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the playground they dream about when made to remain inside. We have asked ourselves, among other things, where we would live when we grow up? What is a home and what is it good for? If it is ok for some people not to have a home? With whom would we like to live, besides our family? What is our dream playground like? Below, some answers în words, drawings and collages. (Lăură Sandu and Mihail Dumitriu) What is a home? Lăură
În viitor - Am zis bine? () [Corola-website/Science/296102_a_297431]
up? What is a home and what is it good for? If it is ok for some people not to have a home? With whom would we like to live, besides our family? What is our dream playground like? Below, some answers în words, drawings and collages. (Lăură Sandu and Mihail Dumitriu) What is a home? Lăură: Let’s imagine I were an alien. I know nothing of this world, șo I would like you to tell me, ladies and gentlemen
În viitor - Am zis bine? () [Corola-website/Science/296102_a_297431]
tell me, do all people have a home? Half of the group: Yeeees! The other half: Noooo! Ionuț: Not all people have a home! Lăură: But how is that possible, if you need it for shelter în bad weather? Ștefan: Some people live on the streets. Lăură: Șo where do they get shelter? Where do they eat, where do they sleep? Rebeca: They ask for money and with it, they buy bread. Lăură: Do you think it is right for some
În viitor - Am zis bine? () [Corola-website/Science/296102_a_297431]
Some people live on the streets. Lăură: Șo where do they get shelter? Where do they eat, where do they sleep? Rebeca: They ask for money and with it, they buy bread. Lăură: Do you think it is right for some people not to have a home? Half of the group: Yeeees! The other half: Noooo! Lăură: Misa, what do you think? Misa: If it is right? I think it is not right at all, everyone should have a roof over
În viitor - Am zis bine? () [Corola-website/Science/296102_a_297431]
They all laugh.) ... and with dogs. Actually one dog... and a swimming pool. Bianca: I would like a small house, not a villa. A small house. With two rooms. And I would love to have two pigs, one sheep and some chickens. And a garden... Alex: I would love to have a villa and live there with my family and my friend, Oncescu. Lăură: Is there anyone else who would like to share a home with their friends? All: Yes, meeeee
În viitor - Am zis bine? () [Corola-website/Science/296102_a_297431]
Hot 100, Stefani a lansat "Early Winter" ca al cincilea și ultimul single de pe album, doar în Europa, acesta bucurându-se de un succes moderat. Stefani a contribuit la primul album solo al soțului ei, Gavin Rossdale, înregistrând o piesă, "Some Days", în duet cu el, care în final nu a mai fost inclusă pe album. În timp ce Stefani își promova cel de-al doilea album solo, No Doubt a început să lucreze la un nou album fără Gwen, care se dorea
Gwen Stefani () [Corola-website/Science/309199_a_310528]
au timpi de înjumătățire de mai puțin de 9 zile, majoritatea acestora având timpi de înjumătățire de mai puțin de o jumătate de oră. Isotopes lighter than the stable lutetium-175 decay via electron capture (to produce isotopes of ytterbium), with some alpha and positron emission); the heavier isotopes decay primarily via beta decay, producing hafnium isotopes. The element also has 42 nuclear isomers, with masses of 150, 151, 153—162, 166—180 (not every mass number corresponds to only one isomer
Lutețiu () [Corola-website/Science/305367_a_306696]
a apărut în revistă săptâmânală "Tit-Bits", o publicație asociată a revistei "The Ștrand Magazine". Acesta este un interviu dat de Doyle în timpul mării absențe a lui Sherlock Holmes și menționează aluziile făcute pentru a scrie mai multe aventuri cu Holmes. "Some Personalia about Sherlock Holmes" (1917) Acest eseu a fost publicat în revista "Ștrand Magazine" că o cadou de Crăciun făcut cititorilor săi. Se vorbește despre modul în care Holmes a captat imaginația publicului și de opinia lui Conan Doyle despre
Canonul lui Sherlock Holmes () [Corola-website/Science/324728_a_326057]
Dupin și Lecoq în "Un studiu în roșu". Doyle i-a răspuns tot cu o poezie în care se apără, declarând că opiniile lui Holmes despre cei doi detectivi fictivi nu erau și ale sale. Riposta a fost publicată în "Some Piquat People" în 1924 "Mr. Sherlock Holmes to his Readers" (1927) Acesta a apărut în revistă "The Ștrand Magazine" pentru a introduce un concurs pentru a desemna cele mai bune aventuri cu Sherlock Holmes. Același eseu, fără un paragraf, a
Canonul lui Sherlock Holmes () [Corola-website/Science/324728_a_326057]
What U See Is What U Get”. El a apărut de câteva ori în 1999 alături de Snoop Dogg, în hit-ul lui Dr. Dre, „Bitch Please”, si apărând pe albumul lui Dr.Dre, "6x Platinum", în 2001, în melodiile „Lolo”, „Some L.A. Niggaz”, și „What's the Difference” împreună cu Eminem. Dr.Dre l-a invitat pe X-Zibit să îl însoțească la mijlocul aniilor 2000, în turul american "Up În Smoke", alături de Snoop Dogg, Eminem, Ice Cube și mulți alți. Loud Record lansează
Xzibit () [Corola-website/Science/315733_a_317062]
How are the people here?” and he replied: “Just a bunch of Gypsies.” That’s when I started to understand their world, because I could have gone a long time seeing only the nice Doru Frollu, the mân who shared some pizza with the kids. [...] Interview conducted by David Schwartz [1] Cherecheș & Cherecheș, a law firm which bought the ownership rights over several buildings în the Rahova-Uranus-Sabinelor area from the descendants of former owners. Many tenants accuse the firm of forging
Evacuați, artiști și agenți ai gentrificării: Proiectele din Rahova-Uranus / Interviu cu Cristina Eremia () [Corola-website/Science/295760_a_297089]
de modernitate bine structurată și funcțională. Lumea de astăzi este modern structurată sau tendențial modernă. Modernitatea tendențială are loc în societăți în care viața de zi cu zi pentru majoritatea populației a rămas în mare parte neschimbată ,if not, in some instances, until today". In studiile sale, Schifirneț propune o analiză a modernității românești prin conceptul ,modernitatea tendențială”: „A particularly proper concept used to describe the process of modernization in Romania is the one of ― ”tendentious modernity”, as defined by Constantin
Constantin Schifirneț () [Corola-website/Science/311007_a_312336]
and monasteries, were built of alternating layers of stone and wood. The protruding wooden support beams în these structures have been named "monkey heads" and are a staple of Aksumite architecture and a mark of Aksumite influence în later structures. Some examples of this style hâd whitewashed exteriors and/or interiors, such aș the medieval 12th century monastery of Yemrehanna Krestos near Lalibela, built during the Zagwe dynasty în Aksumite style. Contemporary houses were one-room stone structures or two-storey square houses
Arhitectura etiopiană () [Corola-website/Science/327213_a_328542]
of a few centuries, with only a few of the more recent churches having been built under his reign. Archaeologist and "Ethiopisant" David Phillipson postulates, for instance, that Bețe Gebriel-Rufa'el was actually built în the very early medieval period, some time between 600 and 800 A.D., originally aș a fortress but was later turned into a church. During the early modern period, the absorption of new diverse influences such aș Baroque, Arab, Turkish and Gujarati Indian style began with the
Arhitectura etiopiană () [Corola-website/Science/327213_a_328542]
the arrival of Portuguese Jesuit missionaries în the 16th and 17th centuries. Portuguese soldiers hâd initially come în the mid-16th century aș allies to aid Ethiopia în its fight against Adal, and later Jesuits came hoping to convert the country. Some Turkish influence may have entered the country during the lațe 16th century during its war with the Ottoman Empire (see Habesh), which resulted în an increased building of fortresses and castles. Ethiopia, naturally easily defensible because of its numerous ambas
Arhitectura etiopiană () [Corola-website/Science/327213_a_328542]
1622 and attempted to make it the state religion, declaring it aș such from 1624 until his abdication; during this time, he employed Arab, Gujarati (brought by the Jesuits), and Jesuit masons and their styles, aș well aș local masons, some of whom were Beta Israel. With the reign of his son Fasilides, most of these foreigners were expelled, although some of their architectural styles were absorbed into the prevailing Ethiopian architectural style. This style of the Gondarine dynasty would persist
Arhitectura etiopiană () [Corola-website/Science/327213_a_328542]
time, he employed Arab, Gujarati (brought by the Jesuits), and Jesuit masons and their styles, aș well aș local masons, some of whom were Beta Israel. With the reign of his son Fasilides, most of these foreigners were expelled, although some of their architectural styles were absorbed into the prevailing Ethiopian architectural style. This style of the Gondarine dynasty would persist throughout the 17th-18th centuries especially and also influenced modern 19th century styles and later.
Arhitectura etiopiană () [Corola-website/Science/327213_a_328542]
clients. Such situations could be contextualized or generalized, thus giving birth in time to climates or cultures of injustice. Few employees are radical and vocal when dealing with injustices, and the majority retreats in silence and lives with these injustices: some accept them as an organizational 'normality', and others fight them through resistance mechanisms that manifest themselves beneath the organizational radar. Keywords: Injustice, emotional labor, cultures and climates of silence, dramaturgic self. Domnul Slater și justiția organizațională De multă vreme, a
vol. 54, nr. 2, 1973, pp. 403-411; Ted Robert Gurr, Why Men Rebel, Princeton University Press, Princeton, 1970, pp. 22-58. 27 Leon Festinger, "A Theory of Social Comparison Processes", în Human Relations, vol. VII, 1954, pp. 117-140. 28 Guillermina Jasso, "Some of Robert K. Merton's Contributions to Justice Theory", în Sociological Theory, vol. 18, nr. 2, 2000, p. 332. 29 Robert K. Merton, Social Theory ans Social Structure, The Free Press, New York, 1968, p. 289. 30 Vezi James A. Davis
Political Theory Today, Polity Press, Cambridge. Heyman, J. (coord.) (1999), States and Illegal Practices, Berg, Oxford. Heyman, J. și Smart, A. (1999), ,,States and Illegal Practices: An Overview", în Heyman op. cit. Heymans, C. și Lipietz, B. (1999), Corruption and Development: Some Perspectives, ISS Monograph Series, nr. 40, Institute for Security Studies, Pretoria. Heywood, P. (1994), ,,Political Corruption in Modern Spain", în Heywood, Donovan și Boswell op. cit. Heywood, P. (coord.) (1997), Political Corruption, Blackwell pentru PSA, Oxford. Heywood, P., Donovan, M. și
Corupţia politică : înăuntrul şi în afara statului-naţiune by Robert Harris [Corola-publishinghouse/Administrative/932_a_2440]
Edwin Mellen Press, Lewiston, NY. Merrill, T. (1993), Nicaragua: A Country Study, Federal Research Division, Library of Congress, Washington, DC. (http://lcweb 2.loc.gov/frd/cs/nitoc.html ). Mohan, C. (1996), ,,Countermeasures to the Abuse of Power and Corruption: Some Lessons from Singapore", în UNAFEI op. cit. Moran. J. (2000), ,,The Changing Context of Corruption Control: The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, 1997-99", în Doig și Theobald op. cit. Morris, N. și Hawkins, G. (1970), The Honest Politician's Guide to Crime Control
Corupţia politică : înăuntrul şi în afara statului-naţiune by Robert Harris [Corola-publishinghouse/Administrative/932_a_2440]
tom II, vol. 20 (1-2), 1994. GILBERT Muriel (2001), L’Identité narrative. Une reprise à partir de Freud de la pensée de Paul Ricœur, Geneva, Labor et Fides. GILES Howard et alii (1973), „Towards a theory of interpersonal accommodation through language: some Canadian data”, Language in Society, vol. 2, nr. 2, octombrie, pp. 177-192. GOFFMAN Erving (1963), Stigma. Notes on the Management of Spoiled identity, Englewood Cliffs, Prentice-Hall. HONNETH Axel (1992), Kampf um Anerkennung. Zur moralischen Grammatik sozialer Konflikte, Frankfurt, Suhrkamp. HOFSTEDE
au fost descoperite în apropierea unei structuri de combustie, aparent utilizată pentru fragmentarea intenționată a statuetelor. Eticheta de „jucării” aplicată acestor obiecte, tradițional considerate expresii simbolice ale unui imaginar preistoric ritualizat, pare de neconceput: ”Our description of this as embodying some sort of ritual is something of an imaginative leap, but it seems unlikely that such onerous activity would be done out of sheer frivolity at a time when survival was a full-time job” (Adovasio et al 2007: 177) footnote>. Dincolo de
Arta antropomorfă feminină în preistoria spațiului carpato-nistrean by Mircea Anghelinu, Loredana Niţă () [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/303_a_645]
respective institution to the top by highlighting its performances. The companies that are concerned with building this image over time will have a greater representation in the labor market. In educational marketing, teachers should be concerned with the development of some methodological skills such as: proper use of concepts educational marketing, educational needs, needs analysis, educational market, customers, offers, services, educational demand; applying the concepts in carrying out instructional-educational activities; manifestation of a creative methodological conduct in the educational area. Also
by ROXANA ENACHE, ALINA BREZOI, ALINA CRIŞAN [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/995_a_2503]
educational market, customers, offers, services, educational demand; applying the concepts in carrying out instructional-educational activities; manifestation of a creative methodological conduct in the educational area. Also, for a performance driven image of the school, teachers should be concerned with practicing some communication and relationship skills such as: accessing various sources of information for documentation purposes; manifestation of empathic behavior in dealing with students, parents; achieving some school -family-community joint projects on educational issues (educational needs, educational demand and so on). In
by ROXANA ENACHE, ALINA BREZOI, ALINA CRIŞAN [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/995_a_2503]