835 matches
și flavonoide, acid ascorbic și carotenoide (Alvarez-Suarez et al, 2010789, 2012790, Tenore et al, 2012791; Marghitas et al., 2009; Cherbuliez & Domerego, 2003792; Ferreira et al., 2009793). Mierea în procesul terapeutic Rolul terapeutic al mierii în tratamentul diferitelor afecțiuni include efecte antioxidante (Mărghitaș et al., 2009; Gheldof et al., 2002; Aljadi si Kamaruddin, 2004794), antihipertensive (Erejuwa et al., 2012795), antiinflamatorii, antimutagenice, antibacteriene, antifungice și cicatrizante 787 Tewari, J. C., & Irudayaraj, J. M. K. (2005). Floral classification of honey using midinfrared spectroscopy and
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and Food Chemistry, 53, 6955-6966. 788 Bogdanov S, Jurendic T, Sieber R, Gallmann P. Honey for nutrition and health: a review. J Am Coll Nutr 2008;27:677-89. 789 Alvarez Suarez, J.M., Gonzalez-Paramas, A.M., Santos Buelga, C., Battino, M., 2010. Antioxidant characterization of native monofloral Cuban honeys. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 58, 9817-9824. 790 Alvarez-Suarez, J.M., Giampieri, F., Damiani, E., Astolfi, P., Fattorini, D., Regoli, F., Quiles, J.L., Battino, M., 2012. Radical-scavenging activity, protective effect against lipid peroxidation and
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the Sicilian black honeybees (Apis mellifera ssp. sicula). Food and Chemical Toxicology 50, 1955-1961. 792 Cherbuliez, T., & Domerego, R., (2003). L’apitherapie, Medecine des abeilles. Editions Amyris 793 Ferreira, I. C. F. R., Aires, E., Barreira, J. C. M., & Estevinho, L. M. (2009). Antioxidant activity of Portuguese honey samples: Different contributions of the entire honey and phenolic extract. Food Chemistry, 114, 1438-1443. 794 A.M. Aljadi, M.Y. Kamaruddin, Evaluation of the phenolic contents and antioxidant capacities of two Malaysian floral honeys, Food Chemistry 85
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Aires, E., Barreira, J. C. M., & Estevinho, L. M. (2009). Antioxidant activity of Portuguese honey samples: Different contributions of the entire honey and phenolic extract. Food Chemistry, 114, 1438-1443. 794 A.M. Aljadi, M.Y. Kamaruddin, Evaluation of the phenolic contents and antioxidant capacities of two Malaysian floral honeys, Food Chemistry 85 (2004) 513- 518. 795 Erejuwa, O.O., Sulaiman, S.A., Ab Wahab, M.S., Sirajudeen, K.N.S., Salleh, S., Gurtu, S., 2012. Honey supplementation in spontaneously hypertensive rats elicits antihypertensive effect via amelioration of renal
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N., 2012. Tualang honey protects keratinocytes from ultraviolet radiation-induced inflammation and DNA damage. Photochemistry and Photobiology. http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1751 1097.2012. 01100.x. 797 Estevinho, L., Pereira, A.P., Moreira, L., Dias, L.G., Pereira, E., 2008. Antioxidant and antimicrobial effects of phenolic compounds extracts of Northeast Portugal honey. Food and Chemical Toxicology 46, 3774-3779. 798 Gomes, S., Dias, L.G., Moreira, L.L., Rodrigues, P., Estevinho, L., 2010. Physicochemical, microbiological and antimicrobial properties of commercial honeys from Portugal. Food
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S., Dias, L.G., Moreira, L.L., Rodrigues, P., Estevinho, L., 2010. Physicochemical, microbiological and antimicrobial properties of commercial honeys from Portugal. Food and Chemical Toxicology 48, 544-548. 799 Rodriguez, B.A., Mendoza, S., Iturriga, M.H., Castano-Tostado, E., 2012. Quality parameters and antioxidant and antibacterial properties of some Mexican honeys. Journal of Food Science. http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1750 3841.2011.02487.x 800 Kwakman PH, te Velde AA, De Boer L, Speijer D, Vandenbroucke-Grauls CM, Zaat SA. How honey
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E., Caboni, P., Cottiglia, F., Cabras, P., & Floris, I. (2010). Floral markers of strawberry tree (Arbutus unedo L.) honey. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 58, 384-389. 857 Nahar, L., Russel, W. R., Middleton, M., Shoeb, M., & Sarker, S. D. (2005). Antioxidant phenylacetic acid derivatives from the seeds of Ilex aquifolium. Acta Pharmaceutica, 55, 187-193. MICROGRAFII ASUPRA PRODUSELOR APICOLE Andrițoiu Călin Vasile 225 Ordoudi et al., 2006858; Sroka si Cisowski, 2003859; Rosa et al., 2011860), pentru a preveni H2O2 induse de peroxidarea
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858 Ordoudi, S. A., Tsimidou, M. Z., Vafiadis, A. P., & Bakalbassis, E. G. (2006). StructureDPPH scavenging activity relationships: Parallel study of catechol and guaiacol acid derivatives. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 54, 5763-5768. 859 Sroka, Z., & Cisowski, W. (2003). Hydrogen peroxide scavenging, antioxidant and anti radical activity of some phenolic acids. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 41, 753-758. 860 Antonella Rosa, Carlo Ignazio Giovanni Tuberoso, Angela Atzeri, Maria Paola Melis, Ersilia Bifulco, Maria Assunta Dessì, Antioxidant profile of strawberry tree honey and its marker
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Zhang, R., Jung, M. S., You, H. J., et al. (2005). Antioxidant effect of homogentisic acid on hydrogen peroxide induced oxidative stress in human lung fibroblast cells. Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering, 10, 556-563. 862 Tuberoso, C. I. G., et al. Antioxidant capacity and vasodilatory properties of Mediterranean food: The case of Cannonau wine, myrtle berries liqueur and strawberry-tree honey. Food Chemistry (2012), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.foodchem.2012.09.07 1. 863 Ferreres, F., García-Viguera, C., Tomás Lorente
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867 Xie, M. X., Xu, X. Y., & Wang, Y. D. (2005). Interaction between hesperetin and human serum albumin revealed by spectroscopic methods. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, 1724, 215-224. 868 Gheldof, N., Wang, X., Engeseth, N.J., 2002. Identification and quantification of antioxidant components of honeys from various floral sources. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 50, 5870-5877. MICROGRAFII ASUPRA PRODUSELOR APICOLE 226 cea mai înaltă capacitate de absorbție a radicalilor de oxigen față de mierea provenita din șapte surse florale 869 (Gheldof and
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