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by which we can identify an art object and this opens a problem of multiple instances by which the understanding of art will oppugn the relation between the art object and art. Also, the understanding of the art object will open the relation between art and art object. By considering these connections we can extort the essence of the work of art that is its origin. Following the Ingardian model of ontological stratification we accept that all works of art have
is determined by a real object. In the case of written arts we can talk about solid autonomous objects. The real object makes possible the stratification of the work of art, whereas by contemplation the reality of the art is open and we can enter in its ideality. Again, the ontological stratification is applied to all artworks in an individual way. All artworks are determined by ontological tropes, which offers the definition of art and as well as the space for
corrispondente dall'Inghilterra în concomitanza con îl suo primo viaggio a Cambridge, dove conobbe John Maynard Keynes. I primi articoli da Londra di Sraffa și indirizzano non solo verso l'analisi economică, mă anche verso la militanza politică. Essi sono: Open shop drive, Industriali e governo inglese contro i lavoratori e I Labour Leaders. Questi tre articoli vengono molto apprezzati da Gramsci, îl quale apprezza anche la partecipazione di Sraffa al Labour Research Department, un centro di ricerca inglese șui temi
Blog Doparie: http://dopariepress. alter vista.org/258124375/ 01/03/2016. 25 2012 Enabling Deliberations în a Political Party Using Large-Scale Argumentation: A Preliminary Report. 10th Internațional Conference on the Design of Cooperative Systems From research to practice: Results and open challenges. Large Scale Idea Management and Deliberation Systems Workshop. Marseille, May 29. 26 Blog Doparie: http://dopariepress.altervista.org/conclusa-la-prima-doparia-online-con-un-grande-successo-di-parte cipazione/ 01/03/2016 27 Argumentation vs Ideation în online political debate: Evidence from an experiment of collective deliberation. (în
attributes, most often imaginary ones, that resolve issues the self is confronted with, attributes that allow for the other to generously offer the dimension of symbols, to facilitate the access to the world of the sacred and of meanings, to open new worlds that would otherwise remain closed. We are faced with a particular stance of the other, otherness approaching, in this case, the functions of the myths for the archetype: the objectification of a primordial theme. This need of man
by CORINA DABA-BUZOIANU [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1013_a_2521]
de control pentru o aplicație [Ctrl] + Săgeata stânga,dreapă mută cursorul cu un cuvânt întreg la stânga sau la dreapta [Ctrl] +Sus,Jos mută cursorul în sus și jos cu un paragraf . [F1] Deschide Help-ul pentru aplicație Windows+M Minimize all open windows Shift+Windows+M, inversul comenzi de minimalizare al ferestrelor. Windows+F1 Deschide Helpul de windows Windows+Tab Navighează prin butoanele din taskbar Windows+Break Deschide System Properties La apăsarea SHIFT dreapta pentru 8 secunde........ Schimbă FilterKeys on/off. ALT
Bazele Tehnologiei Informaționale by Horia Scurtu () [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/447_a_1295]
Gerry Stokker (ed.), Theory and Methods in Political Science, Macmillan, Basingstoke, 1995, pp. 1-18. Mario Telò (ed.), De la Nation à l'Europe. Paradoxes et dilemmes de la social-démocratie, Bruylant, Bruxelles,1993. Mario Telò, "Governance and Government in the European Union: The open method of coordination", în Maria Joao Rodrigues (ed.), op. cit., pp. 242-271. Jacques Thomassen, "Empirical Research into Political Representation: Failing Democracy or Failing Models?", în M. Kent Jennings și Thomas E. Mann (ed.), Elections at Home and Abroad. Essays in Honor
Natura şi politica partidelor europene: social-democraţia şi criza şomajului by Erol Kulahci [Corola-publishinghouse/Administrative/1428_a_2670]
which was finaly accepted by all countries of Europe and from other continents. During the meetings of the OTV (at the High Level, at the Foreign Minister level,etc.), Romania has been permanently working and proposing different solutions as: the open character of all works, the consultations between sovereign and independent states outside the military alliances. Among the efforts made by Romania, where those to obtain the withdrawal of Russian forces from the territory of the country, the proposal for the
și a ganglionilor lomboaortici. Complicațiile terapiei: Stenoza intestinală: 3-5 %. Hepatopatie radică: la doze peste 24 Gy. Nefropatie radică: la doze peste 20 Gy sau 18 Gy când este asociată și chimioterapia. POZIȚIONAREA PACIENTEI (Simulator) - Decubit dorsal, decubitusul ventral, în cazul "open field" permite marcarea mai precisă a blocurilor de protecție renale. - Marcarea rinichiului și ficatului urografic, ecografic, scintigrafic. - Stabilirea și marcarea câmpurilor de iradiere sub fluoroscopie: vor fi tatuate: RC (raza centrală) și la fiecare 10 cm lateral, cranial și caudal
Radio-oncologia cancerului genital feminin by Bild E. () [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/91719_a_92366]
rinichii cu blocuri de plumb. Ritm de iradiere: ambele câmpuri se iradiază zilnic, ca în iradierea pelvisului. Fracționarea dozei: doza zilnică 2,25 Gy. Doza totală: - abdomen superior 22,5 Gy, - pelvis 45,2 Gy. 2. Tehnica pe câmpuri extinse (open field) - "baia abdominală" (fig. 25) Câmpuri opuse AP - izocentrice. În prima etapă se iradiază pe câmpuri extinse anterior și posterior. Ritm de iradiere : - ambele câmpuri zilnic - doza pe fracțiune 1,5 Gy - doza totală 30 Gy o abdomen superior 30-35
Radio-oncologia cancerului genital feminin by Bild E. () [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/91719_a_92366]
Protecția organelor critice: cu blocuri de plumb (5 straturi de semiînjumătățire). - după 12 Gy pe câmpul posterior, se face protecția renală, - după 20 Gy se face protecția regiunii hepatice pe ambele câmpuri ventral și dorsal. 3. Tehnica iradierii abdomenului prin "open field" cu "boost'' pe regiunile pelvine, paraaortice și diafragmatice mediale (2/3). - iradierea întregii cavități peritoneale - 150 cGy /fracțiune x 20, 30 Gy; - iradierea paraaortică, 2/3 mediale diafragmatice și pelvis, câmpul are forme literei T 150 cGy /fracțiune x
Radio-oncologia cancerului genital feminin by Bild E. () [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/91719_a_92366]
Gerry Stokker (ed.), Theory and Methods in Political Science, Macmillan, Basingstoke, 1995, pp. 1-18. Mario Telò (ed.), De la Nation à l'Europe. Paradoxes et dilemmes de la social-démocratie, Bruylant, Bruxelles,1993. Mario Telò, "Governance and Government in the European Union: The open method of coordination", în Maria Joao Rodrigues (ed.), op. cit., pp. 242-271. Jacques Thomassen, "Empirical Research into Political Representation: Failing Democracy or Failing Models?", în M. Kent Jennings și Thomas E. Mann (ed.), Elections at Home and Abroad. Essays in Honor
by Erol Kulahci [Corola-publishinghouse/Administrative/1019_a_2527]
la internet, punctează chintesența tehnologiei: valoarea socială de excepție adăugată cunoașterii și progresului uman, importanța circulației și accesului liber la informație, stimularea participării largi a omenirii la actul de creare a tehnologiilor (ex. Linux, Wikipedia, altele), avantajele economice ale utilizării "open sources" și, în cele din urmă, faptul că tehnologia și instrumentarul ei sunt în afara moralei. Cu siguranță este penalizată lipsa de consistență a unora din articolele Wikipedia, dar cititorii lui N. Carr mizează pe inteligența colaborativă, pe procesul asimptotic, inerent
by AURICA BRIŞCARU [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/951_a_2459]
În aceeași măsură, important pentru omenire este extinderea angajării responsabile a științei și tehnologiei în procesul de dezvoltare a capabilităților umane, de învățare socială largă prin facilitarea participării indivizilor și grupurilor interesate la cunoaștere și creație. Cu cât accesul la "open sources" se va mări, cu atât șansele de progres pentru umanitate cresc. Această constatare, la nivel global, este deja valorificată la nivel "micro" (dacă Apple, IBM sau Google pot fi astfel clasificate!). Apple, de exemplu, controlând strict programul și tehnologia
by AURICA BRIŞCARU [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/951_a_2459]
rage of Luvah "To pour its fury on himself & on the Eternal Man. "Sudden down fell they all together into a unknown Space, "Deep, horrible, without End, separated from Beulah, far beneath. 535 "The Man's exteriors are become indefinite, open'd to pain " În a fierce hungry void, & none can visit hîș regions. "Jerusalem, hîș Emanation, is become a ruin, "Her little ones are slain on the top of every street, "And she herself let (led) captive & scatter'd into
by William Blake [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1122_a_2630]
The First Night The Daughters of Beulah beheld the Emanation; they pitied, They wept before the Inner gates of Enitharmon's bosom, And of her fine wrought brain, & of her bowels within her loins. 555 These gates within, Glorious & bright, open into Beulah From Enitharmon's inward parts; but the bright female terror Refus'd to open the bright gates; she clos'd and barr'd them fast Lest Los should enter into Beulah thro' her beautiful gates. The Emanation stood
by William Blake [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1122_a_2630]
Inner gates of Enitharmon's bosom, And of her fine wrought brain, & of her bowels within her loins. 555 These gates within, Glorious & bright, open into Beulah From Enitharmon's inward parts; but the bright female terror Refus'd to open the bright gates; she clos'd and barr'd them fast Lest Los should enter into Beulah thro' her beautiful gates. The Emanation stood before the Gates of Enitharmon, 560 Weeping; the Daughters of Beulah silent în the Porches Spread
by William Blake [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1122_a_2630]
fed upon the mountains în Luvah's sight, "I brought her thro' the Wilderness, a dry & thirsty land, "And I commanded springs to rîse for her în the black desart, "Till she became a Dragon, winged, bright & poisonous. 90 "I open'd all the floodgates of the heavens to quench her thirst, "And I commanded the Great deep to hîde her în hîș hand "Till she became a little weeping Infant a șpan long. "I carried her în my bosom aș
by William Blake [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1122_a_2630]
wondrous building, & three Central Domes after the Names 175 Of hîș three daughters were encompass'd by the twelve bright halls. Every hall surrounded by bright Paradises of Delight În which were towns & Cities, Nations, Seas, Mountains & Rivers. Each Dome open'd toward four halls, & the Three Domes Encompass'd The Golden Hall of Urizen, whose western side glow'd bright 180 With ever streaming fires beaming from hîș awful limbs. Hîș Shadowy Feminine Semblance here repos'd on a White
by William Blake [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1122_a_2630]
to fly abroad. The groans of Enitharmon shake the skies, the lab'ring Earth, Till from her heart rending hîș way, a terrible child sprang forth În thunder, smoke & sullen flames, & howlings & fury & blood. Soon aș hîș burning Eyes were open'd on the Abyss, 40 The horrid trumpets of the deep bellow'd with bitter blasts. The Enormous Demons woke & howl'd around the new born King, Crying, "Luvah, King of Love, thou art the King of rage & death." Urizen
by William Blake [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1122_a_2630]
all their lamentations 175 I write not here, but all their after life was lamentation. When satiated with grief they return'd back to Golgonooza, Enitharmon on the road of Dranthon felt the inmost gate Of her bright heart burst open & again close with a deadly pain. Within her heart Vala began to reanimate în bursting sobs; 180 And when the Gate was open she beheld that dreary deep Where bright Ahania wept. She also saw the infernal roots Of the
by William Blake [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1122_a_2630]
to Golgonooza, Enitharmon on the road of Dranthon felt the inmost gate Of her bright heart burst open & again close with a deadly pain. Within her heart Vala began to reanimate în bursting sobs; 180 And when the Gate was open she beheld that dreary deep Where bright Ahania wept. She also saw the infernal roots Of the chain of Jealousy, & felt the rendings of fierce howling Orc Rending the Caverns like a mighty wind pent în the Earth. Tho' wide
by William Blake [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1122_a_2630]
such woe, such burstings, such thunderings. The eyelids expansive aș morning & the Ears 250 Aș a golden ascent winding round to the heavens of heavens Within the dark horrors of the Abysses, lion or tyger, or scorpion; For every one open'd within into Eternity at will, But they refus'd, because their outward forms were în the Abyss; And the wing-like tent of the Universe, beautiful, surrounding all, 255 Or drawn up or let down at the will of the
by William Blake [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1122_a_2630]
370 Șo spoke Los, & Embracing Enitharmon & the Spectre, Clouds would have folded round în Extacy & Love uniting, But Enitharmon trembling, fled & hîd beneath Urizen's tree. But mingling together with hîș Spectre, the Spectre of Urthona Wondering beheld the Center open'd; by Divine Mercy inspir'd 375 He în hîș turn Gave Tasks to Los, Enormous, to destroy That body he created; but în vain, for Los perform'd Wonders of labour They Builded Golgonooza, Los labouring builded pillars high
by William Blake [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1122_a_2630]
Gave Tasks to Los, Enormous, to destroy That body he created; but în vain, for Los perform'd Wonders of labour They Builded Golgonooza, Los labouring builded pillars high And Domes terrific în the nether heavens, for beneath 380 Was open'd new heavens & a new Earth beneath & within, Threefold, within the brain, within the heart, within the loins: A Threefold Atmosphere Sublime, continuous from Urthona's world, But yet having a Limit Twofold named Satan & Adam. But Los stood on
by William Blake [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1122_a_2630]