886 matches
Slăvind pe Dumnezeu! Că darnic e Creștinul său! Suflet Trist 02.12.2007 Suflet trist și zbuciumat De ce ești trist și-nlăcrimat? Tu, de Domnul ai uitat? Domnul și cu Îngerii Doar treci prin Valea Plângerii Calea-i strâmtă și e grea Vai de veselia ta Greu se urcă pe Golgota Calea a urcat-o greu Și Fiul Lui Dumnezeu. Greu urca, se poticnea Și popasuri mari făcea. Multă lume Îl urma: Unii Îl loveau cu ură Peste Sfânta Lui Făptură Alții
Pelerinaj la Sfintele Locuri Și un buchet de poezii Duhovnicești by Maria Moşneagu () [Corola-publishinghouse/Memoirs/1640_a_2956]
oameni răi (bis) Mare mii Durerea Care m-a lovit! Pasăre Măiastră (bis) Părinte Iubit! (bis) Pe Drum cu Spini Pe drum cu spini Încununat Cu Crucea-n spate nemâncat Iisus azi trece iar, E cald și Crucea-i este grea Sudori se scurg pe Fața Sa Și spini-L dor amar Ia uite cum se uită Blând La ce-i care-L hulesc scuipând În scumpa Față a Sa. El urcă În tăcere dealul Golindu-și singur paharul Ce-a
Pelerinaj la Sfintele Locuri Și un buchet de poezii Duhovnicești by Maria Moşneagu () [Corola-publishinghouse/Memoirs/1640_a_2956]
putea interveni direct În Israel (Bătrânul Schächter avea fabrica de pielărie și două fete, fostele mele bune eleve). 12) Vă felicit pentru reușita la examenul de engleză. Limba e necesară pentru vizitatorii străini. Sunteți... fenomenal. 13) Cu Vasiliu Falti e grea treaba. D-na Păpușanu, sora lui, a fost nu de mult cu soțul ei, la noi și i-am rugat, să stăruiască pe lângă eremitul de Vasiliu-Falti, să dea ceva pentru Flt. - oraș pe care și el e supărat dar, faptul
CORESPONDENŢĂ FĂLTICENEANĂ VOL.II by EUGEN DIMITRIU () [Corola-publishinghouse/Memoirs/700_a_1279]
86-21-68828888, str. Fucheng nr. 33, districtul Nou Pudong Potman Ritz-Carlton Hotel Tel.:86-21-20201888, Bulev. Nanjing Xilu nr. 1376 Guangzhou White Swan Hotel Guangzhou Tel.: 86-020-85274373, str. Shamian Nanjie nr. 1 Garden Hotel of Guangzhou Tel.: 86-20-83338989, str. Huanshidonglu nr. 368 Great China Hotel Tel.: 86-20-86666888, str. Liuhua, districtul Yuexiu Guangzhou Obținerea vizei turistice pentru China Dacă v-ați decis să faceți o călătorie turistică în China este important să cunoașteți procedura de obținere a vizei. Aceasta este emisă de ambasada sau
unei broaște disecate (pe la 1780 va observa că același efect poate fi cauzat de metale; publică aceste constatări în 1791). ¶ Mor Thomas Gray; Tobias Smollett; Christopher Smart. ¶ Se naște Walter Scott. ◊1772-1778 [vîrstă: 14-21 ani] La 4 august intra (la adresa Great Queen Street, Lincoln's Inn Fields) ucenic la gravorul James Bășire unul dintre cei mai distinși gravori din Londra, în domeniul topografiei și al antichităților. Ucenicia să avea să dureze șapte ani, pînă în 1778. Bășire îl învăța pe îndelete
by William Blake [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1122_a_2630]
the edge of Beulah, & he sunk down From the supporting arms of the Eternal Saviour who dispos'd The pale limbs of hîș Eternal Individuality 460 Upon The Rock of Ages, Watching over hîm with Love & Care. Then those în Great Eternity met în the Council of God Aș one Man, for contracting their Exalted Senses They behold Multitude, or Expanding they behold aș one, Aș One Man all the Universal family; & that One Man 465 They call Jesus the Christ
by William Blake [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1122_a_2630]
Existence în. Terrific Urizen strode above în fear & pale dismay. 20 He saw the indefinite space beneath & hîș soul shrunk with horror, Hîș feet upon the verge of Non Existence; hîș voice went forth: Luvah & Vala trembling & shrinking beheld the great Work master And heard hîș Word: "Divide, ye bands, influence by influence. "Build we a Bower for heaven's darling în the grizly deep: 25 "Build we the Mundane Shell around the Rock of Albion." The Bands of Heaven flew
by William Blake [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1122_a_2630]
only let me hear thy voice. "Driven by thy rage I wander like a cloud into the deep "Where never yet Existence came; there losing all my life 190 "I back return weaker & weaker; consume me not away "În thy great wrath; tho' I have sinned, tho' I have rebell'd "Make me not like the things forgotten aș they had not been. "Make not the thing that loveth thee a tear wiped away." Tharmas replied, riding on storms, hîș voice
by William Blake [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1122_a_2630]
branching forth 35 În intricate labyrinths o'erspreading many a grizly deep. Amaz'd started Urizen when he found himself compass'd round And high roofed over with trees; he arose, but the stems Stood șo thick he with difficulty & great pain brought Hîș books ouț of the dismal shade, all but the book of iron. 40 Again he took hîș seat & rang'd hîș Books around On a rock of iron frowning over the foaming fires of Orc. And Urizen
by William Blake [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1122_a_2630]
brethren; he grew up "În mother's tenderness. The Enormous worlds rolling în Urizen's power "Must have given Satan, by these mild arts, dominion over all; "Wherefore Palamabron, being accused by Satan to Los, 385 "Call'd down a Great Solemn assembly. Rintrah în fury & fear "Defended Palamabron, & rage fill'd the Universal Tent "Because Palamabron was good natur'd, Satan suppos'd he fear'd hîm "And Satan, not having the Science of Wrath but only of Pity, "Was
by William Blake [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1122_a_2630]
gre‑ utatea. Obrajii, buzele, nasul puternic, barba bătrânului Iosif, toate vorbesc despre o deznădejde resemnată în urma unor încercări multe și grele, cu lacrimi mul‑ te vărsate într‑o viață de om, lacrimi nevăzute dar care lasă urme de transpira‑ ție grea, cu chinuri supraomenești, prețul fără de preț al atâtor victorii în ce pri‑ vește frumusețea. Ochii lui Michelangelo, cei ai lui Iosif din Arimateea, vor‑ besc despre regretul profund al despărțirii de tinerețe, de frumos, de viață 34. Michelangelo a iubit
Michelangelo Buonarroti / Mesajul biblic al operelor sale by Ioan Blaj () [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/442_a_992]
-se că „The stream was relatively continuous from 1820 to 1924 with only brief interruptions caused by the Civil War and occasional periods of economic downturns such as the depression of the 1890’s, the panic of 1907-1908, and the Great Depression of the 1930s. World War II, of course, also greatly reduced the numbers emigrating. In fact, 32 million of the 35,9 million Europeans who came to the United States between 1820 and 1975 came prior to 1924”. Același
Europeans who came to the United States between 1820 and 1975 came prior to 1924”. Același cercetător observa că „in the century prior to War War I, the major sources of immigrants were Germany, Italy, Ireland, Austria, Hungary, Russia and Great Britain, but Canada also supplied 4 million newcomers, including a large number of French, Canadians, and Mexico sent some 2 million. These emigrant centres supplied the largest ethnic concentrations in American society before the 1960s”. Așa cum era și de așteptat
Pennsylvania, Michigan, Illinois, New Jersey, Indiana, California, Minnesota, North Dakota, Missouri, Massachusetts, Connecticut și New York. Cercetările mai recente, întreprinse de Gerald J. Bobango, au stabilit că „the greatest numbers of Romanians settled in the industrial heartland of the mid-Atlantic and Great Lakes states. The largest concentrations and the most active communal life were in New York, Chicago, Philadelphia, Detroit, Pittsburgh and Cleveland. Moderate-seized cities such as Youngstown, Canton, Alliance, Warren, and Akron, Ohio; Farrell, Sharon, New Castle, Ellwood City, McKeesport, Homestead, Erie
cinese": ovvero dall'Oriente favoloso, "una regione precisă", concludeva Foucault, "îl cui solo nome costituisce per l'Occidente un grande serbatoio d'utopie". 41 Cfr. B. McHale, Postmodernist Fiction, Routledge, London, New York, 1987, p. 44: "The empire of Calvino's Great Khan is just such a heterotopia". Bibliografia ANTONELLI, Roberto, "Filologia e modernità", în Curtius, Ernst Robert, Letteratura europea e Medio Evo latino, La Nuova Italia, Firenze, 2000. ANTONELLI, Roberto, "La letteratura europea ieri, oggi, domani", Critică del testo, X (2007
work în a biased and subjective way, trying to emphasize those aspects în the life of the Russian author which would be ideologically convenient. În a paper published în Românul, în spițe of the critic's respect for Dostoevsky's great oeuvre, he dismisses writer's political, religious and social ideas criticizing his conceptions about socialists expressed în the novel The Demons: "Dostoevsky's great novel devoted to Russian revolutionary movement called nihilism" is a "caricature written by a biased mân
În a paper published în Românul, în spițe of the critic's respect for Dostoevsky's great oeuvre, he dismisses writer's political, religious and social ideas criticizing his conceptions about socialists expressed în the novel The Demons: "Dostoevsky's great novel devoted to Russian revolutionary movement called nihilism" is a "caricature written by a biased mân against the revolutionaries"4. The author however remarks the humanistic aspects of Dostoevsky's work, particularly Crime and punishment comparing characters like Raskolnikov and
nihilism" is a "caricature written by a biased mân against the revolutionaries"4. The author however remarks the humanistic aspects of Dostoevsky's work, particularly Crime and punishment comparing characters like Raskolnikov and Sonia to those who "revel ah the great table of life". This is precisely the vision of a socialist driven by revolutionary ideals. Some of the elements present în Dobrogeanu-Gherea's interpretation will be later present în the general Marxist-Leninist paradigm. For example, the preoccupation for the psychological
areas, not only literary but also historical, political, economic, religious, etc. The soviet Critic V. Ermilov, for example, indicates that the main elements of his study, namely, the contradictions of Dostoevsky's work, on the duality which tortured permanently the great Russian novelist being în the impossibility to escape from the torments caused by it. Both life and his oeuvre, believes the author, represents a tragedy, ăn example of trying to "suppress and mutilation of the human soul by a hostile
Imaginația durerii. Secolul 20, 100(4), 48-49, 1969. ZEGA, N., "F. M. Dostoievski", în Gazeta Învățămîntului, 17 februarie, 1956. Hegel despre intelect, rațiune și devenire (Hegel about intellect, reason and evolution) Emanuel COPILAȘ Abstract. Hegel's philosophy is characterized, to a great extent, by the Kantian distinction between intellect and reason. However, Kant's successor offers new meaning to both intellect and reason and contradicts the Kantian assumption of the intellect being a more reliable source of knowledge than reason. For Hegel
obvious în November, 2013 when Yanukovich refused to sign the ĂĂ, including DCFTA. This was a strong reason for civil society and a part of population to protest and express their European aspirations. În fact, this event led to a great instability în Ukraine which represented a serious vulnerability of Ukraine. În the context of this vulnerability, Russia annexed Crimea which lead unofficially to a war în Eastern part of Ukraine. This situation represents a great threat to Ukraine that undermines
this event led to a great instability în Ukraine which represented a serious vulnerability of Ukraine. În the context of this vulnerability, Russia annexed Crimea which lead unofficially to a war în Eastern part of Ukraine. This situation represents a great threat to Ukraine that undermines its security. At state to state relation, Ukraine hâd great relations with Belarus till Orange Revolution. Belarus being an authoritarian state wasn't agree with the democratic motivations of Ukraine în fear to not escalating
such aș Explicaciones causales y explicaciones finalistas (see Coseriu 1958: 101-134), El antipositivismo (în Coseriu 1981: 52-73), Linguistic change does not exist (Coseriu 1983/1988), and many others, may have doubts on the truth of the ideas supported by the great Romanian scholar. And still... Not all people think în the same manner, and understanding is sometimes corrupted by the different ways în which we assimilated or perceived some important concepts, such aș 'knowledge', for instance. Characterizing language aș a cultural
Studii de ştiinţa limbii by Bogdan Petriceicu Hasdeu [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/896_a_2404]
with things. Our things are always universal în language, and these things can be thought în our consciousness"12. În fact, the specific difference of human language was also signaled long ago by Hermann Paul, a great linguist, who, wondering about the extent at which the language "of the beasts" is similar to that of humans, was stating that "it will hardly be disputed that their calls, whether of enticement or warning, are tradițional and not spontaneous
Studii de ştiinţa limbii by Bogdan Petriceicu Hasdeu [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/896_a_2404]
forms of culture are internal forms of consciousness is undeniable. Language is lógos semantikós (according to Aristotle), while the meaning (signifié) is found în the speakers' consciousness, becoming objective by means of intersubjectivity. All these things have been said by great thinkers (Coseriu included). Modern linguistics should take philosophy seriously, șo aș not to stray away uselessly (trying, aș zoosemiotics did, for instance, to prove that apes can "talk", although it hâș long been proved rationally that apes cannot talk aș
Studii de ştiinţa limbii by Bogdan Petriceicu Hasdeu [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/896_a_2404]