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proiecții funcționale pot fi implicate între Acord și GN. 17 "The shape of the verb is constrained when the verb requires structure sharing between the INDEX value of one expression and an index specified by some other expression. [...] Thus, though agreement information may appear to flow sometimes in one direction, sometimes in another, in fact this flow of information is entirely dependent on the happenstance of when the word specifying crucial information is encountered in real time. The grammatical 'process' of
is encountered in real time. The grammatical 'process' of, say, a verb agreeing with its subject is thus an illusion. The directional flow of information is essentially a property of language use (or linguistic performance), while the (competence) grammar of agreement is nothing more than a system of constraints requiring certain token identities, and hence inducing compatibility of certain lexically specified information." (1994: 61). 18 Din cauza omonimiei f.sg. = n.pl. la nominativ, ambele glose sunt acceptabile, deci acordul participiului este ambiguu între
ar fi mai potrivită denumirea de adjective pronominale. Există însă unele argumente pentru a considera că ele sunt pronume și când se acordă, drept care ele pot fi desemnate prin termenul generic "pronume" indiferent de contextul sintactic în care apar. 25 "Agreement in adnominal modification may be case agreement but never person agreement. [...] What can agree in case never agrees in person, and vice versa" (Lehmann, 1988: 57-58). 26 Același punct de vedere este discutat în GALR, I, 218-220. 27 Pronume personal