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assimilation of knowledge, analysis, meditations - done systematically, abandoned and taken in several stages. Started since the early years as a student, an important part of the research for this book was performed during doctoral studies subsequently reviewed. This is why some of the ideas have been previously published as articles and independent studies. Also, the censorship and metaphysical reconstruction were published in De imitatione Dei (2004). But all these previews do not prejudice the novelty of the book because it is
limitless directions that whatever the effort toward expanding it will always leave spaces that can be filled, reordered or reinterpreted. Methodically, the syncretism of the book can also be found due to the variety of information. Such simple descriptions of some historical realities aimed at outlining some ideas, descriptions of specific ideas about history of science, philosophy and culture, combined with text analysis, original ideas or interpretations can be found too. Keywords: Renaissance, Early Modernity, the imaginary censorship, scientific imaginary, Francis
toward expanding it will always leave spaces that can be filled, reordered or reinterpreted. Methodically, the syncretism of the book can also be found due to the variety of information. Such simple descriptions of some historical realities aimed at outlining some ideas, descriptions of specific ideas about history of science, philosophy and culture, combined with text analysis, original ideas or interpretations can be found too. Keywords: Renaissance, Early Modernity, the imaginary censorship, scientific imaginary, Francis Bacon, René Descartes. Résumé Ce livre
prin 1922. Pe atunci Geldner studia povestirile spaniole despre El Dorado și le compara Șcuț descrierile indiene ale paradisului terestru. Din câte știu, Geldner nu a publicat nimic despre acest subiect, dar Rönnow, inspirat de aceste lucruri, a scris articolul „Some Remarks on Ïvetadvșpa”, Bulletin of the School of Oriental Studies, London, V (1929), pp. 253-284, unde respinge interpretările „istoriciste” la Ïvetadvșpa și arată că este vorba de un simbol religios. Poate nu știți că un poet suedez din epoca romantică
oră și 30 de minute. Marțea și joia, de la 10.30 la 12 și de la 14.30 la 16. Veți avea grupe mici de 10-12 studenți. Chiar mi-am imaginat cursurile dvs.: Indo-Iranian mythology; Zarathustra; Vedic religion; și seminariile dvs.: „Some modern trends in Hșistoryț of Rșeligionsț” (unul sau două trimestre); „Vedic & brahmanic texts” (readings... deh!... în engleză). Dacă sunteți de acord în principiu, informați-mă pentru ca decanul să vă transmită indicațiile suplimentare. Cred că salariul dvs. va fi de cca
poarte semnătura lui Rönnow, dar nu a mai fost publicat. În Arhiva SW există câteva manuscrise ale prietenului său. Stig Wikander scria: „In memoriam. Kasten Rönnow som indolog och religionshistoriker”, Religion och Bibel 3 (1944). Eliade citase articolul lui Rönnow, „Some Remarks on Svetadvșpa” pentru întregirea referințelor la tradițiile legendare despre puterile supranaturale, de tip yoghin: „În legendele hinduse riïis seînălțau în aer, către locul divin și misterios de la Nord, numit Svetadvșpa”- cf. Yoga (1936), p. 257, nota 1. 4. Roger
Edsman, fostul lor coleg de generație - cf. C.-M. Edsman, „Ein halbes Jahrhundert Uppsala-Schule”, Festschrift für Anders Hultgård, Walter de Gruyter, Berlin-New York, 2001, pp. 194-209. Vezi și critica „iranismului” lui Widengren la Gilles Quispel, „The Birth of the Child. Some Gnostic and Jewish Aspects”, Eranos Jahrbücher 40 (1973). 5. Tor Andræ (1885-1946): istoric al religiilor și membru al structurilor clericale suedeze. S-a născut la Linköping, unde, în 1936, va fi ales episcop. A studiat teologia, dar și limbile orientale
of the Christian with Christ”, în The Holy Spirit and the Life in Christ. Papers Submitted to the Joint Theological Commission of the Church of South India and the Lutheran Churches, Madras, 1953; „Puñy³hav³cana”, OS 6 (1967); Arañy³nș and K³tukil³. Some Notes on the Goddess of Forests in India, Stockholm, 1961; Church and Shrine, Uppsala (Acta Universitatis Uppsaliensis, Historia Religionum 2), 1965. Pentru misiunea sa constantă de mediator în dialogul interreligios este relevantă lucrarea „The Passage III, 3.2.21-33 in
point, the act of correctly discerning between these forms of representation of the sacred seems to be extremely complicated, and on the background of this very phenomenon, the religious institutions are forced to become more and more permissive. Thus, in some current places of worship, there are representations "unworthy" of the quality imposed to the standards of sacred art, related to which Academician Răzvan Theodorescu asserted that "nowadays, in this matter, we are the worst of heretics"541 4. As regards
by Adrian Stoleriu [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1040_a_2548]
choix dans la création artistique contemporaine". 470 Ibidem. 471 Deși prezintă un anumit grad de subiectivitate, logica acestei interpretări ar putea fi aplicată și din perspectiva celorlalte sisteme religioase, necreștine. 472 Seyyed Hossein Nasr, Religious Art, Traditional Art, Sacred Art. Some reflections and definitions, în The Essential Sophia, coord. Seyyed Hossein Nasr & Katherine O'Brien, World Wisdom, Inc., Bloomington , 2006, p. 175, (www. worldwisdom. com). 473 Ibidem, p. 175. 474 A se vedea specificul artistic și religios al civilizațiilor tradiționale tribal-africane, aborigen-australiene
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naționale Parcurgînd definițiile culturii studiate la începutul acestui volum, s-ar cuveni să privim specificul identitar într-o manieră plurală, căci așa cum subliniau doi importanți antropologi americani, "every man is in certain aspects: a) like all other men; b) like some other man; c) like no other man" (Kluckhohn, Murray, 1948) Combinînd definiția culturii propusă de M. Segall și colaboratorii săi (1999) ca the man-made part of the environment cu cea sugerată de E. Rohner (1984), care o descria ca un
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region. 4 Educațional The language is în vigorous use, with standardization and literature being sustained through a widespread system of institutionally supported education. 5 Developing The language is în vigorous use, with literature în a standardized form being used by some though this is not yet widespread or sustainable. 6a Vigorous The language is used for face-to-face communication by all generations and the situation is sustainable. 6b Threatened The language is used for face-to-face communication within all generations, but it is
linquistique, linguistique des angues, type linguistique, classification génétique, classification typologique Abstract Linguists must never forgive - would state Eugenio Coseriu equally seriously and humorously - that language exists through and for speakers, not through and for linguists. That is why, except for some more "technical" parts, the present paper is approachable not only to specialists, but also to a common speaker-reader. În fact, ouț of the three linguistics composing integral linguistics, the linguistics of language(s) is the closest to the concept "linguistics
issues of language with those of history, geography and culture în general. Our perspective aims at recording the newest tendencies regarding the classification of world languages, the most spectacular ones trying to corroborate the linguistics of the world languages with some revolutionary theories and discoveries from fields such aș archaeology, palaeoanthropology but mainly genetics. În the latest 30 or 40 years the human genetics has hugely progressed, especially în the study of the mitochondrial DNA and of the Y chromosome. În
Africa and progressively replaced previous human populations, such aș the Neanderthal and homo erectus. The rival hypothesis, that of the simultaneous appearance of the modern man în many parts of the globe (the policentrical theory) has fewer and fewer followers. Some geneticists such aș Luca Cavalli-Sforza or linguists such aș Joseph Greenberg and Merritt Ruhlen relate the kinship of some populations (on the basis of studying the human DNA) to the languages spoken by these populations and get, în some situations