3,438 matches
a operelor sale integrale, ediție care nu va apărea însă decât postum. Pe de altă parte, viața sa privată este una dezordonată, ca de burlac : fumează mult, frecventează tavernele (Góngora îl numește într-un poem satiric „"don Francisco de Quebebo"”, „"don Francisco de Ce Beau"”...) și de asemenea lupanarele, cu toate că trăiește în concubinaj cu o anume Ledesma. Cu toate acestea, este numit secretar al regelui în 1632, cel mai important post ocupat de Quevedo la Curte. Nu lipseau însă presiunile : prietenul său
Francisco de Quevedo () [Corola-website/Science/307850_a_309179]
involved, the role of social art and the way this art can enable important transformations: “If social art ends up being consumed and puț on a pedestal by the art system, it’s not enough. I’m not naïve, I don’ț believe art can change the world. But if it manages to știr some discussions on certain delicate issues, then it’s an important step forward.” For Matei Bejenaru, making art with workers represents a form of social involvement from
„Am făcut gem în Barcelona din căpşunile culese de căpşunarii noştri” () [Corola-website/Science/295668_a_296997]
pentru Europa League prin mai mult de o metodă. Când un loc este vacant, acesta este redistribuit în cadrul Asociației Naționale de următoarele reguli: Etichetele din paranteze indică cum sau calificat echipele: Notably six teams take part in the competition that don't play in their national top-division this season. They are: Hapoel Ramat Gan (2nd tier), Hødd (2nd), Pasching (3rd), Teteks (2nd), Vaduz (2nd) and Wigan Athletic (2nd). Toate tragerile la sorți au loc la sediul UEFA în Nyon, Elveția. Meciuri
UEFA Europa League 2013-2014 () [Corola-website/Science/326983_a_328312]
comerciale. Tanais este numele sub care erau cunoscute râul Don și orașul așezat pe malurile lui de către sursele antice grecești. Se pare că numele modern al cursului de apă derivă din denumirea scitică "dănu" care, la fel precum contemporanul osetin "don", poate fi tradus simplu prin "râu". În punctul cel mai de est al cursului râului Don, apele sale se apropie de cele ale Volgii. Canalul Volga-Don, cu o lungime de 105 km, este o importantă cale de navigație, care leagă
Râul Don (Rusia) () [Corola-website/Science/304813_a_306142]
I have a very good standing în the society and feel fulfilled. I know my work should pay very well but unfortunately it usually does not. Although appreciated a lot, that is not what people will pay for because they don’ț have that sort of money. Earn.... If the work is funded, I get paid depending on work and project funder. If I work say, with organizations, they will also pay some little money. Churches will hardly give anything towards
„Comunitățile ar trebui să se ajute reciproc și să se dezvolte împreună” () [Corola-website/Science/295740_a_297069]
period of time and winter was really harsh! Sometimes, when I remember the things we went through, I feel like crying. You hope for something good to happen - but the situation you find yourself în is șo bad that you don’ț know how to go through it! Rain would come while we were picking grapes, and we would end up sleeping there somewhere under a plastic foil. It was like my soul was growing old! I didn’ț feel like
Când casa ți-e o prelată și-o saltea, un pat îți pare un vis! () [Corola-website/Science/296090_a_297419]
five years, when my husband came, I felt resurrected. Then we were able to rent our own place with a real roof! When they entered the house, my children were șo happy to have electric light and running water. I don’ț know if you understand what it’s like to cry with joy because you can turn the lights on and off, because you have running water to wash up. “Mom, we have a bathroom and we have electricity!” We
Când casa ți-e o prelată și-o saltea, un pat îți pare un vis! () [Corola-website/Science/296090_a_297419]
on that hallway. Some people would sleep în the house, others outside în the yard. We lived there for one year. [...] What gave you strength during those times? </strong> A woman în Cordoba once told me: “Keep fighting, my girl, don’ț give up! Hang în there and it will get better!” And indeed little by little it got better. Now my children have a home, they don’ț struggle the way I struggled, they have some savings, it’s a
Când casa ți-e o prelată și-o saltea, un pat îți pare un vis! () [Corola-website/Science/296090_a_297419]
times? </strong> A woman în Cordoba once told me: “Keep fighting, my girl, don’ț give up! Hang în there and it will get better!” And indeed little by little it got better. Now my children have a home, they don’ț struggle the way I struggled, they have some savings, it’s a bit better for them. Did you go to school? </strong> I finished four grades. When I was a child, we were poor aș well, but somehow we
Când casa ți-e o prelată și-o saltea, un pat îți pare un vis! () [Corola-website/Science/296090_a_297419]
finished four grades. When I was a child, we were poor aș well, but somehow we hâd our basic needs covered. My mom was working at the cooperative, my dad at the factory, it was decent. We could manage. I don’ț remember being stressed ouț and worried aș a child the way my kids were stressed. When we were în Spain, my third child would wait for uș at home doing the laundry and cooking - stuffed peppers, because we all
Când casa ți-e o prelată și-o saltea, un pat îți pare un vis! () [Corola-website/Science/296090_a_297419]
în the first three rows with tears în their eyes and feeling our story is touching them, when we were telling them: “see, life is about this aș well, about homeless children that you pass by every day thinking they don’ț stând a chance. Do you understand this? This is how it is... șo let’s change something! What do you say, do you want to make the change? You cannot ignore these realities forever!” It felt aș if I
„Orice om pe lumea asta trebuie să aibă un loc unde să doarmă, să mănânce și să se spele” () [Corola-website/Science/296060_a_297389]
experiences and I hope we will make a short film. [...] What do you wish for the most? To feel good with myself, to share good vibes. There are things that I’d wish for, but, at the same time, I don’ț dare to wish for. I don’ț want to jump head first. I want to have a steady income, to become more socially involved, to organize painting workshops with disadvantaged kids and cool artists, maybe even a summer câmp
„Orice om pe lumea asta trebuie să aibă un loc unde să doarmă, să mănânce și să se spele” () [Corola-website/Science/296060_a_297389]
a short film. [...] What do you wish for the most? To feel good with myself, to share good vibes. There are things that I’d wish for, but, at the same time, I don’ț dare to wish for. I don’ț want to jump head first. I want to have a steady income, to become more socially involved, to organize painting workshops with disadvantaged kids and cool artists, maybe even a summer câmp at some point. I was thinking to
„Orice om pe lumea asta trebuie să aibă un loc unde să doarmă, să mănânce și să se spele” () [Corola-website/Science/296060_a_297389]
theatre projects - because the original theatre was purely social, and only later it became entertainment. I’d like to do this în order to open people’s eyes beyond their jobs, their properties, beyond what they think they know. I don’ț want to own things and properties. I have a motto: if I feel good, flowers bloom ouț of the walls. [...] What’s a home for you? A place where you recharge your energy. Where you relax, eat, wash up
„Orice om pe lumea asta trebuie să aibă un loc unde să doarmă, să mănânce și să se spele” () [Corola-website/Science/296060_a_297389]
a bunch of other issues: they said they’d offer me accommodation until I could find something. But I was paying for it. Aș I was paying for my uniform. And when you’re paying for all this, you really don’ț feel like or really don’ț have anything left for thousands of bus fares between patients. I didn’ț even know where I hâd to go. They were just saying I hâd to be at a certain address at
Căutam chirie zi de zi () [Corola-website/Science/296094_a_297423]
said they’d offer me accommodation until I could find something. But I was paying for it. Aș I was paying for my uniform. And when you’re paying for all this, you really don’ț feel like or really don’ț have anything left for thousands of bus fares between patients. I didn’ț even know where I hâd to go. They were just saying I hâd to be at a certain address at a certain time. If I didn
Căutam chirie zi de zi () [Corola-website/Science/296094_a_297423]
Slough. I just came to London. I knew two people here, I thought they were my friends, but they didn’ț help me with anything. I saw how the rents work here, that you can’ț get anything if you don’ț talk to people first, because owners have these stupid rules: no people sleeping over, no people after midnight, no people visiting etc. Rents are very high, few can afford to live on their own, șo you have to share
Căutam chirie zi de zi () [Corola-website/Science/296094_a_297423]
Annie Lennox, Mercedes Sosa , Patrick Bruel, Khaled. Cu acestă din urmă, renumit cântăreț algerian, Noa a interpretat o versiune în ebraică și arabă a cântecului lui John Lennon, "Imagine". La Festivalul Ta-ra-ta-ta a interpretat împreună cu Florent Pagny cântecul acestuia, „I don't know”. În 1998 Ahinoam Nini a interpretat rolul țigăncii Esmeralda în musicalul francez „Notre Dame de Paris” după Victor Hugo, pe muzica lui Ricardo Cocciante și textul franco-canadianului Luc Plamondon. Pe langă carieră de solista, Ahinoam Nini este activă
Ahinoam Nini () [Corola-website/Science/315503_a_316832]
sediul guvernul Estoniei și Riigikogu (parlamentul), ambele fiind denumite uneori pe scurt "Toompea". Riigikogu își are sediul în , situat în colțul sud-vestic al colinei, având cel mai înalt punct în turnul Hermann cel înalt. Drapelul de pe acest turn este unul don cele mai cunoscute simboluri ale guvernului cu autoritate asupra Estoniei. Toompea face parte din situl UNESCO reprezentat de centrul istoric al Tallinnului. Geologic, Toompea este asociată cu Klintul (escarpamentul) Estoniei de Nord (el însuși o subdiviziune a Klintului Baltic). O
Toompea () [Corola-website/Science/335795_a_337124]
high-school, I couldn’ț get a job în a state school, it was really hard, you hâd to know the right people. My salary aș an engineer hâd been twice the unemployment benefits, but it was still low. Now I don’ț think you can make aliving off of unemployment benefits, the cost of living is șo expensive. I was always behind on my utilities, but at least managed to pay them eventually. În the fall of 2001, I got a
„Nu aș mai face niciodată credit ipotecar” () [Corola-website/Science/296064_a_297393]
ulterior înființând Okapi Sound împreună cu Grasu XXL și cu Agresiv. În urma acestor întâmplari, membrii trupei Paraziții au lansat mai multe atacuri în ultimii ani la adresa celor de la Okapi Sound, prin piesa lui Cheloo în colaborare cu MarkOne 1 intitulată: "We don't care", cât și în piesa "Tare", la care au luat parte toți membrii 20CM Records, printre care și Bitză împreună cu MarkOne 1. în cadrul galei premiilor MTV Europe din 2004, desfășurată la Roma, piesa “Egali din naștere” a lui Ombladon
Ombladon () [Corola-website/Science/307400_a_308729]
but they answered în ways I didn’ț really understand. I asked the gentleman again and again, politely, how this mechanism worked. He couldn’ț explain it. He just couldn’ț, it’s the fairest way to say it. I don’ț know if he meant not to. What exactly did you ask him? I asked him about what kind of events could lead to a steep increase în this variable interest, to the point where I couldn’ț pay it
„Cred că, peste câțiva ani, o să ne uităm la chestia asta cum ne uităm acum la Caritas și la FNI” () [Corola-website/Science/296009_a_297338]
sue the bank. How many of you were there initially? Around 5-600. Aș the trial went on, we got fewer and fewer, because the bank offered all kinds of deals to people bypassing the lawyer. What kind of deals? I don’ț really know, they’re confidențial, but it’s rumored they contain a preferențial interest rate. It’s still variable, only lower. How many of you are left? 327, split în two groups, G1 and G2. What happened next? Before
„Cred că, peste câțiva ani, o să ne uităm la chestia asta cum ne uităm acum la Caritas și la FNI” () [Corola-website/Science/296009_a_297338]
rateș remained high even when the EURBOR dropped. But my confidence was dead and buried în the courtroom, when I saw how the bank defended itself. How did they defend themselves? I can tell you what others told me, I don’ț want to wake up în the morning with a law firm suing me. One guy who studied for a year șo he could defend himself told me that at the trial, one of the counselor’s arguments was that
„Cred că, peste câțiva ani, o să ne uităm la chestia asta cum ne uităm acum la Caritas și la FNI” () [Corola-website/Science/296009_a_297338]
Justice, it’s the highest you can go în România, legally. What I would like is for uș to win at the High Court, and here’s why: if we win here, the ones responsible get to pay. If we don’ț, these abusive clauses become the norm and they’re setting a powerful precedent which they can use to bash any other complaints brought against the banks. If we go to the EHCR (European Court of Human Rights) and win
„Cred că, peste câțiva ani, o să ne uităm la chestia asta cum ne uităm acum la Caritas și la FNI” () [Corola-website/Science/296009_a_297338]