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doctorului ce crede de boala lui Mihai și de garantează să-l facă sănătos, sau este numai o ameliorare, care poate mai târziu să se ivească cu și mai mare furie și dacă s-a lăsat de băut. Doctorul i-as răspuns franțuzește, el românește nu se poate exprima bine, că se va face cu totul bine făcând și la vară 30 de băi la Hall, numai pentru evaporarea mercurului ce este în corpul lui. Despre băut, atârnă de la banii pe
Boala şi moartea lui Eminescu by Nicolae Georgescu () [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/829_a_1548]
Ca mândra sprâncenele."303 În satul patriarhal, cucul prevestea nu numai destinul individual, al fiecăruia în parte, ci și destinul întregii comunități: "Cucule cu pană sură, / Cântata-ai la noi pe șură / A amar, nu-a voie bună; Ai cântat as`-primăvară / A jale ș-a rău în țară; / Ai cântat pe-un mușuroi, / Tot a jale și-a război. / S-o dus oamenii din sate / Tot în vagoane-ncărcate / În neagra străinătate."304 Doina Arcanului invocă același cântec prevestitor al
toți banii ăștia?“ „Mie nu-mi ajung niciodată“, a replicat acesta. Reacția lui Wittgenstein nu s-a lăsat așteptată: „O, în cazul ăsta poți să-i iei și pe ai mei.“ (Vezi Luise Hausmann, Eugene C. Hargrove, „Wittgenstein in Austria as a Elementary School Teacher“, în (ed.) F. A. Flowers III, Portraits of Wittgenstein, vol. 2, p. 107.) 56 Unul din foștii săi elevi povestește că Wittgenstein nu-i pedepsea niciodată pe copiii care erau sinceri. Odată, și-a întrebat elevii dacă
Gânditorul singuratic : critica ºi practica filozofiei la Ludwig Wittgenstein by Mircea Flonta () [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1367_a_2720]
aceste prime impresii se formează, ele tind să se întipărească în minte și să se accentueze". Cea mai spinoasă problemă este faptul că primele impresii lucrează la nivelul subconștientului, de aceea "Comunicatorii Experți știu cum să se comporte ca niște ași, în acea zecime de secundă"79. M. Solomon specifică rapiditatea formării primei impresii despre o persoană (7 secunde de contact) și multitudinea de aspecte care sunt ghicite pe baza limbajului corpului: • nivelul economic al persoanei; • nivelul studiilor (educația și inteligența
by ALINA MĂRGĂRIŢOIU [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/949_a_2457]
zilele noastre, traducere de T. Avacum, Editura Polimark, București (A Cultural History of Gesture. From Antiquity to the Present Day, Polity Press, Cambridge, UK.), 1994/2000. Bădulescu, Rita, Educație plastică, Editura Humanitas Educational, București, 2000. Campisi, Emanuela, Özyürek, Asli, "Iconicity as a communicative strategy: Recipient design in multimodal demonstrations for adults and children", în Journal of Pragmatics, 47, 2013, pp. 14-27. Chelcea, Septimiu, Ivan, Loredana, Chelcea, Adina, Comunicarea nonverbală: gesturile și postura. Cuvintele nu sunt de ajuns, Editura Comunicare.ro, București
by ALINA MĂRGĂRIŢOIU [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/949_a_2457]
desire to increase the constructive echo of didactic communication by means of the gestural register meant to cultivate authentic partnerships that are supposed to engage, motivate and further develop the accountability of educational actors. Therefore, we have defined didactic communication as building a partnership between teacher and pupils that first facilitates learning and, in time, leads to a synchronisation in body, cognition, affectivity and actions between all educational actors. Using gestures in didactic communication as professional or methodological 'tools' means to
by ALINA MĂRGĂRIŢOIU [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/949_a_2457]
Therefore, we have defined didactic communication as building a partnership between teacher and pupils that first facilitates learning and, in time, leads to a synchronisation in body, cognition, affectivity and actions between all educational actors. Using gestures in didactic communication as professional or methodological 'tools' means to try and become aware of these acts more often than not carried out unwittingly and to take benefit from the advantages of this process: * A favourable first impression and managing a good relation with
by ALINA MĂRGĂRIŢOIU [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/949_a_2457]
out different tasks; * Diminishing and stopping undesirable behaviour in pupils. The novelty of the investigative approach in the current book stems from the fact that we scored and valued the virtues of semiotics throughout this entire volume from two perspectives: as a science whose field of interest is represented by the signs and signifying systems found in nature, society and thought and as a research method. Considering gesture as sign, I could interpret it in terms of theoretical and practical elements
by ALINA MĂRGĂRIŢOIU [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/949_a_2457]
the fact that we scored and valued the virtues of semiotics throughout this entire volume from two perspectives: as a science whose field of interest is represented by the signs and signifying systems found in nature, society and thought and as a research method. Considering gesture as sign, I could interpret it in terms of theoretical and practical elements of semiotics. In the first chapter I summarized the gesture from the earliest times to the present day with the intention of
by ALINA MĂRGĂRIŢOIU [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/949_a_2457]
valued the virtues of semiotics throughout this entire volume from two perspectives: as a science whose field of interest is represented by the signs and signifying systems found in nature, society and thought and as a research method. Considering gesture as sign, I could interpret it in terms of theoretical and practical elements of semiotics. In the first chapter I summarized the gesture from the earliest times to the present day with the intention of highlighting the dynamics of gesture over
by ALINA MĂRGĂRIŢOIU [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/949_a_2457]
and practical elements of semiotics. In the first chapter I summarized the gesture from the earliest times to the present day with the intention of highlighting the dynamics of gesture over time, emphasizing different meanings and significances. To interpret gesture as complexly as possible, I have presented a wide range of definitions (biological, ethological psychological, social, cultural, artistic, educational, semiotic), each with its own interpretation grid. The analysis of gesture under various perspectives aims at an inclusive definition: the semiosis of
by ALINA MĂRGĂRIŢOIU [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/949_a_2457]
elements of semiotics. In the first chapter I summarized the gesture from the earliest times to the present day with the intention of highlighting the dynamics of gesture over time, emphasizing different meanings and significances. To interpret gesture as complexly as possible, I have presented a wide range of definitions (biological, ethological psychological, social, cultural, artistic, educational, semiotic), each with its own interpretation grid. The analysis of gesture under various perspectives aims at an inclusive definition: the semiosis of gestural communication
by ALINA MĂRGĂRIŢOIU [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/949_a_2457]
the universal and cultural gesture, the aesthetic, educational or contextual gesture. The "semiotic situation" (of signification) and the "gestural communication situation" (transfer of the significant content) build the semiosis of communicative gestures. I have considered the process of didactic communication as a signifying structure of linguistic and non-linguistic signs as being a didactic semiosis (chapter 2), which facilitates learning and requires both the ability of representation (signification, valorisation) and formulation (persuasion, affective resonance) of the teacher, as well as the decoding
by ALINA MĂRGĂRIŢOIU [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/949_a_2457]
contextual gesture. The "semiotic situation" (of signification) and the "gestural communication situation" (transfer of the significant content) build the semiosis of communicative gestures. I have considered the process of didactic communication as a signifying structure of linguistic and non-linguistic signs as being a didactic semiosis (chapter 2), which facilitates learning and requires both the ability of representation (signification, valorisation) and formulation (persuasion, affective resonance) of the teacher, as well as the decoding ability of the pupils. In this chapter I have
by ALINA MĂRGĂRIŢOIU [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/949_a_2457]
process of didactic communication as a signifying structure of linguistic and non-linguistic signs as being a didactic semiosis (chapter 2), which facilitates learning and requires both the ability of representation (signification, valorisation) and formulation (persuasion, affective resonance) of the teacher, as well as the decoding ability of the pupils. In this chapter I have emphasized an evaluation of performance in didactic communication carried out by students in terms of the resonance / impact of the educational relation (a pragmatic dimension); also, I
by ALINA MĂRGĂRIŢOIU [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/949_a_2457]
didactic communication as a signifying structure of linguistic and non-linguistic signs as being a didactic semiosis (chapter 2), which facilitates learning and requires both the ability of representation (signification, valorisation) and formulation (persuasion, affective resonance) of the teacher, as well as the decoding ability of the pupils. In this chapter I have emphasized an evaluation of performance in didactic communication carried out by students in terms of the resonance / impact of the educational relation (a pragmatic dimension); also, I have presented
by ALINA MĂRGĂRIŢOIU [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/949_a_2457]
correlating methods specific to social sciences, statistics and semiotics prove the influence of teachers' enhanced reactivity to stress on the emergence of dysfunctions in didactic communication and the negative effects on pupils (intimidation, frustration, distancing, inferiority complexes, antipathy, anxiety, etc.) as compared to other variables of the research an aspect that is surprising and worrying for the current educational context. Therefore, I have developed a Program for the optimization of gestures in didactic communication, that includes curricular elements that can be
by ALINA MĂRGĂRIŢOIU [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/949_a_2457]
1632, în timpul bătăliei de la Lucerna a spulberat acest vis și a zguduit din temelii fragilul imperiu baltic, proaspăt clădit. Episodul morții sale este descris în lucrarea apocrifă intitulată: Memoirs of the Honourable Col. Andrew Newport, a Shropshire Gentleman, who served as a cavalier in the army of Gustavus Adolphus in Germany, and in that of Charles the First in England; containing Anecdotes and Characters of the Principal Persons of That Time: The Whole Forming of Germany and England Towards the Middle
SOCIETATEA EUROPEANĂ ÎN MEMORIILE APOCRIFE DIN „MARELE SECOL” by Andreea-Irina Chirculescu [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/695_a_1457]
de referință, nu ar fi garantată de nimic. Asta ar conduce Însă la ideea absurdă a stagnării, la imposibilitatea evoluției, a inițierii de noi activități/jocuri de limbaj. Wittgenstein ne oferă soluția Învățării regulilor jocului jucând: „make up the rules as we go along” ; mijloacele, În acest caz, ar putea fi „Învățarea ostensivă” <ref id=”49”>Ibid., p. 94 referință </ref> sau negocierea semnificației unor semne lingvistice prin explicare. Foarte multe activități umane se suprapun, mai mult sau mai puțin; În
Context şi semnificaţie. Abordare semio-pragmatică by Mircea D. Horubeţ () [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/675_a_1253]
a spectacular expansion (through the opportunities offered by new and aggressive communication technologies that place at mankind's disposal the "socialization network(s)" or they can follow the path of constant decay in that they tend to become a reality as ephemeral as it is shallow and as narrow and emphatically oriented / interested as it is artificial, as fluctuating as it is poor (in terms soul and spirit). Located at such an existential crossroads human relations trigger different approaches from anthropologists
by Gabriel Albu [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1037_a_2545]
expansion (through the opportunities offered by new and aggressive communication technologies that place at mankind's disposal the "socialization network(s)" or they can follow the path of constant decay in that they tend to become a reality as ephemeral as it is shallow and as narrow and emphatically oriented / interested as it is artificial, as fluctuating as it is poor (in terms soul and spirit). Located at such an existential crossroads human relations trigger different approaches from anthropologists, social psychologists
by Gabriel Albu [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1037_a_2545]
by new and aggressive communication technologies that place at mankind's disposal the "socialization network(s)" or they can follow the path of constant decay in that they tend to become a reality as ephemeral as it is shallow and as narrow and emphatically oriented / interested as it is artificial, as fluctuating as it is poor (in terms soul and spirit). Located at such an existential crossroads human relations trigger different approaches from anthropologists, social psychologists, sociologists, etc. Thus, some argue
by Gabriel Albu [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1037_a_2545]
that place at mankind's disposal the "socialization network(s)" or they can follow the path of constant decay in that they tend to become a reality as ephemeral as it is shallow and as narrow and emphatically oriented / interested as it is artificial, as fluctuating as it is poor (in terms soul and spirit). Located at such an existential crossroads human relations trigger different approaches from anthropologists, social psychologists, sociologists, etc. Thus, some argue that in these circumstances relations must
by Gabriel Albu [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1037_a_2545]
s disposal the "socialization network(s)" or they can follow the path of constant decay in that they tend to become a reality as ephemeral as it is shallow and as narrow and emphatically oriented / interested as it is artificial, as fluctuating as it is poor (in terms soul and spirit). Located at such an existential crossroads human relations trigger different approaches from anthropologists, social psychologists, sociologists, etc. Thus, some argue that in these circumstances relations must adapt as well: they
by Gabriel Albu [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1037_a_2545]
the "socialization network(s)" or they can follow the path of constant decay in that they tend to become a reality as ephemeral as it is shallow and as narrow and emphatically oriented / interested as it is artificial, as fluctuating as it is poor (in terms soul and spirit). Located at such an existential crossroads human relations trigger different approaches from anthropologists, social psychologists, sociologists, etc. Thus, some argue that in these circumstances relations must adapt as well: they shall come
by Gabriel Albu [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1037_a_2545]