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Bíro) This chapter provides a roadmap of the strategic studies in the larger frame of International Relations literature, emphasizing the multidimensional character of strategy. The first part briefly presents the development of strategic thinking, the establishment of the strategic studies as an academic discipline, and the ways in which these relate to security studies and the military analyses. The second part explores the question of defining strategy and shows that, from the standpoint of the position in the international arena, there
the possibilities of articulating the elements of strategic logic, based on its strategic levels and dimensions. Strategic Decision-making under Uncertain Conditions (Dragoș Paul Aligică & Marian Zulean) In this chapter, we present the main concepts, methods and challenges of strategic forecasting, as well as the heuristics and cognitive tools for understanding decision-making process under uncertainty. First, we examine the conceptual framework of strategic forecasting. Then, we define and describe scenarios as a complex method and decision-making instrument. Finally, the study assesses several
of articulating the elements of strategic logic, based on its strategic levels and dimensions. Strategic Decision-making under Uncertain Conditions (Dragoș Paul Aligică & Marian Zulean) In this chapter, we present the main concepts, methods and challenges of strategic forecasting, as well as the heuristics and cognitive tools for understanding decision-making process under uncertainty. First, we examine the conceptual framework of strategic forecasting. Then, we define and describe scenarios as a complex method and decision-making instrument. Finally, the study assesses several descriptive and
we present the main concepts, methods and challenges of strategic forecasting, as well as the heuristics and cognitive tools for understanding decision-making process under uncertainty. First, we examine the conceptual framework of strategic forecasting. Then, we define and describe scenarios as a complex method and decision-making instrument. Finally, the study assesses several descriptive and normative aspects of scenarios in national security policy, illustrated by US, NATO and EU examples. III. Security Policies, Issues & Institutionstc "III. Security Policies, Issues & Institutions" Romania’s
The first one (1878-1991) is characterized by geopolitical reflections based on force and balance of power. The most relevant approach to understanding the state’s national security policy during this period is to focus on the political and military decisions, as well as on the nature of alliances promoted by Romanian elites. For the post-geopolitical era (1991 onwards), when the multidimensional security has become a concept used by both practitioners and academics, the research examines the national security strategies. The Process
one (1878-1991) is characterized by geopolitical reflections based on force and balance of power. The most relevant approach to understanding the state’s national security policy during this period is to focus on the political and military decisions, as well as on the nature of alliances promoted by Romanian elites. For the post-geopolitical era (1991 onwards), when the multidimensional security has become a concept used by both practitioners and academics, the research examines the national security strategies. The Process of Planning
by the transformation of the security environment and by a broadening of the security concept accepted both in the academic and the policy milieus. This evolution has not generated significant changes in the international or regional structures of security, such as the UN Security Council or NATO. However, it has a major impact on the international regime of sovereignty, on the role of regional organizations, on the relationship between the civil and the military sectors, as well as on the concept
regional structures of security, such as the UN Security Council or NATO. However, it has a major impact on the international regime of sovereignty, on the role of regional organizations, on the relationship between the civil and the military sectors, as well as on the concept of security itself. Reactive Conflict Management: The European Union in the Western Balkans (Stefan Wolff & Annemarie Peen Rodt) Each of the member states of the European Union as well as the Union itself have been
of security, such as the UN Security Council or NATO. However, it has a major impact on the international regime of sovereignty, on the role of regional organizations, on the relationship between the civil and the military sectors, as well as on the concept of security itself. Reactive Conflict Management: The European Union in the Western Balkans (Stefan Wolff & Annemarie Peen Rodt) Each of the member states of the European Union as well as the Union itself have been concerned with
between the civil and the military sectors, as well as on the concept of security itself. Reactive Conflict Management: The European Union in the Western Balkans (Stefan Wolff & Annemarie Peen Rodt) Each of the member states of the European Union as well as the Union itself have been concerned with ethnopolitical conflicts for some time. This chapter presents the European Union’s evolving capabilities with respect to conflict prevention and crisis management, and offers an assessment of the current state of
civil and the military sectors, as well as on the concept of security itself. Reactive Conflict Management: The European Union in the Western Balkans (Stefan Wolff & Annemarie Peen Rodt) Each of the member states of the European Union as well as the Union itself have been concerned with ethnopolitical conflicts for some time. This chapter presents the European Union’s evolving capabilities with respect to conflict prevention and crisis management, and offers an assessment of the current state of affairs. In
In the second part, the research investigates the European Union’s performance in answering the existing and potential challenges generated by European ethnopolitical conflicts, and shows that crisis management operations are rather limited, yet significant, for the EU’s future as a credible international actor.
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Introducere în măsurarea diversității Teorie și aplicații by Ion PURCARU () [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/231_a_213]
scop, iar niciodată numai ca mijloc"19) în argumentarea lui John Rawls împotriva utilitarismului și pentru binecunoscutele sale principii ale dreptății 20 și în argumentarea lui Robert Nozick împotriva teoriei rawlsiene a dreptății distributive, pentru teoria dreptății ca îndreptățire (justice as entitlement) și pentru statul minimal ca ideal de organizare politică 21; și 2) rolul jucat de principiul tratării ca (liberi și) egali a tuturor cetățenilor în argumentarea din cadrul concepției despre dreptatea distributivă și a întregii teorii politice a lui Ronald
despre politică, cel puțin nu în sensul uzual al acestui termen, pe care pare să-l aibă în vedere Geuss? Termenul "politică" (politics) nici măcar nu apare în indexul de concepte din A Theory of Justice, Anarchy, State, and Utopia, Justice as Impartiality, Political Liberalism, Sovereign Virtue, If You're an Egalitarian, How Come You're so Rich?, Rescuing Justice and Equality și - bănuiesc - în multe alte scrieri moraliste de filosofie politică 62. Este definiția sa o definiție a moralismului sau mai
Habermas", Journal of Philosophy 92, 3 (1995), pp. 132-180. --. Political Liberalism, Columbia University Press, New York, 1996. --. A Theory of Justice. Revised Edition, Belknap Press, Cambridge, 1999. Trad. rom. O teorie a dreptății, Editura Universității "Alexandru Ioan Cuza", Iași, 2012. --. Justice as Fairness: A Restatement, Belknap Press, Cambridge, 2001. Raz, Joseph, The Morality of Freedom, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1986. --. "Facing Diversity: The Case of Epistemic Abstinence", în Philosophy & Public Affairs 19, 1 (1990), pp. 3-46. Risse, Mathias, "What Difference Can It Make
Routledge, New York, 2005. A Pragmatist Philosophy of Democracy, Routledge, New York, 2007. --. Democracy and Moral Conflict, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2009. Taylor, Craig, Moralism: A Study of a Vice, Acumen, Durham, 2012. Taylor, Robert, Reconstructing Rawls: The Kantian Foundations of Justice as Fairness, University Park, Pennsylvania State University Press, 2011. Temkin, Larry, Inequality, Oxford University Press, New York, 1993. --. "Equality, Priority, and the Levelling Down Objection", în The Ideal of Equality, (ed.) Matthew Clayton și Andrew Williams. Macmillan, Basingstoke, 2000, pp. 126-161. --. "Equality
18, 20-22, 32, 40, 43, 48, 60, 65, 84-85, 87, 95, 113-119, 122-123, 126-127, 129-133, 136, 142-143, 149, 154, 159, 161-162 dreptate distributivă, 24, 47, 114 dreptate socială, 28, 41, 47, 107, 111, 113-114, 119, 121 dreptatea ca echitate (justice as fairness), 87, 154 dreptatea ca îndreptățire (justice as entitlement), 24 drepturi individuale, 23, 27-28, 34, 48, 75, 84-85, 91-92, 95, 115, 117, 133, 140, 142, 155, 159, 161 drepturi morale, 133, 140 drepturile civile și politice, 117 E echilibru reflectiv
84-85, 87, 95, 113-119, 122-123, 126-127, 129-133, 136, 142-143, 149, 154, 159, 161-162 dreptate distributivă, 24, 47, 114 dreptate socială, 28, 41, 47, 107, 111, 113-114, 119, 121 dreptatea ca echitate (justice as fairness), 87, 154 dreptatea ca îndreptățire (justice as entitlement), 24 drepturi individuale, 23, 27-28, 34, 48, 75, 84-85, 91-92, 95, 115, 117, 133, 140, 142, 155, 159, 161 drepturi morale, 133, 140 drepturile civile și politice, 117 E echilibru reflectiv, 133 economie, 33, 40 eficiență, 21, 43, 149
book advances an examination of the main arguments and counter-arguments put forward by the advocates of realism in political philosophy in support of the two methodological theses they defend: 1) that political philosophy is not and cannot be understood (just) as a branch of ethics or as "applied moral philosophy" (as moderate realists claim); and 2) that political philosophy should be done completely "outside ethics", i.e., that it should stop using arguments based on "pre-political" moral principles or values (as radical
main arguments and counter-arguments put forward by the advocates of realism in political philosophy in support of the two methodological theses they defend: 1) that political philosophy is not and cannot be understood (just) as a branch of ethics or as "applied moral philosophy" (as moderate realists claim); and 2) that political philosophy should be done completely "outside ethics", i.e., that it should stop using arguments based on "pre-political" moral principles or values (as radical realists claim). The book pleads for
put forward by the advocates of realism in political philosophy in support of the two methodological theses they defend: 1) that political philosophy is not and cannot be understood (just) as a branch of ethics or as "applied moral philosophy" (as moderate realists claim); and 2) that political philosophy should be done completely "outside ethics", i.e., that it should stop using arguments based on "pre-political" moral principles or values (as radical realists claim). The book pleads for four main conclusions: 1
just) as a branch of ethics or as "applied moral philosophy" (as moderate realists claim); and 2) that political philosophy should be done completely "outside ethics", i.e., that it should stop using arguments based on "pre-political" moral principles or values (as radical realists claim). The book pleads for four main conclusions: 1) that radical realism is nothing but moralism in disguise and that its methodological request - giving up moral principles or values in political philosophy - is "unrealistic" (unfeasible), as long as
or values (as radical realists claim). The book pleads for four main conclusions: 1) that radical realism is nothing but moralism in disguise and that its methodological request - giving up moral principles or values in political philosophy - is "unrealistic" (unfeasible), as long as no plausible (i.e., egalitarian) account of political legitimacy or authority can be grounded without appeal to the principle of basic human equality or the principle of treating people as (free and) equals; 2) that political philosophy is not
as radical realists claim). The book pleads for four main conclusions: 1) that radical realism is nothing but moralism in disguise and that its methodological request - giving up moral principles or values in political philosophy - is "unrealistic" (unfeasible), as long as no plausible (i.e., egalitarian) account of political legitimacy or authority can be grounded without appeal to the principle of basic human equality or the principle of treating people as (free and) equals; 2) that political philosophy is not quite accurately