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thus passes his Eternity God în perpetual variation of Concentrated Self and almost Infinite Self-Diffusion". 24 Ibidem: "He now feels his life through an infinity of imperfect pleasures - the parțial and pain-intertangled pleasures of those inconceivably numerous things which you designate aș his creatures, but which are really but infinite individualizations of Himself". 25 Idem, p. 130: "Now symmetry and consistency are convertible terms: thus Poetry and Truth are one". 26 Edgar Allan Poe, journaliste et critique, 1978, p. 22. 27
à la géométrie savante, îl y a une géométrie naturelle dont la clarté et l'évidence dépassent celles des autres déductions (1970, p. 674) . 85 Edgar Poe, "The Phylosophy of Composition", 1846, în Essays and Review, pp. 13-26: "Now I designate Beauty aș the province of the poem...". 86 O imagine asemănătoare apare în "Legendă și somnul în poezia lui Blaga" (1929), în Versuri și proza, 1984, p. 171. 87 Metaforă împrumutata, după toate probabilitățle, din Imnurile nopții, a lui Novalis
When acquiring the mother tongue, the speaker also learns to apply words to reality, because they are denominations of objects, states, actions, features, etc.; starting from the way in which these denominations associate, classify and differentiate from the entities they designate, the speaker also acquires a way of looking at the world. Therefore, in the speaker's conscience are formed, starting from denominations, notional contents bearing the imprint of the historical existence of the community using that language for everyday communication
Elemente de filozofia limbii by Ioan Oprea [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1424_a_2666]
V. Alexandra Indrieș, Corola de minuni a lumii..., op. cît., p. 159: E vorba așa-zicând de false comparații, căci de fapt cele expuse în versurile introduse prin adverbul de comparație "că" sunt termenii proprii, sunt datele realității concrete figurate (designatele), transfigurate prin metaforă "sufletul satului fâlfâie pe lângă noi." " (" Îl s'agit en effet de fausses comparaisons, car leș faits introduits par l'adverbe de comparaison "comme" șont leș termes propres, leș données de la réalité concrète figurée (leș objets désignés), transfigurées