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it, it becomes part of you! Rain was pouring down on uș. We would work and sleep în the same clothes! [...] Why didn’ț you return to România? </strong> I couldn’ț. I hâd huge debts, I borrowed money to go to Spain, and I couldn’ț pay back. My mom was old, I hâd two more children at home, I lacked basic resources. Before leaving for Spain, I would sell ouț things from the house în order to buy food
Când casa ți-e o prelată și-o saltea, un pat îți pare un vis! () [Corola-website/Science/296090_a_297419]
your husband join you from the beginning?</strong> În ’98 he tried to cross the border illegally and was caught în Spain; he was told it was forbidden for him to return to Spain for four years. Did the kids go to school în Spain? </strong> Three of them went to school, while the oldest one came to work with me. I could I do?! He was my main support! All that time working în Spain, I raised money to come
Când casa ți-e o prelată și-o saltea, un pat îți pare un vis! () [Corola-website/Science/296090_a_297419]
will take care of the boy; they said it’s better for the boy to stay în Spain. He was 13 years old, he was able to work în the greenhouses and send uș money back home. [...] No child should go through the kind of childhood my son went through. He was already an adult since he was a child. În Spain, he hâd a caring cousin who begged her boss: “Take him to work because otherwise I’m afraid I
Când casa ți-e o prelată și-o saltea, un pat îți pare un vis! () [Corola-website/Science/296090_a_297419]
loan for a little house - șo that my kids could have proper living conditions! I worked picking up oranges, harvesting the grapevines; I’ve been through all the seasons [of agricultural work, trans. note]. It’s șo hard when you go abroad for the first time and there’s no one there to help you. Sometimes I wish “abroad” didn’ț even exist for my family. “Abroad” dehumanizes you. All the humiliation you endure! And for the money you earn, you
Când casa ți-e o prelată și-o saltea, un pat îți pare un vis! () [Corola-website/Science/296090_a_297419]
and it will get better!” And indeed little by little it got better. Now my children have a home, they don’ț struggle the way I struggled, they have some savings, it’s a bit better for them. Did you go to school? </strong> I finished four grades. When I was a child, we were poor aș well, but somehow we hâd our basic needs covered. My mom was working at the cooperative, my dad at the factory, it was decent
Când casa ți-e o prelată și-o saltea, un pat îți pare un vis! () [Corola-website/Science/296090_a_297419]
But all the rest was like a game, because, well, you’re a kid and you create your paradise. I was free and I did not have these values: one should have a house, one should get cleaned, one should go to school and become something... Everything was a game to me. It was “here and now”, and it was magic, because I was șo young and I did not perceive everything aș I did later on. I was staying around
„Orice om pe lumea asta trebuie să aibă un loc unde să doarmă, să mănânce și să se spele” () [Corola-website/Science/296060_a_297389]
no longer a child. But I was dirty, and I was feeling dirty... And little by little I hâd to wish for a change, and that change came. I started going to a day centre around Dristor neighbourhood. You would go there during the day, wash your clothes, eat, there was a schedule, a psychologist and a social worker trying to assist you to integrate, to go to school... Șo did you go to school? I did. I hâd to and
„Orice om pe lumea asta trebuie să aibă un loc unde să doarmă, să mănânce și să se spele” () [Corola-website/Science/296060_a_297389]
change came. I started going to a day centre around Dristor neighbourhood. You would go there during the day, wash your clothes, eat, there was a schedule, a psychologist and a social worker trying to assist you to integrate, to go to school... Șo did you go to school? I did. I hâd to and I went. [...] At the day centre I met Radu Apostol, who was there to work for Acasă. [...] I still remember those emotions when playing Acasă, when
„Orice om pe lumea asta trebuie să aibă un loc unde să doarmă, să mănânce și să se spele” () [Corola-website/Science/296060_a_297389]
a day centre around Dristor neighbourhood. You would go there during the day, wash your clothes, eat, there was a schedule, a psychologist and a social worker trying to assist you to integrate, to go to school... Șo did you go to school? I did. I hâd to and I went. [...] At the day centre I met Radu Apostol, who was there to work for Acasă. [...] I still remember those emotions when playing Acasă, when I was looking at the people
„Orice om pe lumea asta trebuie să aibă un loc unde să doarmă, să mănânce și să se spele” () [Corola-website/Science/296060_a_297389]
home. Every person în this world should have a place to sleep, eat and wash up. [...] There were times în my life when I just wanted to disappear. Not to die, but to disappear. I wished for the lights to go off. How could a 35-40 years old policeman wake a kid up by hitting his soles with a club? a kid sleeping în the subway, barefoot, dressed only with ragged trousers and a blouse, when it was deadly cold. How
„Orice om pe lumea asta trebuie să aibă un loc unde să doarmă, să mănânce și să se spele” () [Corola-website/Science/296060_a_297389]
the inițial contract, which was completely different from what I signed în England, I was meant to be a part-time “office assistant”, part-time “care-giver”. But they said the care-giver part started only after a training which I could choose to go through or not, and without the training I could have stayed on aș a full-time assistant. The training was 1500 pounds and once you went through it, you hâd some sort of qualification, you were officially a “care-giver”. If you
Căutam chirie zi de zi () [Corola-website/Science/296094_a_297423]
and we hâd to take the jobs we were given because we hâd no other options. Initially they told me I hâd 2 days a week off. Except during the one-month training - which it became apparent I was required to go through - there were no days off. It was 7 days a week, between 10 to 16 hours a day. A sort of slavery. The worst part was the distance between patients. They said initially that the distances could be covered
Căutam chirie zi de zi () [Corola-website/Science/296094_a_297423]
for my uniform. And when you’re paying for all this, you really don’ț feel like or really don’ț have anything left for thousands of bus fares between patients. I didn’ț even know where I hâd to go. They were just saying I hâd to be at a certain address at a certain time. If I didn’ț have google maps, I hâd no idea how to get to those places. Accommodation was în a hostel, 25 pounds
Căutam chirie zi de zi () [Corola-website/Science/296094_a_297423]
before the training. They didn’ț want me to leave, there was a big fuss, but they couldn’ț keep me. Even the people from the recruiting firm în România tried to convince me to stay. But I decided to go to London, I thought there were more opportunities here than în Slough. I just came to London. I knew two people here, I thought they were my friends, but they didn’ț help me with anything. I saw how the
Căutam chirie zi de zi () [Corola-website/Science/296094_a_297423]
ajuns de asemeni în Top 40: "Rollercoaster" și "Don't Kill me Tonight". În aprilie 2004 Di-rect a primit încă un premiu TMF pentru Cel mai Bun Videoclip pentru "Rollercoaster". În ianuarie 2005, au lansat al treilea album, "All Systems Go!", care a intrat în chart pe locul 1. Primul single de pe albumul "Hungry for Love" (un cover al melodiei lui Alistair Griffin) a ajuns #3 în chartul single-urilor. Următoarele două single-uri, "Cool Without You" și "Webcam Girl", au
Di-rect () [Corola-website/Science/314288_a_315617]
înregistrare în formula N. Covaci - chitară acustică, solist vocal, J. Kappl - chitară bas, backing vocals, M. Baniciu - chitară acompaniament, solist vocal, O. Lipan - baterie, Mani Neumann - vioară, Ionuț Contraș - percuție, Cristi Gram - chitară. Nume sub care apare pe compilația neoficială „Go West” (2005) varianta în limba engleză a piesei „Mica țiganiadă”, fără introducere. Vezi Mica țiganiadă. Nume sub care apare pe discul din 1981 varianta în limba engleză a piesei „Mica țiganiadă”. Vezi Mica țiganiadă. Compusă de Nicolae Covaci în anii
Indicele cântecelor de Phoenix () [Corola-website/Science/305008_a_306337]
au construi-o pe moșia Middlebie de 610 ha. Toate indiciile sugerează că Maxwell a menținut o curiozitate nesecată de la o vârstă fragedă. De la vârsta de trei ani, tot ce mișca, strălucea, sau făcea zgomot atrăgea întrebarea: „what's the go o'that?” Într-un pasaj adăugat la o scrisoare a tatălui său către cumnata sa, Jane Cay, în 1834, mama lui descria acest simț înnăscut de curiozitate: Recunoscând potențialul băiatului, mama lui Maxwell, Frances, și-a asumat responsabilitatea educației timpurii
James Clerk Maxwell () [Corola-website/Science/298405_a_299734]
John McVie și și-a făcut prima apariție cu trupa că Christine McVie la Universitatea din Bristol în mai 1969, chiar în momentul în care părăsea trupa Chicken Shack. A avut succes cu melodia lui Etta James, "I'd Rather Go Blind", si a fost votată de două ori "artista feminină a anului" în Anglia. Columbia Records, care acum deținea Blue Horizon, a scos un album cu piese nelansate ale trupei originale numit "The Original Fleetwood Mac". Albumul a avut un
Fleetwood Mac () [Corola-website/Science/316487_a_317816]
a lansat un nou album, "Rumours", în care trupa și-a lăsat deoparte tensiunile existente la momentul respectiv. Apreciat de către critici, albumul a câștigat premiul Grammy pentru "Cel mai bun album al anului" în 1977. Hiturile includeau melodia lui Buckingham, "Go Your Own Way", "Dreams" a lui Ștevie Nicks (care a ocupat locul 1 în Statele Unite) și melodiile lui Christine McVie "Don't Stop" și "You Make Loving Fun". Melodia lui Buckingham, "Second Hand News", melodia lui Nicks, "Gold Dust Woman
Fleetwood Mac () [Corola-website/Science/316487_a_317816]
a intrat într-o perioadă de pauză, ceea ce a permis membrilor să își continue carierele solo. Ștevie Nicks a mai lansat două albume solo ("The Wild Heart" în 1983 și "Rock A Little" în 1985), Lindsey Buckingham a lansat albumul "Go Insane" în 1984, același an în care Christine McVie a lansat albumul omonim (care cuprindea melodia din TOP 10 "Got A Hold On Me" și melodia din TOP 40 "Love Will Show Uș How"). Toți trei au avut succes, dar
Fleetwood Mac () [Corola-website/Science/316487_a_317816]
din Kremlin este trecut la poziția 92, „Smochină Nichita Parfenievici, Cavaler al Sfântului Gheorghe” și este ridicat la rangul de nobil (дворянин). http://ziarero.antena3.ro/articol.php?id=1259880811 http://agalben.ulim.md/?p=884 http://www.asm.md/?go=photo gallery&case=21&new language=0 http://unimedia.info/stiri/-18401.html http://www.europalibera.org/content/article/2095815.html http://caietecritice.fnsa.ro/pdfs/cc%2010%202010.pdf http://www.ziaruldeiasi.ro/opinii/un-roman-de-peste-nistru~ni76rp Caietele CNSAS, nr. 7-8/2011
Nichita P. Smochină () [Corola-website/Science/307158_a_308487]
costume, în laboratoare de prelucrare și că operator asistent până când a devenit un scriitor de gaguri și actor în filme mute. Primul său loc de muncă că regizor a fost în anul 1927 când a realizat filmul "No Place to Go". Cand filmele sale au avut încasări mari, fără a costă prea mult, LeRoy a ajuns să fie bine primit în industria filmului. În 1931 a regizat două filme cheie care l-au făcut vedeta pe Edward G. Robinson: "Five Star
Mervyn LeRoy () [Corola-website/Science/329806_a_331135]
doresc să devină cei mai buni skateboarderi din lume. Prima dată, serialul a fost difuzat de Disney XD și este un original Disney XD. Serialul îi conține pe Hutch Dano, Adam Hicks, Daniel Curtis Lee și Ryan Newman. Episodul „Bros Go Pro” („Frații ajung experți”) a fost disponibil pentru download gratuit pe iTunes la începutul lui iunie, cu două săptămâni înainte de premiera televizată (3 iulie 2009 la Disney XD America Latină). Pe 2 august 2010, a fost anunțat că serialul a fost
Zeke amp; Luther () [Corola-website/Science/317350_a_318679]
hâd to, for my mother’s tests, medication, radiotherapy. Some of these are free of charge, but if you wait for these...the appointments take long and they’re always running ouț of supplies, like cobalt isotopes. You have to go to the private hospitals șo you can get swift and proper treatment. I hâd to pay back 8000 euro for the 6000 I borrowed. All of it hâd been spent on medication and în 2008, my mother still died. Later
„Nu aș mai face niciodată credit ipotecar” () [Corola-website/Science/296064_a_297393]
give her, then I called an ambulance and we went to the oncological institute. There I was told that she either stays there for palliative treatment or I take her home and administer the treatment myself. Her wish was to go home, șo I signed an affidavit and took her home. I think I handled things relatively well and I learned what I hâd to do for her, without losing my job în the meantime. But my friend really helped ouț
„Nu aș mai face niciodată credit ipotecar” () [Corola-website/Science/296064_a_297393]