621 matches
oficial; 10.5. hâș been obtained în an establishment around which, within a radius of 10 km, there hâș│ │ been no case/outbreak of the disease mentioned under point 10.1 above during the │ │ previous 40 days or, în the event of a case of disease, the preparation of meat for │ │ exportation to the European Community hâș been authorized only after slaughter of all │ │ animals present, removal of all meat, and the total cleaning and disinfection of the │ │ establishment under the
EUR-Lex () [Corola-website/Law/180394_a_181723]
oficial; 10.6. hâș been obtained în an establishment around which, within a radius of 10 km, │ │ there hâș been no case/outbreak of the disease mentioned under point 10.1 above │ │ during the previous 30 days or, în the event of a case of disease, the preparation│ │ of meat for exportation to the European Community hâș been authorized only after │ │ slaughter of all animals present, removal of all meat, and the total cleaning and │ │ disinfection of the establishment under the
EUR-Lex () [Corola-website/Law/180394_a_181723]
and immediately afterwards](5) │ │ to an approved game establishment around which, whithin a radius of 10 km, │ │ there hâș been no case/outbreak of the diseases mentioned under point 10.1 │ │ above during the prevision 30 days or, în the event of a case of disease, the│ │ preparation of meat for exportation to the European Community hâș been │ │ authorized only after removal of all meat, and the total cleaning and │ │ desinfection of the establishment under the control of an official │ │ veterinarian
EUR-Lex () [Corola-website/Law/180394_a_181723]
oficial; 10.6. hâș been obtained în an establishment around which, within a radius of 10 km, │ │ there hâș been no case/outbreak of the diseases mentioned under point 10.1 above│ │ during the previous 40 days or, în the event of a case of disease, the │ │ preparation of meat for exportation to the European Community hâș been │ │ authorized only after slaughter of all animals present, removal of all meat, and│ │ the total cleaning and disinfection of the establishment under the
EUR-Lex () [Corola-website/Law/180394_a_181723]
and immediately afterwards](5) to│ │ an approved game establishment around which, whithin a radius of 10 km, there│ │ hâș been no case/outbreak of the diseases mentioned under point 10.1 above │ │ during the prevision 40 days or, în the event of a case of disease, the │ │ preparation of meat for exportation to the European Community hâș been │ │ authorized only after removal of all meat, and the total cleaning and │ │ desinfection of the establishment under the control of an official │ │ veterinarian
EUR-Lex () [Corola-website/Law/180394_a_181723]
oficial; 10.5. hâș been obtained în an establishment around which, within a radius of 10 km, there hâș been no case/outbreak │ │ of the diseases mentioned under point 10.1 above during the previous 30 days or, în the event of a case of │ │ disease, the preparation of meat for exportation to the European Community hâș been authorized only after │ │ slaughter of all animals present, removal of all meat, and the total cleaning and disinfection of the │ │ establishment under the
EUR-Lex () [Corola-website/Law/185454_a_186783]
oficial; 10.5. hâș been obtained în an establishment around which, within a radius of 10 km, there nas been no case/outbreak │ │ of the disease mentioned under point 10.1 above during the previous 40 days or, în the event of a case of │ │ disease, the preparation of meat for exportation to the European Community hâș been authorized only after │ │ slaughter of all animals present, removal of all meat, and the total cleaning and disinfection of the │ │ establishment under the
EUR-Lex () [Corola-website/Law/185454_a_186783]
within a radius of 10 km, there hâș been no case/outbreak of the diseases of the │ │ List A of the Internațional Office of Epizootie Diseases for which the solipeds are susceptible during the │ │ previous 40 days or, în the event of a case of disease, the preparation of meat for exportation to the European │ │ Community hâș been authorised only after slaughter of all animals present, removal of all meat and the total │ │ cleaning and disinfection of the establishment under the
EUR-Lex () [Corola-website/Law/185454_a_186783]
veterinar oficial; 10.6. hâș been obtained în an establishment around which, a radius of 10 km, there hâș been no case/outbreak of the │ │ diseases mentioned under point 10.1 above during the previous 40 days or, în the event of a case of disease, │ │ the preparation of meat for exportation to the European Community hâș been authorized only after slaughter of │ │ all animals present, removal of all meat and the total cleaning and disinfection of the establishment under │ │ the
EUR-Lex () [Corola-website/Law/185454_a_186783]
and immediately afterwards](5) to an approved game establishment around which, whithin a │ │ radius of 10 km, there hâș been no case/outbreak of the diseases mentioned under point 10.1 above during the │ │ prevision 40 days or, în the event of a case of disease, the preparation of meat for exportation to the │ │ European Community hâș been authorised only after removal of all meat, and the total cleaning and desinfection│ │ of the establishment under the control of an official veterinarian
EUR-Lex () [Corola-website/Law/185454_a_186783]
within a │ │ radius of 10 km, there hâș been no case/outbreak of the diseases of the List A of the Internațional Office of │ │ Epizootic Diseases for which the solipeds are susceptible during the previous 40 days or, în the event of a │ │ case of disease, the preparation of meat for exportation to the European Community hâș been authorised only │ │ after slaughter of all animals present, removal of all meat and the total cleaning and disinfection of the │ │ establishment under the
EUR-Lex () [Corola-website/Law/185454_a_186783]
hâș not been carried ouț; following the inspections and technical surveys found that the ship does not comply with the technical requirements; not requested a survey to be carried ouț by RNA immediately after a collision, fire or any other event have been occurred and having aș a result the ship grounding or damage to hull, equipment, machinery, arrangement and outfitting; construction, reconstruction, upgrading or repair of ship, and also of her machinery, installations and equipment have been performed without RNR
EUR-Lex () [Corola-website/Law/178413_a_179742]
dat. = Dativ ECM = Exceptional Case Marking (engl.), marcare cazuală excepțională ECP = Empty Category Principle (engl.), principiul categoriilor vide, conform căruia o categorie vidă nepronominală trebuie să fie guvernată tematic sau guvernată de un antecedent engl. = engleză Erg./erg. = Ergativ EM = Event Measurer (engl.), măsura evenimentului, în accepția lui Arad (1996) EP = Eveniment Phrase (engl.), grupul evenimentului/nodul eventiv, în accepția lui Borer (2004) EPP = Extended Projection Principle (engl.), Principiul Proiecției Extinse F = categorie funcțională definită ca alter ego-ul verbului lexical, în
Siloni, "Against the Little-v Hypothesis", Rivista di Grammatica Generativa, 27, p. 107−122. 41 P. Kiparski, "Remarks on Denominal Verbs", în: A. Alsina, J. Bresnan, P. Sells (eds.), Complex Predicates, Stanford, CSLI Publications, p. 473−499. 42 Angelica Kratzer, The Event Argument and the Semantics of Voice, ms., University at Massachussets at Amherst. 43 A. Kratzer, The Event Argument and the Semantics of Voice, ms., University of Massachusetts at Amherst; în teoria acestei autoare, argumentul extern nu este un argument al
on Denominal Verbs", în: A. Alsina, J. Bresnan, P. Sells (eds.), Complex Predicates, Stanford, CSLI Publications, p. 473−499. 42 Angelica Kratzer, The Event Argument and the Semantics of Voice, ms., University at Massachussets at Amherst. 43 A. Kratzer, The Event Argument and the Semantics of Voice, ms., University of Massachusetts at Amherst; în teoria acestei autoare, argumentul extern nu este un argument al verbului, ci este introdus de un centru separat, Voice (apud Alexiadou și Anagnostopoulou 2004: 119). 44 A
B. Rozwadowska, "Are Thematic Relations Discrete?", în: R. Corrigan, F. Eckman și M. Noonan (eds.), Linguistic Categorization, Amsterdam, John Benjamins, p. 115−130. 60 P. Culicover, W. Wilkins, Locality in Linguistic Theory, New York, Academic Press. 61 Croft (1998) − W. Croft, "Event Structure and Argument Linking", în: M. Butt, W. Geuder (eds.), The Projection of Arguments: Lexical and Syntactic Constraints, Stanford, CA, CSLI Publications, p. 21−63 − vorbește despre superroluri, apud Levin și Rappaport Hovav (2005: 52). 62 B. Primus, Case and
J. Verkuyl, On the Compositional Nature of Aspect, Dordrecht, D. Reidel, apud Van Hout (2004: 65). 81 H. de Hoop, Case Configuration and Noun Phrase Interpretation, teză de doctorat, Groningen University; publicată în 1996, New York, Garland. 82 A. van Hout, Event Semantics of Verb Frame Alternations: A Case Study of Dutch and its Acquisition, teză de doctorat, Tilburg University. 83 A. van Hout, "Event Semantics in the Lexicon-Syntax Interface: Verb Frame Alternations in Dutch and Their Acquisition", în: C. Tenny, J.
Noun Phrase Interpretation, teză de doctorat, Groningen University; publicată în 1996, New York, Garland. 82 A. van Hout, Event Semantics of Verb Frame Alternations: A Case Study of Dutch and its Acquisition, teză de doctorat, Tilburg University. 83 A. van Hout, "Event Semantics in the Lexicon-Syntax Interface: Verb Frame Alternations in Dutch and Their Acquisition", în: C. Tenny, J. Pustejovsky (eds.), Events as Grammatical Objects: The converging Perspectives of Lexical Semantics, Logical Semantics, and Syntax, Stanford, CSLI Publications, p. 239−277. 84
economică, Romania și-a propus implementarea unui program de austeritate bugetară pentru a reinstaura un minim de sustenabilitate a finanțelor publice. Altfel, al doilea trimestru din 2009 ar fi adus intrarea României într-o criză de lichiditate bugetară, un fiscal event serios, cu consecințe grave din punct de vedere politic, economic și social. 2.2. Aspecte metodologice privind folosirea indicatorului CAAB Am demonstrat anterior modul în care indicatorul sold bugetar structural este mai util pentru analiza poziției fiscale și a sustenabilității
România spre Compactul Fiscal by Cristian SOCOL () [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/206_a_422]
încep constă în prevestirile formale ale lui Isus despre suferința și moartea sa (Mc 8,31; 9,31; 10,32-34). Desigur, mulți savanți critici susțin că aceste predicții ale pătimirii sunt profeții rostite după împlinirea faptelor, numite uneori vaticinia ex eventu (profeții pornind de la un eveniment întâmplat deja). Trebuie să admitem că aceste predicții au un aspect formal și conțin detalii (precum a fi luat în derâdere, umilit sau biciuit) care sugerează cunoașterea a ceea ce i s-a întâmplat în final
Ultimele zile din viaţa lui Isus : ce s-a întâmplat cu adevărat by Craig A. Evans, N. T. Wright () [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/101017_a_102309]
pardon, You are much more attaxed for want of wisdom Than praised for harmful mildness. ALBANY: How far your eyes may pierce I cannot tell; Striving to better, oft we măr what's well. GONERIL: Nay thenALBANY: Well, well, th' event. Exeunt. Și viața să ne țină-n mîna-i. Oswald, hei! ALBANY: Poate te temi prea mult. GONERIL: Prefer, decît să mă încred prea mult. Las' să tot spulber răul care-l tem, Nu să mă tot tem de-a fi
by William Shakespeare [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1030_a_2538]
the catholic press we analyze the way in which the Romanian catholic press presented itself at two extremely important events in the field of communication, organized under the Vatican's patronage. The World Congress of the catholic press was an event with several editions, being organized periodically. It was addressed to the catholic specialists in press, within the universal catholic community and its role was to adopt mutual directions for an efficient development of the catholic press in the world and
Catolicii în spaţiul public. Presa catolică din România în prima jumătate a secolului al XX-lea by Iulian Ghercă [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/908_a_2416]
an efficient development of the catholic press in the world and also the main themes for these publications (the structure of the institutions responsible with the catholic press' evolution). The World Exhibition of the catholic press was the most important event that took place in the first half of the 20th century regarding the means of communication and aimed at the promotion of the catholic press in the whole world and its exposure in society. The participation of Romania at these
Catolicii în spaţiul public. Presa catolică din România în prima jumătate a secolului al XX-lea by Iulian Ghercă [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/908_a_2416]
de timp în care comunicația de date este │........% │ │activă (media anuală) - Tipul dispozitivului (releu, disjunctor etc.) │ │ │- Este accesibil dispozitivul din exterior? - Care este curentul maxim întrerupt? Înregistrează contorul puterea maximă consumată? Contorul măsoară energia activă bidirecțional? Poate înregistra contorul evenimente ("event log")? Care sunt parametrii monitorizați? Descrieți cum este recunoscut contorul de către │ │ │sistemul central atunci când este instalat în SMI: Securitatea sistemelor de măsurare inteligentă Descrieți pe scurt politica de securitate a SMI pe care-l implementați, incluzând aspectele menționate mai jos
EUR-Lex () [Corola-website/Law/263688_a_265017]
veterinar oficial 10.5. hâș been obtained în an establishment around which, within a radius of 10 km, │ │ there hâș been no case/outbreak of the diseases mentioned în point 10.1 during │ │ the previous 30 days or, în the event of a case of disease, the preparation of │ │ meat for exportation to the European Community hâș been authorized only after │ │ slaughter of all meat and the total cleaning and disinfection of the │ │ establishment under the control of an official veterinarian
EUR-Lex () [Corola-website/Law/259608_a_260937]