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not only at outlining the diversity and the strategic importance of Baudrillard's theories, but also at revealing important clues about the decoding of the postmodern phenomenon as a whole. The first chapter aims to reconstruct significant directions as far as the interpretation of postmodernism from the point of view of the general problem of its division into periods is concerned. These directions were not only aimed at developing a "synopsis" of the spread of the concept or at describing the
Discursul filosofic postmodern: cazul Baudrillard by Camelia Grădinaru [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1408_a_2650]
These directions were not only aimed at developing a "synopsis" of the spread of the concept or at describing the risks of the division into periods, but also at describing the shift from post-structuralism to postmodernism in the French setting as well as at describing the fundamental characteristics of the "postmodern turning point". The Romanian cultural setting was not excluded from consideration, the questioning of the existence of a Romanian postmodernism being given a series of important positionings. In the second
Discursul filosofic postmodern: cazul Baudrillard by Camelia Grădinaru [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1408_a_2650]
were not only aimed at developing a "synopsis" of the spread of the concept or at describing the risks of the division into periods, but also at describing the shift from post-structuralism to postmodernism in the French setting as well as at describing the fundamental characteristics of the "postmodern turning point". The Romanian cultural setting was not excluded from consideration, the questioning of the existence of a Romanian postmodernism being given a series of important positionings. In the second chapter, proceeding
Discursul filosofic postmodern: cazul Baudrillard by Camelia Grădinaru [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1408_a_2650]
interconnected with. The delimitations which contributed to the outlining of the postmodern phenomenon are already common topics inside the contemporary debates. Maybe the most widely known one is related to the relationship between modernism and postmodernism, modernity and postmodernity, respectively, as well as postmodernity postmodernism. Consequently, the analysis of the relationships between the concept of postmodernism and those of paradigm, episteme, and avant-garde is a natural follow-up. The third chapter of the book draws up not only a map of the
Discursul filosofic postmodern: cazul Baudrillard by Camelia Grădinaru [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1408_a_2650]
The delimitations which contributed to the outlining of the postmodern phenomenon are already common topics inside the contemporary debates. Maybe the most widely known one is related to the relationship between modernism and postmodernism, modernity and postmodernity, respectively, as well as postmodernity postmodernism. Consequently, the analysis of the relationships between the concept of postmodernism and those of paradigm, episteme, and avant-garde is a natural follow-up. The third chapter of the book draws up not only a map of the distinctive features
Discursul filosofic postmodern: cazul Baudrillard by Camelia Grădinaru [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1408_a_2650]
consisted of discussing the concepts of writing, text, and discourse, which made history in the French cultural setting, their understanding being essential to conceptualising the postmodern discursiveness. In this respect, postmodernism is studied within the field of producing discourses so as to extract, on the one hand, a nucleus of constituent themes of the phenomenon and, on the other hand, a set of characterristics of the postmodern language and of the discursive practice. The investigation of the existence of a new
Discursul filosofic postmodern: cazul Baudrillard by Camelia Grădinaru [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1408_a_2650]
Some significant topics of Baudrillard's early writings are consumerism, the world of objects, the symbolic exchange, the every day life, and the similarities between their theorising and those provided by Marx, Debord, Lipovetsky, Lefebvre, are suggestive in this respect. As far as his later works are concerned, the division into several elements was mainly concentrated on the concepts and themes closely related to the postmodern philosophy (hyperreality, simulation, seduction, fatal strategy etc.) and on their critical-argumentative analysis, the theoretical connections
Discursul filosofic postmodern: cazul Baudrillard by Camelia Grădinaru [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1408_a_2650]
topics of Baudrillard's early writings are consumerism, the world of objects, the symbolic exchange, the every day life, and the similarities between their theorising and those provided by Marx, Debord, Lipovetsky, Lefebvre, are suggestive in this respect. As far as his later works are concerned, the division into several elements was mainly concentrated on the concepts and themes closely related to the postmodern philosophy (hyperreality, simulation, seduction, fatal strategy etc.) and on their critical-argumentative analysis, the theoretical connections being represented
Discursul filosofic postmodern: cazul Baudrillard by Camelia Grădinaru [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1408_a_2650]
deconstruction, therefore highlighting its mechanisms of discursive functioning (which include the logic of ambivalence, "the postponing of meaning", the irony, the challenge). Chapter 7 is focused on the concentrated research of the characteristics and the limits of Baudrillard's writing as well as on highlighting the most frequently used discursive and rhetorical strategies. In this respect, I have made up a "list" of the most frequently encountered and the most significant discursive strategies by means of which Baudrillard articulates his writings
Discursul filosofic postmodern: cazul Baudrillard by Camelia Grădinaru [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1408_a_2650]
highlighting its mechanisms of discursive functioning (which include the logic of ambivalence, "the postponing of meaning", the irony, the challenge). Chapter 7 is focused on the concentrated research of the characteristics and the limits of Baudrillard's writing as well as on highlighting the most frequently used discursive and rhetorical strategies. In this respect, I have made up a "list" of the most frequently encountered and the most significant discursive strategies by means of which Baudrillard articulates his writings. Among these
Discursul filosofic postmodern: cazul Baudrillard by Camelia Grădinaru [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1408_a_2650]
Zamfir, Marius Stan, Editura All, București, 2000. 111 Jürgen Habermas, "Modernity An Incomplete Project", în Hal Foster (ed.), The Anti-Aesthetic. Essays on Postmodern Culture, p. 6. 112 A se vedea cap. "Habermas, Critical Theory and Postmodernism", în Douglas Kellner, "Postmodernism as Social Theory: Some Challenges and Problems", în Theory, Culture & Society, Sage, London, Newbury Park, Beverly Hills and New Delhi, vol. 5, 1988, pp. 262-268. 113 În "Pluralism in Postmodern Perspective" din The Postmodern Turn, p. 168, Hassan notează că "un
Discursul filosofic postmodern: cazul Baudrillard by Camelia Grădinaru [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1408_a_2650]
este depășită, fiind poziționați în postistorie. A doua variantă este ilustrată de către Heidegger și se caracterizează printr-o repudiere a modernității în ansamblu, atât a ideilor iluministe și a tradiției rațiunii, cât și a modernizării sociale. 116 Douglas Kellner, "Postmodernism as Social Theory: Some Challenges and Problems", p. 265. 117 Jürgen Habermas, Discursul filosofic al modernității. 12 prelegeri, p. 316. 118 Jean-François Lyotard, Postmodernul pe înțelesul copiilor. Corespondență 1982-1985, traducere și postfață de Ciprian Mihali, Biblioteca Apostrof, Cluj, 1997, p. 24
Discursul filosofic postmodern: cazul Baudrillard by Camelia Grădinaru [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1408_a_2650]
and treatment: an interdisciplinary approach. Darmstadt; Steinkopff 1995. 25. Fuster V, Gotto AM. Risk reduction. Circulation 2000; 102: IV-94-IV-102. 26. Golledge J. Lower-limb arterial disease. Lancet 1997; 350: 1459-1465. 27. Graham IM, Daly LE, Refsum HM et al. Plasma homocysteine as a risk factor for vascular disease. JAMA 1997; 277: 1775-1781. 28. Grundy SM, Pasternak R, Greenland P, Smith S, Fuster V. Assessment of cardiovascular risk by use of multiple riskfactor assessment equations. A statement for healthcare professionals from the American
Factorul de risc geometric în arteriopatiile obliterante aterosclerotice by Antoniu Octavian Petriş () [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1161_a_2068]
Fuster V. Assessment of cardiovascular risk by use of multiple riskfactor assessment equations. A statement for healthcare professionals from the American Heart Association and the American College of Cardiology. J Am Coll Cardiol 1999; 34: 1348-1359. 29. Guillot F. Atherothrombosis as a marker for disseminated atherosclerosis and a predictor of further ischaemic events. A review. Eur Heart J 1999; 1 (suppl): A14-A26. 30. Hâncu N, Vereșiu IA, Coța A, Brumboiu S, Simu D, Căpâlneanu R, Iancu A, Măgherușan M, Aldica M.
Factorul de risc geometric în arteriopatiile obliterante aterosclerotice by Antoniu Octavian Petriş () [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1161_a_2068]
Peles E, Halkin H, Nitzan H, Azaria M, Gitel S, Dolfin D, Modan B. Increased cardiovascular disease mortality rates in traumatic lower limb amputees. Am J Cardiol 1998; 82: 1242-1247. 42. Montalescot G, Collet JP, Choussat R, Thomas D. Fibrinogen as a risk factor for coronary heart disease. Eur Heart J 1998; 19 (Suppl H): H11-H17. 43. Mosca L. C-reactive protein - to screen or not to screen. N Engl J Med 2002; 347: 1615-1617. 44. Murabito JM, D’Agostino RB
Factorul de risc geometric în arteriopatiile obliterante aterosclerotice by Antoniu Octavian Petriş () [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1161_a_2068]
Murabito JM, D’Agostino RB, Silbershatz H, Wilson PWF. Intermittent claudication. A risk profile from the Framingham Heart Study. Circulation 1997; 96: 44-49. 45. Newman AB, Siscovick DS, Manolio TA, Polak J, Fried LP, Borhani NO, Wolfson SK. Ankle-arm index as a marker of atherosclerosis in the cardiovascular health study. Circulation 1993; 88: 837-845. 46. Orchard TJ, Strandness DE. Assessment of peripheral vascular disease in diabetes. Report and recomandation of an International Workshop sponsored by the American Diabetes Association and the
Factorul de risc geometric în arteriopatiile obliterante aterosclerotice by Antoniu Octavian Petriş () [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1161_a_2068]
E. Gelma, "La depression melancolique du poète Ovide dans son exil" în Le medicin d'Alsace et de Lorraine, 2, 1, (1935) pp. 28-44. 33 H. B. Evans, Ovid's Publica Carmina, A Study of Tristia and Epistulae ex Ponte as Poetic Books, Chapel Hell, 1972. 34 R. Pichon, Histoire de la Littérature latine, Paris, 1898, p. 408. Pentru alte judecăți de valoare negative vezi N. I. Barbu, Le système des valeurs dans l'oeuvre d'Ovide, extras, București, 1976 și Ștefan Cucu
by Demetrio Marin [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1026_a_2534]
dell'Università di Napoli, 1955, p. 157. 11. Idem, Ovidio, Napoli, 1959. 12. DEVILLE, A., Essai sur l'exil d'Ovide, Paris, 1959. 13. EVANS, H. B., Ovid's Publica Carmina. A study of the Tristia and Epistulae ex ponto as poetic Books, Chapel Hill, 1972. 14. FRÄNKEL, H., Ovid. A poet between two words, Los Angeles, 1945. 15. FOCARDI, G., "Difesa, preghiera, ironia nel'Il libro di Tristia di Ovidio" în St. Ital. Fil. Class, XLVII, 1975, pp. 86-129. 16
by Demetrio Marin [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1026_a_2534]
de ce să te rușinezi că te-ai măritat cu mine: nu durerea trebuie să fie absentă, ci rușinea". tuusque Non dolor hinc debet, debet abesse pudor. (v. 61-62) Lui Ripert pare să-i fi scăpat semnificația: "si tu n'en as pas de douleur, tu n'en dois pas avoir de honte". Dar testul latin este cât se poate de clar: cu alte cuvinte, acesta vrea să sublinieze că, măritându-se cu Ovidiu, Fabia are dreptul să se mâhnească pentru că, ulterior
by Demetrio Marin [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1026_a_2534]
Mili). This implies a tremendous narrative project, carried over thousands of pages each, and grouped into two prose cycles; nevertheless, which determines their literary 'form' is not the epic. Written in a single-blow vein, across five years of incessant labour, as if the critic had cared for showing his technical expertise in literary production concerns, these novels are not what we might properly call 'Romanesque' prose. It is by dent of necessity to admit that, behind the outer and surface epic
by Antonio Patraş [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1053_a_2561]
novel form, one would surely guess the outline of theatre. In his emotion odyssey, the writer makes nothing less than endlessly multiplying those pathetic scenes, actualizing the one and the same model provided by the boulevard play. Similarly, melodrama infiltrates as a subtle code, apt to lead and feed the narrative machine; matter of factually, the novel assembles as a sum of mises en scènes of reduced dimensions. Once entered in the intimacy of this particular poetics, we understand why the
by Antonio Patraş [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1053_a_2561]
less than endlessly multiplying those pathetic scenes, actualizing the one and the same model provided by the boulevard play. Similarly, melodrama infiltrates as a subtle code, apt to lead and feed the narrative machine; matter of factually, the novel assembles as a sum of mises en scènes of reduced dimensions. Once entered in the intimacy of this particular poetics, we understand why the theatre functions as a cognition tool for Lovinescu; the writer uses it in order to interpret fiction, to
by Antonio Patraş [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1053_a_2561]
code, apt to lead and feed the narrative machine; matter of factually, the novel assembles as a sum of mises en scènes of reduced dimensions. Once entered in the intimacy of this particular poetics, we understand why the theatre functions as a cognition tool for Lovinescu; the writer uses it in order to interpret fiction, to compose various episodes, to work on their agency, and to move forward the greater prose-sets. Virtually, melodrama is the thing that makes it possible to
by Antonio Patraş [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1053_a_2561]
it in order to interpret fiction, to compose various episodes, to work on their agency, and to move forward the greater prose-sets. Virtually, melodrama is the thing that makes it possible to consider novel (i. e., the Romanian critic's venture as a prose writer) as an actual realisation either of a text or of a fictive universe. Had not E. Lovinescu been acknowledged with melodrama, we daresay, he would not have known how to write his novels. For a literary creation
by Antonio Patraş [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1053_a_2561]
interpret fiction, to compose various episodes, to work on their agency, and to move forward the greater prose-sets. Virtually, melodrama is the thing that makes it possible to consider novel (i. e., the Romanian critic's venture as a prose writer) as an actual realisation either of a text or of a fictive universe. Had not E. Lovinescu been acknowledged with melodrama, we daresay, he would not have known how to write his novels. For a literary creation that encompasses more than
by Antonio Patraş [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1053_a_2561]