosophy which blinds the Eye of Imagination The Real Mân" (E: 664). Sedus de entuziasmul propriilor declarații, Blake pare a uita că, în propriile manuscrise iluminate, împrumuta el însuși numeroase idei din Platon
Demiurgul din Londra. Introducere în poetica lui William Blake by Cătălin Ghiţă [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1394_a_2636]
în debutul scrierii, are loc în grădina lui Blake de la Lambeth și păstrează o prospețime pastorala, fiind o reverie arcadiana ce amintește de tradiția anacreontica din poezia europeană: "They hover'd round me like a cloud of incense: when I came / Into my parlour and sat down, and took my pen to write: / My Fairy sat upon the table, and dictated EUROPE (subl. în text, n.m.)" (E: 60). Zână invocată nu reușește să-și impună puterea spirituală asupra interlocutorului uman, devenind
Demiurgul din Londra. Introducere în poetica lui William Blake by Cătălin Ghiţă [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1394_a_2636]
tot de Blake și citată tot de Cunningham, îl descrie pe diavol în tusele hiperbolizante ale unui român horror: "At last I saw him (Satan, n. m.). I was going up the stairs în the dark, when suddenly a light came streaming amongst my feet, I turned round, and there he was looking fiercely at me through the iron grating of my staircase window. [...] Its eyes were large and like live coals its teeth aș long aș those of a harrow
Demiurgul din Londra. Introducere în poetica lui William Blake by Cătălin Ghiţă [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1394_a_2636]
Alteori, tabloul este plin de lumină și de culoare, iar curbele ascendente care vor deveni marca auctoriala a lui Blake sunt vizibile pretutindeni. Thomas Phillips citează chiar relatarea lui Blake legată de apariția arhanghelului Gabriel: "I looked whence the voice came, and was then aware of a shining shape, with bright wings, who diffused much light. Aș I looked, the shape dilated more and more: he waved his hands; the roof of my study opened; he ascended into heaven; he stood
Demiurgul din Londra. Introducere în poetica lui William Blake by Cătălin Ghiţă [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1394_a_2636]
înșfacă pletele Ahaniei traduce un gest intens falocratic, ce dezvăluie o atitudine patriarhala, misogina, adoptată de rațiune în raport cu hedone. Cititorul nu poate omite valoarea expresiva a epitetului "puternic", aplicat protagonistului scenei: "His visage changd to darkness & his strong right hand came forth / To cast Ahania to the Earth he siezd her by the hair / And threw her from the steps of ice that froze around his throne" (E: 328). Simbolul blakean al rațiunii inerte este, am văzut de la bun început, Urizen
Demiurgul din Londra. Introducere în poetica lui William Blake by Cătălin Ghiţă [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1394_a_2636]
1830) de Cunningham: "I was walking alone în my garden, there was great stillness among the branches and flowers and more than common sweetness în the air; I heard a low and pleasant sound, and I knew not whence it came. At last I saw a broad leaf of a flower move, and underneath I saw a procession of creatures of the size and colour of green and gray grasshoppers, bearing a body laid ouț on a roșe leaf, which they
Demiurgul din Londra. Introducere în poetica lui William Blake by Cătălin Ghiţă [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1394_a_2636]
that it was for our own use only. After that, she was at ease, and she trusted me with her inner thoughts and feelings. But for some reason that I don't remember now, the threat of an English translation came up again în June 1979. Reffering back to her meeting with Mircea în Chicago, she emphasizes that he ΄́gave me his word of honour΄ that he will never publish it în English. Now I see he hâș no honour
Yoga et alchimie”, ZDMG 132, 1982, Heft 2, pp. 363-379; scepticismul lui Honigberger e confirmat de Jacquet (vezi Addendum II). 151. Diamantul trece din India Marilor Moguli În tezaurul lui Ranjit (În epocă, un anonim descria „How Maharaja Ranjit Singh came to the Kohi ș!ț noor diamond”, Calcutta Monthly Journal, octombrie 1833, pp. 288-291, apud J.-M. Lafont, La présence française, p. 493). În 1849, „Muntele luminii” va intra În posesia coroanei britanice (unde se află și acum), care Îl
337 Dar problema evoluției unei serii de opere literare e extraordinar de greu de tratat, într-un anumit sens, fiecare operă literară reprezintă, la prima vedere, o structură oare nu are nici o legătură cu operele literare înconjurătoare. Se poate susține cama există mei o evoluție de la o individualitate la alta. S-a formulat chiar obiecția că de fapt nu există o istorie a literaturii, ci doar o istorie a oamenilor care scriu. *12 Pe baza aceluiași argument ar trebui să renunțăm
21977. Anderegg, J., Leseübungen, Gottingen 1970. Anderegg, J., Literaturwissenschaftliche Stiltheorie, Göttingen 1977. Austin, John, How to Do Things With Words (1955), New York 1962. Bahtin, Mihail M., Die Ästhetik des Wortes, ed. R. Grübel, Frankfurt/M 1979. Backus, Joseph M., " ,He came into her line of vision walking backward'. Nonsequential Sequence-Signals in Short Story Openings", Language Learning 15 (1965), 67-83. Bal, Mieke, "Narration et focalisation. Pour une théorie des instances du récit", Poétique 29 (1977), 107-127. Baur, Uwe, "Musils Novelle ,Die Amsel
by Franz Karl Stanzel [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1079_a_2587]
Tales of Henry James, ed. Leon Edel, Londra, 1963, vol. 6 (1884-1888), 275. 369 William Faulkner, "Honor", în: Collected Stories, New York, 1943, 551. 370 Charles C. Fries, The Structure of English, New York, 1952, 242. 371 Veyi Joseph M. Backus, ""He came into her line of vision walking backward". Nonsequential Sequence-Signals in Short Story Openings", Language Learning 15 (1965), 67-68. 372 Nathaniel Hawthorne, "Egotism", în: The Complete Novels and Selected Tales, New York, 1937, 1106. 373 J. Joyce, "A Little Cloud", în Dubliners
by Franz Karl Stanzel [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1079_a_2587]
în vol. Garden party, trad. de Antoaneta Ralian, Paralela 45, 2002, 253. 383 Mansfield, "The Garden Party", în vol. Garden party, trad. de Antoaneta Ralian, 2002, 23. 384 S. Chatman, "The Structure of Narrative Transmission", 255. 385 J.M. Backus, ""He came into her line of vision walking backward". Nonsequential Sequence-Signals in Short Story Openings", Language Learning 15 (1965), 69. 386 Vezi Karl Boost, Neue Untersuchungen zum Wesen und zur Struktur des deutschen Satzes, Berlin 1955. 387 Roland Harweg, Pronomina und Textkonstitution
by Franz Karl Stanzel [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1079_a_2587]
literary parody and the novel, that led, as the author noticed, along the history of the universal literature, to the modification of the canon, imposing new and new literary works of a certain value that, by parodying their models inevitably came to surpass them. Livia Iacob cleverly starts from the parallel presentation of the new and old theories that tried to surprise the essence of parody. The parody appears to be one of the certain modalities that literature disposes of both
by Livia Iacob [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1021_a_2529]
107 Daniela Petroșel, Parodia și vârstele literaturii române, teză de doctorat, Universitatea "Al.I. Cuza", Iași, 2006, p. 26. 108 Apud Margaret A. Rose, op. cit., pp. 12-13. 109 "The battle began because a mouse named Psicharpax, flying from a weasel, came to a pond to quench his thirst. He was accosted by a frog of royal race, Physignathos, son of Peleus (the hero of Mount Pelion has become Mudman, and his son Puff-cheek) who persuaded him to have a ride on
by Livia Iacob [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1021_a_2529]
the ban of nuclear tests in three medias, the anti rockets arms (ABM) the limitation of strategic arms (SALT1), the treaty of proliferation of nuclear arms etc. These results were appreciated as an important step that the two super powers came to the conclusion that it was necessary to avoid a conflict among them; otherwise a nuclear catastrophe could have taken place. The relaxation in Europe created the conditions for the first Conference, dedicated to security and cooperation on the European
specialists in foreign policy, by newsmen and official representatives in many countries, like: the attitude regarding Israel, the establishment of diplomatic relations with Federal Germany, the military involvement in Czechoslovakia in 1968 etc. Due to contacts with Romania, the USA came to the conclusion that the points of view of Romania regarding the Vietnamese conflict should be studied and, possibly, taken into consideration. So, the Undersecretary of State Averell Harriman, former ambassador to Moscow, former candidate to American Presidency, has been