1,907 matches
1969. Revell, E.J., Biblical texts with palestinian pointing and their accents, Missoula MT, 1977. Richler, B., Guide to Hebrew Manuscript Collections, The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities, Ierusalim, 1994. Ringrenn, H., „Oral and Written Transmission in the Old Testament, Some Observations”, ST 3 (1949). Roberts, C.H., Manuscripts, Society and Belief in Early Christian Egypt, Oxford, 1979 Roberts, B.J., The Old Testament Text and Versions. The Hebrew Text in Transmission and the History of the Ancient Versions, Cardiff, 1951. Roberts, C.H.
consists în studying the relationships between emoțional intelligence, anxiety level and atitudes facing the stress în the case of practician doctors. At a much higher level the objective consists în identifying the stress predictors în practical medecine and, implicitely, establishing some adequated anti-stress programs. That kind of studies' finality, by using psychology speciffic tools, would make a double benefit: increasing medical personnel's comfort and professional efficiency, together with raising the patients' satisfaction level. Keywords: emoțional intelligence, atitude facing the stress
336-362. Kemper, Theodore D. (1990Ă Social relations and emotions: A structural approach. În T.D. Kemper (ed.Ă. Research Agendas în the Sociology of Emotions (pp. 207-237Ă. Albany: State University of New York Press. Kemper, Theodore D. (2002Ă Predicting emotions în groups: some lessons from September 11. În J. Barbalet (edă. Emotions and Sociology (pp. 53-68Ă. Oxford, UK: Blackwell Publishing. Manstead, Antony S.R., Frijda, Nico H. și Fischer, Agneta (2004Ă Feelings and Emotions: The Amsterdam Symposium. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. Marx, Karl
Gamble, Ț. K; Gamble, M., 1993, p. 104Ă în which the verbal channel takes hold of a proportion of 35% from the total communication, the rest of 65% being hold by the non-verbal channelă. Also we shouldn’ț forget that some researchers consider that the non-verbal communication tend to be credible for five time more than the verbal communication. But, also there is a reverse of the situation: sometimes, teachers/professors can deliberately use the verbal and nonverbal messages that might
this knees a cardboard on which it is written: „Blind from birth”. The crowd hâș been passing, indifferently, till the moment în which a stranger person stops, he takes the cardboard, changes one’s note of the message and writes some word on it and leaves away. Immediate after that, it happen a miracle. Every transient turn around their heads and many persons, sympathize with his sorrow, they stop a minute and drop a penny în his box”. But, we have
Company, New York. Sarason, B.S. (1999Ă, Teaching aș a performing art, Teacher College Press, New York. Schermerhorn, J.; Hunt, J. (1998Ă, Managing Organizațional Behavior, Wiley, New York. Andreea Zlate Suntem consumatori și actori economici „raționali” sau „iraționali”? Abstract: This article aims to approach some of the aspects related to the buying decision process, to the buying motivation and to the factors which influence the buying behavior. It will try to answer to some questions like: Are our buying decisions based on facts or feelings
actori economici „raționali” sau „iraționali”? Abstract: This article aims to approach some of the aspects related to the buying decision process, to the buying motivation and to the factors which influence the buying behavior. It will try to answer to some questions like: Are our buying decisions based on facts or feelings? To what kind of arguments are we more sensitive: to the rațional or the emoțional ones? Do we choose only products we practically need or those which satisfy some
some questions like: Are our buying decisions based on facts or feelings? To what kind of arguments are we more sensitive: to the rațional or the emoțional ones? Do we choose only products we practically need or those which satisfy some of our psychologically needs? How do we explain „compulsive buying” or „shopping addiction”? Which are the factors influencing our buying decision? The decision process involved în the acquisition of a product/ service represent one of the important and tradițional fields
felul în care personajul feminin propune desfășurarea relațiilor în planul mariajului o apropie de 362 Ibidem, p. 142. 363 Geoffrey Chaucer, op. cit., p. 281. 364 Ibidem. 365 „woman in a generaly sense, but especially one engaged in the sale of some commodity, the mate of a male animal, a woman joined to a man by marriage”. 366 David S. Reed, art. cit., p. 76. 367 Britton J. Harwood, art. cit., p. 257. 111 imaginea unei femei de moravuri ușoare. 368 Dragostea
La donna angelicata – la donna demonicata în opera lui Giovanni Boccaccio şi a lui Geoffrey Chaucer by Oana Simona Zaharia () [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1618_a_3076]
N. S. Thompson, Chaucer, Boccaccio and the Debate of Love: A Comparative Study of the Decameron and the Canterbury Tales, Oxford University Press, 1999, p. 54. (trad. n.) 524 Thomas G. Bergin, op. cit., p. 165. (trad. n.) 525 Victor șlovski, Some Reflections on the Decameron, în Critical Perspectives on the Decameron, translated by Ronald Walter and Robert S. Dombroski, edited by Robert S. Dombroski, London, Hodder and Stoughton, 1976, p. 61. (trad. n.) 526 Francesco De Sanctis, op. cit., p. 320. 142
La donna angelicata – la donna demonicata în opera lui Giovanni Boccaccio şi a lui Geoffrey Chaucer by Oana Simona Zaharia () [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1618_a_3076]
St. James Press, 1991. 82. Stone, Brian, Chaucer, Penguin Books, London, 1987. 83. Symonds, John Addington, Giovanni Boccaccio as Man and Author, AMS Press, Inc., 1968. 84. șchiopu, Michaela, Boccaccio, Editura pentru Literatură Universală, București, 1969. 294 85. șlovski, Victor, Some Reflections on the Decameron, in Critical Perspectives on the Decameron, translated by Ronald Walter and Robert S. Dombroski, edited by Robert S. Dombroski, London, Hodder and Stoughton, 1976, pp. 6168. 86. Thompson, N. S., Chaucer, Boccaccio and the Debate of
La donna angelicata – la donna demonicata în opera lui Giovanni Boccaccio şi a lui Geoffrey Chaucer by Oana Simona Zaharia () [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1618_a_3076]
Switzerland." International Political Science Review 29(3): 349-373. Olson, Mancur. 1999. Creșterea și declinul națiunilor. Prosperitate, stagflație și rigidități sociale. București: Humanitas. Pascaru, Mihai și Călina Ana Buțiu. 2010. "Psycho-Sociological Barriers to Citizen Participation in Local Governance. The Case of Some Rural Communities in Romania." Local Government Studies 36(4): 493-509. Pop-Eleches, Grigore. 2001. "Romania's Politics of Dejection." Journal of Democracy 12(3): 156-169. Preda, Cristian. 2001. "Sistemul politic românesc după patru scrutinuri." Studia Politica. Romanian Political Science Review I
by Sergiu Gherghina [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1101_a_2609]
to the Party Model? Independent Local Lists in East and West European Countries. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag fur Sozialwissenschaften. Rosenstone, Steven J., Roy L. Behr și Edward H. Lazarus. 1984. Third Parties in America. Princeton: Princeton University Press. Rydgren, Jens. 2003. "Some Converging and Diverging Effects of Radical Right Populism in France and Sweden." European Journal of Social Theory 6(1): 45-68. Salat, Levente și Smaranda Enache, eds. 2004. Relațiile româno-maghiare și modelul de reconciliere franco-german. Cluj: Centrul de Resurse pentru Diversitate
by Sergiu Gherghina [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1101_a_2609]
22. ("We are always in danger, in clinging to an old tradition, or attempting to re/establish one, of confusing the vital and the unessential [...] Our second danger is to associate tradition with the immovable; to aim to return to some previous condition which we imagine as having been capable of preservation in perpetuity, instead of aiming to simulate the life which produced that condition in its time.") 274 T. S. Eliot, Eseuri, p. 22. 275 T. S. Eliot, Points of
we still feel the same emotions as those which launched the thousand ships, it is quite certain that we come on these feelings differently, through different nuances, by different intellectual gradations. Each age has its own abounding gifts yet only some ages transmute them into matter of duration.") 303 T. E. Hulme, op. cit., p. 142. 304 Ezra Pound, op. cit. , p. 12. ("it will be harder and saner [...] it will not try to seem forcible by rhetorical din, and luxurious riot. We
got safe. I hâd a particular loss în this defeat, that I never saw the king of Sweden after: for though his majesty sent a trumpet to reclaim uș aș prisoners the very next daym yet i was not delivered, some scruple happening about exchanging, till after the battle of Lutzen, where the gallant prince lost his life." footnote> După moartea eroica a regelui, succesul viitor al Suediei, atât pe plan intern cât și extern, depindea în întregime de politică următorilor
SOCIETATEA EUROPEANĂ ÎN MEMORIILE APOCRIFE DIN „MARELE SECOL” by Andreea-Irina Chirculescu () [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/266_a_513]
and movements.... The shape of her face is fair but framed by the most extraordinary coiffure. It's a man's wig, very heavy and pilled high în front, hanging thick at the sides, and at the back there is some slight resemblance to a woman's coiffure.... She is always very heavily powderedover a lot of face creăm. ...speaks eight languages, but mostly French, and that aș if she hâd been born în Paris. She knows more than all our
SOCIETATEA EUROPEANĂ ÎN MEMORIILE APOCRIFE DIN „MARELE SECOL” by Andreea-Irina Chirculescu () [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/266_a_513]
over the arm of her chair...She fell into deep reveries, let ouț profound sighs, then all of a sudden collected herself like someone who waked up with a jerk. She's completely extraordinary....Nearly all her action are în some way extravagant...în no way does she resemble a woman, she hasn't even the necessary modesty. She seems rough, brusque...and libertine în all she says" footnote> (trad. n.) Din nou, Georgina Masson ne dă un exemplu despre comportamentul
SOCIETATEA EUROPEANĂ ÎN MEMORIILE APOCRIFE DIN „MARELE SECOL” by Andreea-Irina Chirculescu () [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/266_a_513]
Duh, idee care îl atrăgea pe Iacob, deoarece credea că se putea folosi de poezie pentru propagarea ideilor sale religioase și politice." <footnote http://www.luminarium.org, accesat la data de 03.iul. 2009 " În the first book James included some translations he hâd made from du Bartas, whose Uranie takes the muse Urania and transforms her into a Christian figure representing the Holy Spirit, ăn idea which appealed to James at the time, because he thought he could employ poetry
SOCIETATEA EUROPEANĂ ÎN MEMORIILE APOCRIFE DIN „MARELE SECOL” by Andreea-Irina Chirculescu () [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/266_a_513]
Elizabeth. Shocked at the sight, she immediately dispatched Bowes privately to remonstrate on this subject with James; but, happily for this prince, who would otherwise have hâd everything to dread from popular fury, the letter was never made public till some years after James hâd quitted Scotland. It was then printed by cardinal Bellarmine, în the controversy respecting the oath of allegiance, and was never disavowed by its royal author." footnote> Astfel, prin intermediul lucrărilor apocrife putem înțelege de ce regele adoptase o
SOCIETATEA EUROPEANĂ ÎN MEMORIILE APOCRIFE DIN „MARELE SECOL” by Andreea-Irina Chirculescu () [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/266_a_513]
monarch, with his leg broken by the fall. James who hâd been already captivated by his graces, was filled with grief at the accident; he instantly ordered his own surgeons to give their assistance, and visited the sufferer în person. Some accounts state, that Carr hâd formerly attendred the king aș a page în Scotland, and that the incident of only produced a recognition”. footnote> (trad. n.) De multe ori sursele apocrife oferă detalii despre circumstanțele producerii unor evenimente. Desigur, nu
SOCIETATEA EUROPEANĂ ÎN MEMORIILE APOCRIFE DIN „MARELE SECOL” by Andreea-Irina Chirculescu () [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/266_a_513]
interview. But whatever it might be, the embarrassment of the Court was extreme. The Republican party, notwithstanding its triumph, did not feel itself în a position either to lose time or to run new risks; even among the judges themselves, some hesitation was visible. În order to escape from the difficulty, Bradshaw maintained that the acces speech of the King was only an artifice, Charles continued with greater vehemence to insist on being heard; but every time he did șo, the
SOCIETATEA EUROPEANĂ ÎN MEMORIILE APOCRIFE DIN „MARELE SECOL” by Andreea-Irina Chirculescu () [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/266_a_513]
the difficulty, Bradshaw maintained that the acces speech of the King was only an artifice, Charles continued with greater vehemence to insist on being heard; but every time he did șo, the soldiers around him became more tumultuous and abusive; some lit their pipes and puffed the smoke în his face footnote> (ț. n.) Pe baza acestor detalii, înțelegem că procesul regelui nu a fost decât o mașinațiune politică, pusă la cale de Cromwell. În favoarea acestei afirmații aducem din nou în
SOCIETATEA EUROPEANĂ ÎN MEMORIILE APOCRIFE DIN „MARELE SECOL” by Andreea-Irina Chirculescu () [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/266_a_513]
erau nevoiți să trăiască cu un pistol pe zi și să meargă pe jos, un lucru neelegant pentru obiceiurile pariziene."<footnote Hewett William, Rustat Tobias, Memoirs of Tobias Rustat, yeoman of the robes to king Charles ÎI with notices of some eminent contemporaries, published for the author and șold by Edward Lumley, Edward Lumley, and MacMilland, 1835:"Charles was even glad to accept an old shirt from Lord Jermyn, who, though he himself lived în splendid style, took good care that
SOCIETATEA EUROPEANĂ ÎN MEMORIILE APOCRIFE DIN „MARELE SECOL” by Andreea-Irina Chirculescu () [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/266_a_513]
the French court, Charles dragged on three miserable years, that is, till the summer of 1654, when, he was forced to quit Paris. Accordingly, accompanied by his faithful friends, he first visited Chatillon, and thence removed to Spa, where, for some time, the English court resid Soon afterwards, Charles settled at Cologne, where, for two years, he and his little band of followers lodged rent-free în the house of an hospitable widow. His finances at this period were poor indeed, but
SOCIETATEA EUROPEANĂ ÎN MEMORIILE APOCRIFE DIN „MARELE SECOL” by Andreea-Irina Chirculescu () [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/266_a_513]