706 matches
of a principle the finality that determines its essential attribut: the fact of being the final goal of the world's existence. These two opperations appear this way in the conceptual structure of the determinism through finality in the energetic personalism: the assertion of the human specific way of life (the man being the final goal of the world, of the existence-as-energy) and the negation of the unlimited valability of the causal relationship (the assertion of the world's unity on
Filosofia umanului: personalism energetic şi antropologie kantiană by Viorel Cernica [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1444_a_2686]
time and destiny concepts, it is materially founded on the historical forms of the personality (the mistical personality, the "type" and the energetic personality) and it is confirmed by the vocation theory. Except the four fundamental concepts of the energetic personalism anthropologically ordered the original reality (as energy), the evolution, the finality and the personality this interpretation reveals also the idea of the man's presence in the structure of the world, in the centre of equilibrium between the natural conditioned
Filosofia umanului: personalism energetic şi antropologie kantiană by Viorel Cernica [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1444_a_2686]
appears as a way of being, not as a simple existence among other things. Here we have the basis of a new idea with the role of conclusion in the paper: the model of anthropological reconstruction at which the energetic personalism participates is the ontology of the human. For an interpretation of the signification of Rădulescu-Motru's philosophy in the philosophical horizon of today, the philosophical models with which it has the strongest relationship, the energetism and the personalism, are put
Filosofia umanului: personalism energetic şi antropologie kantiană by Viorel Cernica [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1444_a_2686]
the energetic personalism participates is the ontology of the human. For an interpretation of the signification of Rădulescu-Motru's philosophy in the philosophical horizon of today, the philosophical models with which it has the strongest relationship, the energetism and the personalism, are put next to eachother. The two forms of the personalism that are presented in this paper Ch. Renouvier's, that opens the series of the personalisms, and Emm. Mounier's, that offers the model as such of this philosophy
Filosofia umanului: personalism energetic şi antropologie kantiană by Viorel Cernica [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1444_a_2686]
an interpretation of the signification of Rădulescu-Motru's philosophy in the philosophical horizon of today, the philosophical models with which it has the strongest relationship, the energetism and the personalism, are put next to eachother. The two forms of the personalism that are presented in this paper Ch. Renouvier's, that opens the series of the personalisms, and Emm. Mounier's, that offers the model as such of this philosophy and the energetic personalism also have as fundamental concepts: the original
Filosofia umanului: personalism energetic şi antropologie kantiană by Viorel Cernica [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1444_a_2686]
to eachother. The two forms of the personalism that are presented in this paper Ch. Renouvier's, that opens the series of the personalisms, and Emm. Mounier's, that offers the model as such of this philosophy and the energetic personalism also have as fundamental concepts: the original reality, the evolution, the finality and the personality. This fact allows the conclusion that the energetic personalism is a species of the contemporary personalism. The reordering of the energetic personalism's content according
Filosofia umanului: personalism energetic şi antropologie kantiană by Viorel Cernica [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1444_a_2686]
and Emm. Mounier's, that offers the model as such of this philosophy and the energetic personalism also have as fundamental concepts: the original reality, the evolution, the finality and the personality. This fact allows the conclusion that the energetic personalism is a species of the contemporary personalism. The reordering of the energetic personalism's content according to the idea of the analogy between the formal structure of the kantian finality and the structure of the determinism through finality concept is
Filosofia umanului: personalism energetic şi antropologie kantiană by Viorel Cernica [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1444_a_2686]
model as such of this philosophy and the energetic personalism also have as fundamental concepts: the original reality, the evolution, the finality and the personality. This fact allows the conclusion that the energetic personalism is a species of the contemporary personalism. The reordering of the energetic personalism's content according to the idea of the analogy between the formal structure of the kantian finality and the structure of the determinism through finality concept is would not be possible without the conceptual
Filosofia umanului: personalism energetic şi antropologie kantiană by Viorel Cernica [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1444_a_2686]
and the energetic personalism also have as fundamental concepts: the original reality, the evolution, the finality and the personality. This fact allows the conclusion that the energetic personalism is a species of the contemporary personalism. The reordering of the energetic personalism's content according to the idea of the analogy between the formal structure of the kantian finality and the structure of the determinism through finality concept is would not be possible without the conceptual explanations conteined in the first chapter
Filosofia umanului: personalism energetic şi antropologie kantiană by Viorel Cernica [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1444_a_2686]
the "fundamental ontology") and the differences between them, is discussed the anthropological project and is presented the kantian anthropological project, is remade the formal structure of the kantian concept of finality and is argued the idea according to the energetic personalism participates at the model of the ontology of the human. This first chapter constructs the basis for the idea according to the energetic personalism represents o form of the contemporary personalism. In the generative structure of the energetic personalism and
Filosofia umanului: personalism energetic şi antropologie kantiană by Viorel Cernica [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1444_a_2686]
structure of the kantian concept of finality and is argued the idea according to the energetic personalism participates at the model of the ontology of the human. This first chapter constructs the basis for the idea according to the energetic personalism represents o form of the contemporary personalism. In the generative structure of the energetic personalism and generally of the personalism are present the four concepts mentioned above. The approaching of the problems in the aim of revealing the energetic personalism
Filosofia umanului: personalism energetic şi antropologie kantiană by Viorel Cernica [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1444_a_2686]
and is argued the idea according to the energetic personalism participates at the model of the ontology of the human. This first chapter constructs the basis for the idea according to the energetic personalism represents o form of the contemporary personalism. In the generative structure of the energetic personalism and generally of the personalism are present the four concepts mentioned above. The approaching of the problems in the aim of revealing the energetic personalism's signification in the present-day's philosophical
Filosofia umanului: personalism energetic şi antropologie kantiană by Viorel Cernica [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1444_a_2686]
energetic personalism participates at the model of the ontology of the human. This first chapter constructs the basis for the idea according to the energetic personalism represents o form of the contemporary personalism. In the generative structure of the energetic personalism and generally of the personalism are present the four concepts mentioned above. The approaching of the problems in the aim of revealing the energetic personalism's signification in the present-day's philosophical space respects the following scenario: the depicting of
Filosofia umanului: personalism energetic şi antropologie kantiană by Viorel Cernica [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1444_a_2686]
model of the ontology of the human. This first chapter constructs the basis for the idea according to the energetic personalism represents o form of the contemporary personalism. In the generative structure of the energetic personalism and generally of the personalism are present the four concepts mentioned above. The approaching of the problems in the aim of revealing the energetic personalism's signification in the present-day's philosophical space respects the following scenario: the depicting of the problem as it results
Filosofia umanului: personalism energetic şi antropologie kantiană by Viorel Cernica [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1444_a_2686]
personalism represents o form of the contemporary personalism. In the generative structure of the energetic personalism and generally of the personalism are present the four concepts mentioned above. The approaching of the problems in the aim of revealing the energetic personalism's signification in the present-day's philosophical space respects the following scenario: the depicting of the problem as it results from Rădulescu-Motru's text, in its logical line; the presenting of the author's point of view which he was
Filosofia umanului: personalism energetic şi antropologie kantiană by Viorel Cernica [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1444_a_2686]
the other historical horizon than its own. I tried to make a rule of method in this idea. Considered in the system of reference of the analogy between the formal structure of the kantian concept of the finality, the energetic personalism reveals itself as the achievement of an ontology of the human model and as a significant philosophy in the space of the contemporary personalism. This is the final conclusion of the paper. CLUBUL DE CARTE INSTITUTUL EUROPEAN Stimate Cititor, Institutul
Filosofia umanului: personalism energetic şi antropologie kantiană by Viorel Cernica [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1444_a_2686]
of the analogy between the formal structure of the kantian concept of the finality, the energetic personalism reveals itself as the achievement of an ontology of the human model and as a significant philosophy in the space of the contemporary personalism. This is the final conclusion of the paper. CLUBUL DE CARTE INSTITUTUL EUROPEAN Stimate Cititor, Institutul European Iași vine în sprijinul dumneavoastră ajutându-vă să economisiți timp și bani. Titlurile dorite unele căutate îndelung prin librării pot fi comandate acum
Filosofia umanului: personalism energetic şi antropologie kantiană by Viorel Cernica [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1444_a_2686]
cod 700107 • Tel. Difuzare: 0788.319462 Fax: 0232/230197 • euroedit@hotmail.com http: //www.euroinst.ro 1 C. Rădulescu-Motru și proiectul antropologic kantian, București, Casa de Presă și Editură "Mihai Dascal", 2000. 2 C. Rădulescu-Motru, Elemente de metafizică, în vol. Personalismul energetic și alte scrieri, Studiu, antologie și note de Gheorghe Al. Cazan, București, Editura Eminescu, 1984, p. 511. 3 Pentru lucrările exegeților menționați, a se vedea Bibliografia ce încheie această lucrare. 4 C. Rădulescu-Motru, Filosofia în România veche, în "Convorbiri
Filosofia umanului: personalism energetic şi antropologie kantiană by Viorel Cernica [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1444_a_2686]
exegeților menționați, a se vedea Bibliografia ce încheie această lucrare. 4 C. Rădulescu-Motru, Filosofia în România veche, în "Convorbiri literare", apr. 1933, p. 304. 5 Eugeniu Sperantia, C. Rădulescu-Motru psiholog, în "Revista de filosofie", vol. XVII, 1932. 6 C. Rădulescu-Motru, Personalismul energetic, în vol. Personalismul energetic și alte scrieri, p. 534. 7 Tudor Vianu, Conceptul omului în filosofia d-lui C. Rădulescu-Motru, în vol. Opere 9, București, Editura Minerva, 1980, p. 211. 8 Iosif Brucăr, C. Rădulescu-Motru metafizician, în "Revista de
Filosofia umanului: personalism energetic şi antropologie kantiană by Viorel Cernica [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1444_a_2686]
vedea Bibliografia ce încheie această lucrare. 4 C. Rădulescu-Motru, Filosofia în România veche, în "Convorbiri literare", apr. 1933, p. 304. 5 Eugeniu Sperantia, C. Rădulescu-Motru psiholog, în "Revista de filosofie", vol. XVII, 1932. 6 C. Rădulescu-Motru, Personalismul energetic, în vol. Personalismul energetic și alte scrieri, p. 534. 7 Tudor Vianu, Conceptul omului în filosofia d-lui C. Rădulescu-Motru, în vol. Opere 9, București, Editura Minerva, 1980, p. 211. 8 Iosif Brucăr, C. Rădulescu-Motru metafizician, în "Revista de filosofie", vol. XVII, 1932
Filosofia umanului: personalism energetic şi antropologie kantiană by Viorel Cernica [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1444_a_2686]
9, București, Editura Minerva, 1980, p. 211. 8 Iosif Brucăr, C. Rădulescu-Motru metafizician, în "Revista de filosofie", vol. XVII, 1932. 9 Mircea Flonta, Filosofie critică și construcție metafizică, în "Revista de filosofie", 5/1993, p. 450. 10 Vasile Băncilă, Doctrina personalismului energetic a d-lui C. Rădulescu-Motru, București, Cultura românească, 1928, p. 76. 11 A se vedea Vasile Dem. Zamfirescu, Nedreptatea ontică, București, Editura Trei, 1995. 12 Ion Petrovici, Kant și cugetarea românească, în vol., Studii istorico-filosofice, București, Tipografia "Jockey Club
Filosofia umanului: personalism energetic şi antropologie kantiană by Viorel Cernica [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1444_a_2686]
titlul: Elemente de metafizică. Principalele probleme ale filosofiei contemporane pe înțelesul tuturor; a doua ediție, definitivă (1928), poartă titlul: Elemente de metafizică pe baza filosofiei kantiane. 15 H. Bergson, La philosophie, Paris, Librairie Larousse, 1915, p. 24. 16 C. Rădulescu-Motru, Personalismul energetic, p. 605. 17 C. Rădulescu-Motru, Elemente de metafizică, p. 467. 18 Ibidem, p. 509. 19 A se vedea C. Rădulescu-Motru, Personalismul energetic cap. I: Metoda în studiul personalității. 20 Ibidem, p. 534. 21 Hegel, Logica, București, Editura Humanitas, 1995
Filosofia umanului: personalism energetic şi antropologie kantiană by Viorel Cernica [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1444_a_2686]
pe baza filosofiei kantiane. 15 H. Bergson, La philosophie, Paris, Librairie Larousse, 1915, p. 24. 16 C. Rădulescu-Motru, Personalismul energetic, p. 605. 17 C. Rădulescu-Motru, Elemente de metafizică, p. 467. 18 Ibidem, p. 509. 19 A se vedea C. Rădulescu-Motru, Personalismul energetic cap. I: Metoda în studiul personalității. 20 Ibidem, p. 534. 21 Hegel, Logica, București, Editura Humanitas, 1995, p. 14. 22 Husserl, Criza umanității europene și filosofia, București, Editura Paideia, 1997, p. 222. 23 Kant, Întemeierea metafizicii moravurilor, în vol
Filosofia umanului: personalism energetic şi antropologie kantiană by Viorel Cernica [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1444_a_2686]
de l'histoire, în vol. L'idée de l'histoire, Les Éditions du Cerf, 1988, p. 136. 104 Corina Hrișcă, C. Rădulescu-Motru filosof al culturii, Cluj, Editura Dacia, 1987, p. 71. 105 Gheorghe Al. Cazan, Studiu introductiv la C. Rădulescu-Motru Personalismul energetic și alte scrieri, p. XLIII. 106 Nicolae Gogoneață, Coordonate ale filosofiei lui C. Rădulescu-Motru, în "Revista de filosofie" 2/1992, p. 10. 107 C. Rădulescu-Motru, Puterea sufletească, în vol. Personalismul energetic și alte scrieri, p.202. 108 Idem, Elemente
Filosofia umanului: personalism energetic şi antropologie kantiană by Viorel Cernica [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1444_a_2686]
105 Gheorghe Al. Cazan, Studiu introductiv la C. Rădulescu-Motru Personalismul energetic și alte scrieri, p. XLIII. 106 Nicolae Gogoneață, Coordonate ale filosofiei lui C. Rădulescu-Motru, în "Revista de filosofie" 2/1992, p. 10. 107 C. Rădulescu-Motru, Puterea sufletească, în vol. Personalismul energetic și alte scrieri, p.202. 108 Idem, Elemente de metafizică, p. 468. 109 Ibidem, p. 477. 110 Ibidem, p. 479. 111 Ibidem, p. 500. 112 Ibidem, p. 506. 113 Ibidem, p. 509. 114 Idem, Puterea sufletească, p. 295. 115
Filosofia umanului: personalism energetic şi antropologie kantiană by Viorel Cernica [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1444_a_2686]