1,907 matches
266 Charles Hartshorne, "What the Ontological Proof Does Not Do", în Review of Metaphysics, vol. 17, nr. 4, 1964, p. 609. 267 Daniel A. Dombrowski, Rethinking the Ontological Argument, Cambridge University Press, New York, 2006, pp. 3-4. 268 David A. Pailin, "Some comments on Hartshorne's Presentation of the Ontological Argument", în Religious Studies, vol. 4, nr. 1, 1968, p. 122. 269 Vezi Norman Malcom, "Anselm's Ontological Argument", în Philosophical Review, vol. 69, nr. 1, 1960, pp. 41-62. 270 Vezi Kenneth
Argumentul ontologic în filosofia analitică. O reevaluare din perspectiva conceptului de existenţă necesară by Vlad Vasile Andreica [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/891_a_2399]
C. Moskop, Divine Omniscience and Human Freedom, Mercer University Press, Macon, 1984, p. 86. 369 Charles Hartshorne, op. cit., pp. 25-26. 370 Idem, pp. 26-27. 371 Idem, p. 33. 372 Idem, pp. 33-34. 373 Idem, pp. 35-36. 374 David A. Pailin, "Some comments on Hartshorne's Presentation of the Ontological Argument", în Religious Studies, vol. 4, nr. 1, 1968, p. 108. 375 Charles Hartshorne, The logic of perfection, Open Court Publishing Company, La Salle, Illinois, 1962, p. 36. 376 Charles Hartshorne, "Omnipotence
Argumentul ontologic în filosofia analitică. O reevaluare din perspectiva conceptului de existenţă necesară by Vlad Vasile Andreica [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/891_a_2399]
op. cit, pp. 50-51. 446 B.G. Nowlin, The Ontological Argument: Sound but Superfluos?, apud Donald Wayne Viney, op. cit., p. 55. 447 Donald Wayne Viney, op. cit, pp. 55-57. 448 Idem, p. 130. 449 Idem, p. 1. 450 David A. Pailin, "Some comments on Hartshorne's Presentation of the Ontological Argument", în Religious Studies, vol. .4, nr. 1, 1968, p. 122. 451 Daniel Dombrowski, op. cit., pp. 3-4. 452 Donald Wayne Viney, op. cit., 1985, p. 23. 453 Idem, p. 25. 454 Idem, pp.
Argumentul ontologic în filosofia analitică. O reevaluare din perspectiva conceptului de existenţă necesară by Vlad Vasile Andreica [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/891_a_2399]
nevăzute" a Frumuseții Intelectuale, care " Plutește deși nevăzută printre noi".* (Williams 2009: 37) [*Williams se referă aici la faimosul poem al lui P. B. Shelley intitulat Hymn to intellectual beauty / Imn către frumusețea intelectuală: (versiunea A) "The awful shadow of some unseen Power / Floats though unseen amongst us, - visiting / This various world with as inconstant wing / As summer winds that creep from flower to flower-". Versiunea B este numai puțin diferită: "The lovely shadow of some awful Power / Walks though unseen
A) "The awful shadow of some unseen Power / Floats though unseen amongst us, - visiting / This various world with as inconstant wing / As summer winds that creep from flower to flower-". Versiunea B este numai puțin diferită: "The lovely shadow of some awful Power / Walks though unseen amongst us, visiting / This peopled world with as inconstant wing / As summer winds that creep from flower to flower". (Shelley 2003: 114, 117)] Cu alte cuvinte, poetul-băiat a fost integrat în noua mitologie a romanticilor
cele mai firești, să dezgroape trecutul pentru a reconstrui, pentru a face să renască o lume pierdută, pentru că aici, în trecut, și numai aici se găsesc rădăcinile adevărului (istoric și de altă natură) pe care îl căutăm. În nuvela sa Some words with a mummy / Cîteva vorbe cu o mumie (1845), Poe făcea aluzie la această necesitate de a reînvia oameni din trecut (mumia din nuvelă este astfel resuscitată) pentru a putea avea acces la un adevăr istoric nedistorsionat pînă la
The muses library; or, A series of English poetry, containing, The lives and characters of all the known writers; the names of their patrons; complete episodes, by way of specimen of the larger pieces, very near the intire works of some, and large quotations from others. Being a general collection of almost all the old valuable poetry extant, now so industriously enquir'd after, tho' rarely to be found, but in the studies of the curious, and affording entertainment on all
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discourse: "communication between persons". Because, în this case, it is natural to ask: what is the difference between the communication we establish with the newspaper salesperson, with a bank clerk, or with a person who stops uș to ask for some kind of information, from the communication with the members of our family, with a lifetime friend, and basically with all those persons with whom we share deep affection, which finds its unending source în living common experiences? Therefore, the determinant
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cannot speak în association with the newspaper salesperson, the bank clerk, nor with any other unknown person, because of the lack of affective support. Inner language, a fundamental acquisition în the psychological development of the human individual, is considered by some specialists to be intra-personal communication. This paper expresses and justifies the option for the concept of interior monolog, în order to explain what happens at an intra-personal level, when modeling the personality of an adolescent. The conceptual models
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action from whose combination there result the six fundamental emotions (according to certain papers of the same authors, seven) whose universal character hâș been recognized, have been selected from this interval: happiness, surprise, anger, fear, sadness, disgust (and, according to some papers, despise). Although FACS describes, aș mentioned previously, the entire facial activity, it does not present the information în terms of emotions. Therefore, în order to obtain results, ăn "extra-FACS" aid is required, which can be found în other works
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