1,907 matches
Lives Poets Society, and the poet Mere Taito from Hamilton. Each poet brought a splash of colour and interest to the poems they read by sharing situations or ideas that inspired their work. The Romanian poets’ spirit was also present. Some poets from New Zealand responded with genuine joy to the idea of reading poems of their Romanians poetry brethren. Thus, Bill Sutton read Tudor Opriș’ poem "Since We Drove Away ...", Carole A. Stewart read the poem “Dance” by Anna Anton
ELOGIU ADUS POEZIEI SI CULTURII UNIVERSALE / TRIBUTE TO POETRY AND UNIVERSAL CULTURE de MARIA MUŇOZ în ediţia nr. 2289 din 07 aprilie 2017 by http://confluente.ro/maria_mu%C5%88oz_1491521301.html [Corola-blog/BlogPost/373972_a_375301]
Monica Săvulescu Voudouri who hâș been living în Greece for several years. Valentina read Ana Urma´s, Violeta Ionescu´s and Vasilica Grigoraș´s reflections on the book and their good wishes for the NZ poets. She also briefly presented some aspects from their biographies and literary activity. Music was also a component of the book launch. Nik Henriksen who is also a song writer, hâș composed music to the text of his poetry “Wake up”. Nik was happy to sing
ELOGIU ADUS POEZIEI SI CULTURII UNIVERSALE / TRIBUTE TO POETRY AND UNIVERSAL CULTURE de MARIA MUŇOZ în ediţia nr. 2289 din 07 aprilie 2017 by http://confluente.ro/maria_mu%C5%88oz_1491521301.html [Corola-blog/BlogPost/373972_a_375301]
Conferencier, Chief of Professorship, Rector and Prorector, Dean, Pedagogical Institute, Galați, 1959-1969; University Conferencier, Professor, Chief of Political Science Department, Institute of Medicine and Pharmacy, Iassy, 1969; Chief of Professorship, Institute of Medicine and Pharmacy, Iassy, 1984; PUBLICATIONS: Author of some 300 articles; 20 Books; Publications in Italian, Frech, Belgian etc. MEMBERSHIPS: Historical and Philological Sciences Society; Management Staff of Historical Science Society; 1960-1983; President, Galați Section 1962-1970; History of Medicine Society; Political Science Society; President and Founder of Metodological Cabinet
PERSONALITATE A VIEŢII ŞTIINŢIFICE ROMÂNEŞTI de POMPILIU COMSA în ediţia nr. 971 din 28 august 2013 by http://confluente.ro/Acadconstantin_marinescu_pers_pompiliu_comsa_1377692442.html [Corola-blog/BlogPost/364357_a_365686]
olandeze care urma să mă ”neutralizeze”. Din păcate, informațiile aduse de mine au fost târzii, adică după ce s-a hotărât că procesul să nu se mai rejudece, părțile ajungând la un compromis (vezi Stamicarbon v. Escambia mai sus): “There is some evidence, though not entirely satisfactory, that oxygen hâd been used to retard corrosion of stainless steel urea manufacture before 1945 by others than van Waes, but the bulk of the evidence tend to show that the use of oxygen în
INTERVIU CU CLAUDIU MATASA, CONSUL ONORIFIC AL ROMANIEI IN STATUL FLORIDA de CONFLUENŢE ROMÂNEŞTI în ediţia nr. 296 din 23 octombrie 2011 by http://confluente.ro/Interviu_cu_claudiu_matasa_consul_onorific_al_romaniei_in_statul_florida.html [Corola-blog/BlogPost/356971_a_358300]
august 2016. (POEM) To make a poem right... all you need is DISTRACTION and WATER to flow and entangle your thoughts into drops of feelings pouring ouț aș if they never existed before at full speed and intensity reaching to some sort of confusional awareness în the bewilderment of the moment while water runs loose and keeps the noise constant dragging you along while you try to stop something you want to go on to take over the pre-set logic of
CANAL DE AUTOR by http://confluente.ro/articole/soar/canal [Corola-blog/BlogPost/372355_a_373684]
Picture credits: Jeremy Mann) Citește mai mult (POEM)To make a poem right...all you need is DISTRACTION and WATERto flow and entangle your thoughtsinto drops of feelingspouring ouț aș if they never existed beforeat full speed and intensityreaching to some sort of confusional awarenessin the bewilderment of the momentwhile water runs loose and keeps the noise constantdragging you along while you tryto stopsomething you want to go onto take over the pre-set logic of the mindrunning for the dress code
CANAL DE AUTOR by http://confluente.ro/articole/soar/canal [Corola-blog/BlogPost/372355_a_373684]
lup se numește ili? Comparați cu grecul ilios „soare“! La fel bengalezul shial amintește de sial „soare“ în limba sete din Papua Nouă Guinee. Mai dificil se explică finl. susi, dedus curent din śuti < śući < *sunti < *śunći < i.e. *kunto. „În some case such aș finnish susi the original meaning of the Finno-Ugric «wolf» în Indo-European was «dog»“ (Rihs Grünthal, Finno-Ugric dog and wolf, internet). Noi vedem o legătură între susi „lup“ și șese „câine“ în nandi (Kenya), pe care le comparăm
LUP.OAIE.PISICĂ.URS. de ION CÂRSTOIU în ediţia nr. 2006 din 28 iunie 2016 by http://confluente.ro/ion_carstoiu_1467107691.html [Corola-blog/BlogPost/354034_a_355363]
the years are not a burden / and even if they were, / there will always be someone / to help me carry them. / I run sharing smiles / to left and right. / I have no time to rest: / I still have / to share some tips, / some encouragements, / a few good words! (...) "(I Run Sharing Smiles). The inner soul is characterized by a profound positive attitude that can only catalyze the creative impulses. Thus, we encounter everywhere an impressive selflessness, not far from the signs
OCTAVIAN MIHALCEA DESPRE LĂCRIMIOARA IVA de BAKI YMERI în ediţia nr. 2091 din 21 septembrie 2016 by http://confluente.ro/baki_ymeri_1474476149.html [Corola-blog/BlogPost/380663_a_381992]
are not a burden / and even if they were, / there will always be someone / to help me carry them. / I run sharing smiles / to left and right. / I have no time to rest: / I still have / to share some tips, / some encouragements, / a few good words! (...) "(I Run Sharing Smiles). The inner soul is characterized by a profound positive attitude that can only catalyze the creative impulses. Thus, we encounter everywhere an impressive selflessness, not far from the signs of purity
OCTAVIAN MIHALCEA DESPRE LĂCRIMIOARA IVA de BAKI YMERI în ediţia nr. 2091 din 21 septembrie 2016 by http://confluente.ro/baki_ymeri_1474476149.html [Corola-blog/BlogPost/380663_a_381992]
from me and end at you. For you, the world can begin în America, or on Pitcairn Island, or în Sikkim, Nauru, Botswana or even on Chomolugma ... For me, the world begins în România and ends în Australia. Period! For some, the world begins at them and also ends there. THEM... and the rest of the world! For others, spineless, the world begins at 30 silver coins and ends at betrayal. The world can begin from Earth and finish at the
CĂUTÂND INSULA FERICIRII / LOKING FOR THE ISLE OF HAPPINESS de GEORGE ROCA în ediţia nr. 816 din 26 martie 2013 by http://confluente.ro/George_roca_poeme_bilingve_george_roca_1364295039.html [Corola-blog/BlogPost/345441_a_346770]
pe când la noi... să nu spuneți că dacă e publicată în Monitorul Oficial, la nush câte luni după alegeri, chiar înseamnă accesibilitate publică. Asta este! Ăștia sunt, cu ăștia defilam! Bobor demn și suveran pe vremea lui Ceașcă ?!!?! I want some of what you’ve been smoking. Parcă ne înțeleseserăm, Bucurenciule tata,ai uitat? peace brother, armistițiu:tu îngropi în liniște, drujbe, faci godzile din peturi, iti arăți, din cînd în cînd, tatuajele prin play-boy iar noi te lăsăm în plată
Coloana vertebrală gonflabilă by Dragoș Bucurenci () [Corola-blog/Other/82919_a_84244]
muzică anilor ce au apus de demult, muzica care și acum se ascultă: Michael Jackson, Țină Turner, Freddy Mercury și Queen și mulți alții. Let’s take a step back into the 80’s and disco the night away with some old school beats! Informații și rezervări la 0728 254 000 Vezi cele mai tari Restaurante Nunți în Iași, click pentru detalii
Back To The 80's Party @ Skin Summer Lounge, 30 iulie by http://www.iasi4u.ro/back-to-the-80s-party-skin-summer-lounge-30-iulie-2010/ [Corola-blog/BlogPost/96103_a_97395]
icoana ta să moară Sonnet III Shakespeare Look în thy glass and tell the face thou viewest Now is the time that face should form another; Whose fresh repair if now thou not renewest, Thou dost beguile the world, unbless some mother. For where is she șo fair whose uneared womb Disdains the tillage of thy husbandry? Or who is he șo fond will be the tomb Of his self-love, to stop posterity? Thou art thy mother's glass and she
UITĂ-TE ÎN OGLNDĂ ȘI SPUNE-ȚI CE VEZI de MIHAELA TĂLPĂU în ediţia nr. 1599 din 18 mai 2015 by http://confluente.ro/mihaela_talpau_1431975413.html [Corola-blog/BlogPost/368052_a_369381]
pe acesta ca invitat special pe albumul "Poveștile Bluesului". Pentru cine nu a auzit de Sugar Blue, trebuie să știți că muzicuța lui a devenit celebră spre finele anilor ’70, prin asocierea cu legendară trupa The Rolling Stones pe albumele Some Girls (ce conține hit single-ul Miss you), Emoțional Rescue și Tatoo You. Până să ajungă să cânte cu celebrii rockeri britanici, Sugar Blue a concertat și înregistrat alături de nume de legendă din bluesul american: Johnny Shines, Roosevelt Sykes, Brownie
Sugar Blue revine în România by http://www.zilesinopti.ro/articole/2857/sugar-blue-revine-in-romania [Corola-blog/BlogPost/97302_a_98594]
weeks, for example: I have designed and made props and sets for Rochelle Spence’s Studio dance recital at the Napier Municipal Theatre, have been a Technician and Artistic Advisor for another Artist who is setting up their exhibition, restored some furniture for a friend, built a storage system for an art collection... Every day is different! Valentina TECLICI: What hat do you most enjoy wearing? Ken SANDÖ: That hat would have to be the maverick Artist’s hat Valentina! Its
DIALOG DESPRE CREATIVITATE CU ARTISTUL NEOZEELANDEZ KEN SANDÖ / DIALOG ABOUT CREATIVITY WITH NEW ZEALAND ARTIST KEN SANDÖ de VALENTINA TECLICI în ediţia nr. 2315 din 03 mai 2017 by http://confluente.ro/valentina_teclici_1493782582.html [Corola-blog/BlogPost/382607_a_383936]
what doesn’ț. The space between, around, beyond, aside, from convențional dualities... Valentina TECLICI: What research do you do for your art? Ken SANDÖ: Normally, if it’s not something that I have intimate awareness of, I will stumble across some image or text that triggers the “whattya mean by that?” moment and I’ll simply need to know why it invokes such a response. Șo a lot of my research initially is simply belly-button gazing while I work through my
DIALOG DESPRE CREATIVITATE CU ARTISTUL NEOZEELANDEZ KEN SANDÖ / DIALOG ABOUT CREATIVITY WITH NEW ZEALAND ARTIST KEN SANDÖ de VALENTINA TECLICI în ediţia nr. 2315 din 03 mai 2017 by http://confluente.ro/valentina_teclici_1493782582.html [Corola-blog/BlogPost/382607_a_383936]
go yet before that occurs). To become financially self-supporting șo I am able to pursue my art-making full-time. Finally, to paraphrase Picasso’s powerful line "Art is a lie that makes uș realize the truth”, to be able to find some small truths în the great lie that is Art... Valentina TECLICI: Thank you, Ken, for your time. ---------------------------- Valentina TECLICI Napier, New Zealand April 2017
DIALOG DESPRE CREATIVITATE CU ARTISTUL NEOZEELANDEZ KEN SANDÖ / DIALOG ABOUT CREATIVITY WITH NEW ZEALAND ARTIST KEN SANDÖ de VALENTINA TECLICI în ediţia nr. 2315 din 03 mai 2017 by http://confluente.ro/valentina_teclici_1493782582.html [Corola-blog/BlogPost/382607_a_383936]
impact! It melts and disappears în a puff of smoke, șo hoț... But then we'd have to contend with spectators, Flight controllers, and etcetera Who'd be watching and sipping coffee (double shot decaf skim mocha on soy, or some such...) Aș if this was some b-grade movie, Some easy routine to while away the boredom of Their senseless lives, with no airport of their own And no airplane. AEROPORT AȘ FI Aeroport aș fi, doar dacă tu Ai fi
BILINGUAL POEMS (1) / POEME BILINGVE (1) de DANIEL IONIŢĂ în ediţia nr. 809 din 19 martie 2013 by http://confluente.ro/Daniel_ionita_poeme_biling_daniel_ionita_1363694042.html [Corola-blog/BlogPost/345339_a_346668]
a puff of smoke, șo hoț... But then we'd have to contend with spectators, Flight controllers, and etcetera Who'd be watching and sipping coffee (double shot decaf skim mocha on soy, or some such...) Aș if this was some b-grade movie, Some easy routine to while away the boredom of Their senseless lives, with no airport of their own And no airplane. AEROPORT AȘ FI Aeroport aș fi, doar dacă tu Ai fi un avion. Uneori Din când în
BILINGUAL POEMS (1) / POEME BILINGVE (1) de DANIEL IONIŢĂ în ediţia nr. 809 din 19 martie 2013 by http://confluente.ro/Daniel_ionita_poeme_biling_daniel_ionita_1363694042.html [Corola-blog/BlogPost/345339_a_346668]
smoke, șo hoț... But then we'd have to contend with spectators, Flight controllers, and etcetera Who'd be watching and sipping coffee (double shot decaf skim mocha on soy, or some such...) Aș if this was some b-grade movie, Some easy routine to while away the boredom of Their senseless lives, with no airport of their own And no airplane. AEROPORT AȘ FI Aeroport aș fi, doar dacă tu Ai fi un avion. Uneori Din când în când Aș simți
BILINGUAL POEMS (1) / POEME BILINGVE (1) de DANIEL IONIŢĂ în ediţia nr. 809 din 19 martie 2013 by http://confluente.ro/Daniel_ionita_poeme_biling_daniel_ionita_1363694042.html [Corola-blog/BlogPost/345339_a_346668]
care mă urcăm mă aduceau, ursuze călăuze să bat la tine-n geam îmi amintesc de toamnă cea târzie îmi amintesc de mine îmi amintesc de-o dimineață aurie îmi amintesc de tine ANGEL WITH DEW DROPS Cattle horns, maybe some buffalo, laying on the burnt field - Only the horns remain unmelted. A cadaveric miasma, clawing at your nostrils, Defeats the horizon, and nails the sun to the top of your head. Leavened corpses, teeming with rotting life, Decomposing through the
BILINGUAL POEMS (1) / POEME BILINGVE (1) de DANIEL IONIŢĂ în ediţia nr. 809 din 19 martie 2013 by http://confluente.ro/Daniel_ionita_poeme_biling_daniel_ionita_1363694042.html [Corola-blog/BlogPost/345339_a_346668]
Defeats the horizon, and nails the sun to the top of your head. Leavened corpses, teeming with rotting life, Decomposing through the broken dirt like the last gaze of the eyes, now lusterless and pale, hacked with dread like with some brutal erasing with coarse sandpaper across the widened pupils. The fear is still visible, the last drop of the last shred of life, ghastly and vain desperation, doomed scuffle, death pressing relentlessly, methodically, monstruosly, like some planetary vice which was
BILINGUAL POEMS (1) / POEME BILINGVE (1) de DANIEL IONIŢĂ în ediţia nr. 809 din 19 martie 2013 by http://confluente.ro/Daniel_ionita_poeme_biling_daniel_ionita_1363694042.html [Corola-blog/BlogPost/345339_a_346668]
with dread like with some brutal erasing with coarse sandpaper across the widened pupils. The fear is still visible, the last drop of the last shred of life, ghastly and vain desperation, doomed scuffle, death pressing relentlessly, methodically, monstruosly, like some planetary vice which was made red-hot în an oven. But if an angel will be found to intercede for you, It will bring you dew drops, and fly you to the shores of the river of life. ÎNGER CU STROPI
BILINGUAL POEMS (1) / POEME BILINGVE (1) de DANIEL IONIŢĂ în ediţia nr. 809 din 19 martie 2013 by http://confluente.ro/Daniel_ionita_poeme_biling_daniel_ionita_1363694042.html [Corola-blog/BlogPost/345339_a_346668]
muzică anilor ce au apus de demult, muzica care și acum se ascultă: Michael Jackson, Țină Turner, Freddy Mercury și Queen și mulți alții. Let’s take a step back into the 80’s and disco the night away with some old school beats! Informații și rezervări la 0728 254 000 Citește tot... Havana Party @ Skin Summer Lounge, 23 iulie Vineri 23 iulie 2010, incepand cu 23:30, Skin Summer Lounge (din cadrul complexului de agrement Ciric) va invita la o petrecere
Skin Ciric by http://www.iasi4u.ro/stire/skin-ciric/ [Corola-blog/BlogPost/96088_a_97380]
thought that their own death was near. They hâd run ouț of ideas of how to cope with this terrible situation. Booboonga sent people to other tribes, but even those were terrified of the vicious killer. Everybody was thinking for some answer on how to save the people from the mouth of the dreaded monster. None of them were able to find something positive and effective. Booboonga just remembered Boorthana, the great medicine mân, who lived în Thakun, or The Great
AYEYE DAGUL ATYEYE de GEORGE R. ROCA în ediţia nr. 801 din 11 martie 2013 by http://confluente.ro/George_r_roca_ayeye_dagul_a_george_r_roca_1362996754.html [Corola-blog/BlogPost/342267_a_343596]