886 matches
have met a lot of difficulties consisting mainly of a heavy bureaucracy and language problems of many local officials. The growing political and social troubles leaded to violent conflicts which resulted in slowing down the speed of negotiations. Meantime, a great number of actions were taken to extend cultural contacts. Concerts, television programs, participation in international festivals of movie films for the youth, exhibitions of popular wears, popular dance festival, sport events, on which Romanian competitors won important awards. Political contacts
of Romanian foreign policy, which took place immediately after the brutal military intervention of five members of the Warsaw Treaty during the night of August 20-21 1968. Romania didn't participated and publicaly condemned the invasion of Czechoslovakia at the great demonstration of solidarity which took place at August 21 1968. The Romanian courageuos point of view had a great international impact being appreciated as a new proof of affirmation of its independent policy and of defending the principles of the
Treaty during the night of August 20-21 1968. Romania didn't participated and publicaly condemned the invasion of Czechoslovakia at the great demonstration of solidarity which took place at August 21 1968. The Romanian courageuos point of view had a great international impact being appreciated as a new proof of affirmation of its independent policy and of defending the principles of the UN Charter, which had to govern the relations between all the countries. In that historic context and delicated situation
developed, as against the other countries. There were talks with the ministers of Foreign Affairs, of mining and oil domains, of development, of Trade Chamber, of National Bank, of Ecopetrol and with the Federation of coffee producers. It was a great and mutual interest for the import of machines, equipment and installations for the mining sector, tractors, with the payment in coffee, bananas, cotton and for initiating of actions of cooperation in the mining, oil, agriculture, chemical and industry sectors. It
with the national oil enterprise and with the mining state enterprise (ENAMI). The talks took place in a friendly atmosphere emphasizing the important mutual interest of both parties to establish and to develop economic relations in more sectors, with a great accent on mining industry. The mining minister proposed the Romanian participation at the exploration and exploitation of the copper deposits by founding in Chile a joint-venture on the basis of the government new policy regarding the coppers deposits. The president
regarding the coppers deposits. The president of Chile, Eduardo Frei, received the head of the Romanian economic delegation in a very cordial manner. He appreciated the Romanian government foreign policy principles and its courage to condemn the intervention of the great political powers in the internal affairs of other states. The president Eduardo Frei pronounced for the development of special relations with Romania in the economic cooperation sector and asserted again his proposal to found a joint-venture in Chile for exploration
during the visit, obtaining remarkable progresses in the raising of the trade exchanges and economic cooperation with all the visited countires, especially with Chile, Peru and Columbia. The creating joint-ventures with Chile and Peru in the mining sector was a great achievement in the Romanian foreign economic policy, being a new form of cooperation which extended after in the relations with other countries. Poziția României de condamnare publică a intervenției celor 5 membri ai Tratatului de la Varșovia în Cehoslovacia din 20-21
indispensable to draw attention on the completely different political objectives of the participating actors: nuclear-weapon-states (NWS) and non-nuclear-weapon states (NNWS). It is an undeniable fact that for the very beginning of negotiations on non-proliferation agreement, the nuclear-weapon-powers (US, USSR and Great Britain) pursued constantly a "twin track" approach. On the one hand, they were asking the non-nuclear-weapons-states to accept a self-imposed denial of the most destructive weapons yet invented. On the other hand, they were resolutely reluctant to commit themselves to
University Press, 2007. Collier, P. Breaking the Conflict Trap. Civil War and Development Policy, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2003. Collins, Alan, Contemporary Security Studies, Oxford University Press, 2007. Cox, Michael, Tim Dunne, and Ken Booth (eds.), Empires, Systems and States. Great Transformations in International Politics, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2001. Crocker, Chester, Fen Osler Hampson, and Pamela Aall (eds.), Leashing the Dogs of War. Conflict Management in a Divided World, United States Institute of Peace Press, Washington D.C., 2007. Dobrescu, Paul
by IOANA LEUCEA [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/958_a_2466]
Routledge, London and New York, 2006. Cox, Robert, "The Way Ahead: Towards a New Ontology of World Order" în Wyn Jones, Rychard (ed.), Critical Theory and World Politics, Lynne Rienner Publishers, Bouldon, London, 2001. Cox, Michael, "Introduction: Empires, systems and states: great transformations in international politics" în Cox, Michael, Tim Dunne, and Ken Booth (eds.), Empires, Systems and States. Great Transformations in International Politics, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2001 Deudney, Daniel, "Ground Identity: Nature, Place, and Space in Nationalism" în Lapid, Yosef
by IOANA LEUCEA [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/958_a_2466]
Wyn Jones, Rychard (ed.), Critical Theory and World Politics, Lynne Rienner Publishers, Bouldon, London, 2001. Cox, Michael, "Introduction: Empires, systems and states: great transformations in international politics" în Cox, Michael, Tim Dunne, and Ken Booth (eds.), Empires, Systems and States. Great Transformations in International Politics, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2001 Deudney, Daniel, "Ground Identity: Nature, Place, and Space in Nationalism" în Lapid, Yosef and Friedrich Kratochwil, (eds.), The Return of Culture and Identity in IR Theory, Lynne Rienner Publishers, Boulder London
by IOANA LEUCEA [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/958_a_2466]
far as the paradigm of social security is concerned, the number of papers and articles which deal with this concept is small, recent, and without resorting to the theory of international relations for its understanding. Taking into consideration that a great part of the discussions concerning European strategic culture is based on constructivist precepts which postulate the centrality of identity and that the formulated hypothesis is that if an efficient functioning of the European security and defense policy is wanted a
by IOANA LEUCEA [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/958_a_2466]
not offer a satisfying presentation of it, and especially this could undermine its construction 737 (the identity of identity 738 is circumscribed to state, so a situation of incompatibility is created as identity is meanwhile given and constructed). Given the great variety of conceptualizations and significances offered to identity, I considered it useful to illustrate in this chapter the theories regarding the international system, formulated by Alexander Wendt and Rodney Bruce Hall, authors that resort to the concept of identity, respectively
by IOANA LEUCEA [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/958_a_2466]
the political phenomena and, especially, in exploring security aspects. 740 In the same line, the paper ends with some conclusions which sustain that the paradigm of human security, interpreted from a constructivist point of view, underlines the fact that a great deal of the causes of human insecurity is connected to the construction of identity. The privilege given to national identity in the political organization of the world, together with the underprivileged human identity, represents a constitutive cause of human insecurity
by IOANA LEUCEA [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/958_a_2466]
internaționale în istoria lumii, Polirom, Iași, 2009, pp. 36-40. 94 Buzan, Barry, Charles Jones and Richard Little, The Logic of Anarchy. Neorealism to Structural Realism, Columbia University Press, New York, 1993, pp. 158-159. 95 Cox, Michael, "Introduction: Empires, systems and states: great transformations in international politics", COX, Michael, Tim Dunne, and Ken Booth (eds.), Empires, Systems and States. Great Transformations in International Politics, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2001, pp. 1-15. 96 Wurgaft, Lewis, "Identity in World History: A Postmodern Perspective" în Pomper
by IOANA LEUCEA [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/958_a_2466]
The Logic of Anarchy. Neorealism to Structural Realism, Columbia University Press, New York, 1993, pp. 158-159. 95 Cox, Michael, "Introduction: Empires, systems and states: great transformations in international politics", COX, Michael, Tim Dunne, and Ken Booth (eds.), Empires, Systems and States. Great Transformations in International Politics, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2001, pp. 1-15. 96 Wurgaft, Lewis, "Identity in World History: A Postmodern Perspective" în Pomper, Philip, Richard Elphick and Richard Vann (eds.), World History. Ideologies, Structures and Identities, Blackwell Publishers, Oxford, 1998
by IOANA LEUCEA [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/958_a_2466]
nature are în conflict with the property right of the individual, states and corporations. True eco-diplomacy does not entail discussions and negotiations of the global actors, about nature (which continues to be regarded aș an object); instead, it represents a great innovative leap, în the civilist and internaționalist conception of nature (i.e. seen aș a living being, aș a living, unique ecosystem, with its own personality). Thus, the XXIst century eco- diplomacy would mean that the diplomatic discussions and negotiations be
and Hudson Ltd., Londra, 1971. Buckley, Michael J., At the Origins of Modern Atheism, Yale University Press, New Haven și Londra, 1990. Burleigh, Michael, Earthly Powers: The Clash of Religion and Politics in Europe, from the French Revolution to the Great War, Harper Collins, New York, 2006. Burns, J.H. (ed.), The Cambridge History of Medieval Thought c.350-c.1450, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1988. Cady, Linell E., Delwin Brown (eds.), Religious Studies, Theology, and the University: Conflicting Maps, Changin Terrain, SUNY, New York
consumul a crescut cu rapiditate. Aplicarea unor reforme precum: electrificarea satelor, reformarea educației sau a sistemului sanitar, a avut un impact benefic deși decalajele în unele zone sunt majore.<footnote William Bayne Fisher, The Middle East, Editura University Press Cambridge, Great Britain, First Published 1950, p. 204; footnote> „Având aspirații diferite, America si Europa se confrunta frecvent de pe poziții contradictorii în relațiile cu Orientul Mijlociu.”<footnote Filipescu Nicolae, Revista 22: Divergențel transatlantice Orientul Mijlociu., Ediția scrisă, martie 2003, passium; footnote> łări europene ca
ARMA ECONOMICĂ ÎN CONTEXTUL GLOBALIZĂRII by Cristian Moşnianu () [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/366_a_623]
situația și vulnerabilitățile altor state implicate, atunci există posibilitatea de a anticipa acțiunile pe care le-ar putea întreprinde. Pentru ca previziunile să fie cât mai reale, sunt necesare alte două categorii de informații. Mai întâi, trebuie cunoscute acțiunile pe care Great Frusina le-a întreprins în trecut. În al doilea rând, trebuie cunoscut, în măsura posibilului, modul în care Great Frusina își estimează propria situație în circumstanțele date15. Nu e nici o îndoială că astfel de informații și raționamentele care conduc la
Pentru ca previziunile să fie cât mai reale, sunt necesare alte două categorii de informații. Mai întâi, trebuie cunoscute acțiunile pe care Great Frusina le-a întreprins în trecut. În al doilea rând, trebuie cunoscut, în măsura posibilului, modul în care Great Frusina își estimează propria situație în circumstanțele date15. Nu e nici o îndoială că astfel de informații și raționamentele care conduc la acestea constituie o parte vitală a gândirii strategice, în general, și a politicii externe la nivel înalt, în particular
să limiteze aplicabilitatea acesteia numai la Statele Unite. Principiile de bază sunt de natură generală și, într-adevăr, ținând cont de ceea ce se dorește să se afle despre o țară străină, Kent nu vizează potențialii adversari ai Americii, ci inventează țara „Great Frusina”, care servește drept țintă generală a serviciilor de informații. În această abordare, eu consider că afirmațiile lui Kent se aplică informațiilor în general. După cum a arătat Kent (prin utilizarea adjectivelor la nivel înalt, extern și pozitiv), definiția pe care
Roosevelt a numit mai mulți catolici în funcții importante în administrația să democrată. Apogeul puterii și influenței irlandezilor în America a început, fără discuție, în ziua în care J.F. Kennedy a fost ales în funcția de președinte. A fost "a great day for the Irish" iar comunitatea irlandeză din America a simțit cu adevărat ca epoca discriminărilor fățișe cu care se confruntase la începutul noii sale existente (cu anunțuri mari la intrarea în centrele de recutare a forței de muncă No
Studii irlandeze by Codruţ Constantinescu [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/909_a_2417]
Mowat, Charles Loch, Britain between the wars 1918-1940, The University of Chicago Press, Chicago, Illinois, 1996 15. Quinlivan, Patrick, Paul Roșe The Fenians în England. A Sense of insecurity, Joan Calderon, London, 1982 16. Robbins, Keith, The eclipse of a great power, Modern Britain 1870-1992, Longman, London 1994 17. Taylor, A.J.P., English History 1914-1945, Oxford at the Calanderon Press, 1980 18. Vincent, John, The Formation of the British Liberal Party 1857-1868, A Penguin Book, 1972 19. Wiener, Joel, Great Britain
Studii irlandeze by Codruţ Constantinescu [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/909_a_2417]
la rădăcini, într-o epocă în care autenticitatea a fost pusă serios la îndoială, iar hibriditatea este o realitate în cultura contemporană în general, nu numai într-o societate extrem de diversă precum cea americană. În poezia "How to Write the Great American Novel", (cum să scrii marele roman american), Alexie, în mod ironic și auto-ironic, dă sfaturi pentru o compoziție literară de succes: indienii trebuie să aibă trăsături tragice, mâinile să fie tragice când se întind spre hrana tragică, iar eroul
Dicţionar polemic de cultură americană by Eduard Vlad [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1402_a_2644]