851 matches
Irozii, Turca și Turca de bivol. De Bobotează lumea se strânge la pârâul Lupșa și preotul sfințește apa. Primăvara, satul organizează Plugarul, un obicei ce simbolizează începutul anului agricol. Portul din Cuciulata este format din ie, fote la copii si sort (de vara si de iarna) la fete si femei, fusta, cheptar pentru iarna si ilic pentru vara. Înainte de 1918 în Cuciulata funcționa o școală românească sponsorizată și întreținută de sat. Cuciulata are o publicație locală, Foaie de Cuciulata, al cărei
Cuciulata, Brașov () [Corola-website/Science/300939_a_302268]
become obvious to me that the names of the specific cities which make it up are less familiar. But the phrase “Jiu Valley” transmits familiarity; not șo much a spațial one aș one of historical temporality marked by change. A sort of cliché symbol for the regime change of 1989-90 and a touchstone în reverse for the progress made by România after socialism: the more derelict the area becomes, the more progress is made towards overcoming the (post)socialist condition. The
Despre performarea realităților din Valea Jiului în teatrul SubPământ () [Corola-website/Science/295797_a_297126]
good standing în the society and feel fulfilled. I know my work should pay very well but unfortunately it usually does not. Although appreciated a lot, that is not what people will pay for because they don’ț have that sort of money. Earn.... If the work is funded, I get paid depending on work and project funder. If I work say, with organizations, they will also pay some little money. Churches will hardly give anything towards work done. They call
„Comunitățile ar trebui să se ajute reciproc și să se dezvolte împreună” () [Corola-website/Science/295740_a_297069]
seeing aș there are nicer people there (laughs). I talked to her on Skype and on the phone a lot and she really seemed nice. I hâd several Skype interviews with the prospective employers from England - it’s all a sort of Babel tower, there’s a recruiting company în România working with a recruiter from England hiring me to work for a “care provider”. În the inițial contract, which was completely different from what I signed în England, I was
Căutam chirie zi de zi () [Corola-website/Science/296094_a_297423]
only after a training which I could choose to go through or not, and without the training I could have stayed on aș a full-time assistant. The training was 1500 pounds and once you went through it, you hâd some sort of qualification, you were officially a “care-giver”. If you did more trainings, maybe you could even become a nurse, for more money. The thing is, once I got to England, în Slough, it was clear to me I wasn’ț
Căutam chirie zi de zi () [Corola-website/Science/296094_a_297423]
hâd 2 days a week off. Except during the one-month training - which it became apparent I was required to go through - there were no days off. It was 7 days a week, between 10 to 16 hours a day. A sort of slavery. The worst part was the distance between patients. They said initially that the distances could be covered, if you didn’ț have a driver’s license, în 15 minutes walking. But it took about an hour, and the
Căutam chirie zi de zi () [Corola-website/Science/296094_a_297423]
rooms for two or more people. This hostel was just for people coming to work for this company and who couldn’ț find anything cheaper yet. There was a shared bathroom and a common space where you could have some sort of breakfast, but no actual kitchen. Once I started the training - even though I didn’ț want to be a care-giver - I hâd to pay back the 1500 pounds if I decided to leave. Because they “trained” me and “invested
Căutam chirie zi de zi () [Corola-website/Science/296094_a_297423]
who are tamed and educated to gobble up heaps of exclusivist art which might give them the feeling of belonging to the category of “values inaccessible to the inane multitude”, then education misses its main critical stake and becomes a sort of high-class training. Thanks, but no thanks. [caption id="attachment 1200" align="aligncenter" width="300"] "Stop! You're a Gypsy! You're not allowed." Ana Abrudean, 5th grade student, during the workshop Școală Activistă, Cluj, 2012.[/caption] The radical change which
Teatrul spectatorului indecent () [Corola-website/Science/295711_a_297040]
mai bun prieten al lui Shuttleworthy, primește o scrisoare de la o firmă de comerț cu vinuri în care este informat că, cu puțin timp înainte de dispariția sa, domnul Shuttleworthy a dispus să i se trimită o lădiță dublă de „Chateau-Margaux, sortul antilopă, cu pecete violetă”, vinul favorit al lui Goodfellow. Domnul Goodfellow organizează o petrecere a doua zi pentru a destupa sticlele de vin pe care urma să le primească. Dar atunci când naratorul (un locuitor din Rattleborough și prieten cu Shuttleworthy
„Tu ești ucigașul!” () [Corola-website/Science/334350_a_335679]
an appointment, the process was slow, these things take time, and he was trying to intimidate me, he was saying: “Where do you think you’re going? You will only get rid of me when you will be dead.”, that sort of thing. When I realised the conflict was growing and I hâd come to a point when I couldn’ț sleep at night, I couldn’ț go to work anymore, I understood the situation was really serious. Simona from the
(English) ” I was living in a sealed concrete cube, there was no way out” - Interview with a domestic violence survivor (part II) () [Corola-website/Science/296120_a_297449]
ul este o băutură alcoolică tare, obținută prin distilarea anumitor sorturi de vin și păstrarea produsului respectiv în butoaie de stejar. Denumirea cognac o poartă numai produsul învechit obținut prin distilarea vinurilor din regiunea viticolă cu același nume din Franța. Distilatul învechit de vin este cunoscut în România sub numele de
Coniac () [Corola-website/Science/316816_a_318145]
accidentelor, ce pot avea loc în laborator se pot lua o serie de măsuri generale, cum sunt : protecția personală, asigurarea manipulării corecte a aparatelor și a substanțelor chimice. Protecția personală se asigura cu echipament adecvat, din care fac parte : halatul, sortul de protecție, mănușile de protecție, ochelarii, măștile de gaze, paravanele de protecție contra exploziilor. Purtarea halatului este obligatorie pentru orice persoană care lucrează în laborator, având rol de protecție a pielii și îmbrăcămintei. Pentru a preveni orice risc în executarea
etsdfs by sadfasd [Corola-journal/Imaginative/567_a_933]
tuberculostatice în testele pe șoareci. El a arătat un spectru larg fungitoxic în cursul testelor pe diverse dermatomicoze, care a fost atribuit lawsonei. În India, preparatele pe bază de henna au demonstrat o activitate anticoncepțională. În comerțul internațional, există trei sorturi de henna: verde, neagră și neutră, dar compoziția lor nu este întotdeauna clară. Henna a fost utilizată pe scară largă pentru vopsirea mătasei, lânii și într-o măsură mai mică a bumbacului, fără mordansare sau după o baie cu mordant
Henna () [Corola-website/Science/331395_a_332724]
might call biting satire, and others bad workmen blaming their tools." Joseph Luster of "Otaku UȘA" called it "the very definition of an all-encompassing media franchise. (...) "Slayers" certainly hâș that în its memorable lineup, and they'll likely cast some sort of spell on you, regardless of age." Paul Thomas Chapman from the same magazine opined it is a "franchise whose remarkable longevity and popularity is matched only by its remarkable averageness," especially regarding the various aspects of the TV series
Slayers () [Corola-website/Science/324144_a_325473]
de epurare a apei (2007-2008); Asfaltare drumuri de interes local (2011); Crearea și dotarea infrastructurii aferente serviciilor sociale tip after-school. Balastiera este alcătuită din: •perimetru exploatare (5,5 ha cu posibilitate de extindere foarte mare); •stație de sortare și producere sorturi: - balast Natural 0 - 63 - balast Sortat 0 - 30 - nisip Sortat sau Concasat 0 - 4 - pietriș Sortat sau Concasat 4 - 8 - pietriș Sortat sau Concasat 8 - 16 - pietriș Sortat sau Concasat 16 - 31 - refuz de ciur - cribluri: nisip de concasaj 0-4
Salcia, Galați () [Corola-website/Science/301222_a_302551]
pietriș Sortat sau Concasat 4 - 8 - pietriș Sortat sau Concasat 8 - 16 - pietriș Sortat sau Concasat 16 - 31 - refuz de ciur - cribluri: nisip de concasaj 0-4 mm, criblură 4-8 mm, criblură 8-16 mm, criblură 16-25 mm; - piatră spartă pentru drumuri (sort 25-63 mm); - piatră spartă pentru calea ferată (sort 31,5-50 mm); - piatră brută; - deșeu de carieră și split 0-25 mm. •cântar rutier Flintab; •utilaje de exploatare. Principalele segmente de activități deservite de Balastiera Salcia sunt: construcții de infrastructură rutieră și
Salcia, Galați () [Corola-website/Science/301222_a_302551]
sau Concasat 8 - 16 - pietriș Sortat sau Concasat 16 - 31 - refuz de ciur - cribluri: nisip de concasaj 0-4 mm, criblură 4-8 mm, criblură 8-16 mm, criblură 16-25 mm; - piatră spartă pentru drumuri (sort 25-63 mm); - piatră spartă pentru calea ferată (sort 31,5-50 mm); - piatră brută; - deșeu de carieră și split 0-25 mm. •cântar rutier Flintab; •utilaje de exploatare. Principalele segmente de activități deservite de Balastiera Salcia sunt: construcții de infrastructură rutieră și feroviară, regularizarea cursurilor de apă, construcții civile, construcții
Salcia, Galați () [Corola-website/Science/301222_a_302551]
that area. Can you imagine just how much “hide and seek” we would play among those houses under construction, piles of bricks and sand?... it was amazing, such a bliss! [...] The oldest toy I can remember was a handcar; a sort of bicycle that hâd a sidecar similar to those used on motorcycles. I used to take the family dog for a ride în it. I didn't have many more toys. When I was much older, meaning eight o nine
(English) A Subjective History of Housing in Romania as Seen by the “Moses Rosen” Rest Home Residents. THE INTERWAR PERIOD: 1920-1930 (part II) () [Corola-website/Science/296138_a_297467]
un loc mai bun și mai prietenos?[:en]by Irina Costache I first came across Nina Cassian în her volumes Memory aș Dowry. From her diary notes spread across half a century, I built an image of her aș a sort of feminist-poetic ideal. Nina Cassian seemed to be a free woman, open to experimenting (either poetically, politically or amorously), a woman dedicated to her work (maybe the only woman who was known to spend her entire time on the reading-writing
Nina Cassian: despre cum să trăiești idealul nobil al comunismului () [Corola-website/Science/295776_a_297105]
more subtle way - people show off în such a way aș to avoid looking like show-offs. [...] Aș a gay mân, do you feel the pressure to be more masculine, more macho? Yeah, you do, it’s somehow... There’s a sort of masculinity complex în gay environments. First of all, it’s how society sees you, like a sort of woman în disguise. Second of all, maybe you identify more easily with the image of women (without necessarily being into the
„E un soi de ură de sine” () [Corola-website/Science/295777_a_297106]
gay mân, do you feel the pressure to be more masculine, more macho? Yeah, you do, it’s somehow... There’s a sort of masculinity complex în gay environments. First of all, it’s how society sees you, like a sort of woman în disguise. Second of all, maybe you identify more easily with the image of women (without necessarily being into the whole drag thing or whatever) and all this leads you to somehow think “I gotta be a mân
„E un soi de ură de sine” () [Corola-website/Science/295777_a_297106]
you to somehow think “I gotta be a mân, what the hell? Șo what if I fuck other men? Can’ț I be a mân? I can’ț be a proper mân if I fuck other men?” There is a sort of masculinity complex within the culture, aș well. I mean, if you’re too effeminate, it’s harder to find a date than if you were more macho. Șo many play the macho card, especially after a certain age. When
„E un soi de ură de sine” () [Corola-website/Science/295777_a_297106]
can... When you have no family, no nothing, you have to be fit all the time and look young. If you start losing your touch, you try to compensate by acting more macho. But beyond this, there still is a sort of macho complex which I also have and I think many în this world have. And I tried to get over this complex în the novel and said “Fuck it, my character is gonna be passive.” [...] [caption id="attachment 1560" align
„E un soi de ură de sine” () [Corola-website/Science/295777_a_297106]
until I was 25-26, șo people would consider me straight and they would be very open about their hatred of gays. And you end up identifying with the homophobic opinions without even realizing it. But I think it’s a sort of self-loathing. You’ve also been accused of racist fetishizing. How do you reply to that? I didn’ț mean to fetishize anything. I lived there for 4 years. This is actually annoying, because I feel like saying “Fuck you
„E un soi de ură de sine” () [Corola-website/Science/295777_a_297106]
living area. All the things necessary for living, food, clothes etc, will be delivered to the house. All the payments will be made, automatically, în the bank account. After the colonization of the moon, the apartments will be mono-cellular. A sort of capsules with rooms. Thus, the block of flats with tens of levels will disappear. These capsules will be surrounded by green space and flowers. MARIUS ARMAȘU I see the house of tomorrow installed în a space ship. It will
Locuințe în viitor imaginate de rezidentele și rezidenții Căminului Rosen () [Corola-website/Science/296101_a_297430]