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central (cum este Soarele) cu o forță proporțională cu inversul pătratului distanței, ele cu siguranta se mișcă de-a lungul unei secțiuni de con, i.e. în cerc, elipsa, parabolă sau hiperbola. Newton a folosit observațiile sale asupra pozițiilor Mării Comete (Great Comet) din 1680 și astfel a ajuns la concluzia că orbită să era aproape parabolica. Muncă lui Newton a fost continuată de astronomul Edmond Halley, care era și prietenul lui Newton. Calculînd diferite orbite de comete cu metoda lui Newton
by William Blake [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1122_a_2630]
sau Flandrei. N-au fost decît sărmani imitatori ai unor linii trase de înaintașii lor, iar operele lor se dovedesc imitații dezordonate demne de dispreț și cîrpăceli copiate." [A Descriptive Catalogue of Pictures (1809), Number XV, în BCW: 585: "The great and golden rule of art, aș well aș of life, is this: That the more distinct, sharp and wirey the bounding line, the more perfect the work of art; and the less keen and sharp, the greater is the evidence
by William Blake [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1122_a_2630]
well aș of life, is this: That the more distinct, sharp and wirey the bounding line, the more perfect the work of art; and the less keen and sharp, the greater is the evidence of weak imitation, plagiarism, and bungling. Great inventors, în all ages, knew this: Protogenes and Apelles knew each other by this line. Rafael and Michael Angelo, and Albert Dürer, are known by this and this alone. The want of this determinate and bounding form evidences the want
by William Blake [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1122_a_2630]
Matei, 1, 5-17). La Blake Rahab face parte însă din spița Sfintei Fecioare Maria (cf. Vala, VIII, 361, si Jerusalem 62, 10). Totuși, similară cu Rahab din Vechiul Testament, Rahab blakeană este defrînata Babilonului, " Misterul, Babilonul cel Mare" ("Mystery, Babylon the Great") (cf. Milton, 40, 17), biserica falsă a lumii acesteia (fundamentata în "Religia Naturii"), care îl pune pe cruce pe Hristos, fiind potrivnica lui Ierusalim, pe care o și azvîrlă în temnița (Vala, VIII, 402-405). Rahab este mamă Tirței, si cu
by William Blake [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1122_a_2630]
Jerusalem, 22, 10-12; Vala, I, versurile 41-42 (I have look'd into the secret soul...) repetate în Jerusalem, 22, 14-15; Vala, I, versurile 44-48 (Why wilt thou Examine...) repetate în Jerusalem, 22, 20-24; Vala, I, versurile 91-105 (There is from Great Eternity...în trembling fear) repetate și extinse în Milton, 33 și 34; Vala, I, versurile 458-460 (From the supporting arms...) repetate cu modificări în Jerusalem, 48, 1-4; Vala, I, versurile 462-466 (Aș one Man...) repetate în Jerusalem, 38, 17-21; Vala
by William Blake [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1122_a_2630]
aceeași chestiune, adică emigrarea românilor, stabilea că „after 1895 Romanian peasants began to swell the ranks”, precizând apoi că „Romanians describe the period 1895-1920 with the phrase mia și drumul”. Nouă ani mai târziu, Éva V. Huseby-Darvas vorbea despre „the great exodus between the 1880s and 1914”, din nordul Ungariei, din care nu puteau lipsi țăranii români. Radu Toma, în schimb, plecând de la faptul că „după anul 1850 locuiau în SUA circa 100 de emigranți din ținuturile României” și „plasând această
întrucât paradigma de acțiune a Statelor Unite nu s-a modificat radical, promovând același realism politic ofensiv de la care păreau să se abată la un moment dat (în sensul acesta, John D. Mearsheimer face o demonstrație convingătoare în The Tragedy of Great Power Politics, W.W. Norton, 2000), diplomația românească ar trebui să evite un eventual moment de criză la care ar duce acumularea unor poziții de tipul celor citate mai sus. Revenind la cartea lui Răceanu și Kirk, trebuie să subliniem
to carve up the Balkans into spheres of influence and in agreeing to the arrangement we should make it clear that it applied only to war conditions and did not affect the rights and responsibilities which each of the three great powers will have to exercise at the peace settlement and afterwards”. Consultarea americanilor devenise necesară doar după ce sovieticii își exprimaseră dorința de a avea mână liberă din partea ambilor Aliați, iar Churchill, știind foarte bine că acceptarea ideii la Washington era
Iași, 1999. Una dintre cele mai bune cercetări `n domeniu, deși deocamdată disponibilă doar on-line, este seria RFE/RFL East European Perspectives, coordonată de Michael Shafir la www.rferl.org/eepreport/. 100 Karen Dawisha, Eastern Europe, Gorbachev, and Reform: The Great Challenge, ed. a II-a, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1990, pp. xiv, 247. 101 Aici se `ncadrează activitatea Comisiei pentru Adevăr și Reconciliere și a Fundației Memoria. Avatarurile CNSAS nu oferă perspective prea promițătoare. Activitatea de excepție a Fundației Academia
by the InfoPolitic Center for Studies and Research (SITC), for the Multimedia Foundation for Local Democracy.The list of questions is extensive because it takes into account a huge dissonance noticed during the 90s by people în our generation - the great distance from words to actions! Romanians received rights and freedoms which, from our point of view, they have rarely used - and without impact. Political România hâș been active only în election years, which is why the profile of stimulated civic
interest is also to understand how communist censorship acted în different periods of time. Keywords: Dostoevsky, communist regime, censorship, Marxist interpretation, content analysis. Introduction The premise of the present analysis is that the reception and interpretation of the works of great Russian writer was partially distorted because of the communist censorship. Particularly în the first decades of the communist era, Dostoevsky's writings have been interpreted from a Marxist-Leninist perspective. Thus, it is necessary that the paradigm to be reported to
Demons encompasses the essence of the Bolshevik doctrine: "here is how, starting from the proclamation of the principle of infinite freedom [...] it reaches the boundless tyranny, the actual essence of the actual communism"7. Crainic concludes that the Dostoevsky's great merit was that he foresaw the consequences of socialism, other contemporaries not being able to have such an insight. The religious perspective was probably the most important în the pre-communist era, but în the immediate years after the instauration of
literary value, Dostoevsky was still regarded aș a reactionary writer, his views being considered dangerous by the communist officials and ideologues. Consequently, the recommendations explicitly expressed în the texts were that the process of reconsidering and recuperating the work of great Russian writer hâș to be done compulsory from the positions of Marxist-Leninist paradigm. The argument itself, aș most of the arguments present în these interpretative texts, was the result of the censorship pressure and it is "borrowed" from the texts
be mainly regarded aș a process of recuperating Dostoevsky în a specific political and social environment, repressive par excellence. The main merit of this process is that it offered to the general public the access at the work of the great novelist. Note 1 Mihai Vacariu benefited from a PhD scholarship at SNSPA, POSDRU/ 159/1.5/S/134650. 2 Grigore Georgiu, Comunicare interculturală, București, Comunicare.ro, 2010. 3 M. R. Bloshteyn, The Making of a Counter-culture Icon: Henry Miller's
Ukraine. În the context of this vulnerability, Russia annexed Crimea which lead unofficially to a war în Eastern part of Ukraine. This situation represents a great threat to Ukraine that undermines its security. At state to state relation, Ukraine hâd great relations with Belarus till Orange Revolution. Belarus being an authoritarian state wasn't agree with the democratic motivations of Ukraine în fear to not escalating în its disfavour: it seems that the Orange Revolution will have some influence on the
prescribed în order to rise concretely the level of protection for human rights, face to challenges brought by postmodern lifestyle. This Charter would realize a consecration of human rights starting from a specific quality of human being (aș "living into great urban agglomerations" - metropolis, megalopolis), and by taking into account the universality of the urbanization phenomena, aș specific phenomena of the global age, at the beginning of the XXIst century. Quality of the human being "to live into great urban agglomerations
living into great urban agglomerations" - metropolis, megalopolis), and by taking into account the universality of the urbanization phenomena, aș specific phenomena of the global age, at the beginning of the XXIst century. Quality of the human being "to live into great urban agglomerations" should be taken, în our opinion, into consideration, more attentively, by the XXIst century legal academic school, this quality shifting towards a legal quality, and generating rights and obligations specific to the human being of the XXIst century
0.2. However, I am not interested here în the respective polemics (continued by Iordan în another article), but în Poghirc's reaffirming the conviction (once more with this occasion), according to which "Hașdeu is, undoubtedly, the author of some great and genuine ideas" (Poghirc 1970: 165). În fact, resenting another imputation, C. Poghirc would state (în the above mentioned monograph) that he did not show any criticism to Hașdeu, în virtue of the fact that he wanted to select "only
Studii de ştiinţa limbii by Bogdan Petriceicu Hasdeu [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/896_a_2404]
genuine ideas" (Poghirc 1970: 165). În fact, resenting another imputation, C. Poghirc would state (în the above mentioned monograph) that he did not show any criticism to Hașdeu, în virtue of the fact that he wanted to select "only those great ideas and ingenuous methods, which, even today, more than half a century later, still prove to be just and fruitful" (ibid.). 0.3. It is this very "just and fruitful" idea which C. Poghirc could not have observed 45 years
Studii de ştiinţa limbii by Bogdan Petriceicu Hasdeu [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/896_a_2404]
aș a case în point. 1.3. The knowledge of things and of the ideas/opinions on things permanently acts în the functioning of lexis, only that the levels and circumstances of the respective intervention have to be established with great precision. Aș Coseriu demonstrated în some of his exemplary works (see, for instance, Coseriu 1976), the knowledge of things interferes, first of all, "en la interpretación de las palabras compuestas y derivadas cuya función designativa pudiera ser ambigua (desde el
Studii de ştiinţa limbii by Bogdan Petriceicu Hasdeu [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/896_a_2404]
explanations to linguistic phenomena should not be too surprising (but even if it does not astonish uș, that does not mean we have to accept such a conception). În the history of philosophy and science one can frequently notice some great thinkers' preference to simplify things and to explain the world and its becoming, starting (if possible) from only one principle or process, one that is applicable to the entire reality. 3.1. For a long period of time, mân was
Studii de ştiinţa limbii by Bogdan Petriceicu Hasdeu [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/896_a_2404]
whole world în a systematic, coherent and unitary way, which reminds uș of Plato and Aristotle. În the last chapter of his extraordinary book, The Idea of Nature, R.G. Collingwood deals with modern cosmology, by presenting the conceptions of two great philosophers, Alexander and Whitehead, his contemporaries. The two conceptions are similar, since both of them try to explain the world aș it exists în its ceaseless changes, "aș a single cosmic process în which there emerge, aș it goes on
Studii de ştiinţa limbii by Bogdan Petriceicu Hasdeu [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/896_a_2404]
altering concepts such aș 'life' and 'mind'. On the contrary, he focused on what is common to the two worlds. În fact, since defined from the very beginning, rigorously, the respective concept should not căușe misunderstandings (however, Bertrand Russell showed great narrow-mindedness aș to what Dewey' logic is concerned; see Burke 1994). For instance, the way în which J. Deeley, a well-known specialist în semiotics, defines the concept of 'semiosis' (i.e. the actions of signs) allows for extension of the subject
Studii de ştiinţa limbii by Bogdan Petriceicu Hasdeu [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/896_a_2404]
notions"; în other words, their "language" does not have anything of what is called "syntax" (ibid.: 183-184). Thus, it hâș been proved experimentally that apes do not actually have the ability to make sentences. Undeniably, if scientists hâd taken the great philosophers seriously, they would have realized from the very beginning that such a thing is impossible 11. Aristotle emphasizes this idea în his Politics (I, 2, 1253a), while, according to Hegel, mân is not an animal at all, since, în
Studii de ştiinţa limbii by Bogdan Petriceicu Hasdeu [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/896_a_2404]
modo que "se dice" que existe la mente" (Coseriu 1954/1967: 136). 10 I will refer to the Romanian version of this book, which presents a further chapter, added to the original from 1981. 11 Similarly, Eugenio Coseriu affirms that great sums of money were spent on automatic translation programs, even if it should have been told from the beginning that it can never be done satisfactorily. În fact, when Coseriu was called at Grenoble or at other research institutes, he
Studii de ştiinţa limbii by Bogdan Petriceicu Hasdeu [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/896_a_2404]