5,163 matches
Seidman (ed.), The New Postmodern Turn. New Perspectives on Social Theory, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1994, pp. 282-298. SILVERSTONE, Roger, Televiziunea în vața cotidiană, trad. de Claudia Morar, Editura Polirom, Iași, 1999. SIM, Stuart (ed.), The Routledge Critical Dictionary of Postmodern Thought, Routledge, New York, 1999. SIMONSEN, Kirsten, "Planning on "Postmodern" Conditions", în Acta Sociologica, Sage Publications, London, Thousand Oaks and New Delhi, vol. 33, 1990, pp. 51-62. SMITH, Richard G., "The Catastrophe of Paradox: Questions and Answers on Hyperreal America with
Discursul filosofic postmodern: cazul Baudrillard by Camelia Grădinaru [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1408_a_2650]
Social Theory, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1994, pp. 282-298. SILVERSTONE, Roger, Televiziunea în vața cotidiană, trad. de Claudia Morar, Editura Polirom, Iași, 1999. SIM, Stuart (ed.), The Routledge Critical Dictionary of Postmodern Thought, Routledge, New York, 1999. SIMONSEN, Kirsten, "Planning on "Postmodern" Conditions", în Acta Sociologica, Sage Publications, London, Thousand Oaks and New Delhi, vol. 33, 1990, pp. 51-62. SMITH, Richard G., "The Catastrophe of Paradox: Questions and Answers on Hyperreal America with Jean Baudrillard", în Space and Culture, vol. 5, nr.
Discursul filosofic postmodern: cazul Baudrillard by Camelia Grădinaru [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1408_a_2650]
Pier Aldo, Gândirea slabă, trad. de Ștefania Mincu, Editura Pontica, Constanța, 1988. VATTIMO, Gianni, Sfârșitul modernității, trad. de Ștefania Mincu, Editura Pontica, Constanța, 1993. VATTIMO, Gianni, Societatea transparentă, trad. de Ștefania Mincu, Editura Pontica, Constanța, 1995. VEITH, Gene Edinard Jr., Postmodern Times. A Christian Guide to Contemporary Thought and Culture, Crossway Books, Illinois, 1994. VIDICH, Arthur J., "Baudrillard's America: Lost in the Ultimate Simulacrum", în Theory, Culture & Society, Sage, London, Thousand Oaks and New Delhi, vol. 8, 1991, pp. 135-144
Discursul filosofic postmodern: cazul Baudrillard by Camelia Grădinaru [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1408_a_2650]
of thought, positions and concepts were also compulsory in order to be able to elaborate as clear a vocabulary and a critical instrument as possible. In this complex context, the steps which were taken have particularly outlined the characteristics of postmodern discursiveness and have identified some of the most important changes that occurred in the field of language and discursive practices. In the second section, the attempt to gain a better insight into Jean Baudrillard's writing has made possible the
Discursul filosofic postmodern: cazul Baudrillard by Camelia Grădinaru [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1408_a_2650]
in the field; he was rather occasionally mentioned and briefly quoted. This book is aimed not only at outlining the diversity and the strategic importance of Baudrillard's theories, but also at revealing important clues about the decoding of the postmodern phenomenon as a whole. The first chapter aims to reconstruct significant directions as far as the interpretation of postmodernism from the point of view of the general problem of its division into periods is concerned. These directions were not only
Discursul filosofic postmodern: cazul Baudrillard by Camelia Grădinaru [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1408_a_2650]
of the spread of the concept or at describing the risks of the division into periods, but also at describing the shift from post-structuralism to postmodernism in the French setting as well as at describing the fundamental characteristics of the "postmodern turning point". The Romanian cultural setting was not excluded from consideration, the questioning of the existence of a Romanian postmodernism being given a series of important positionings. In the second chapter, proceeding with the attempt to provide a comprehensive and
Discursul filosofic postmodern: cazul Baudrillard by Camelia Grădinaru [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1408_a_2650]
concerning the integration and the description of the phenomenon under analysis consisted of identifying the specific differences compared to other strands of thought that postmodernism is related to or interconnected with. The delimitations which contributed to the outlining of the postmodern phenomenon are already common topics inside the contemporary debates. Maybe the most widely known one is related to the relationship between modernism and postmodernism, modernity and postmodernity, respectively, as well as postmodernity postmodernism. Consequently, the analysis of the relationships between
Discursul filosofic postmodern: cazul Baudrillard by Camelia Grădinaru [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1408_a_2650]
postmodernism. Consequently, the analysis of the relationships between the concept of postmodernism and those of paradigm, episteme, and avant-garde is a natural follow-up. The third chapter of the book draws up not only a map of the distinctive features of postmodern rhetoric, but also a sketch of the general strategies of postmodernism. A highly analysed aspect in this chapter consisted of discussing the concepts of writing, text, and discourse, which made history in the French cultural setting, their understanding being essential
Discursul filosofic postmodern: cazul Baudrillard by Camelia Grădinaru [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1408_a_2650]
a sketch of the general strategies of postmodernism. A highly analysed aspect in this chapter consisted of discussing the concepts of writing, text, and discourse, which made history in the French cultural setting, their understanding being essential to conceptualising the postmodern discursiveness. In this respect, postmodernism is studied within the field of producing discourses so as to extract, on the one hand, a nucleus of constituent themes of the phenomenon and, on the other hand, a set of characterristics of the
Discursul filosofic postmodern: cazul Baudrillard by Camelia Grădinaru [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1408_a_2650]
discursiveness. In this respect, postmodernism is studied within the field of producing discourses so as to extract, on the one hand, a nucleus of constituent themes of the phenomenon and, on the other hand, a set of characterristics of the postmodern language and of the discursive practice. The investigation of the existence of a new type of discourse, that is, the postmodern discourse, was done in chapter 4 by making references to a case which was considered symptomatic of the phenomenon
Discursul filosofic postmodern: cazul Baudrillard by Camelia Grădinaru [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1408_a_2650]
a nucleus of constituent themes of the phenomenon and, on the other hand, a set of characterristics of the postmodern language and of the discursive practice. The investigation of the existence of a new type of discourse, that is, the postmodern discourse, was done in chapter 4 by making references to a case which was considered symptomatic of the phenomenon under analysis, namely the Baudrillard case. In the extremely diverse universe of Baudrillard's work, I developed, in the first place
Discursul filosofic postmodern: cazul Baudrillard by Camelia Grădinaru [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1408_a_2650]
related to the themes and concepts that he approached and which are already an integral part of the vocabulary of the strand of thought and another one which is represented by the writing itself, which is an example of a postmodern approach to language, reference, and significance. Some significant topics of Baudrillard's early writings are consumerism, the world of objects, the symbolic exchange, the every day life, and the similarities between their theorising and those provided by Marx, Debord, Lipovetsky
Discursul filosofic postmodern: cazul Baudrillard by Camelia Grădinaru [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1408_a_2650]
their theorising and those provided by Marx, Debord, Lipovetsky, Lefebvre, are suggestive in this respect. As far as his later works are concerned, the division into several elements was mainly concentrated on the concepts and themes closely related to the postmodern philosophy (hyperreality, simulation, seduction, fatal strategy etc.) and on their critical-argumentative analysis, the theoretical connections being represented by those belonging to Foucault, Lyotard, Deleuze etc. Chapter 5 is a thorough analysis of two of the most widely known concepts which
Discursul filosofic postmodern: cazul Baudrillard by Camelia Grădinaru [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1408_a_2650]
Foucault, Lyotard, Deleuze etc. Chapter 5 is a thorough analysis of two of the most widely known concepts which form the baudrillardian vocabulary and which are constantly present in most discussions about postmodernism, therefore representing an integral part of the postmodern language: the hyperreality and the simulation, while chapter 6 analyses the problem of seduction. The approach to the concept of seduction is different from the great majority of its interpreters, who used to analyse it mainly from the point of
Discursul filosofic postmodern: cazul Baudrillard by Camelia Grădinaru [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1408_a_2650]
who used to analyse it mainly from the point of view of the ideology, feminism or sociology. In my opinion, the concept of seduction can be organised into an essential metaphor of Baudrillard's discourse and, moreover, into a real postmodern discursive strategy. By using the terms which are characteristic of a discursive method, seduction was thus compared to Derrida's deconstruction, therefore highlighting its mechanisms of discursive functioning (which include the logic of ambivalence, "the postponing of meaning", the irony
Discursul filosofic postmodern: cazul Baudrillard by Camelia Grădinaru [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1408_a_2650]
can mention the seduction strategy, the overbidding strategy, the strategy of hypotheses radicalisation, that of theoretical and interpretative violence, of the reversibility, of the excess, and of the breach. The final conclusions are subordinate to the following general question: is postmodern philosophy an autophagous philosophy?, a question deriving from the identification of a crucial point in the study of the baudrillardian discourse, but also in that of the postmodern discourse the reverse of the characteristics established within the field of discourse
Discursul filosofic postmodern: cazul Baudrillard by Camelia Grădinaru [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1408_a_2650]
breach. The final conclusions are subordinate to the following general question: is postmodern philosophy an autophagous philosophy?, a question deriving from the identification of a crucial point in the study of the baudrillardian discourse, but also in that of the postmodern discourse the reverse of the characteristics established within the field of discourse. In other words, does contemporary philosophy reflect a loss of the "real" philosophy and an annihilation of the fertile field of ideas (in baudrillardian terms, is it a
Discursul filosofic postmodern: cazul Baudrillard by Camelia Grădinaru [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1408_a_2650]
prises de position et les concepts, ont été aussi obligatoires afin de pouvoir constituer un lexique et un appareil critique aussi clairs que possible. Dans ce contexte assez complexe, la démarche a mis en relief particulièrement les caractéristiques de la discursivité postmoderne et a réussi à surprendre une série de mutations importantes qui ont caractérisé la sphère du langage et des pratiques discursives. Dans la deuxième section, l'essai de surprendre le genre d'écriture pratiquée par Jean Baudrillard nous a conduit
Discursul filosofic postmodern: cazul Baudrillard by Camelia Grădinaru [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1408_a_2650]
de l'insertion de quelques citations ponctuelles. Cette étude se donne pour tâche non seulement de mettre en évidence la diversité et l'importance stratégique des théories baudrillardiennes mais aussi d'offrir d'importants indices sur le décodage du phénomène postmoderne dans son ensemble. Le premier chapitre se propose de reconstituer des directions significatives en ce qui concerne l'interprétation du postmodernisme du point de vue de la problématique générale de la périodisation. Le but de ces directions a été non seulement la
Discursul filosofic postmodern: cazul Baudrillard by Camelia Grădinaru [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1408_a_2650]
seulement la réalisation d'un "synopsis" de la diffusion du concept ou d'une présentation des dangers de la périodisation mais aussi de rendre compte du passage du post-structuralisme au postmodernisme dans le milieu français ainsi que des caractéristiques essentielles du "tournant postmoderne". L'espace culturel roumain a lui aussi été envisagé car l'interrogation concernant l'existence d'un postmodernisme roumain a bénéficié d'une série d'importantes prises de position. Dans le deuxième chapitre, en essayant toujours d'offrir une interprétation
Discursul filosofic postmodern: cazul Baudrillard by Camelia Grădinaru [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1408_a_2650]
faciliter l'encadrement et la description du phénomène analysé consiste en la recherche des différences spécifiques par rapport à d'autres courants similaires ou avec lesquels celui-ci s'entrecroise. Les délimitations qui ont contribué à mettre en relief le phénomène postmoderne donnent déjà lieu à de vifs débats. Une des délimitations les plus connues est, peut-être, celle concernant la relation entre modernisme et postmodernisme, entre modernité et respectivement, postmodernité, mais aussi entre postmodernité et postmodernisme. Par conséquent, l'analyse des rapports
Discursul filosofic postmodern: cazul Baudrillard by Camelia Grădinaru [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1408_a_2650]
analyse des rapports qui existent entre le concept de postmodernisme et les concepts de paradigme, épistème et avant-garde est une continuation naturelle dans ce sens. Le troisième chapitre du livre réalise non seulement une carte des traits définitoires de la rhétorique postmoderne mais aussi une esquisse des stratégies générales du postmodernisme. Un autre aspect analysé dans ce chapitre concerne la discussion sur les concepts d'écriture, texte et discours, qui ont fait histoire particulièrement dans le milieu culturel français, leur compréhension étant
Discursul filosofic postmodern: cazul Baudrillard by Camelia Grădinaru [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1408_a_2650]
du postmodernisme. Un autre aspect analysé dans ce chapitre concerne la discussion sur les concepts d'écriture, texte et discours, qui ont fait histoire particulièrement dans le milieu culturel français, leur compréhension étant essentielle afin de pouvoir conceptualiser la discursivité postmoderne. Dans ce sens, le postmodernisme est analysé dans le contexte de la production de discours afin de pouvoir en extraire, d'une part, un noyau de thèmes constitutifs du phénomène et, d'autre part, un ensemble de caractéristiques du langage et
Discursul filosofic postmodern: cazul Baudrillard by Camelia Grădinaru [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1408_a_2650]
le postmodernisme est analysé dans le contexte de la production de discours afin de pouvoir en extraire, d'une part, un noyau de thèmes constitutifs du phénomène et, d'autre part, un ensemble de caractéristiques du langage et de la pratique discursive postmoderne. La recherche de l'existence d'un nouveau type de discours, à savoir le discours postmoderne, est envisagée dans le quatrième chapitre en se rapportant à un cas considéré comme symptomatique pour le phénomène analysé: le cas Baudrillard. Dans l
Discursul filosofic postmodern: cazul Baudrillard by Camelia Grădinaru [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1408_a_2650]
d'une part, un noyau de thèmes constitutifs du phénomène et, d'autre part, un ensemble de caractéristiques du langage et de la pratique discursive postmoderne. La recherche de l'existence d'un nouveau type de discours, à savoir le discours postmoderne, est envisagée dans le quatrième chapitre en se rapportant à un cas considéré comme symptomatique pour le phénomène analysé: le cas Baudrillard. Dans l'univers extrêmement divers de l'œuvre baudrillardienne, premièrement, j'ai rédigé un schéma interprétatif dont le
Discursul filosofic postmodern: cazul Baudrillard by Camelia Grădinaru [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1408_a_2650]