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the simultaneous appearance of the modern man în many parts of the globe (the policentrical theory) has fewer and fewer followers. Some geneticists such aș Luca Cavalli-Sforza or linguists such aș Joseph Greenberg and Merritt Ruhlen relate the kinship of some populations (on the basis of studying the human DNA) to the languages spoken by these populations and get, în some situations, to new genealogical classifications of the world languages, with the tendency to contend the existence of some linguistic macro-families
followers. Some geneticists such aș Luca Cavalli-Sforza or linguists such aș Joseph Greenberg and Merritt Ruhlen relate the kinship of some populations (on the basis of studying the human DNA) to the languages spoken by these populations and get, în some situations, to new genealogical classifications of the world languages, with the tendency to contend the existence of some linguistic macro-families. The new hypothesis of the macro-type, which propose perspectives at the global level, are thus based on an interdisciplinary foundation
kinship of some populations (on the basis of studying the human DNA) to the languages spoken by these populations and get, în some situations, to new genealogical classifications of the world languages, with the tendency to contend the existence of some linguistic macro-families. The new hypothesis of the macro-type, which propose perspectives at the global level, are thus based on an interdisciplinary foundation, due to the interaction of linguistics with other sciences. We rarely aim to resume or summarize în this
an interdisciplinary foundation, due to the interaction of linguistics with other sciences. We rarely aim to resume or summarize în this book the great theories or fundamental contributions from this field. We only want to move interest to pointing ouț some new theories and practices regarding the classification of world languages. Obviously, we have also made some summaries of the existing genealogical and typological classifications, but we also bring forward new ideas, some of them generally accepted, some others, acceptable, partially
resume or summarize în this book the great theories or fundamental contributions from this field. We only want to move interest to pointing ouț some new theories and practices regarding the classification of world languages. Obviously, we have also made some summaries of the existing genealogical and typological classifications, but we also bring forward new ideas, some of them generally accepted, some others, acceptable, partially or totally, or, on the contrary, vehemently and unanimously rejected. Moreover, it was highly necessary to
only want to move interest to pointing ouț some new theories and practices regarding the classification of world languages. Obviously, we have also made some summaries of the existing genealogical and typological classifications, but we also bring forward new ideas, some of them generally accepted, some others, acceptable, partially or totally, or, on the contrary, vehemently and unanimously rejected. Moreover, it was highly necessary to update the bibliography of a field about which enormous research has been done în the last
to pointing ouț some new theories and practices regarding the classification of world languages. Obviously, we have also made some summaries of the existing genealogical and typological classifications, but we also bring forward new ideas, some of them generally accepted, some others, acceptable, partially or totally, or, on the contrary, vehemently and unanimously rejected. Moreover, it was highly necessary to update the bibliography of a field about which enormous research has been done în the last 50 years. The updated bibliography
research has been done în the last 50 years. The updated bibliography (both the specialized one, present at the end of each chapter, and the general one) also consists în its reference to a certain electronic resources, to specialized sites, some of which contain linguistic inquiries with sound and image, linguistic maps or volumes that can be read on-line, etc. The age of global information is highly perceived în the field of world languages linguistics. During this interval not only have
perceived în the field of world languages linguistics. During this interval not only have hundreds of languages we knew almost nothing about before been studied and specialized monographs been published, but numerous works of theoretical and practical synthesis have appeared, some renovating or even changing ancient and old theories and accordingly met with disapproval. Many famous publishing houses have made special series and collections dedicated to the linguistics of world languages and published thousands of titles, including theoretical perspectives, aș well
ancient and old theories and accordingly met with disapproval. Many famous publishing houses have made special series and collections dedicated to the linguistics of world languages and published thousands of titles, including theoretical perspectives, aș well aș monographs dedicated to some rare languages, many of them being imperilled or recently disappeared. The Romanian linguistics of world languages has remarkable representatives, famous worldwide, who wrote important works, many of them published or translated în internațional languages. For instance, the Romanian school of
revolutionize the whole linguistic thinking of the latter part of the 20th century) and the presentation at the 11th Internațional Congress of Linguistics and Românce Philology at Madrid of the study Sincronía, diacronía y tipología (published în 1968). Most linguists, some of them very good connoisseurs of Eugenio Coseriu's work have seen în it the change from the famous trichotomy system-norm-speech to the quadrichotomy type-system-norm-speech. În fact, it a wrong perception of the global perspective, since it is about two
Nadia Anghelescu, Limba arabă..., p. 14. 68 Ibidem, p. 21. 69 Cf. Nadia Anghelescu, op. cît., p. 64. 70 Joseph H. Greenberg (editor), Universals of Language, MIT Press, Londra, 1963 (ediția a II-a în 1966). 71 Joseph H. Greenberg, "Some Universals of Grammar with Particular Reference to the Order of Meaningful Elements", în Joseph H. Greenberg (editor), Universals of Language, MIT Press, Londra, 1963, pp. 73-113. 72 Wilhelm von Humboldt, Despre diversitatea structurală a limbilor și influența ei asupra dezvoltării
poziția de subcategorizare, situație existența în română, cunoscută sub denumirea de "dublare clitică" (v.: îl văd pe Ion; îi dau lui Ion)." (DSL 2001: 109-110). 173 Cf. art. "Tipologie lingvistică", în DSL, p. 543. 1 V., printre altele, Noam Chomsky, Some Concepts and Consequences of the Theory of Government and Binding, MIT Press, Cambridge, 1982; trad. fr.: La Nouvelle Syntaxe. Concepts et conséquences de la théorie du gouvernement et du liage, Présentation et commentaire d'A. Rouveret, Seuil, Paris, 1987. 174 http
Beck, București, 2008. Carp Radu, Gal Dacian Grațian, Mureșan Sorin, Preda Radu, În căutarea binelui comun, Eikon, Cluj-Napoca, 2008. Carp Radu, "The Autonomy of Religious Denominations in Romania: Canonical Issues, Constitutional and Legal Framework, and the Application of Principles in Some Recent Cases", în Kanon XXI (2010) Carp Radu, "Religion in the Public Sphere: Is There a Common European Model?", în Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies, X (2011). Carp Radu, Religie, politică & statul de drept. Secvențele unei acomodări
Guvernului nr. 53/2008,M. Of. nr. 50 din 22 ianuarie 2008. 251 Despre autonomia religiilor în România, vezi: Radu Carp, The Autonomy of Religious Denominations in Romania: Canonical Issues, Constitutional and Legal Framework, and the Application of Principles in Some Recent Cases, Kanon XXI (2010), pp. 257-266. Pentru o versiune adusă la zi a acestei contribuții: Radu Carp, Religie, politică & statul de drept. Secvențele unei acomodări, Humanitas, București, 2013, pp. 64-79. Pentru un comentariu al prevederilor constituționale referitoare la autonomia
cultural, cel științific și cel educațional. Dintr-o perspectivă mai largă, culturală, se pot delimita cinci accepții (forme) ale termenului (cf. Judge, 1994): "The most common is that based on efforts to formally relate the insights of particular disciplines, providing some form of logical meta-framework through which they may be integrated at a higher level of abstraction and interdisciplinarity. The second is associated much more intimately with individual experience in the moment (...). Illustrative use of metaphor and figurative language may be
has dawned on us two years ago (the academic year 2007-2008) ; its progress and metamorphosis needed a long time to be comepalpable. At the beginning there was an interdisciplinary approach; only after that we tried a transdisciplinary one. It implied some working team meetings and discussions to reach an agreement concerning the subject matter and its contents and the didactic unity of the goals we had in view. The project was carried on for two years, involving activities attended by high
during the workshops could help students develop their abilities to understand fundamental truths (about nature, humankind etc.). The present book was born out in the need to share our experience with other teachers. It is the first step to yield some alternative understanding of the need of change of the present day paradigm of education; that could produce reflections on the way the public education should be in the future. Perhaps, we might be successful in our attempt of proving that
like this book to come up with a coherent image of our entreprise at "Moise Nicoara" National College in Arad (Romania): from the theoretical documentation and presentation to our practical activities. Another desire is to offer to all those interested some details concerning our workshops, furthermore, if anyone would like to perform something similar, they could have a starting point. Last but not the least, we wanted to describe the environment we worked in, and to provide an accurate image of
we wanted to describe the environment we worked in, and to provide an accurate image of the problems we faced during our entreprise and especially after it. The first chapter of the book is an introduction to transdisciplinarity that provides some basic guidemarks to understand this concept in Basarab Nicolescu's view and their implications in the educational issues. It follows the description of our didactic experimentour due reflections. The most important chapter concerns the didactical scenarios we have designed and
what results? What was the specificity of gender policies in Romania, before 1989? Our perspective is trying to combine the analysis and evaluation of public policies based on technical elements (mapping legislative and institutional mechanisms) with the attempt to identify some deeper and less visible elements, such as latent values and operational objectives. Thus, our main hypothesis is that such policies had as main objective the legitimation of regime and not women's empowerment. Although formally similar to Western developments, gender
Partea a II-a CĂSĂTORIA, FAMILIA ȘI POLITICA DEMOGRAFICĂ REPRESIVĂ A REGIMULUI CEAUȘESCU Regimul matrimonial în comunism Luminița DUMĂNESCU Abstract: In the present work I propose a theoretical analyse of the matrimonial behavior of Romanians under communism. I will expose some considerations on the following issues: ways and means of forming families, the place and role of spouses in the family, family size, growth and education. Marriage remains the only way of founding a family and the proportion of married people
placing women to which the readers could easily identify in different but meaningful situations, these articles were supposed to familiarize women with their new political role. Related to this, the educational content and purpose of the articles underline that at some level the communist regime considered its female population as needing guidance in order to fully comprehend political matters. Moreover, as my paper concludes, despite the Romanian state commitment to the full emancipation of women and eradicating gender differences, its discourse
populating in fact the account. The anecdotal side is charming and finely draws that specificity of times that is hard to explain to those who did not actually live in the evoked period, who could easily become the prey of some bookish knowledge history of the epoch, built on radical innovations and negations, and ignoring the individuals' continuities and adaptability. Keywords: life story; women's daily life; mechanisms of resistance; oral history. Introducere Se pare că niciodată o discuție nu se
56. Khansari, D.N., & colab. (1990), Effects of stress on the immune system, traducere MEC, INCS Excese în sport și efectele lor, în Sportul de Înaltă Performanță, nr.7/2006, București; 57. Kolata, G., (2002), Runner’s high? Endorphins? Fiction say some scientists, articol publicat în revista „New York Times” 21 mai 2002; 58. Lamarque, J., M., (2011), Aquajogging, aquamoving, aquarunning. Rééducation, préparation physique, remise en forme en milieu aquatique, Edition DesIris, Paris; 59. Lamarque, J., M., (1996), La Gymnastique Remise En Forme
Jogging de la A la Z by Alexe Dan Iulian / Alexe Cristina Ioana () [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1592_a_3067]