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first security studies handbook has the purpose of triggering such debates. Above all, this endeavor requires an examination of the basic concepts. For this purpose, the first part presents some of the fundamental notions for understanding the national security policy as a public policy. In the first chapter, Luciana Alexandra Ghica & Marian Zulean show that there are both a crisis and a knowledge shift in security studies everywhere in the world and then they argue in favor of an open yet
an open yet relevant research and policy agenda. The chapter also introduces the major debates in this multidisciplinary area, which are further developed in this volume. The next chapter (Marian Zulean) focuses on the issue of the national security policy as a public policy and presents the main tools for its analysis. Finally, the third chapter examines the way the national security strategy can be articulated and framed (Marian Zulean). II. Concepts, Paradigms, Theoriestc " II. Concepts, Paradigms, Theories" Theory, History and
Lesson (Alexandra Gheciu) In the last century, the US had a most significant influence in international politics, both on policy and on the academic perspective. Under these circumstances, it is reasonable to assume that it is particularly relevant to scholars as well as practitioners to examine the ways in which those highly influential policies have been based on specific (implicit or explicit) theories of international relations. This chapter presents three major episodes that reveal the ways in which particular theoretical frameworks
Gheciu) In the last century, the US had a most significant influence in international politics, both on policy and on the academic perspective. Under these circumstances, it is reasonable to assume that it is particularly relevant to scholars as well as practitioners to examine the ways in which those highly influential policies have been based on specific (implicit or explicit) theories of international relations. This chapter presents three major episodes that reveal the ways in which particular theoretical frameworks, based on
ideas and their influence on the American foreign policy, particularly under President George W. Bush. The Concept of Security (Ruxandra Stoicescu) Despite many scholarly efforts to clarify its nature and scope, the concept of security remains fuzzy and frequently used as pretext or justification for various political or strategic decisions. This chapter describes and analyzes the problem of security as a line of research in the academic field of International Relations, in the purpose of assessing the development of the security
Ruxandra Stoicescu) Despite many scholarly efforts to clarify its nature and scope, the concept of security remains fuzzy and frequently used as pretext or justification for various political or strategic decisions. This chapter describes and analyzes the problem of security as a line of research in the academic field of International Relations, in the purpose of assessing the development of the security concept. Aware of the continuous transformation of the international environment, the study briefly reviews the various approaches to security
and security options. Since the majority of the international actors are acting at a regional level, at the most, the analysis of regional security contexts is essential for understanding the nature and dynamics of contemporary international relations and security challenges, as well as for reducing the risk of failure in the real decision-making process. This study identifies three distinct traditions of conceptualizing regional interaction - the subordinate system, the international subsystem, and the regional complex of security. Further on, it evaluates their
options. Since the majority of the international actors are acting at a regional level, at the most, the analysis of regional security contexts is essential for understanding the nature and dynamics of contemporary international relations and security challenges, as well as for reducing the risk of failure in the real decision-making process. This study identifies three distinct traditions of conceptualizing regional interaction - the subordinate system, the international subsystem, and the regional complex of security. Further on, it evaluates their agendas and
understanding of the ways international actors mentally represent and define the limits of regions in which they are engaged. Current scholarship still debates the universality of regional-boundary drawing but without significant achievements. However, the focus on identity is increasingly accepted as a possible solution to end this deadlock. Strategic Studies (Daniel Bíro) This chapter provides a roadmap of the strategic studies in the larger frame of International Relations literature, emphasizing the multidimensional character of strategy. The first part briefly presents the