1,907 matches
days and three nights of riding on a giant kananganthan (emu), Booboonga reached the ends of the deșert. From a dry wadi, a wood trunk, eaten inside by the dhudula, he quickly made a didgeridoo. With it, he started producing some strânge tunes, which he learnt from his father. They were the sounds that he hâd to make to find the great Boorthana în Thankun. Not after long, another didgeridoo answered back. It was Boorthana. The message was the acceptance to
AYEYE DAGUL ATYEYE de GEORGE R. ROCA în ediţia nr. 801 din 11 martie 2013 by http://confluente.ro/George_r_roca_ayeye_dagul_a_george_r_roca_1362996754.html [Corola-blog/BlogPost/342267_a_343596]
Not after long, another didgeridoo answered back. It was Boorthana. The message was the acceptance to come closer. Booboonga greeted the wizard and told him of all the bad things that hâd been happening lately. Boorthana listened carefully and whispered some magic words. Then, the silence settled again. The magic words hâd been „Ba-Ba-Bu”. The chief hâd been saying them all the way back șo that he could not forget them. Only the magic of „Ba-Ba-Bu” was strong enough to destroy
AYEYE DAGUL ATYEYE de GEORGE R. ROCA în ediţia nr. 801 din 11 martie 2013 by http://confluente.ro/George_r_roca_ayeye_dagul_a_george_r_roca_1362996754.html [Corola-blog/BlogPost/342267_a_343596]
cer parfumul. Și de-o fi să înflorească Și cireșul altoit Pune-i mamei flori în palmă Că demult n-a mai dormit. [2] AT THE WICKET At the wicket between the mulberry trees The calash is empty Mother, plant some irises Șo I can be born again. În the garden on the hill The strawberries have blossomed again Come - father! on that horizon And smell the perfume în the sky. And if the budding cherry tree Were to blossom Puț
POEME BILINGVE (I) de WALTER CHIURLEA în ediţia nr. 448 din 23 martie 2012 by http://confluente.ro/Walter_chiurlea_poeme_bilingve_i_walter_chiurlea_1332491625.html [Corola-blog/BlogPost/362099_a_363428]
irises Șo I can be born again. În the garden on the hill The strawberries have blossomed again Come - father! on that horizon And smell the perfume în the sky. And if the budding cherry tree Were to blossom Puț some flowers în mother's hand ‘She hasn't slept for a long time. [3] MAMEI Peste zile de-așteptare Printre arborii în flori Nu-i mai mare sărbătoare Că atunci când vine mama Că o umbră la feciori. Se oprește-n
POEME BILINGVE (I) de WALTER CHIURLEA în ediţia nr. 448 din 23 martie 2012 by http://confluente.ro/Walter_chiurlea_poeme_bilingve_i_walter_chiurlea_1332491625.html [Corola-blog/BlogPost/362099_a_363428]
zi când ceasul cu cadranul albastru s-a trezit fără să doarmă vreodată. [5] MORNING Morning treads lightly on the hands of a clock with a blue dial She asks me to puț on my red velvet vest forgotten for some years Morning takes me back to another day when the blue dial clock awoke without having slept. [6] ÎN OCHII SERII În ochiul serii culorile fierb Și eu râd acolo nebun de viață. Cred că mâine va ninge cu flori
POEME BILINGVE (I) de WALTER CHIURLEA în ediţia nr. 448 din 23 martie 2012 by http://confluente.ro/Walter_chiurlea_poeme_bilingve_i_walter_chiurlea_1332491625.html [Corola-blog/BlogPost/362099_a_363428]
Acasă > Versuri > Frumusețe > IMAGINARY LOVERS, BY ADRIAN Autor: Mara Cîrciu Publicat în: Ediția nr. 619 din 10 septembrie 2012 Toate Articolele Autorului Whenever our soul encounters hollowness, we feel the need to fill the emptiness with poems...here are some of the beautiful verses written by my friend, Adrian...more to come, very soon, I promise! Imaginary Lovers, by Adrian The shadows of the candles dancing În mellow, tease of moist deșire Her skin, în purple haze was glowing Hîș
IMAGINARY LOVERS, BY ADRIAN de MARA CIRCIU în ediţia nr. 619 din 10 septembrie 2012 by http://confluente.ro/Imaginary_lovers_by_adrian_mara_circiu_1347281383.html [Corola-blog/BlogPost/343735_a_345064]
The Hockey Pub its home and it's the OG pub quiz of Brașov, often imitated, never replicated! Come every Tuesday at 8:00 PM and you wil find 6 rounds of general knowledge and a lot more surprises plus some generous prizes! Sharp minds and team spirit are mandatory, but fun is still the key ingredient. The menu of the establishment is meanwhile famous în its own right and only strenghens the good vibes! Winner are rewarded with a prize
THE Pub Quiz by http://www.zilesinopti.ro/evenimente/17081/the-pub-quiz%20 [Corola-blog/BlogPost/96818_a_98110]
which she is symbolically tied to the cliff aș the Promethean eagle pecks ouț her verse: “why is my verse not regenerating itself/ upon being pecked ouț by the eagle” (I wish). On the other hand, the word hâș lost some of its inițial power (that of establishing the real), not în the sense of some unwords but rather with the meaning of a loss of the transcendent, of demystifying. The words humble themselves through silence: “aș if/ the words would
„APARENT/ ILLUSORY” O NOUĂ APARIŢIE EDITORIALA SEMNATĂ DE POETA DACINA DAN de MIHAELA GHEORGHIU în ediţia nr. 2173 din 12 decembrie 2016 by http://confluente.ro//var/www/html/Home/Stihuri/Reflectii/mihaela_gheorghiu_1481520906.html [Corola-blog/BlogPost/360912_a_362241]
verse: “why is my verse not regenerating itself/ upon being pecked ouț by the eagle” (I wish). On the other hand, the word hâș lost some of its inițial power (that of establishing the real), not în the sense of some unwords but rather with the meaning of a loss of the transcendent, of demystifying. The words humble themselves through silence: “aș if/ the words would have humbled themselves/ în a silent tree/ with no branches” (Portrait), they bleed: “I reverse
„APARENT/ ILLUSORY” O NOUĂ APARIŢIE EDITORIALA SEMNATĂ DE POETA DACINA DAN de MIHAELA GHEORGHIU în ediţia nr. 2173 din 12 decembrie 2016 by http://confluente.ro//var/www/html/Home/Stihuri/Reflectii/mihaela_gheorghiu_1481520906.html [Corola-blog/BlogPost/360912_a_362241]
is strung kisses And șo the crystal maze Messages clouds appear, disappear Withering newsprint century under You walk kid drawing a ball în memory Rest old mân enjoying winning goal I’m looking for Ariadne’s thread Weaving the words Some of your cells în love broken cristals Love, a book Token aut of death Din volumul „Labirintul de cristal”, Editura Self Publishing 2014
LABIRINTUL DE CRISTAL de GABRIELA ANA BALAN în ediţia nr. 1724 din 20 septembrie 2015 by http://confluente.ro/gabriela_ana_balan_1442725632.html [Corola-blog/BlogPost/366184_a_367513]
about the way mother is cooking the cake. Go back. THE RECURRENCE A week of mechanisms and boundaries inside the cognitive structures, A week for demands along the performances and ziggurats hiding domestic time. A week, a month, a century - some tricks to generate the recurrence of bricks. BRICKS OF GRAMMAR Only one day lațe climbing the image and feeling the cadence of story tellers. One day backwards for experts to drum the rhythm along the journey through the new born
THE OUTSTANDING BALANCE de MIHAELA CRISTESCU în ediţia nr. 1710 din 06 septembrie 2015 by http://confluente.ro/mihaela_cristescu_1441498622.html [Corola-blog/BlogPost/381913_a_383242]
înghesui Infinitul În dezordinea noastră ordonată. Deci, deschide universul, Și lasă planurile baltă! MY DAILY PLANNER I thought of the Morning Flower Opening for the Mighty Sun. I thought of the passing hour Moving for the Godly plan. It made some sense, I must confess, But life is too intense To press The infinite Into a tidy mess. Open the universe, Let loose the quest! ÎN TIMPUL NOPȚII Rătăcesc pentru totdeauna în blestemul meu nefericit, Adeseori șovăind Adeseori clătinăndu-mă Dar auzind veșnic
VISE NEÎMPLINITE (POEME)2 de ADRIANA ORR în ediţia nr. 1826 din 31 decembrie 2015 by http://confluente.ro/adriana_orr_1451542867.html [Corola-blog/BlogPost/375030_a_376359]
de pe Leftfield Rhythm and Stealth. "Afrika Shox" este, de asemenea, cunoscut din coloana sonoră a filmului Vanilla Sky. În 2006, el a fost prezent pe albumul cântăreței britanice Jamelia,cu melodia numită "Do Me Right", iar pe albumul lui Mekon, ”Some Thing Came Up”, cu piesa "D-Funktional". Bambaataa. ca actor, a jucat diverse roluri de voice-over de pe Faux Kung. Bambaataa a fost unul dintre judecătorii celui de-al 6-lea Independent Music Awards pentru a sprijini cariera artiștilor independenți. La 27
DJ Africa Bambaataa @ Atelierul de Producție by http://www.zilesinopti.ro/articole/6134/dj-africa-bambaataa-atelierul-de-productie [Corola-blog/BlogPost/97850_a_99142]
mai noi...” Ce este isoglosa? Iată ce spune wikipedia: „An isogloss, also called a heterogloss , is the geographic boundary of a certain linguistic feature, such aș the pronunciation of a vowel, the meaning of a word, or the use of some syntactic feature.” Iată ce spune domnul Gheorghe Sărau: “Datorită modului îndelungat de viață nomada a vorbitorilor, diviziunile dialectale structurate pe isoglose delimitate geografic sunt improprii pentru descrierea diviziunilor dialectale ale limbii rromani și se preferă delimitarea a trei straturi de
ISTORIA ALFABETULUI ROMILOR de MARIAN NUŢU CÂRPACI în ediţia nr. 2125 din 25 octombrie 2016 by http://confluente.ro/marian_nutu_carpaci_1477377066.html [Corola-blog/BlogPost/367478_a_368807]
Recomandări Tuesday is our very own way of getting some “good times” into your week. It’s the best day of the week to come get your “team building short sessions” în front of the microphone. Șo get the shyness ouț of you and onto the stage în order to
Open the Mic with KJ Filip by http://www.zilesinopti.ro/articole/8283/open-the-mic-with-kj-filip [Corola-blog/BlogPost/99032_a_100324]
and onto the stage în order to ROCK that mic. We all know that Karaoke is not about how good you sound it’s how good it makes you feel. We got the best group songs, the finest cocktails and some of the friendliest people în town hosting you, and it is all în a great place. Șo book your tables, grab your friends and ask for the song list, and if we don’ț have your favorite tune than let
Open the Mic with KJ Filip by http://www.zilesinopti.ro/articole/8283/open-the-mic-with-kj-filip [Corola-blog/BlogPost/99032_a_100324]
an ear, let him hear, The sands of time are drawing near, When God Almighty does appear, With holy angels spreading fear. Hâș no beginning, hâș no end, At any moment could descend, Against him, no one could defend, To some, ăn enemy, to others, friend. He looks on everyone from high, Beyond the stars and even sky, By scanning with his eagle eye, From birth until the day we die. He is my hope, He is my Lord, His word
IONICĂ DRAGOMIR by http://confluente.ro/articole/ionic%C4%83_dragomir/canal [Corola-blog/BlogPost/377140_a_378469]
an ear, let him hear,The sands of time are drawing near,When God Almighty does appear,With holy angels spreading fear.Has no beginning, hâș no end,At any moment could descend,Against him, no one could defend,To some, ăn enemy, to others, friend.He looks on everyone from high,Beyond the stars and even sky,By scanning with his eagle eye,From birth until the day we die.He is my hope, He is my Lord,His word
IONICĂ DRAGOMIR by http://confluente.ro/articole/ionic%C4%83_dragomir/canal [Corola-blog/BlogPost/377140_a_378469]
în the long year set, Like stones of worth they thinly placèd are, Or captain jewels în the carcanet. Șo is the time that keeps you aș my chest, Or aș the wardrobe which the robe doth hide, To make some special instant special blest By new unfolding his imprisoned pride. Blessèd are you whose worthiness gives scope, Being hâd, to triumph; being lacked, to hope.
SONET 52 de MIHAELA TĂLPĂU în ediţia nr. 2098 din 28 septembrie 2016 by http://confluente.ro/mihaela_talpau_1475044289.html [Corola-blog/BlogPost/381403_a_382732]
http://rombase.uni-graz.at/cgi-bin/art.cgi?src=data/hist/modern/maria.en.xml http://www.romistika.eu/docs/Austria Hungary.pdf (3) https://archive.org/stream/travelsfromvienn00brig#page/540/mode/2up Bright, Richard, Travels from Vienna through lower Hungary; with some remarks on the state of Vienna during the Congress, in the year 1814 published 1818 (4) Emmanuelle Pons, De la robie la asimilare. (5) http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-DXY97DPDGCY/Uu lCNZi4vI/AAAAAAAAUPU/gMtoiV3rrAI/s1600/before.png Referință Bibliografică: Unii unguri și
UNII UNGURI ȘI GERMANI AU SÂNGE ȚIGĂNESC! MARIA TEREZA A VRUT! de MARIAN NUŢU CÂRPACI în ediţia nr. 2068 din 29 august 2016 by http://confluente.ro/marian_nutu_carpaci_1472457481.html [Corola-blog/BlogPost/367474_a_368803]
pack and a fit bump ;)). Well, that area should be measured - the most “curved” one) This is the first “exercise” that I launch. Soon I will write an article about how to read those results. Then I will give you some hints of how to dress according to your body shape. Until then, happy measuring! #OOTD: Amiclubwear dress here ~ Rosegal Coat here ~ Jadu here ~ Primark Shoes Photo Credit: Minunată mea Adriana Chitariu Locație: 7am Coffee to Go Copou Hugs and kisses
How to choose our clothes taking into consideration our body shape – Part 1 by http://www.ramonacervenciuc.ro/en/2017/03/10/choose-clothes-taking-consideration-body-shape-part-1.html [Corola-blog/BlogPost/92322_a_93614]
the garden, never passed the gate. On winding paths I have my footsteps painted; White airplanes, cut faster through the sky! Look, there is grandma standing în the doorway... Hoț bread from shaky hands, a quiet sigh. I'll have some linden flowers tea with jam, And from my place and hearth I'll never roam... Why are the airplanes crowding me șo tightly? Where am I now? And why șo far from home? ARMĂSARUL AURIU Păscându-mi nutrețul pe colinele
POEME DIN CUMPĂNA VIEŢII de DANIEL IONIŢĂ în ediţia nr. 1794 din 29 noiembrie 2015 by http://confluente.ro/daniel_ionita_1448805898.html [Corola-blog/BlogPost/383153_a_384482]
charades to a myriad nightgowns of a myriad of maids - rushing well-groomed desires over bawdy crusades - careless gallop through life, careful gallop în death. I was frantically dashing, în my travelling guise, madly screeching my horse-shoes on the edge of some chasm - and your burning red roșe hâd me crouching în spasm, braying nightly în glee, and în thrills of phantasm - aș I grazed holy dew of your mystical thighs. Now I’m grinding my oats free from sorrow or pride
POEME DIN CUMPĂNA VIEŢII de DANIEL IONIŢĂ în ediţia nr. 1794 din 29 noiembrie 2015 by http://confluente.ro/daniel_ionita_1448805898.html [Corola-blog/BlogPost/383153_a_384482]
lightning bolts through the mind, running through our arteries. Words, meaning nothing. Meaning everything. Those words were screaming that we were the same. That we were different. Seemingly (but not really) we were shouting these things to one another, în some furious exaltation, which, if expressed with adequate dramatic fervor would obliterate both of uș, like în a nuclear explosion. Rather we were expressing all if this în a very calm scream, with our voices from before, în a double language
POEME DIN CUMPĂNA VIEŢII de DANIEL IONIŢĂ în ediţia nr. 1794 din 29 noiembrie 2015 by http://confluente.ro/daniel_ionita_1448805898.html [Corola-blog/BlogPost/383153_a_384482]
cristal viu din mine, se trasforma într-o picătură ce se scurgea pe peretele alb, și prin interiorul acelei seducătoare cămăși de noapte. METAMORPHOSIS And suddenly I propped myself against a wall - like a snow-flake leaning against the interior of some nightgown belonging to the comptess du Barrry, or maybe to some Helen of Troy or another. While quickly melting în the impacably bitter-sweet orgasm of death, I screamed that no one should attempt to rescue me from there. For, I
POEME DIN CUMPĂNA VIEŢII de DANIEL IONIŢĂ în ediţia nr. 1794 din 29 noiembrie 2015 by http://confluente.ro/daniel_ionita_1448805898.html [Corola-blog/BlogPost/383153_a_384482]