1,907 matches
unei capacități manageriale generale. Este momentul unei schimbări de perspectivă deoarece formarea managerială nu trebuie să se limiteze doar la formarea managerilor, ci trebuie să aibă în vedere și formarea potențialilor manageri, chiar formarea non-managerilor. Bibliografie selectivă Argyle, M. (1984), „Some new developments in social skills training”, Bulletin of the British Psychological Society, nr. 37, pp. 405-410. Argyle, M. (1989), The Social Psychology of Work, Penguin, Londra. Argyle, M. (1991), Cooperation: The Basis of Sociability, Routledge, Londra. Bass, B.M. (1985), Leadership
is that of the left cortex and, by ascending in hierarchy, the number of subjects that have strong preferences for all four ways (right cortex, left cortex, right limbic, left limbic) is decreasing. The study has revealed the existence of some correlations between MBTI functions and specific types of cerebral dominance. Key words: personality type, leadership, intuitive management, cerebral dominance, whole brain, hierarchyc level. 1. Considerații teoretice Încercându-se a se identifica legătura care există între personalitate și leadership, în vederea eficientizării
BRATE* Orientări actuale în studiul stresului ocupațional și perspective ale dezvoltării sănătății în muncă Abstract The article emphasizes the importance of elaborating a conceptual and methodological framework in the dynamic process of intervention in occupational stress and promoting employee health. Some specific implications of the methodological and practical utility of the models for the development and testing of effective prevention interventions for occupational health and stress management are examined. Important health ressources from the point of view of I/O psychology
the methodological and practical utility of the models for the development and testing of effective prevention interventions for occupational health and stress management are examined. Important health ressources from the point of view of I/O psychology are operationalized and some future development directions and perspectives for the psychosocial health and occupational stress management in the XXI century are discussed. Key words: occupational stress, stress management, occupational health, psychosocial health. 1. Cadrul conceptual și metodologic pentru diagnoza și intervenția eficientă în
and Personnel Psychology, Irwin Homewood Illinois. Cristina Leovaridis∗ Dialogul social - fundament al colaborării dintre sindicate și patronate Key words: social dialogue, trade unions, employers’ organizations, government, confederations, collective work contract, employees, negotiations, national representativeness. Abstract The present article, based on some interviews with leaders of national trade-union confederations and employers’ organizations, emphasizes that in Romania at the present moment there are laws and institutions which promote the social dialogue; a favorable general climate for dialogue has been established; there are the
București Abstract The common belief that person’s behavior is cross-situational stable was challenged in the past by the empirical research which could not support it. This paper presents a brief discussion of the paradox consistency and then is introducing some conceptual clarification on perspectives, acceptations and types of consistencies in personality. Key words: consistency paradox, cross-temporal stability, cross-situational consistency, coherence 1. Paradoxul consistenței Identificarea unui mod unitar, integrat de operaționalizare și definire a personalității, universal acceptat, a constituit multă vreme
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Bruni", în Leonardo Bruni cancelliere della repubblica di Firenze, Leo S. Olschki, Florența, 1990, pp. 29-62. Garin, Eugenio, Portraits from the Quattrocento, trans. Victor și Elizabeth Velen, Harper & Row, New York, 1972. Hankins, James, "The Baron Thesis after Forty Years and some Recent Studies of Leonardo Bruni", în Journal of the History of Ideas, LVI, 1995, pp. 309-338. Kent, Francis W., "The Making of a Renaissance Patron of the Arts", în Giovanni Rucellai ed îl suo Zibaldone, Warburg Institute, Londra, 1960-1981, ÎI
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la Baron, "În search of Florentine civic humanism", Renaissance quarterly, XLV, 1992, pp. 340-350; R. Fubini, "Renaissance historian: the career of Hans Baron", Journal of modern history, LXIV, 1992, pp. 541-574; J. Hankins, "The "Baron thesis" after forty years and some recent studies of Leonardo Bruni", Journal of the history of ideas, LVI, 1995, pp. 309-338. A se vedea și studiile lui R. Witt, J.M. Najemy, C. Kallendorf și W. Gundersheimer publicate în American Historical Review, CI, 1996, pp. 107-144. Pentru
by WILLIAM J. CONNELL [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/989_a_2497]
Medici, vezi Renzo Ninci, "Lo scrutinio elettorale nel periodo albizzesco (1393-1434)", în Istituzioni e società în Toscana nell'età modernă, Pubblicazioni degli Archivi di Stato, Romă, 1994, I, pp. 39-60. 96 James Hankins, "The Baron Thesis after Forty Years and some Recent Studies of Leonardo Bruni", în Journal of the History of Ideas, LVI, 1995, pp. 309-338, esp. p. 325; a se compară cu Paolo Viti, Leonardo Bruni e Firenze. Studi sulle lettere pubbliche e private, Bulzoni, Romă, 1992. 97 El
by WILLIAM J. CONNELL [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/989_a_2497]
presupus eliberatoare" (1997, p. 7). Prima este întrupata de Urizen, iar ultima de Los: "Lo, a shadow of horror is risen / În Eternity! Unknown, unprolific! / Self-closd, all repelling: what Demon / Hath form'd this abominable void / This soul-shudd'ring vacuum? Some said / "It is Urizen""(E: 70). Repetiția obsesiva a pronumelui personal "eu" marchează, la nivel stilistic, atât egoismul rațiunii, cât și presupusa să infailibilitate 43. Consistentă dura a cărților cuprinzând cunoașterea universală este pusă în acord cu profilul artizanului lor
Demiurgul din Londra. Introducere în poetica lui William Blake by Cătălin Ghiţă [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1394_a_2636]
Blake's four types of vision (single, twofold, threefold and fourfold), aș these are explicitly described în a letter to his dear friend, Thomas Butts. Finally, the fourth part of my exegesis hâș been devoted to a textual analysis of some of Blake's main works according to a critical design revealing four possible levels of interpretation. This enterprise hâș attempted to complete the task set by the previous parts. It is my idea that Blake's four visionary classes are
Demiurgul din Londra. Introducere în poetica lui William Blake by Cătălin Ghiţă [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1394_a_2636]
focused on their specific visionary contents, leaving aside a number of other aspects which, albeit significant în other contexts, acquire a lower status în the order of my critical demonstration. However, if I have elected to give prominent thought to some vision-related aspects, this hâș not been done at the expense of other equally significant characteristics. On the contrary, whenever opportunity hâș risen, I have tried to single ouț and to exploit passages, characters or plot developments which might facilitate the
Demiurgul din Londra. Introducere în poetica lui William Blake by Cătălin Ghiţă [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1394_a_2636]
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Chicago/143651.html. 5 În scrisoarea din 12 februarie 1973 către Sergiu Al-George, Maitreyi scrie:"The title of this book means rays of the sun (aditya=sun; marichi=rays) this name was given to him by my father there is some similarity în the sound. I usually write my name aș Maitraye but I saw he wrote it aș I used to write before I have done șo în this book." "Maitraye Devi către Sergiu Al-George", în "Bibliotheca Indică", nr. 3
convey to him my views and also remind him his word of honour." "Eventually he promised to me that he will add an epilogue în the next edition of Maitreyi [the original Romanian title of his novel] saying that though some incidents described în the book are true some are not. He told me he will send me this epilogue to check. But aș usual he hâș not kept this promise also. Now I know from your letter that he hâș
him his word of honour." "Eventually he promised to me that he will add an epilogue în the next edition of Maitreyi [the original Romanian title of his novel] saying that though some incidents described în the book are true some are not. He told me he will send me this epilogue to check. But aș usual he hâș not kept this promise also. Now I know from your letter that he hâș omitted the whole episode from his memoir why