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a couple. The conceptualization of one of them cannot be possible without the other one. There is not a simple or satisfying definition of the normal, no matter the reference frame (the concept of normal in the case of health as opposed to the illness). Every concept that includes the pathological allows the presence of exceptions. In fact, the normal and the pathological are dependent on each other. The clinical psychology includes in a wide view both empirical observations and data
by Camelia Dindelegan [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1025_a_2533]
concept that includes the pathological allows the presence of exceptions. In fact, the normal and the pathological are dependent on each other. The clinical psychology includes in a wide view both empirical observations and data of some scientific analysis such as: psycho diagnostic evaluation and the attitude of sick people towards illness and death, the relation between these aspects and the family context, elements of psychiatric semiology and classification of mental disorders. The mental illness is not only an epiphenomenon but
by Camelia Dindelegan [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1025_a_2533]
understanding of the nature and the causes of these problems. Some of these instruments are new and some other have been used for many years. These instruments offer information about the personality traits of the individual, the cognitive impairment (such as the disability in reading or problems of focusing), emotional states and biological functioning. There are some dangers and inherent problems in using the psychiatric diagnosis at a personsuch as the stigma of having mental problems. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual
by Camelia Dindelegan [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1025_a_2533]
about the personality traits of the individual, the cognitive impairment (such as the disability in reading or problems of focusing), emotional states and biological functioning. There are some dangers and inherent problems in using the psychiatric diagnosis at a personsuch as the stigma of having mental problems. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) is the first set of rules used in diagnosing the psychological disorders in USA. The first two editions of DSM had vague criteria which were
by Camelia Dindelegan [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1025_a_2533]
used in diagnosing the psychological disorders in USA. The first two editions of DSM had vague criteria which were based on the psychodynamic theory. Starting with the 3rd edition from 1980, the diagnostic criteria were revised in order to be as observable as they could. The current edition, DSM-IV-R, mentions five axes which are used in establishing the diagnosis. The mental illness is maybe the most severe state of the human being because it involves the absence of inner freedom of
by Camelia Dindelegan [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1025_a_2533]
diagnosing the psychological disorders in USA. The first two editions of DSM had vague criteria which were based on the psychodynamic theory. Starting with the 3rd edition from 1980, the diagnostic criteria were revised in order to be as observable as they could. The current edition, DSM-IV-R, mentions five axes which are used in establishing the diagnosis. The mental illness is maybe the most severe state of the human being because it involves the absence of inner freedom of the patient
by Camelia Dindelegan [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1025_a_2533]
why the accurate and depth investigation of the mentally ill patient and the acknowledgement of the elements of psychiatric semiology are two other chapters of great importance in this work. Another interesting aspect presented in this work is pedopsychiatrics known as medical specialty which deals with the detection and treatment of mental illness at children and adolescents. Pedopsychiatrics as an autonomous discipline is recent and it appeared for the first time in France as a competence certified by special education. It
by Camelia Dindelegan [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1025_a_2533]
psychiatric semiology are two other chapters of great importance in this work. Another interesting aspect presented in this work is pedopsychiatrics known as medical specialty which deals with the detection and treatment of mental illness at children and adolescents. Pedopsychiatrics as an autonomous discipline is recent and it appeared for the first time in France as a competence certified by special education. It approaches mental and development disorders from the perspective of psychological explanatory mechanisms, the biological, family and socio-educational backgrounds
by Camelia Dindelegan [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1025_a_2533]
presented in this work is pedopsychiatrics known as medical specialty which deals with the detection and treatment of mental illness at children and adolescents. Pedopsychiatrics as an autonomous discipline is recent and it appeared for the first time in France as a competence certified by special education. It approaches mental and development disorders from the perspective of psychological explanatory mechanisms, the biological, family and socio-educational backgrounds and the nonadaptive short term and long term effects in the child's evolution. The
by Camelia Dindelegan [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1025_a_2533]
effects in the child's evolution. The intervention of the team made of the psychiatrist and the clinical psychologist must use a system of evaluation so that his actual symptomatic state must not harm in any way his future state as adult. One of the disorders that is evaluated and diagnosed since early childhood is the delay in mental development, analyzed in a distinct chapter of this work, just because most of the cases of mental delay are the result of
by Camelia Dindelegan [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1025_a_2533]
in mental development, analyzed in a distinct chapter of this work, just because most of the cases of mental delay are the result of an interaction of hereditary and environmental factors; there was no family pattern applicable to mental delay as a general category. This disorder is characterized by a significantly below average intellectual functioning (an IQ under 70 resulted in one or more standard intelligence tests) and by significant deficits and deterioration in adaptive functioning. Even if it seems to
by Camelia Dindelegan [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1025_a_2533]
the inability to plan and organize or to recognize and identify objects. The cognitive deterioration met in dementia, delirium and amnesia can be seen in other psychological disorders too. Dementia, delirium and amnesia are diagnosed when the cognitive disorder appears as a result of the non-psychiatric diseases, substance intoxication but not when they appear as symptoms of other mental disorders such as schizophrenia or depression. Dementia is a disorder that implies the irreversible loss of the intellectual functioning and it can
by Camelia Dindelegan [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1025_a_2533]
deterioration met in dementia, delirium and amnesia can be seen in other psychological disorders too. Dementia, delirium and amnesia are diagnosed when the cognitive disorder appears as a result of the non-psychiatric diseases, substance intoxication but not when they appear as symptoms of other mental disorders such as schizophrenia or depression. Dementia is a disorder that implies the irreversible loss of the intellectual functioning and it can destroy the lives of those who suffer of it. The delirium is characterized by
by Camelia Dindelegan [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1025_a_2533]
can be seen in other psychological disorders too. Dementia, delirium and amnesia are diagnosed when the cognitive disorder appears as a result of the non-psychiatric diseases, substance intoxication but not when they appear as symptoms of other mental disorders such as schizophrenia or depression. Dementia is a disorder that implies the irreversible loss of the intellectual functioning and it can destroy the lives of those who suffer of it. The delirium is characterized by disorientation, short term memory impairment and the
by Camelia Dindelegan [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1025_a_2533]
associated with depression at elderly people, the reduction of the feeling of pain reduces the risk of depression. The affective disorders appear not only to old people but to all age categories. Another chapter of this volume presents these disorders as being caused mainly by a mood disturbance. From this point of view, depression is a wide concept whose meaning goes from a passing disorder mood to a severe mental illness. Thus, each person may experience along his/ her life states
by Camelia Dindelegan [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1025_a_2533]
depression is a wide concept whose meaning goes from a passing disorder mood to a severe mental illness. Thus, each person may experience along his/ her life states of sadness and melancholy, inherent states of the human existence which appear as a result of failures, losses, frustrations or other complex causes. The difference between a natural sadness which comes as a reaction to an aversive situation and the depression as a symptom is quantitative. For some people, depression is a short
by Camelia Dindelegan [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1025_a_2533]
each person may experience along his/ her life states of sadness and melancholy, inherent states of the human existence which appear as a result of failures, losses, frustrations or other complex causes. The difference between a natural sadness which comes as a reaction to an aversive situation and the depression as a symptom is quantitative. For some people, depression is a short term reaction, temporary with low impact on the social and professional functioning; for others, the depressive symptoms last for
by Camelia Dindelegan [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1025_a_2533]
sadness and melancholy, inherent states of the human existence which appear as a result of failures, losses, frustrations or other complex causes. The difference between a natural sadness which comes as a reaction to an aversive situation and the depression as a symptom is quantitative. For some people, depression is a short term reaction, temporary with low impact on the social and professional functioning; for others, the depressive symptoms last for weeks or even months. Emotional moods, motivated oscillations of the
by Camelia Dindelegan [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1025_a_2533]
Emotional moods, motivated oscillations of the thymia are subject of the polarity law; going from the state of psychological balance which shows the positive aspect of the relationship personenvironment, one can get to the gain or loss of emotional state as a result of environmental and personality changes, which marks dysthimia. It is to mention that between the positive and negative poles of affectivitythat is between depression and euphoria, the emotional moods are shaded; this offers unity in the human affective
by Camelia Dindelegan [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1025_a_2533]
they are overwhelmed by the daily problems. Different responsibilities which used to be interesting challenges in the non depressive period are now unbearable problems. Some may feel so overwhelmed by these unbearable problems that they get to see the suicide as being the only way out. Thus, the wish to die and the suicide attempts can be considered an act of the strong wish to escape. The moment the person sees death as being more desirable than life, he feels attracted
by Camelia Dindelegan [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1025_a_2533]
problems that they get to see the suicide as being the only way out. Thus, the wish to die and the suicide attempts can be considered an act of the strong wish to escape. The moment the person sees death as being more desirable than life, he feels attracted to suicide. The more hopeless and painful life may seem, the bigger his wish to put an end to his life will be. Even though depression is closely related to the suicidal
by Camelia Dindelegan [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1025_a_2533]
symptomatology. In this case we can manage the crisis intervention. A principle of the crisis intervention is that the symptoms one may have are not an indicator of personality deterioration or of mental illness but rather these symptoms are seen as signs through which the person experiences a transition when suffering. The purpose is to make these people cope in this stressful transition. The crisis intervention is time-limited and it is destined to make the individuals go back to their level
by Camelia Dindelegan [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1025_a_2533]
focuses on psychiatric treatment in order to treat a subjacent depression or an anxiety or it continues with psychotherapy in order to manage psychological issues or with a client-centered therapy. Sometimes, the psychotherapy is interrupted by suicidal crises which appeared as a result of new negative events in life. In conclusion we can say that a successful crisis intervention leads to the following benefits: an optimal communication, a correct identification of the problem, an appropriate expression of feelings, a self-esteem increase
by Camelia Dindelegan [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1025_a_2533]
223-255. 289 S. Nolen-Hoeksema & J. Morrow, "A propsective study of depression and distress following a natural disaster: The 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake", în Journal of Personality & Social Psychology, 1991, 61, pp. 105-121. 290 F.H. Norris & G.A. Uhl, "Chronic stress as a mediator of acute stress; The case of Hurricane Hugo", în Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 23, 1993, pp. 1263-1284. 291 J. Davidson, M. Swartz, M. Storck, R.R. Krishnan & E. Hammet, "A diagnostic and family study of post-traumatic stress disorder
by Camelia Dindelegan [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1025_a_2533]
indisolubil cărturarul de produsul activității sale - bunul cultural -, iar dacă intelectualul preia și rolul intelighenției, el va fi și distribuitorul creațiilor, linia de transmisie către marele public. O astfel de abordare aparține sociologului american Seymour M. Lipset: "I have considered as intellectuals all those who create, distribute, and apply culture, that is, the symbolic world of man, including art, science, and religion" ["Îi consider intelectuali pe cei care creează, distribuie și utilizează cultura, ca lume simbolică a omului, incluzând arta, știința