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drogurilor în programele televizate - Maria Livia Ștefănescu Metodologie - Planul de servicii - Emilia Chițu, Florin Lazăr Dicționar Eveniment științific Apariții editoriale SUMMARY Romanian employment policies - Eugen Blaga Policies for Roma - Mariea Ionescu Employment policies and vocational training - comparative approach - Eugen Blaga Intimate violence - Mihai Micle Alcohol abuse. Strategies and preventing/combating policies - Ioan Popoviciu, Ana Salomea Popoviciu The incidence of alcohol abuse in the families with children of school age from Iasi city - Octavian Driga, Viorel Robu HIV (AIDS) and other infections
fi putut s-o apuce pe altul. Spectatorul surprins, căzut pe gînduri, descumpănit, se trezește în fața naturii întîmplătoare a evenimentelor, a lumilor; în fața libertății și a responsabilității sale. Cartea e o încercare de a gîndi acest "sau, poate" care structurează Intimate Exchanges, piesa lui Alain Ayckbourn 12 din care Alain Resnais a făcut un film dublu, Smoking No Smoking. Ce înseamnă acest " sau, poate" pe care-l putem traduce și prin "la fel de bine"? Ceea ce este ar fi putut la fel de bine să
Dosse, L'Empire du sens.L'Humanisation des sciences sociales, La Découverte, 1997, p. 387. 10 Basarab Nicolescu, 1996, pp. 7-8. 11 Robert Musil, L'Homme sans qualités, volumul 2, éditions du Seuil ("Points"), 1995, p. 489. 12 Alan Ayckbourn, Intimate Exchanges, 2 volume, French, Londra, 1985. 13 Stendhal, Le Rouge et le noir, Librairie générale française ("Le Livre de Poche"), 1983; pentru prezenta traducere: Stendhal, Roșu și negru, vol I și II, Editura Apollo, Craiova, 1992, traducere de Gellu Naum
theatre. Equally, melodrama does not count as a casual literary code among others, but as life itself, which is permanently guiding the activity of figuring down literature. What we can discover in E. Lovinescu's literature is a still more intimate manner in which forms can absorb themselves into the writer's existence. Nevertheless, unless one aims at increasing narrative stereotypy, the re-dressing of melodramatic patterns can bring only unworthy results. Sharply, this leads to fragmentation of narrative structures, to schematisation
by Antonio Patraş [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1053_a_2561]
princesses) with a low and medium social condition not having a real courtesan statute, but offering episodic courtesan behaviour used for individual and communitarian interests. The same courtesan-like subcategory interferes with mistresses, concubines, and prostitutes. Mistresses are self implying in intimate, erotic relationships. Those making this option are strongly affective and pecuniary motivated. These kinds of relationships are life long duration or only episodic but with an enduring relationship. The concubines are deliberately or by constraints living in intimately, erotic extramarital
Curtezane şi pseudocurtezane: în mitologie, istorie, literatură by Elena Macavei [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/942_a_2450]
free, even depending on intermediates or clients. Their destinies may interfere. The privileged courtesans may begin as paramours, concubines, or as a wife and ending with the same statute or decaying as whores. Exactly as real courtesans, the courtesans-like have intimate erotic relationships, with affective feelings or they don't, selectively, but based on their own interests (economic, political, cultural, philanthropically). As independent persons they may offer to anyone, anytime, when they decide to. If they have masters, of course, they
Curtezane şi pseudocurtezane: în mitologie, istorie, literatură by Elena Macavei [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/942_a_2450]
1967 Idem, The East European Revolution, 3rd ed., Frederick A. Praeger Publishers, New York, 1956 Shafir, Michael, Romania: Politics, Economics and Society: Political Stagnation and Simulated Change, Lynne Rienner Publishers, Inc., Boulder, CO, 1985 Sherwood, Robert E., Roosevelt and Hopkins: An Intimate History, Harper & Brothers Publishers, 1948 Simon, Jeffrey, Cohesion and Dissension in Eastern Europe: Six Crise, Praeger, New York, 1983 Singleton, F.B., Background to Eastern Europe, Pergamon Press, London, 1965 Smyser, W.R., Refugees, Extended Exile, Cuvînt înainte de Leo Cherne, "The Washington
by Joseph F. Harrington, Bruce Y. Courtney [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1036_a_2544]
Langley și Jonas, Roosevelt and Churchill, pp. 660-662; Churchill, Triumph and Tragedy, pp. 420-421 222Loewenheim, Langley și Jonas, Roosevelt and Churchill, p. 668; FRUS, 1945, Tipografia Guvernului SUA, Washington, D.C., 1967, V, 509-510 223Robert E. Sherwood, Roosevelt and Hopkins, An Intimate History, Harper \ Brothers, New York, 1948, p. 875. E posibil ca Roosevelt să fi ezitat să exercite presiuni asupra Moscovei în privința României și din cauza recent încheiatei Declarații de la Chapultepec pentru ajutor reciproc și solidaritate americană. Prin această declarație de pe 3 martie
by Joseph F. Harrington, Bruce Y. Courtney [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1036_a_2544]