9,681 matches
is artificial, as fluctuating as it is poor (in terms soul and spirit). Located at such an existential crossroads human relations trigger different approaches from anthropologists, social psychologists, sociologists, etc. Thus, some argue that in these circumstances relations must adapt as well: they shall come too within the sphere of speed, performance, efficiency and pragmatism, in the hyper- competitiveness, hyper-individualism and hyper-technology. There is no longer a vision that accepts and supports the existence of consolidated interpersonal relationships, valuable in themselves
by Gabriel Albu [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1037_a_2545]
yet) that the romantic period has set a long time ago becomes unreasonable. Our relationships require "continuous adaptations and plenty of willingness to be flexible", said L. Carter (2007, p. 172). Desire and aspiration for stability and durability are taxed as irrelevant, nay, conservative and traditionalist (in the pejorative sense). Now, "malleability is key to the survival of a relationship," said L. Marinoff (2009, p. 187). In the same approach selfishness is by himself a corroder of interpersonal relationships. "When light
by Gabriel Albu [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1037_a_2545]
American psychotherapist selfishness is a constructive force. When born out of vanity, of egotism or narcissism, it is destructive" (2009, p 205). In the same vein, there are specialists who support the idea that "competition triggers the best in people as well as the worst in people" (ibid., p. 255). Other specialists, in turn, argue that in such circumstances relations between people faced and will face difficulties. For example, the excessive speed of socio- economic or banking and financial mechanisms and
by Gabriel Albu [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1037_a_2545]
selfishness is a constructive force. When born out of vanity, of egotism or narcissism, it is destructive" (2009, p 205). In the same vein, there are specialists who support the idea that "competition triggers the best in people as well as the worst in people" (ibid., p. 255). Other specialists, in turn, argue that in such circumstances relations between people faced and will face difficulties. For example, the excessive speed of socio- economic or banking and financial mechanisms and processes damage
by Gabriel Albu [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1037_a_2545]
go from a state of confrontation to one of (mutual) relief (without a very special interest), from one of egocentric closure to one of (mutual) opening. T. Nørretranders (2008) believes that we are moving towards a community where cooperation becomes as important as competition (p. 13). If however competition requires self-confidence, handling relations in order to satisfy their (individual) interests and envy, cooperation requires trust in the other, to satisfy the motivations of both parties, in good faith and loyalty. Cooperation
by Gabriel Albu [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1037_a_2545]
a state of confrontation to one of (mutual) relief (without a very special interest), from one of egocentric closure to one of (mutual) opening. T. Nørretranders (2008) believes that we are moving towards a community where cooperation becomes as important as competition (p. 13). If however competition requires self-confidence, handling relations in order to satisfy their (individual) interests and envy, cooperation requires trust in the other, to satisfy the motivations of both parties, in good faith and loyalty. Cooperation relations depend
by Gabriel Albu [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1037_a_2545]
this type of relationship (or what the North American biologist Robert Trivers called reciprocal altruism). Under current conditions, however, it is not easy to trust each other, especially when trust tends to be used for personal purposes or devalued, bantered as naive or as a sign of weakness. According to Ch. Dejours (1993, as cited by Brillon, 2010, p. 171), organizational constraints that prevail in most work environments have adverse effects on mental health and relationships because it puts individuals in
by Gabriel Albu [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1037_a_2545]
relationship (or what the North American biologist Robert Trivers called reciprocal altruism). Under current conditions, however, it is not easy to trust each other, especially when trust tends to be used for personal purposes or devalued, bantered as naive or as a sign of weakness. According to Ch. Dejours (1993, as cited by Brillon, 2010, p. 171), organizational constraints that prevail in most work environments have adverse effects on mental health and relationships because it puts individuals in conflict situations that
by Gabriel Albu [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1037_a_2545]
reciprocal altruism). Under current conditions, however, it is not easy to trust each other, especially when trust tends to be used for personal purposes or devalued, bantered as naive or as a sign of weakness. According to Ch. Dejours (1993, as cited by Brillon, 2010, p. 171), organizational constraints that prevail in most work environments have adverse effects on mental health and relationships because it puts individuals in conflict situations that are unsolvable at psychological level. On the one hand, performance
by Gabriel Albu [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1037_a_2545]
of teamwork. Moreover, for Ch. André (2009), competition always looks violent and dehumanizing. In turn, the famous British thinker B. Russell (f. ed.) argued in his book Education and the social order the idea that "competition is not bad only as educational fact, but also as an ideal for a young man to follow. World now needs not competition, but organization and cooperation; all faith in the usefulness of competition has become an anachronism. And even though the competition was useful
by Gabriel Albu [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1037_a_2545]
André (2009), competition always looks violent and dehumanizing. In turn, the famous British thinker B. Russell (f. ed.) argued in his book Education and the social order the idea that "competition is not bad only as educational fact, but also as an ideal for a young man to follow. World now needs not competition, but organization and cooperation; all faith in the usefulness of competition has become an anachronism. And even though the competition was useful, it is not admirable in
by Gabriel Albu [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1037_a_2545]
and cooperation; all faith in the usefulness of competition has become an anachronism. And even though the competition was useful, it is not admirable in itself, since the emotions related to it are hostility and envy. The notion of society as an organic whole is very difficult to grasp for those whose minds are blocked by competition ideas" (p. 111). Interpersonal relationships have "the potential ability to generate emotions" notes R. S. Lazarus (2001, p. 468). They can generate both positive
by Gabriel Albu [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1037_a_2545]
forced to protect themselves. Thoughts flow easily" (p. 564). In the context of the same vision, R.S. Lazarus states: "the pleasant moment makes us temporarily feel at peace with the world and we can evaluate our relationship with the environment as being benign or beneficial. This assessment diminishes our need to be reserved, even at the risk of being ridiculous, and minimizes the need for self-concerns as well as the interference of thought and action that it produces. In contrast to
by Gabriel Albu [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1037_a_2545]
at peace with the world and we can evaluate our relationship with the environment as being benign or beneficial. This assessment diminishes our need to be reserved, even at the risk of being ridiculous, and minimizes the need for self-concerns as well as the interference of thought and action that it produces. In contrast to the tendency to treat others with caution, as when there is strong competition, in the case described above we are inclined to think favorably of them
by Gabriel Albu [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1037_a_2545]
with the world and we can evaluate our relationship with the environment as being benign or beneficial. This assessment diminishes our need to be reserved, even at the risk of being ridiculous, and minimizes the need for self-concerns as well as the interference of thought and action that it produces. In contrast to the tendency to treat others with caution, as when there is strong competition, in the case described above we are inclined to think favorably of them, a perspective
by Gabriel Albu [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1037_a_2545]
our need to be reserved, even at the risk of being ridiculous, and minimizes the need for self-concerns as well as the interference of thought and action that it produces. In contrast to the tendency to treat others with caution, as when there is strong competition, in the case described above we are inclined to think favorably of them, a perspective too often missing from social transactions that take place in a society that emphasizes the importance of highly competitive individual
by Gabriel Albu [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1037_a_2545]
a more favorable light, being also more open in dealing with them" (ibid.). Regardless of the approach of some or others of the specialists we can mention that there are negative elements that cause damage, draining and, ultimately, destroying relationships, as there are positive elements that nourish, strengthen and amplify them. Most researchers have concluded that the most important skills for maintaining interpersonal relationships are: listening, speaking, consolation and fair resolution of conflicts (Smith, Jr., 1992): The paper shows that when
by Gabriel Albu [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1037_a_2545]
basic social needs underlying human relationships. When satisfied, they help us be healthy, maintain our inner balance, act, hope, aspire, believe (in life, in people, in ourselves). The third chapter, entitled Types and methods of human relationships, conveys and shows as the title indicates the main types and modalities of interpersonal relationships, classified according to several criteria and viewpoints of specialists concerned about this exciting field. The fourth chapter entitled Conflicting relationships, deals extensively with this type of interpersonal relationships. Ignored
by Gabriel Albu [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1037_a_2545]
in the current economic, social and professional conditions. We conclude with our belief that about interpersonal relationships there will always be more to understand, to research and to say. Also, we believe that we are and will remain humans for as long as we can resist indifference towards each other, our neighbor. He/she deserves the same interest that we pay to ourselves, in any place and at any time. Keyword: interpersonal relationships, institution, individual, emotional state, education Résumé Soit parce
by Gabriel Albu [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1037_a_2545]
current economic, social and professional conditions. We conclude with our belief that about interpersonal relationships there will always be more to understand, to research and to say. Also, we believe that we are and will remain humans for as long as we can resist indifference towards each other, our neighbor. He/she deserves the same interest that we pay to ourselves, in any place and at any time. Keyword: interpersonal relationships, institution, individual, emotional state, education Résumé Soit parce qu'on
by Gabriel Albu [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1037_a_2545]
Conjuncție: 0° Opoziție: 180° Trigon: 120ș Careu (cuadratură sau pătrat): 90ș Sextil: 60ș Casele Sunt douăsprezece case, iar fiecare dintre ele reprezintă domenii de viață distincte, după cum urmează: Casa I (casă angulară, al cărei punct de plecare se numește „Ascendent”, AS): comportamentul, aspectul fizic, vitalitatea. Casa a II-a: banii. Casa a III-a: schimburile, mijloacele de comunicare, frații și surorile. Casa a IV-a (casă angulară, al cărei punct de plecare se numește „Fundul Cerului”, FC): domiciliul, patrimoniul. Casa a
Options; 2. din Options, selectați Security; 3. în meniul Security, din Virus Protection, selectați Restricted sites zone (more secure); 4. efectuați clic pe OK. De asemenea, din Virus Protection, activați opțiunea Warn me when other applications try to send mail as me și astfel viermii nu se pot autoreplica; pentru blocarea primirii fișierelor executabile atașate mesajelor de e-mail, selectați Do not allow attachments to be saved or opened that could potentially be a virus. La final, clic pe OK. După operațiunile
și terapeutice ale teatrului. Iași: Editura "Spiru Haret". Ciofu, C. (1998). Interacțiunea părinți copii. Ediția a 2-a. București: Editura Medicală Amaltea. Cmeciu, C.-M. (2010). Semiotici textuale. Iași: Institutul European. Cohen, J. L. (2008). 'That's not treating you as a professional': teachers constructing complex professional identities through talk. Teachers and Teaching: theory and practice, 14 (2), 79-93. Cojocaru, V. (2007). Stresul în comunicare: strategii și tehnici de autocontrol. București: Editura A.N.I. Collett, P. (2005). Cartea gesturilor: Cum putem
Comunicare: discurs, teatru. Delimitări teoretice şi deschideri aplicative by Angelica Hobjilă [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/921_a_2429]
Palade, Titu Maiorescu, George Enescu, Matei Millo, Tudor Vladimirescu, Radu Rosetti, Vasile Lupu, Eminescu, Dimitrie Cantemir, Mărășești, Maxim Gorki, Lenin, Belinschi ș.a. La 30 octombrie 1943, pentru meritele sale artistice a primit „Ordinul Meritul Cultural - clasa I”. (Din revista Formula AS nr. 575/2003 și Monografia „Liceul Gh. Roșca Codreanu” / 1971, de Traian N icola). Margareta Pâslaru, nepoata sculptorului Ion Dimitriu) 35 * În anul 1924 i s‐ a ridicat profesorului Ion Popescu, în fața Școlii normale, un bust de bronz, operă a
Mari personalităţi ale culturii române într-o istorie a presei bârlădene 1870 – 2008 by Ion N. Oprea () [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1655_a_3098]
ferate... care, în numele literaturii române, s‐a ridicat împotriva poetului G. Tutoveanu prin ziarul bârlădean „Brazdă Nouă” din 27 octombrie; sau a atitudinii de o revoltătoare n ecuviință, pe care a avut‐ o un domn avocat, Ștefan Dumbravă, față de acel ași poet G. Tutoveanu, cu ocazia unei ședințe a Ligii Cu lturale.” Domnului Mihăilescu‐Macaz îi răspunde Praștia prin însuși cuvântul lui Nicolae Iorga care nu‐i altul decât șeful politic suprem al celui care aruncă trivialităț ile: ... G. Tutoveanu este
Mari personalităţi ale culturii române într-o istorie a presei bârlădene 1870 – 2008 by Ion N. Oprea () [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1655_a_3098]