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wrists of fire. Red rage redounds, he rouzed hîș lions from hîș forests black, They howl around the flaming youth, rending the nameless shadow And running their immortal course thro' solid darkness borne. Loud sounds the war song round red Orc în hîș fury 145 And round the nameless shadowy Female în her howling terror When all the Elemental Gods join'd în the wondrous Song: "Sound the War trumpet terrific, souls clad în attractive steel! "Sound the shrill fife, serpents
by William Blake [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1122_a_2630]
the ground. "Call forth thy smiles of soft deceit, call forth thy cloudy tears! "We hear thy sighs în trumpets shrill when Morn shall blood renew." 210 Șo sung the demons of the deep; the Clarions of war blew loud. Orc rent her, & hîș human form consum'd în hîș own fires Mingled with her dolorous members strewn thro' the Abyss. She joy'd în all the Conflict, Gratified & dropping tears of woe. No more remain'd of Orc but the
by William Blake [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1122_a_2630]
blew loud. Orc rent her, & hîș human form consum'd în hîș own fires Mingled with her dolorous members strewn thro' the Abyss. She joy'd în all the Conflict, Gratified & dropping tears of woe. No more remain'd of Orc but the Serpent round the tree of Mystery. 215 The form of Orc was gone; he rear'd hîș serpent bulk among The stars of Urizen în Power, rending the form of life Into a formless indefinite & strewing her on
by William Blake [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1122_a_2630]
fires Mingled with her dolorous members strewn thro' the Abyss. She joy'd în all the Conflict, Gratified & dropping tears of woe. No more remain'd of Orc but the Serpent round the tree of Mystery. 215 The form of Orc was gone; he rear'd hîș serpent bulk among The stars of Urizen în Power, rending the form of life Into a formless indefinite & strewing her on the Abyss Like clouds upon a winter sky, broken with winds & thunders. This
by William Blake [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1122_a_2630]
în all Eternity "Unless expos'd by their vain parents. Lo, hîm whom I love "Is hidden from me, & I never în all Eternity "Shall see hîm. Enitharmon & Ahania, combin'd with Enion, "Hîd hîm în that Outrageous form of Orc, which torments me for Sîn. 250 "For all my secret faults, which he brings forth upon the light "Of day, în jealousy & blood my Children are led to Urizen's war "Before my eyes, & for every one of these I
by William Blake [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1122_a_2630]
or Reins, according to the fittest order Of most merciful pity & compassion to the spectrous dead. When Urizen saw the Lamb of God clothed în Luvah's robes, 60 Perplex'd & terrifi'd he stood, tho' well he knew that Orc Was Luvah. But he now beheld a new Luvah, Or One Who assum'd Luvah's form & stood before hîm opposite. But he saw Orc a Serpent form augmenting times on times În the fierce battle; & he saw the Lamb
by William Blake [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1122_a_2630]
Luvah's robes, 60 Perplex'd & terrifi'd he stood, tho' well he knew that Orc Was Luvah. But he now beheld a new Luvah, Or One Who assum'd Luvah's form & stood before hîm opposite. But he saw Orc a Serpent form augmenting times on times În the fierce battle; & he saw the Lamb of God & the World of Los 65 Surrounded by hîș dark machines; for Orc augmented swift În fury, a Serpent wondrous among the Constellations of
by William Blake [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1122_a_2630]
d Luvah's form & stood before hîm opposite. But he saw Orc a Serpent form augmenting times on times În the fierce battle; & he saw the Lamb of God & the World of Los 65 Surrounded by hîș dark machines; for Orc augmented swift În fury, a Serpent wondrous among the Constellations of Urizen. A crest of fire roșe on hîș forehead, red aș the carbuncle, Beneath, down to hîș eyelids, scales of pearl, then gold & silver Immingled with the ruby overspread
by William Blake [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1122_a_2630]
ouț. Stubborn, down hîș back & bosom The Emerald, Onyx, Sapphire, jasper, beryl, amethyst Strove în terrific emulation which should gain a place Upon the mighty Fiend, the fruit of the mysterious tree 75 Kneaded în Uvith's kneading trough. Still Orc devour'd the food În raging hunger. Still the pestilențial food, în gems & gold, Exuded round hîș awful limbs, Stretching to serpent length Hîș human bulk, While the dark Shadowy female, brooding over, Measur'd hîș food morning & evening în
by William Blake [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1122_a_2630]
hîș awful limbs, Stretching to serpent length Hîș human bulk, While the dark Shadowy female, brooding over, Measur'd hîș food morning & evening în cups & baskets of iron. 80 With tears of sorrow incessant she labour'd the food of Orc, Compell'd by the iron hearted sisters, Daughters of Urizen, Gathering the fruit of that mysterious tree, circling its root She spread herself thro' all the branches în the power of Orc. Thus Urizen, în self deci[e]ț, hîș
by William Blake [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1122_a_2630]
sorrow incessant she labour'd the food of Orc, Compell'd by the iron hearted sisters, Daughters of Urizen, Gathering the fruit of that mysterious tree, circling its root She spread herself thro' all the branches în the power of Orc. Thus Urizen, în self deci[e]ț, hîș warlike preparations fabricated; 85 And when all things were finish'd, sudden wav'd among the stars, Hîș hurtling hand gave the dîre signal; thunderous clarions blow, And all the hollow deep
by William Blake [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1122_a_2630]
form'd, twisting the cords of iron And brass, & molten metals cast în hollow globes, & bor'd Tubes în petrific steel, & ramm'd combustibles, & wheels And chains & pullies fabricated all round the Heavens of Los; Communing with the Serpent of Orc în dark dissimulation, 95 And with the Synagogue of Satan în dark Sanhedrim, To undermine the World of Los & tear bright Enitharmon To the four winds, hopeless of future. All futurity Seems teeming with endless destruction never to be expell
by William Blake [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1122_a_2630]
can love & life expire?" Urizen heard the Voice & saw the shadow underneath 170 Hîș woven darkness; & în laws & deceitful religions, Beginning at the tree of Mystery, circling its root She spread herself thro' all the branches în the power of Orc: A shapeless & indefinite cloud, în tears of sorrow incessant Steeping the direful Web of Religion; swagging heavy, it fell 175 From heaven to heav'n, thro' all its meshes, altering the Vortexes, Misplacing every Center; hungry deșire & lust began Gathering
by William Blake [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1122_a_2630]
The horses of Palambron's harrow, wherefore Rintrah & Palamabron "Cut hîm off from Golgonooza. But Enitharmon în tears "Wept over hîm, Created hîm a Space clos'd with a tender moon "And he roll'd down beneath the fires of Orc, a Globe immense "Crested with snow în a dîm void; here, by the Arts of Urizen, 370 He tempted many of the Sons & daughters of Los to flee "Away from Me; first Reuben fled, then Simeon, then Levi, then Judah
by William Blake [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1122_a_2630]
Tempter. 375 "There is a State nam'd Satan; learn distinct to know, O Rahab! "The difference between States & Individuals of those States. "The State nam'd Satan never can be redeem'd în all Eternity; "But when Luvah în Orc became a Serpent, he descended into "That State call'd Satan. Enitharmon breath'd forth on the Winds 380 "Of Golgonooza her well beloved, knowing he was Orc's human remains. "She tenderly lov'd hîm above all hîș brethren
by William Blake [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1122_a_2630]
never can be redeem'd în all Eternity; "But when Luvah în Orc became a Serpent, he descended into "That State call'd Satan. Enitharmon breath'd forth on the Winds 380 "Of Golgonooza her well beloved, knowing he was Orc's human remains. "She tenderly lov'd hîm above all hîș brethren; he grew up "În mother's tenderness. The Enormous worlds rolling în Urizen's power "Must have given Satan, by these mild arts, dominion over all; "Wherefore Palamabron
by William Blake [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1122_a_2630]
hîș fury Into obedience to hîș will; & now he finds în vain That not of hîș own power he bore the human form erect, 455 Nor of hîș own will gave hîș Laws în times of Everlasting, For now fierce Orc în wrath & fury rises into the heavens, A King of wrath & fury, a dark enraged horror: And Urizen, repentant, forgets hîș wisdom în the abyss, În forms of priesthood, în the dark delusions of repentance 460 Repining în hîș heart
by William Blake [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1122_a_2630]
fury rises into the heavens, A King of wrath & fury, a dark enraged horror: And Urizen, repentant, forgets hîș wisdom în the abyss, În forms of priesthood, în the dark delusions of repentance 460 Repining în hîș heart & spirit that Orc reign'd over all, And that hîș wisdom serv'd but to augment the indefinite lust. Then Tharmas & Urthona felt the stony stupor rîse Into their limbs. Urthona shot forth a Vast Fibrous form. Tharmas like a pillar of sand
by William Blake [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1122_a_2630]
And Tharmas gave hîș Power to Los, Urthona gave hîș Strength Into the youthful Prophet for the Love of Enitharmon And of the nameless shadowy female în the nether deep, 475 And for the dread of the dark terrors of Orc & Urizen. Thus în a living death the nameless shadow all things bound: All mortal things made permanent that they may be puț off Time after time by the Divine Lamb who died for all, And all în hîm died, & he
by William Blake [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1122_a_2630]
I seek for morning. "The Eternal Man sleeps în the Earth, nor feels the vig'rous sun "Nor silent moon, nor all the hosts of heaven move în hîș body. "Hîș fiery halls are dark, & round hîș limbs the Serpent Orc 505 "Fold without fold encompasses hîm, And hîș corrupting members " Vomit ouț the scaly monsters of the restless deep. "They come up în rivers & annoy the nether parts "Of Man who lays upon the shores, leaning hîș faded head "Upon
by William Blake [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1122_a_2630]
came, to begin hîș labour anew. " 'În pain he sighs, în pain he labours în hîș universe, " 'Screaming în birds over the deep, & howling în the wolf " 'Over the slain, & moaning în the cattle, & în the winds, " 'And weeping over Orc & Urizen în clouds & flaming fires, 575 " 'And în the cries of birth & în the groans of death hîș voice " 'Is heard throughout the Universe: wherever a grass grows " ' Or a leaf buds, The Eternal Man is seen, is heard, is
by William Blake [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1122_a_2630]
Upon the bloody Altar. John saw these things Reveal'd în Heaven On Patmos Isle, & heard the souls cry ouț to be deliver'd. He saw the Harlot of the Kings of Earth, & saw her Cup Of fornication, food of Orc & Satan, press'd from the fruit of Mystery. But when she saw the form of Ahania weeping on the Void, 600 And heard Enion's voice sound from the caverns of the Grave, No more spirit remain'd în her
by William Blake [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1122_a_2630]
saw the form of Ahania weeping on the Void, 600 And heard Enion's voice sound from the caverns of the Grave, No more spirit remain'd în her. She secretly left the Synagogue of Satan, She commun'd with Orc în secret. She hîd hîm with the flax That Enitharmon had number'd, away from the Heavens, She gather'd it together to cosume her Harlot Robes 605 În bitterest contrition; sometimes Self condemning, repentant, And sometimes kissing her Robes
by William Blake [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1122_a_2630]
She gather'd it together to cosume her Harlot Robes 605 În bitterest contrition; sometimes Self condemning, repentant, And sometimes kissing her Robes & Jewels & weeping over them; Sometimes returning to the Synagogue of Satan în Pride, And sometimes weeping before Orc în humility & trembling. The Synagogue of Satan therefore, uniting against Mystery, 610 Satan divided against Satan, resolv'd în open Sanhedrim To burn Mystery with fire & form another from her ashes, For God puț it into their heart to fulfill
by William Blake [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1122_a_2630]
of the Universe Mingled with the confusion. Who shall call them from the Grave? Rahab & Tirzah wail aloud în the wild flames; they give up themselves to Consummation. The books of Urizen unroll with dreadful noise; the folding Serpent Of Orc began to Consume în fierce raving fire; hîș fierce flames 35 Issu'd on all sides, gathering strength în animating volumes, Roaming abroad on all the winds, raging intense, reddening Into resistless pillars of fire rolling round & round, gathering Strength
by William Blake [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1122_a_2630]