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appropriates the world, yet this is possible only after a long intellectual effort of synthesis that involves continuous self-detachment. The fundamental problem that faces the poet is how to transpose the dynamic inner reality thus discovered into words into a coherent "form" that will bridge the abyss that separates his vision from its linguistic expression. Modelled upon the necessities of a sensus communis, language hâș turned into a kind of "veil"; like a distorting mirror, its conventionality deforms, the pure individualizing
Vor fi capabili, Într-un cuvânt, să arate necorespondența cu realitatea pe nesfârșite planuri, adesea prin elementara comparație. Pentru aceasta nu e nevoie nici de studii estetice, nici de cuprinderea fenomenului literar, nici măcar de cea mai ușoară umbră de sistem coherent de idei (Ă). Cu totul altfel se prezintă problema În cazul afirmării valorii operei de artă. (Ă). A dovedi calitatea unei opere literare Înseamnă să ai, odată cu o Înțelegere profundă a realității, un sistem clar, luminos, de idei asupra problemelor
and Ionică came to study in Paris, the Sociological School of Bucharest was, however, in full and spectacular expansion. It was focused on interpreting the national and European context and, to an even greater extent, on the methodologically complete and coherent description of the country, in view of establishing the perspectives of evolution and change of its different social units. It was embraced by a large number of eager young scholars and students that formed an active, resilient and organized structure
de viață. Sociologie Românească, 2. Sandu, Dumitru. (2000). Migrația transnațională a românilor din perspectiva unui recensământ comunitar. Sociologie Românească, 3-4. Wanner, Phillippe. Migration trends in Europe, European Population, Papers, Serie nr.7, Council of Europe. Weil, Patrick. (2002). Towards a Coherent Policy of Co-development International Migration, vol. 40 (3), Oxford: Blackwell Publisher Ltd. Abstract This paper draws on two qualitative fieldwork researches: The Rural Non-farm Economy and Livelihood Diversification in Georgia, Armenia and Romania lead by The Natural Resources Institute, University
Romanian parents have advanced much more successfully than the two other groups and in 9 out of 10 cases they have been able to hand down this higher status. What strikes one when one considers the Romanian families are the coherent models of mobility: less children to whom they offer more years of schooling, and an altogether greater prosperity than that of the Italian and Slovak families. The exceptionally mobile Romanian families are a model of the way in which the
means of communication and to the whole mass-media phenomenon 1031. The documents issued by the Church's hierarchical authorities and the development of the catholic communication institutions highlighted the importance accorded to the press, but also the non-existence of a coherent long-term plan regarding the means of communication. The Vatican's main aims were to uniform the Catholicism (as a result of the Catholic Church's reorganization in the modern society) through mass-media and the increase of a unitary catholic vision
Catolicii în spaţiul public. Presa catolică din România în prima jumătate a secolului al XX-lea by Iulian Ghercă [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/908_a_2416]