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discipline interdisciplinary inspired from psychology, sociology, anthropology, ethnology, economy, political theory, literary theory, film theory, architecture and urban planning, design, advertisement etc.. Accordingly, the book is considering codes and moments of interpretation and application of the visual studies in cultural criticism, art criticism and critical art, as environments of a new understanding of its relations with visual culture through the instrumentalization of a post-aesthetic theory. The presentation of visual studies both from a disciplinary perspective and from a practical perspective, creates
Condiţia critică: studiile vizuale în critica culturală, critica de artă şi arta critică by Cătălin Gheorghe [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/926_a_2434]
inspired from psychology, sociology, anthropology, ethnology, economy, political theory, literary theory, film theory, architecture and urban planning, design, advertisement etc.. Accordingly, the book is considering codes and moments of interpretation and application of the visual studies in cultural criticism, art criticism and critical art, as environments of a new understanding of its relations with visual culture through the instrumentalization of a post-aesthetic theory. The presentation of visual studies both from a disciplinary perspective and from a practical perspective, creates the conditions
Condiţia critică: studiile vizuale în critica culturală, critica de artă şi arta critică by Cătălin Gheorghe [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/926_a_2434]
with visual culture through the instrumentalization of a post-aesthetic theory. The presentation of visual studies both from a disciplinary perspective and from a practical perspective, creates the conditions to constitute a post-aesthetical theory informed by the analysis of the cultural criticism theories, art criticism theories and critical art discourse. In this way, the examination of the cultural criticism theories and the impact of cultural studies on the articulation of the post-aesthetic theory, as well as the analysis of the art criticism
Condiţia critică: studiile vizuale în critica culturală, critica de artă şi arta critică by Cătălin Gheorghe [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/926_a_2434]
through the instrumentalization of a post-aesthetic theory. The presentation of visual studies both from a disciplinary perspective and from a practical perspective, creates the conditions to constitute a post-aesthetical theory informed by the analysis of the cultural criticism theories, art criticism theories and critical art discourse. In this way, the examination of the cultural criticism theories and the impact of cultural studies on the articulation of the post-aesthetic theory, as well as the analysis of the art criticism theories and different
Condiţia critică: studiile vizuale în critica culturală, critica de artă şi arta critică by Cătălin Gheorghe [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/926_a_2434]
a disciplinary perspective and from a practical perspective, creates the conditions to constitute a post-aesthetical theory informed by the analysis of the cultural criticism theories, art criticism theories and critical art discourse. In this way, the examination of the cultural criticism theories and the impact of cultural studies on the articulation of the post-aesthetic theory, as well as the analysis of the art criticism theories and different types of criticism elaborated in the conceptual art practice, and the investigation of art
Condiţia critică: studiile vizuale în critica culturală, critica de artă şi arta critică by Cătălin Gheorghe [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/926_a_2434]
criticism theories, art criticism theories and critical art discourse. In this way, the examination of the cultural criticism theories and the impact of cultural studies on the articulation of the post-aesthetic theory, as well as the analysis of the art criticism theories and different types of criticism elaborated in the conceptual art practice, and the investigation of art as (critical) art theory and the political dimension of the critical art projects, offers a multilayered image on the way in which a
Condiţia critică: studiile vizuale în critica culturală, critica de artă şi arta critică by Cătălin Gheorghe [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/926_a_2434]
critical art discourse. In this way, the examination of the cultural criticism theories and the impact of cultural studies on the articulation of the post-aesthetic theory, as well as the analysis of the art criticism theories and different types of criticism elaborated in the conceptual art practice, and the investigation of art as (critical) art theory and the political dimension of the critical art projects, offers a multilayered image on the way in which a critical condition of visual culture could
Condiţia critică: studiile vizuale în critica culturală, critica de artă şi arta critică by Cătălin Gheorghe [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/926_a_2434]
an art theory perspective, as modalities of reflection complementary to the researches from the visual culture field informed by the cultural studies approaches, influenced the constitution of a post-aesthetic theory of visual studies. Combining different types of interpretative methods, cultural criticism unveils the precarity in approaching art only from the perspective of aesthetic theory, rather interested in (logical) definition of art, in the description of aesthetic experience and in the argumentation of aesthetic evaluation. Visual culture is seen as a discipline
Condiţia critică: studiile vizuale în critica culturală, critica de artă şi arta critică by Cătălin Gheorghe [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/926_a_2434]
in the interpretation of cultural signification of images than in their aesthetic value, regarding the history of images as social history of art. In the second chapter of the book, there are examined different versions of the theory of art criticism, from realism and expressionism to formalism and instrumentalism, and also a series of tendencies in art criticism that influenced the discourse of the contemporary visual studies. These are the critique of object, originality, difference, language and institution. There are many
Condiţia critică: studiile vizuale în critica culturală, critica de artă şi arta critică by Cătălin Gheorghe [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/926_a_2434]
images as social history of art. In the second chapter of the book, there are examined different versions of the theory of art criticism, from realism and expressionism to formalism and instrumentalism, and also a series of tendencies in art criticism that influenced the discourse of the contemporary visual studies. These are the critique of object, originality, difference, language and institution. There are many typologies of criticism, but the emphasis is taking into consideration rather an internal look on the criticism
Condiţia critică: studiile vizuale în critica culturală, critica de artă şi arta critică by Cătălin Gheorghe [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/926_a_2434]
and expressionism to formalism and instrumentalism, and also a series of tendencies in art criticism that influenced the discourse of the contemporary visual studies. These are the critique of object, originality, difference, language and institution. There are many typologies of criticism, but the emphasis is taking into consideration rather an internal look on the criticism praxis. Therefore, art criticism could be seen as a practice that comprise the processes of depiction, analysis, judgment and theoretization of an artwork. There is also
Condiţia critică: studiile vizuale în critica culturală, critica de artă şi arta critică by Cătălin Gheorghe [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/926_a_2434]
criticism that influenced the discourse of the contemporary visual studies. These are the critique of object, originality, difference, language and institution. There are many typologies of criticism, but the emphasis is taking into consideration rather an internal look on the criticism praxis. Therefore, art criticism could be seen as a practice that comprise the processes of depiction, analysis, judgment and theoretization of an artwork. There is also an argument on the way these types of criticism were used in the practice
Condiţia critică: studiile vizuale în critica culturală, critica de artă şi arta critică by Cătălin Gheorghe [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/926_a_2434]
discourse of the contemporary visual studies. These are the critique of object, originality, difference, language and institution. There are many typologies of criticism, but the emphasis is taking into consideration rather an internal look on the criticism praxis. Therefore, art criticism could be seen as a practice that comprise the processes of depiction, analysis, judgment and theoretization of an artwork. There is also an argument on the way these types of criticism were used in the practice of conceptual artists (the
Condiţia critică: studiile vizuale în critica culturală, critica de artă şi arta critică by Cătălin Gheorghe [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/926_a_2434]
an internal look on the criticism praxis. Therefore, art criticism could be seen as a practice that comprise the processes of depiction, analysis, judgment and theoretization of an artwork. There is also an argument on the way these types of criticism were used in the practice of conceptual artists (the initiators of post-object art, art as idea, meta-art and contextual art), who developed the idea and the practice of art as (critical) art theory. In the third chapter of the book
Condiţia critică: studiile vizuale în critica culturală, critica de artă şi arta critică by Cătălin Gheorghe [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/926_a_2434]
și Londra, 1971. 6 cf. Antonio Gramsci, An Antonio Gramsci Reader: Selected Writings, 1916-1935, editată de David Forgacs, Schocken Books, New York, 1989. 7 cf. Raymond Williams, Marxism and Literature, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1977. 8 cf. Arthur Asa Berger, Cultural Criticism: A Primer of Key Concepts, Sage Publications Inc., Londra, 1995. 9 Morris Weitz, "The Role of Theory in Aesthetics" în The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, XV (1956), pp. 27-35. 10 George Dickie, " Définir l'art ", în Gerard Genette
Condiţia critică: studiile vizuale în critica culturală, critica de artă şi arta critică by Cătălin Gheorghe [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/926_a_2434]
and Literature, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1977. 8 cf. Arthur Asa Berger, Cultural Criticism: A Primer of Key Concepts, Sage Publications Inc., Londra, 1995. 9 Morris Weitz, "The Role of Theory in Aesthetics" în The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, XV (1956), pp. 27-35. 10 George Dickie, " Définir l'art ", în Gerard Genette (ed.), Esthéthique et Poétique, Edition du Seuil, Paris, 1992, pp. 9-32, publicat original sub titlul "Defining Art II" în Matthew Lipman, Contemporary Aesthetics, Boston, Allyn & Bacon Inc
Condiţia critică: studiile vizuale în critica culturală, critica de artă şi arta critică by Cătălin Gheorghe [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/926_a_2434]
Bacon Inc., 1983. 11 cf. Maurice Mandelbaum, "Family Resemblances and Generalizations Concerning the Arts", în American Philosophical Quarterly, 2, 1965. 12 cf. Richard J. Sclafani, "Art as a Social Institution: Dickie's New Definition" în Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, 32, 1973. 13 Arthur Danto, "The Artworld" în The Journal of Philosophy, LXI (1964), pp. 571-584. 14 George Dickie, " Définir l'art ", în Gerard Genette (ed.), Esthéthique et Poétique, Edition du Seuil, Paris, 1992, p. 22. 15 cf. Arthur Danto
Condiţia critică: studiile vizuale în critica culturală, critica de artă şi arta critică by Cătălin Gheorghe [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/926_a_2434]
Art, Harvard University Press, Cambridge Massachusetts, 1981. 16 Nelson Goodman, "When is Art", în Ways of Worldmaking, Indianapolis-Cambridge, Hackett Publishing Company, 1978, capitolul 4, pp. 57-70. 17 Richard Shusterman, "The End of Aesthetic Experience" în Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, 55 (1999), pp. 29-41. 18 cf. Immanuel Kant, Critica facultății de judecare, trad. Vasile Dem. Zamfirescu, Editura Știintifică și Enciclopedică, București, 1981. 19 cf. John Dewey, Art as Experience, Capricorn, New York, 1958. 20 cf. Monroe Beardsley, Aesthetics, Hackett, Indianapolis, 1981
Condiţia critică: studiile vizuale în critica culturală, critica de artă şi arta critică by Cătălin Gheorghe [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/926_a_2434]
Publishing Ltd, Oxford și Cambridge, The Open University, 1992, pp. 349-379. 26 Noël Carroll, "Art and Interaction" în Beyond Aesthetics: Philosophical Essays, Cambridge University Press, Port Chester, NY, 2001, pp. 5-20, apărut inițial în The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, XLV, nr. 1 (Fall 1986), pp. 57-68. 27 Monroe Beardsley, "An Aesthetic Definition of Art" în Hugh Curtler (ed.), What Is Art?, Haven Publications, New York, 1983. 28 William Tolhurst, "Toward An Aesthetic Account of the Nature of Art" în The
Condiţia critică: studiile vizuale în critica culturală, critica de artă şi arta critică by Cătălin Gheorghe [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/926_a_2434]
pp. 57-68. 27 Monroe Beardsley, "An Aesthetic Definition of Art" în Hugh Curtler (ed.), What Is Art?, Haven Publications, New York, 1983. 28 William Tolhurst, "Toward An Aesthetic Account of the Nature of Art" în The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 42, nr. 3, primăvara, 1984. 29 Monroe Beardsley, "Aesthetic Experience" în Michael Wreen și Donald Callen (ed.), The Aesthetic Point of View, Cornell University Press, 1982, pp. 288-89. 30 Noël Carroll, art. cit. în op. cit., p. 19. 31 Victor Burgin
Condiţia critică: studiile vizuale în critica culturală, critica de artă şi arta critică by Cătălin Gheorghe [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/926_a_2434]
Editura Idea Design & Print, Cluj, 2001. 115 Julian Stallabrass, Art Incorporated. The Story of Contemporary Art, Oxford University Press, New York, 2004. 116 ibidem, pp. 1-28. 117 Routledge Staff, Concise Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Routledge, Florence, 2000, p. 55. 118 "art criticism", Encyclopædia Britannica, 2006. Encyclopædia Britannica Online. <http://search.eb.com/eb/article-9343804>. 119 "criticism", The Columbia Encyclopedia, a șasea ediție, 2001-2005, Columbia University Press, < http://www.bartleby.com/65/cr/criticis.html>. 120 Roger Seamon, "Criticism", în Berys Gaut, Dominic
Condiţia critică: studiile vizuale în critica culturală, critica de artă şi arta critică by Cătălin Gheorghe [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/926_a_2434]
Contemporary Art, Oxford University Press, New York, 2004. 116 ibidem, pp. 1-28. 117 Routledge Staff, Concise Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Routledge, Florence, 2000, p. 55. 118 "art criticism", Encyclopædia Britannica, 2006. Encyclopædia Britannica Online. <http://search.eb.com/eb/article-9343804>. 119 "criticism", The Columbia Encyclopedia, a șasea ediție, 2001-2005, Columbia University Press, < http://www.bartleby.com/65/cr/criticis.html>. 120 Roger Seamon, "Criticism", în Berys Gaut, Dominic Lopes (editori), Routledge Companion to Aesthetics, Routledge, Florence, 2001, pp. 315-328. 121 James Elkins
Condiţia critică: studiile vizuale în critica culturală, critica de artă şi arta critică by Cătălin Gheorghe [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/926_a_2434]
p. 55. 118 "art criticism", Encyclopædia Britannica, 2006. Encyclopædia Britannica Online. <http://search.eb.com/eb/article-9343804>. 119 "criticism", The Columbia Encyclopedia, a șasea ediție, 2001-2005, Columbia University Press, < http://www.bartleby.com/65/cr/criticis.html>. 120 Roger Seamon, "Criticism", în Berys Gaut, Dominic Lopes (editori), Routledge Companion to Aesthetics, Routledge, Florence, 2001, pp. 315-328. 121 James Elkins, What Happened to Art Criticism?, Princkly Paradigm Press, Chicago, 2003, p. 2. 122 ibidem, p. 13. 123 ibidem, pp. 16-17. 124 ibidem
Condiţia critică: studiile vizuale în critica culturală, critica de artă şi arta critică by Cătălin Gheorghe [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/926_a_2434]
șasea ediție, 2001-2005, Columbia University Press, < http://www.bartleby.com/65/cr/criticis.html>. 120 Roger Seamon, "Criticism", în Berys Gaut, Dominic Lopes (editori), Routledge Companion to Aesthetics, Routledge, Florence, 2001, pp. 315-328. 121 James Elkins, What Happened to Art Criticism?, Princkly Paradigm Press, Chicago, 2003, p. 2. 122 ibidem, p. 13. 123 ibidem, pp. 16-17. 124 ibidem, pp. 16-53. 125 ibidem, pp. 56-77. 126 ibidem, pp. 80-86. 127 Terry Barrett, Criticizing Art. Understanding the Contemporary, McGraw Hill, New York, 2000. 128
Condiţia critică: studiile vizuale în critica culturală, critica de artă şi arta critică by Cătălin Gheorghe [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/926_a_2434]
130 Nelson Goodman, Languages of Art, Hackett, Indianapolis, 1976 și Arthur Danto, The Transfiguration of the Commonplace, Harvard, Cambridge, 1981, apud Terry Barrett, op. cit., p. 114. 131 Terry Barrett, op. cit., pp. 87-120. 132 Mary Jane Aschner, "Teaching the Anatomy of Criticism", The School Review 64, nr.7 (1956), pp. 317-322, apud Terry Barrett, op.cit., p. 142. 133 Terry Barrett, op. cit., pp. 121-154. 134 ibidem, p. 154. 135 Arnold Isenberg, "Critical Communication", în Susan L. Feagin, Patrick Maynard (editori) Aesthetics, Oxford University
Condiţia critică: studiile vizuale în critica culturală, critica de artă şi arta critică by Cătălin Gheorghe [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/926_a_2434]