2,104 matches
15 zile, sub supraveghere veterinară oficială, incepand cu ziua prelevării probei de sânge care a fost testată în acest timp, cu rezultat negativ, prin testul de virus neutralizare, la o diluție de 1 la 4; fie ... b) Vaccination was carried ouț during a period of isolation of not more than 15 days under official veterinary supervision, commencing on the day a blood sample was taken that was tested during that time with negative result în a virus neutralization test at a
EUR-Lex () [Corola-website/Law/154456_a_155785]
de izolare, la două probe de sânge prelevate la un interval de cel puțin 10 zile, s-a evidențiat un titru stabil sau scăzut de anticorpi, printr-un test de virus neutralizare pentru arterita virală ecvina; ... c) Vaccination was carried ouț when the animal was at an age of 180 to 270 days, during a period of isolation under official veterinary supervision. During the isolation period two blood samples taken at least 10 days apart proved a stable or declining antibody
EUR-Lex () [Corola-website/Law/154456_a_155785]
which the equidae suffering from the disease are slaughtered; 2. în the case of infectious anaemia, until the date on which, the infected animals having been slaughtered, the remaining animals have shown a negative reaction to two Coggins tests carried ouț three months apart; 3. during six months în the case of vesicular stomatitis; 4. during one month from the last recorded case, în the case of rabies; 5. during 15 days from the last recorded case, în the case of
EUR-Lex () [Corola-website/Law/154456_a_155785]
test de fixare a complementului pentru durina*6) la o diluție de 1 la 10 - un test de fixare a complementului pentru morva*6) la o diluție de 1 la 10 (j) it was subjected to the following test carried ouț with negative result on a sample of blood taken within 30 days of export on ..........................*4)*5): - Coggins test for equine infectious anaemia*2). - complement fixation test for dourine*6) at a dilution of 1 în 10 - complement fixation test
EUR-Lex () [Corola-website/Law/154456_a_155785]
hâș been re-vaccinated at regular intervals*2); Programe de vaccinare inițială împotriva arteritei virale ecvine: Programmes for inițial vaccination against equine viral arteritis: Instrucțiuni: Se vor elimina programele de vaccinare care nu se aplică animalului descris mai sus. Instruction: Cross ouț vaccination programmes that do not apply to the animal described above. Se va verifica certificarea auxiliara privind testarea înainte de vaccinare și revaccinare. Verify supporting certification on testing before vaccination, vaccination and re-vaccination. a) Vaccinarea a fost efectuată în ziua în
EUR-Lex () [Corola-website/Law/154456_a_155785]
Vaccinarea a fost efectuată în ziua în care a fost prelevata proba de sânge care ulterior s-a dovedit a fi negativă la un test de virus neutralizare, la o diluție de 1 la 4; fie ... a) Vaccination was carried ouț on the day a blood sample was taken that subsequently proved negative în a virus neutralization test at a dilution of 1 în 4; or ... b) Vaccinarea a fost efectuată în timpul perioadei de izolare de cel mai mult de 15
EUR-Lex () [Corola-website/Law/154456_a_155785]
15 zile, sub supraveghere veterinară oficială, incepand cu ziua prelevării probei de sânge care a fost testată în acest timp, cu rezultate negative, la testul de virus neutralizare, la o diluție de 1 la 4; fie ... b) Vaccination was carried ouț during a period of isolation of not more than 15 days under official veterinary supervision, commencing on the day a blood sample was taken that was tested during that time with negative result în a virus neutralization test at a
EUR-Lex () [Corola-website/Law/154456_a_155785]
de izolare, la două probe de sânge, prelevate la un interval de cel puțin 10 zile, s-a evidențiat un titru stabil sau scăzut de anticorpi, printr-un test de virus neutralizare pentru arterita virală ecvina; ... c) Vaccination was carried ouț when the animal was at an age of 180 to 270 days, during a period of isolation under official veterinary supervision. During the isolation period two blood samples taken at least 10 days apart proved a stable or declining antibody
EUR-Lex () [Corola-website/Law/154456_a_155785]
which the equidae suffering from the disease are slaughtered; 2. în the case of infectious anaemia, until the date on which, the infected animals having been slaughtered, the remaining animals have shown a negative reaction to two Coggins tests carried ouț three months apart; 3. during six months în the case of vesicular stomatitis; 4. during one month from the last recorded case, în the case of rabies; 5. during 15 days from the last recorded case, în the case of
EUR-Lex () [Corola-website/Law/154456_a_155785]
următoarelor teste, cu rezultate negative, efectuate pe o probă de sânge prelevata într-o perioadă de 21 de zile înainte de export la data de ......... *4): ... - un test Coggins pentru anemia infecțioasă. j) it was subjected to the following test carried ouț with negative result on a sample of blood taken within 21 days of export on ............. *4): ... - a Coggins test for infectious anaemia. k) fie acesta nu a fost vaccinat împotriva encefalomielitei ecvine venezuelene*3) fie a fost vaccinat în la
EUR-Lex () [Corola-website/Law/154456_a_155785]
3)*4)*5) or Japanese B-encephalitis on ..................*3)*4)*5) this being within six months and at least 30 days of export, or it was subjected to haemagglutination inhibition tests to western and eastern equine encephalomyelitis on two occasions, carried ouț on samples of blood taken with an interval of 21 days on .............*4) and on ...............*4), the second of which must have been taken within 10 days of export either with negative reactions, if it hâș not been vaccinated*3
EUR-Lex () [Corola-website/Law/154456_a_155785]
n) it was not vaccinated against West Nile Virusa), or it was vaccinated against West Nile Virus with an inactivated vaccine an at least two occasions at an interval of between 21 to 42 days, the last vaccination being carried ouț not later than 30 days prior to dispatch an ..................*3)*4). ... IV. Animalul va fi expediat într-un vehicul curățat și dezinfectat în prealabil cu un dezinfectant recunoscut oficial în țara de expediere și proiectat astfel încât deșeurile animale, resturile de
EUR-Lex () [Corola-website/Law/154456_a_155785]
hâș been re-vaccinated at regular intervals*2); Programe de vaccinare inițială împotriva arteritei virale ecvine: Programmes for inițial vaccination against equine viral arteritis: Instrucțiuni: Se vor elimina programele de vaccinare care nu se aplică animalului descris mai sus. Instruction: Cross ouț vaccination programmes that do not apply to the animal described above. Se va verifica certificarea auxiliara privind testarea înainte de vaccinare și revaccinare. Verify supporting certification on testing before vaccination, vaccination and re-vaccination. a) Vaccinarea a fost efectuată în ziua în
EUR-Lex () [Corola-website/Law/154456_a_155785]
Vaccinarea a fost efectuată în ziua în care a fost prelevata proba de sânge care ulterior s-a dovedit a fi negativă la un test de virus neutralizare, la o diluție de 1 la 4; fie ... a) Vaccination was carried ouț on the day a blood sample was taken that subsequently proved negative în a virus neutralization test at a dilution of 1 în 4; or ... b) Vaccinarea a fost efectuată în timpul perioadei de izolare de cel mai mult 15 zile
EUR-Lex () [Corola-website/Law/154456_a_155785]
15 zile, sub supraveghere veterinară oficială, incepand cu ziua prelevării probei de sânge care a fost testată în acest timp, cu rezultate negative, prin testul de virus neutralizare, la o diluție de 1 la 4; fie ... b) Vaccination was carried ouț during a period of isolation of not more than 15 days under official veterinary supervision, commencing on the day a blood sample was taken that was tested during that time with negative result în a virus neutralization test at a
EUR-Lex () [Corola-website/Law/154456_a_155785]
de izolare, la două probe de sânge prelevate la un interval de cel puțin 10 zile, s-a evidențiat un titru stabil sau scăzut de anticorpi, printr-un test de virus neutralizare pentru arterita virală ecvina; ... c) Vaccination was carried ouț when the animal was at an age of 180 to 270 days, during a period of isolation under official veterinary supervision. During the isolation period two blood samples taken at least 10 days apart proved a stable or declining antibody
EUR-Lex () [Corola-website/Law/154456_a_155785]
which the equidae suffering from the disease are slaughtered; 2. în the case of infectious anaemia, until the date on which, the infected animals having been slaughtered, the remaining animals have shown a negative reaction to two Coggins tests carried ouț three months apart; 3. during six months în the case of vesicular stomatitis; 4. during one month from the last recorded case, în the case of rabies; 5. during 15 days from the last recorded case, în the case of
EUR-Lex () [Corola-website/Law/154456_a_155785]
test de fixare a complementului pentru durina*6) la o diluție de 1 la 10 - un test de fixare a complementului pentru morva*6) la o diluție de 1 la 10 j) it was subjected to the following tests carried ouț with negative result on a sample of blood taken within 21 days of export on ............. *4): ... - a Coggins test for infectious anaemia - a complement fixation test for dourine*6) at a dilution of 1 în 10 - a complement fixation test
EUR-Lex () [Corola-website/Law/154456_a_155785]
3)*4)*5) or Japanese B-encephalitis on ..................*3)*4)*5) this being within six months and at least 30 days of export, or it was subjected to haemagglutination inhibition tests to western and eastern equine encephalomyelitis on two occasions, carried ouț on samples of blood taken with an interval of 21 days on .............*4) and on ...............*4), the second of which must have been taken within 10 days of export either with negative reactions, if it hâș not been vaccinated*3
EUR-Lex () [Corola-website/Law/154456_a_155785]
hâș been re-vaccinated at regular intervals*2); Programe de vaccinare inițială împotriva arteritei virale ecvine: Programmes for inițial vaccination against equine viral arteritis: Instrucțiuni: Se vor elimina programele de vaccinare care nu se aplică animalului descris mai sus. Instruction: Cross ouț vaccination programmes that do not apply to the animal described above. Se va verifica certificarea auxiliara privind testarea înainte de vaccinare și revaccinare. Verify supporting certification on testing before vaccination, vaccination and re-vaccination. a) Vaccinarea a fost efectuată în ziua în
EUR-Lex () [Corola-website/Law/154456_a_155785]
Vaccinarea a fost efectuată în ziua în care a fost prelevata proba de sânge care ulterior s-a dovedit a fi negativă la un test de virus neutralizare, la o diluție de 1 la 4; fie ... a) Vaccination was carried ouț on the day a blood sample was taken that subsequently proved negative în a virus neutralization test at a dilution of 1 în 4; or ... b) Vaccinarea a fost efectuată în timpul perioadei de izolare de cel mai mult 15 zile
EUR-Lex () [Corola-website/Law/154456_a_155785]
15 zile, sub supraveghere veterinară oficială, incepand cu ziua prelevării probei de sânge care a fost testată în acest timp, cu rezultate negative, prin testul de virus neutralizare, la o diluție de 1 la 4; fie ... b) Vaccination was carried ouț during a period of isolation of not more than 15 days under official veterinary supervision, commencing on the day a blood sample was taken that was tested during that time with negative result în a virus neutralization test at a
EUR-Lex () [Corola-website/Law/154456_a_155785]
de izolare, la două probe de sânge prelevate la un interval de cel puțin 10 zile, s-a evidențiat un titru stabil sau scăzut de anticorpi, printr-un test de virus neutralizare pentru arterita virală ecvina; ... c) Vaccination was carried ouț when the animal was at an age of 180 to 270 days, during a period of isolation under official veterinary supervision. During the isolation period two blood samples taken at least 10 days apart proved a stable or declining antibody
EUR-Lex () [Corola-website/Law/154456_a_155785]
which the equidae suffering from the disease are slaughtered; 2. în the case of infectious anaemia, until the date on which, the infected animals having been slaughtered, the remaining animals have shown a negative reaction to two Coggins tests carried ouț three months apart; 3. during six months în the case of vesicular stomatitis; 4. during one month from the last recorded case, în the case of rabies; 5. during 15 days from the last recorded case, în the case of
EUR-Lex () [Corola-website/Law/154456_a_155785]
test de fixare a complementului pentru durina*6) la o diluție de 1 la 10 - un test de fixare a complementului pentru morva*6) la o diluție de 1 la 10 j) it was subjected to the following tests carried ouț with negative result on a sample of blood taken within 21 days of export on ............. *4): ... - a Coggins test for infectious anaemia - a complement fixation test for dourine*6) at a dilution of 1 în 10 - a complement fixation test
EUR-Lex () [Corola-website/Law/154456_a_155785]