1,209 matches
as an international public servant with the United Nations Secretariat in Geneva, in the years 1972-1977, and when his efforts and the efforts of other colleagues in the Secretariat to establish better and closer relationships with their Soviet fellows encountered great reluctance on behalf of the Soviets, victims of the system they were coming from. 1. În loc de prefață Astăzi se vorbește puțin despre activitatea României în cadrul ONU și al agențiilor sale specializate și aproape deloc despre felul în care s-a
the second half of the 20th century. Right after the Second World War, the international relations were strongly influenced by the Cold War policy, the strengthening of the policy of force, having as their postulates the bipolarity of the two great powers and of the opposing political military blocs and the confrontation taking place in all spheres. All the countries of the world, which had gained their independence were firmly opposed to the Cold War, refusing to align themselves to the
internaționale, Polirom, Iași, 2007. Kurlantzick, Joshua, Charm Offensive. How China's Soft Power Is Transforming the World, Yale University Press, New Haven and London, 2007. Lallement, Michael, Istoria ideilor sociologice, Antet XX Press, Filipeștii de Târg, Prahova, 2003. Legro, Jeffrey, Great Power Strategies and International Order, Cornell University Press, Ithaca and London, 2005. Linklater, Andrew, The Transformation of Political Community, Polity Press, Cambridge, 1998. Linklater, Andrew, and Hidemi Suganami, The English School of International Relations. A Contemporary Reassessment, Cambridge University Press
by IOANA LEUCEA [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/958_a_2466]
Thirkell-White (eds.), Critical International Relations Theory after 25 Years, Cambridge University Press, 2007. Roach, Steven (ed.) Critical Theory and International Relations: A Reader, Routledge, New York and London, 2008. Roberts, David, The Totalitarian Experiment in Twentieth-Century Europe: Understanding the Poverty of Great Politics, Routledge, London and New York, 2006. Rosenthal, Joel (ed.), Ethics and International Affairs. A Reader, Carnegie Council on Ethics and International Affairs, Georgetown University Press, Washington DC, 1999. Russbach, Olivier, ONU contra ONU, Editura CNI "Coresi", București, 1999. Sava, Ionel
by IOANA LEUCEA [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/958_a_2466]
Albany, 2003. 62 Klotz, Audie and Lynch, Cecelia, Op. cit., p. 8. 63 Ibidem, p. 10. 64 Griffiths, Martin, Steven Roach, and M. Scott Solomon, Fifty Key Thinkers in International Relations, Routledge, 2009, London and New York, p. 126. 65 Legro, Jeffrey, Great Power Strategies and International Order, Cornell University Press, Ithaca and London, 2005, p. 2. 66 Klotz, Audie and Lynch, Cecelia, Op. cit., pp. 10-11. 67 Strange, Susan, State și piețe, Institutul European, Iași, 1997, pp. 152-175. 68 Kratochwil, Friedrich, "History, action
by IOANA LEUCEA [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/958_a_2466]
University Press, Cambridge, 2001, pp. 1-15. 96 Wurgaft, Lewis, "Identity in World History: A Postmodern Perspective" în Pomper, Philip, Richard Elphick and Richard Vann (eds.), World History. Ideologies, Structures and Identities, Blackwell Publishers, Oxford, 1998, p. 179. 97 Legro, Jeffrey, Great Power Strategies and International Order, Cornell University Press, Ithaca and London, 2005, p. 2. 98 Teschke, Benno, The Myth of 1648. Class, Geopolitics and the Making of Modern International Relations, Verso, London and New York, 2003. 99 Bull, Hedley, and Adam
by IOANA LEUCEA [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/958_a_2466]
can blame entirely the criticism because of our deep rooted prejudices, but ourselves. From the criticism of the '40s (G. Calinescu, Tudor Vianu) which calls for the Romanian literary canon in which Slavici was granted a privileged position among the "great writers" that is "great creators" in the Romanian literature, in the works of the '70s (George Munteanu, Magdalena Popescu) which represent a renewal, a revival of the analytical perspective on the writer's work, until the last three decades, noting
by Steliana Brădescu [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1060_a_2568]
criticism because of our deep rooted prejudices, but ourselves. From the criticism of the '40s (G. Calinescu, Tudor Vianu) which calls for the Romanian literary canon in which Slavici was granted a privileged position among the "great writers" that is "great creators" in the Romanian literature, in the works of the '70s (George Munteanu, Magdalena Popescu) which represent a renewal, a revival of the analytical perspective on the writer's work, until the last three decades, noting the contributions of Anton
by Steliana Brădescu [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1060_a_2568]
time separation of his entire work the school books offer?", "Is Slavici a thesist writer?". Without intending to do a factual and documentary recreation of the writer's biography, the sub-chapters "Slavici the balanced", "Slavici the tragic" and "Slavici the great/valient" attempt to provide answers with a purely symptomatic character clarifying for the critic who puts the masterpieces on one side and the waste papers on the other side, but has an overall view for the entire work, considering it
by Steliana Brădescu [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1060_a_2568]
the tools of imagology, aims to illustrate how the writer's skill offers the reader. We also proposed the recovery of texts of which the short-story "The Crows Inn" n which the writer gives the reader his first and only great work of fantastic literature. The singularity seems to send the work in the field of "literary experiments". Things are not at all like this. Although Slavici does not chose to keep the formula on the fantastic any more, surprisingly, "The
by Steliana Brădescu [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1060_a_2568]
Arnold Berger, “Embedded systems design An introduction to processes, tools and techniques”, CMP Books, Lawrence, USA, 2002. [11] Steven H. Voldman, “ESD circuits and devices”, John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, England, 2006. [12] Elecia White , “Making embedded systems. Design patterns for great software”, O’Reilly Media, Farnham, USA, 2011. [13] Mark Balch, „Complete digital design. A comprehensive guide to digital electronics and computer system architecture”, McGraw Hill, New York, USA, 2003. [14] Richard Brent, Paul Zimmermannn, “Modern computer arithmetic”, Cambridge University Press, New York
CONSTRUCŢIA ŞI TEHNOLOGIA SISTEMELOR EMBEDDED by Andrei DRUMEA () [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/674_a_1069]
Miller and Michael MacKuen, "Learning About the Candidates: The 1976 Presidential Debates", în The Public Opinion Quarterly , 43 (3), 1979, p. 331. 4 Steven, H. Chaffee,"Uses and Effects of the 1976 Debates: An Overview of Empirical Studies", în: The Great Debates: Carter vs. Ford 1976, Krauss Sidney (ed.),Indiană University Press, Bloomington, 1979, pp.223-261. 5 Mitchell, S McKinney, Diana B Carlin, "Political Campaign Debate", în Handbook of Political Communication Research, Lynda Lee Kaid (eds), Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Mahwah, NJ
spațiului public, Editura Polirom, Iași, 2011. Brâu, D., Philippe, Grădină deliciilor democrației. Pentru o lectură psiho-afectivă a regimurilor pluraliste, Editura Globus, București, 1996. Chaffee, Steven H, "Uses and Effects of the 1976 Debates: An Overview of Empirical Studies", în: The Great Debates: Carter vs. Ford 1976, Krauss Sidney (ed.), Indiană University Press, Bloomington, 1979. Charaudeau, Patrick, Ghiglione, Rodolphe, Talk show-ul: despre libertatea cuvântului că mit, Editura Polirom, Iași, 2005 Corbu, Nicoleta, Corbu, Boțan, Mădălina, Telepreședinții. Radiografia unei campanii electorale, Editura
of Economic Constitution] Cristian-Ion POPA Abstract: The current Presidential Administration proposes the revision of existing Constitution, even the "economic constitution", aș argued some influential academic circles, especially juridical, around the President. This article attempts to contribute, however modestly, to this great debate from another perspective, that of "constituțional political economy", a school of thought that hâș developed în recent decades în western political theory. Keywords: presidential administration, Constitution, revision, constituțional political economy. Introducere Departamentul "Reforma Instituțională și Constituțională" din cadrul actualei Administrații
which we consider inadequate, limited and funcționalist, expresses and insufficient approach, ăn attitude of breaking away from nature (with the human being "protected" from nature, by an artificial, urban habitat, made of concrete and cement), în which nature is "the great wilderness", yet to be urbanized and tamed, surrounding the human metropolises" (conception born from the deep interpretation of the phrase). There is a multitude of definitions of the phrase "environment", preferred în the legal doctrine, instead of the more comprehensive
explained contemporary cultural manifestations. The author passed values through different thinking filters: philosophical, anthropological, economical and sociological; it analysed them from the thinkers` point of view in different epochs (antiquity, renaissance, enlightenment, modernism and post-modernism), it made a synthesis of great theoretical constructions about values, but not for the sake of listing them, but to have an understanding perspective upon contemporary facts of culture, debated through the entire work. The book is unique even by only the way it argues some
by Constantin Crăiţoiu [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1063_a_2571]
Culture, language, values. Norms, laws. Social attitudes in relation to all these. Language and intelligence. Culture and identity. The geography of cultures depending on the language. Tehnology as a cultural element. The processes of increasing cultural phenomena. Socializing and forming great communities. Globalization and the danger of mcdonaldisation, development of society`s periphery processes through cultural delay. Here are some of the most debated phenomena within the work of Constantin Crăițoiu. All these are framed in an almost impeccable theoretical order
by Constantin Crăiţoiu [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1063_a_2571]
excellent working tool for cultural phenomena researches. In what more "pragmatic" levels are concerned, the book is also an impulse to cultural lecturing of marketing phenomenon in Romania. Along the book but mostly in the last part, the author gives great importance to values in the Romanian society. The prevailing values in the contemporary Romanian society are in a defensive stage, the society drawing back to tradition. The crisis` impact on profound structures of the Romanian society are analysed through the
by Constantin Crăiţoiu [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1063_a_2571]
Arnold Berger, “Embedded systems design An introduction to processes, tools and techniques”, CMP Books, Lawrence, USA, 2002. [11] Steven H. Voldman, “ESD circuits and devices”, John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, England, 2006. [12] Elecia White , “Making embedded systems. Design patterns for great software”, O’Reilly Media, Farnham, USA, 2011. [13] Mark Balch, „Complete digital design. A comprehensive guide to digital electronics and computer system architecture”, McGraw Hill, New York, USA, 2003. [14] Richard Brent, Paul Zimmermannn, “Modern computer arithmetic”, Cambridge University Press, New York
CONSTRUCŢIA ŞI TEHNOLOGIA SISTEMELOR EMBEDDED by Andrei DRUMEA () [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/674_a_1090]
reprezentanți trebuiau apoi acceptați sau respinși de către legislativele regionale. În discursul său electoral, Vladimir Putin, a promis stabilitate și prosperitate alegătorilor. „El a promis de asemeni, democrație și domnia legii - dar numai atunci când Rusia va fi pregătită pentru acestea .” <footnote Great Britain, Parliament, House of Lords, European Union Committee, The European Union and Russia Raport with evidence, 14th Raport of Session 2007-08, Editura HL Paper 98, p. 17; footnote> Haosul politic a fost înlăturat dar cu costul războiului din Cecenia. Creșterea
ARMA ECONOMICĂ ÎN CONTEXTUL GLOBALIZĂRII by Cristian Moşnianu () [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/366_a_623]
străin care a ajuns președinte, iar vederile sale (cu accente ale competitivității și conceptelor de soft power) au fost mult timp puse la îndoială printre membrii serviciului de inteligență și securitate”<footnote Jeffrey Mankoff, Russia foreign policy: the return of great power politics, Editura Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Anglia, 2009, p. 14; footnote> care erau în apropierea lui Putin și care continuă să își exercite obiectivele și după numirea lui Medvedev. „Din păcate, Medvedev nu dispune de prea mult timp de gândire
ARMA ECONOMICĂ ÎN CONTEXTUL GLOBALIZĂRII by Cristian Moşnianu () [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/366_a_623]
de 5 miliarde de euro care poate transporta prin Turcia pentru a ajunge la piețele Occidentale printr-un terminal care are capătul în Austria. Primii clienți sunt țările prin care această conductă va trece: Bulgaria, România și Ungaria.”<footnote By Great Britain: Parliament: House of Commons: Foreign Affairs Committee, Global security: Russia, second raport of session 2007-2008, p. 47; footnote> Conductele care vor tranzita aceste țări vor fi deținute de o companie națională Nabucco, care v-a lucra sub subordonarea companiei
ARMA ECONOMICĂ ÎN CONTEXTUL GLOBALIZĂRII by Cristian Moşnianu () [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/366_a_623]
astfel că politicul prevalează asupra pieței și acțiunea colectivă asupra celei individuale. Perioada de după al doilea război mondial a cunoscut o creștere a soluționării politice (reglementare, redistribuire etc.) în cadrul societății (Maier, 1987, apud Pierre și Peters, 2000). Proiecte precum „The Great Society” în Statele Unite sau „The Strong Society” în Suedia aveau în vedere creșterea cheltuielilor publice pentru furnizarea amplă a unor servicii publice - educație, sănătate, infrastructură, combaterea sărăciei -, fapt ce determina astfel creșterea intervenției guvernării în economie. Ele își propuneau să
the development of arts and periods of transition, placed under the cancer sign. In the latter case, there is a small chance that the literature produced under such conditions to enter into what is called, using a cliché definition, the great literature. There are writers who are in self-seeking in the amalgam of ideas and concepts of the time, trying to confirm their status, to specify an identity, given that the society offers them only disillusionment, imposing a rejection of the
obținute doar prin cercetare și analiză: Am arătat că, dacă există informații cu privire la situația strategică (termenul folosit de Kent pentru a se referi la capacitatea militară, politică și economică a unei națiuni de a acționa pe scena internațională) a statului Great Frusina (o mare putere ipotetică, în viziunea lui Kent), vulnerabilitățile acesteia și modul în care sunt percepute, precum și despre situația și vulnerabilitățile altor state implicate, atunci există posibilitatea de a anticipa acțiunile pe care le-ar putea întreprinde. Pentru ca previziunile