961 matches
omului căzut: trupul omului, în dispoziție axiala, conține toate dimensiunile posibile, începînd cu Ulro288, apoi Generarea, Beula 289 și Raiul-Veșnicia. La fel, Blake spune că "în creier și inima și pîntece/ Porți se deschid napoia Scaunului de domnie-al lui Satan către Orașul Golgonooza"290, "îngrozitorii Og și-Anac străjuiesc porțile"291. Corespondență dintre om și realitatea integrală este așadar totală, căci Golgonooza este Orașul unificator, Orașul integral al tuturor nivelurilor/dimensiunilor, ce leagă Cerul, Pămîntul și Iadul. Observăm astfel la Blake
by William Blake [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1122_a_2630]
Cerul, Pămîntul și Iadul. Observăm astfel la Blake elemente ale doctrinei hinduse despre rolul centrelor psihice (cakre) că puncte de legătură între dimensiunile fizică-astrală-cauzală, pentru că Blake spune: "Căci călători din Veșnicie afară ies spre scaunul cel de domnie-al lui Satan 292,/ Dar călători spre Veșnicie năuntru intră-n Golgonooza"293. Los este cel care construiește "Marea Golgonooza" "pe Lacul lui Udan Adan"294, care se află în Est, unde fusese Luvah-Duhul și unde a rămas o teribilă vacuitate: "groaznicul neant
by William Blake [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1122_a_2630]
be their law.' "Luvah replied: 'Dictate to thy Equals; am not I " 'The Prince of all the hosts of Men, nor equal know în Heaven? " 'If I arise into the Zenith, leaving thee to watch " 'The Emanation & her Sons, the Satan & the Anak, 500 " 'Sihon and Og, wilt thou not, rebel to my laws, remain " 'În darkness building thy strong throne, & în my ancient night " 'Daring my power wilt arm my sons against me în the Atlantic, " 'My deep, My night
by William Blake [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1122_a_2630]
forms of Death, a Human polypus of Death. The Saviour mild & gentle bent over the corse of Death, 270 Saying, "If ye will Believe, your Brother shall rîse again." And first he found the Limit of Opacity, & nam'd it Satan, În Albion's bosom, for în every human bosom these limits stand. And next he found the Limit of Contraction, & nam'd it Adam, While yet those beings were not born nor knew of good or Evil. 275 Then wondrously
by William Blake [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1122_a_2630]
heavens, for beneath 380 Was open'd new heavens & a new Earth beneath & within, Threefold, within the brain, within the heart, within the loins: A Threefold Atmosphere Sublime, continuous from Urthona's world, But yet having a Limit Twofold named Satan & Adam. But Los stood on the Limit of Translucence, weeping & trembling, 385 Filled with doubts în self accusation, beheld the fruit Of Urizen's Mysterious tree. For Enitharmon thus spake: "When În the Deeps beneath I gather'd of this
by William Blake [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1122_a_2630]
thro' the bottoms of their tombs, Descending on the shadowy female's clouds în Spectrous terror, 300 Beyond the Limit of Translucence on the Lake of Udan Adan. These they nam'd Satans, & în the Aggregate they nam'd them Satan. End of The Seventh Night [b] VALA Night the Eighth Then All în Great Eternity Met în the Council of God aș one Man, Even Jesus, upon Gilead & Hermon, Upon the Limit of Contraction to create the fallen Man. The
by William Blake [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1122_a_2630]
of Beulah And Enter Uriezn's temple, Enitharmon pitying, & her heart Gates broken down; they descend thro' the Gate of Pity, The broken heart Gate of Enitharmon [which join'd to Urizen's temple 30 Which is the Synagogue of Satan.] She sighs them forth upon the wind Of Golgonooza. Los stood recieving them For Los could enter into Enitharmon's bosom & explore Its intricate Labyrinths now the Obdurate heart was broken From ouț the War of Urizen, & Tharmas recieving them
by William Blake [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1122_a_2630]
metals cast în hollow globes, & bor'd Tubes în petrific steel, & ramm'd combustibles, & wheels And chains & pullies fabricated all round the Heavens of Los; Communing with the Serpent of Orc în dark dissimulation, 95 And with the Synagogue of Satan în dark Sanhedrim, To undermine the World of Los & tear bright Enitharmon To the four winds, hopeless of future. All futurity Seems teeming with endless destruction never to be expell'd; Desperate remorse swallows the present în a quenchless rage
by William Blake [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1122_a_2630]
destruction never to be expell'd; Desperate remorse swallows the present în a quenchless rage. 100 Terrified & astonish'd, Urizen beheld the battle take a form Which he intended not: a Shadowy hermaphrodite, black & opake; The soldiers nam'd it Satan, but he was yet unform'd & vast. Hermaphroditic it at length became, hiding the Male Within aș în a Tabernacle, Abominable, Deadly. 105 The battle howls, the terrors fir'd rage în the work of death; Enormous Works Los contemplated
by William Blake [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1122_a_2630]
life Eternal "Depends alone upon the Universal hand, & not în uș "Is aught but death În individual weakness, sorrow & pain. "We behold with wonder Enitharmon's Looms & Los's Forges, "And the Spindles of Tirzah & Rahab, and the Mills of Satan & Beelzeboul. 200 "În Golgonooza Los's anvils stand & hîș Furnaces rage, "[The hard dentant hammers are lull'd by the flutes' lula lula, "The bellowing furnaces blown by the long sounding Clarions,] "Ten thousand Demons labour at the forges Creating
by William Blake [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1122_a_2630]
of Eden. Astonish'd, stupefied with delight, "The terrors puț on their sweet clothing on the banks of Arnon, "Whence they plunge into the river of space for a period, till 215 "The dread Sleep of Ulro is past. But Satan, Og & Sihon "Build Mills of resistless wheels to unwind the soft threads & reveal "Naked of their clothing the poor spectres before the accusing heavens, "While Rahab & Tirzah far different mantles prepare: webs of torture," Mantles of despair, girdles of bitter
by William Blake [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1122_a_2630]
we behold the Wonders of the Grave. "Eastward of Golgonooza stands the Lake of Udan Adan, În "Entuthon Benithon, a Lake not of Waters but of Spaces, "Perturb'd, black & deadly; on its Islands & its Margins 225 "The Mills of Satan and Beelzeboul stand round the roots of Urizen's tree; "For this Lake is form'd from the tears & sighs & death sweat of the Victims "Of Urizen's laws, to irrigate the roots of the tree of Mystery. "They unweave
by William Blake [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1122_a_2630]
roar'd round Jerusalem's Gates; it took a hideous form Seen în the aggregate, a Vast Hermaphroditic form Heav'd like an Earthquake lab'ring with convulsive groans Intolerable; at length an awful wonder burst From the Hermaphroditic bosom. Satan he was nam'd, 250 Son of Perdition, terrible hîș form, dishumaniz'd, monstrous, A male without a female counterpart, a howling fiend Fo[r]lorn of Eden & repugnant to the forms of life, Yet hiding the shadowy female Vala
by William Blake [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1122_a_2630]
He stood în fair Jerusalem to awake up into Eden The fallen Man, but first to Give hîș vegetated body To be cut off & separated, that the Spiritual body may be Reveal'd. 265 The Lamb of God stood before Satan opposite În Entuthon Benithon, în the shadows of torment & woe Upon the heights of Amalek, taking refuge în hîș arms The victims fled from punishment, for all hîș words were peace. Urizen call'd together the Synagogue of Satan în
by William Blake [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1122_a_2630]
before Satan opposite În Entuthon Benithon, în the shadows of torment & woe Upon the heights of Amalek, taking refuge în hîș arms The victims fled from punishment, for all hîș words were peace. Urizen call'd together the Synagogue of Satan în dîre Sanhedrim 270 To judge the Lamb of God to Death aș a murderer & robber: Aș it is written, he was number'd among the transgressors. Cold, dark, opake, the Assembly met twelvefold în Amalek, Twelve rocky unshap'd
by William Blake [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1122_a_2630]
d the Synagogue to distant view; amidst them beam'd 275 A False Feminine Counterpart, of Lovely Delusive Beauty Dividing & Uniting at will în the Cruelties of Holiness, Vala, drawn down into a Vegetated body, now triumphant. The Synagogue of Satan Clothed her with Scarlet robes & Gems, And on her forehead was her name written în blood, "Mystery." 280 When view'd remote she is One, when view'd near she divides To multitude, aș it is în Eden, șo permitted
by William Blake [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1122_a_2630]
was her name written în blood, "Mystery." 280 When view'd remote she is One, when view'd near she divides To multitude, aș it is în Eden, șo permitted because It was the best possible în the State called Satan to save From Death Eternal & to puț off Satan Eternally. The Synagogue Created her from Fruit of Urizen's tree 285 By devilish arts, abominable, unlawful, unutterable, Perpetually vegetating în detestable births Of female forms, beautiful thro' poisons hidden în
by William Blake [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1122_a_2630]
view'd remote she is One, when view'd near she divides To multitude, aș it is în Eden, șo permitted because It was the best possible în the State called Satan to save From Death Eternal & to puț off Satan Eternally. The Synagogue Created her from Fruit of Urizen's tree 285 By devilish arts, abominable, unlawful, unutterable, Perpetually vegetating în detestable births Of female forms, beautiful thro' poisons hidden în secret Which give a tincture to false beauty; then
by William Blake [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1122_a_2630]
Fruit of Urizen's tree 285 By devilish arts, abominable, unlawful, unutterable, Perpetually vegetating în detestable births Of female forms, beautiful thro' poisons hidden în secret Which give a tincture to false beauty; then was hidden within The bosom of Satan The false Female, aș în an ark & veil 290 Which Christ must rend & her reveal. Her daughters are call'd Tirzah; She is named Rahab; their various divisions are call'd The daughters of Amalek, Canaan & Moab, binding on the
by William Blake [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1122_a_2630]
hew'd it despairing of Life Eternal. But when Rahab had cut off the Mantle of Luvah from The Lamb of God, it roll'd apart, revealing to all în heaven And all on Earth, the Temple & the Synagogue of Satan, & Mystery 340 Even Rahab în all her turpitude. Rahab divided herself; She stood before Los în her Pride among the Furnaces, Dividing & uniting în Delusive feminine powers, questioning hîm. He answer'd her with tenderness & love not uninspired. Los sat
by William Blake [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1122_a_2630]
the Lamb of God în pride & wrath. "Hear me repeat my Generations that thou maist also repent. "And these are the Sons of Los & Enitharmon: Rintrah, Palamabron, "Theotormon, Bromion, Antamon, Ananton, Ozoth, Ohana, 355 "Sotha, Mydon, Ellayol, Natho, Gon, Harhath, Satan, "Har, Ochim, Ijim, Adam, Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Dan, Naphtali, "Gad, Asher, Issachar, Zebulun, Joseph, Benjamin, David, Solomon, "Paul, Constantine, Charlemaine, Luther, Milton. "These are our daughters: Ocalythron, Elynittria, Oothoon, Leutha, 360 "Elythiria, Enanto, Manathu Vorcyon, Ethinthus, Moab, Midian, "Adah
by William Blake [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1122_a_2630]
Oothoon, Leutha, 360 "Elythiria, Enanto, Manathu Vorcyon, Ethinthus, Moab, Midian, "Adah, Zillah, Căina, Naamah, Tamar, Rahab, Tirzah, Mary. "And myriads more of Sons & daughters to whom our love increas'd, "To each according to the multiplication of their multitudes. "But Satan accus'd Palamabron before hîș brethren, also he madden'd 365 "The horses of Palambron's harrow, wherefore Rintrah & Palamabron "Cut hîm off from Golgonooza. But Enitharmon în tears "Wept over hîm, Created hîm a Space clos'd with a
by William Blake [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1122_a_2630]
flee "Away from Me; first Reuben fled, then Simeon, then Levi, then Judah, "Then Dan, then Naphtali, then Gad, then Asher, then Issachar, "Then Zebulun, then Joseph, then Benjamin, twelve sons of Los. "And this is the manner în which Satan became the Tempter. 375 "There is a State nam'd Satan; learn distinct to know, O Rahab! "The difference between States & Individuals of those States. "The State nam'd Satan never can be redeem'd în all Eternity; "But when
by William Blake [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1122_a_2630]
then Judah, "Then Dan, then Naphtali, then Gad, then Asher, then Issachar, "Then Zebulun, then Joseph, then Benjamin, twelve sons of Los. "And this is the manner în which Satan became the Tempter. 375 "There is a State nam'd Satan; learn distinct to know, O Rahab! "The difference between States & Individuals of those States. "The State nam'd Satan never can be redeem'd în all Eternity; "But when Luvah în Orc became a Serpent, he descended into "That State
by William Blake [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1122_a_2630]
sons of Los. "And this is the manner în which Satan became the Tempter. 375 "There is a State nam'd Satan; learn distinct to know, O Rahab! "The difference between States & Individuals of those States. "The State nam'd Satan never can be redeem'd în all Eternity; "But when Luvah în Orc became a Serpent, he descended into "That State call'd Satan. Enitharmon breath'd forth on the Winds 380 "Of Golgonooza her well beloved, knowing he was
by William Blake [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1122_a_2630]