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her study which is mainly an historical one the authoress shows that keeping in mind the fact that the Legal Theory is a General Jurisprudence it needs during its postmodern development to generalize the outcomes of the auxiliary sciences, too as Legisprudence and Legislative Sociology. Treating the codification as an important mean of the legal certainty, in the second part of her study, the authoress deals with following issues: the codification in the history of the Romanian Law; the traits of
the authoress shows that keeping in mind the fact that the Legal Theory is a General Jurisprudence it needs during its postmodern development to generalize the outcomes of the auxiliary sciences, too as Legisprudence and Legislative Sociology. Treating the codification as an important mean of the legal certainty, in the second part of her study, the authoress deals with following issues: the codification in the history of the Romanian Law; the traits of codification; the guidelines in defining the codification; the
People's Advocate, of at least 50 deputies or 25 senators. The law no. 47/1992 contains prescriptions on the control preceding the starting of the parliamentary procedure to pass a bill or a legislative proposal to revise the Constitution, as well as on the control upon the constitutionality of the Law for the revisal of the Constitution, in conformity with the stipulations of art. 146 letter a) first thesis from the Fundamental Law. According to the current regulation, verifying the
Advocate, of at least 50 deputies or 25 senators. The law no. 47/1992 contains prescriptions on the control preceding the starting of the parliamentary procedure to pass a bill or a legislative proposal to revise the Constitution, as well as on the control upon the constitutionality of the Law for the revisal of the Constitution, in conformity with the stipulations of art. 146 letter a) first thesis from the Fundamental Law. According to the current regulation, verifying the constitutionality of
perfect complementary between The Declaration of the Independence of the Republic of Moldavia, adopted by the Parliament at August, 27th 1991, in Chișinău, and The Declaration of Romanian Government on Recognition of The New State called (in The Declaration text) as ''Second Romanian State", makes futile and even dangerous the conclusion of a Political Foundation Treaty between The West Romania and The East Romania. The fundamental reason of this opinion could be found in unanimous condemnation of the illegal Ribbentrop Molotov
conclusion of a Political Foundation Treaty between The West Romania and The East Romania. The fundamental reason of this opinion could be found in unanimous condemnation of the illegal Ribbentrop Molotov Pact signed in Kremlin, at August, 23th, 1939, that as it is widely known has had as effect inter alia the illegitim incorporation, in 1941, of The Eastern Romania (known as Bassarabia) to the former USSR. If an eventual Political Foundation Treaty would be concluded between these two Romanian States
The West Romania and The East Romania. The fundamental reason of this opinion could be found in unanimous condemnation of the illegal Ribbentrop Molotov Pact signed in Kremlin, at August, 23th, 1939, that as it is widely known has had as effect inter alia the illegitim incorporation, in 1941, of The Eastern Romania (known as Bassarabia) to the former USSR. If an eventual Political Foundation Treaty would be concluded between these two Romanian States, this could be considered as a recognition
be found in unanimous condemnation of the illegal Ribbentrop Molotov Pact signed in Kremlin, at August, 23th, 1939, that as it is widely known has had as effect inter alia the illegitim incorporation, in 1941, of The Eastern Romania (known as Bassarabia) to the former USSR. If an eventual Political Foundation Treaty would be concluded between these two Romanian States, this could be considered as a recognition of the consequences of The Ribbentrop-Molotov Pact in fact an inexistent legal document having
has had as effect inter alia the illegitim incorporation, in 1941, of The Eastern Romania (known as Bassarabia) to the former USSR. If an eventual Political Foundation Treaty would be concluded between these two Romanian States, this could be considered as a recognition of the consequences of The Ribbentrop-Molotov Pact in fact an inexistent legal document having in view its fundamental contradiction with The Public International Law. În loc de introducere De câțiva ani buni, pe agenda cancelariilor diplomatice de la București și Chișinău
success of " The Schuman Plan" play. The author makes also some critical remarks on the Romania lack of initiative in negotiations and about the ratification of the Treaty. Finally, the article presents some of the new provisions of the Treaty as compared to the current European Union regulations. 1. Un eșec previzibil? Încă din perioada anterioară începerii negocierilor care urmau să conducă la ultimele două valuri de aderare la Uniunea Europeană (1 mai 2004 și 1 ianuarie 2007), prin care numărul statelor
Reflecții asupra conceptului de identitate națională și a conceptului de identitate europeană Prof. univ. dr. DUMITRA POPESCU* Summary The study deals with the conceptual analysis of the national identity and European identity, beginning with certain relevant definitions of such terms as: nation, national, nationality, nationalism, as well as of the philosofical meaning of the national identity. The authoress, refferring to the similarities (as well as to the specificities) among personal identity and national identity, underlines that the collective identity means more
națională și a conceptului de identitate europeană Prof. univ. dr. DUMITRA POPESCU* Summary The study deals with the conceptual analysis of the national identity and European identity, beginning with certain relevant definitions of such terms as: nation, national, nationality, nationalism, as well as of the philosofical meaning of the national identity. The authoress, refferring to the similarities (as well as to the specificities) among personal identity and national identity, underlines that the collective identity means more than a personal identity, the
a conceptului de identitate europeană Prof. univ. dr. DUMITRA POPESCU* Summary The study deals with the conceptual analysis of the national identity and European identity, beginning with certain relevant definitions of such terms as: nation, national, nationality, nationalism, as well as of the philosofical meaning of the national identity. The authoress, refferring to the similarities (as well as to the specificities) among personal identity and national identity, underlines that the collective identity means more than a personal identity, the two of
the conceptual analysis of the national identity and European identity, beginning with certain relevant definitions of such terms as: nation, national, nationality, nationalism, as well as of the philosofical meaning of the national identity. The authoress, refferring to the similarities (as well as to the specificities) among personal identity and national identity, underlines that the collective identity means more than a personal identity, the two of them being only partly identical. The collective identity (similarly to national one) is based on
analysis of the national identity and European identity, beginning with certain relevant definitions of such terms as: nation, national, nationality, nationalism, as well as of the philosofical meaning of the national identity. The authoress, refferring to the similarities (as well as to the specificities) among personal identity and national identity, underlines that the collective identity means more than a personal identity, the two of them being only partly identical. The collective identity (similarly to national one) is based on certain constitutive
the specificities) among personal identity and national identity, underlines that the collective identity means more than a personal identity, the two of them being only partly identical. The collective identity (similarly to national one) is based on certain constitutive elements, as folows: the idea of national spirit, the historical memory of nation, its territory, the natural pecularities of landscape and the artificial changes of the natural features of landscape, the nation's consciousness concerning its origins and roots. As regards the
authoress expressing her opinion, considers that the European identity could not replaces, the national identity of member states. In this respect, art. 4(2) of the reform Treaty states that "The Union observes the equality of member States before treaties, as well as, their national identity" 1. Considerații introductive Uniunea Europeană este constituită din state membre având identități naționale cu adânci rădăcini istorice și bine stabilite, ceea ce a generat și problema dacă o veritabilă identitate europeană se poate construi, arhitectura europeană aflându
her opinion, considers that the European identity could not replaces, the national identity of member states. In this respect, art. 4(2) of the reform Treaty states that "The Union observes the equality of member States before treaties, as well as, their national identity" 1. Considerații introductive Uniunea Europeană este constituită din state membre având identități naționale cu adânci rădăcini istorice și bine stabilite, ceea ce a generat și problema dacă o veritabilă identitate europeană se poate construi, arhitectura europeană aflându-se încă
conținutul lor va fi corespunzător modificat. Parlamentele naționale în procesul decizional al Uniunii Europene Prof. univ. dr. TRAIAN CHEBELEU* Summary The article examines the preoccupations within the EU related to the involvement of the national parliaments in the decision-making process as one of the ways of correcting the "democratic deficit" of the EU institutions. Highlighting the ways these preoccupations have evolved in time, the article points out the turning point marked by the Constitutional Treaty signed in 2005 in Rome, which
a fi repuse în cauză.43 Scurte considerațiuni asupra unor acorduri încheiate de Uniunea Europeană cu Statele Unite ale Americii Prof. univ. dr. ION M. ANGHEL Summary On June 25, 2003, European Union and United States of America signed two agreements, having as object and purpose, one of them, the extradition and the other one, the mutual legal assistance. As it was mentioned in the Preamble, the Contracting Parties intended to facilitate the cooperation at this level, for the purpose of combating crime
Americii Prof. univ. dr. ION M. ANGHEL Summary On June 25, 2003, European Union and United States of America signed two agreements, having as object and purpose, one of them, the extradition and the other one, the mutual legal assistance. As it was mentioned in the Preamble, the Contracting Parties intended to facilitate the cooperation at this level, for the purpose of combating crime in a more effective way. What is of special interest to notice, not to say a peculiar
legislația noastră națională penală, fiind astfel armonizată instituția extrădării din legea penală română cu dispozițiile din acord. Acordul de asistență juridică reciprocă dintre Uniunea Europeană și Statele Unite ale Americii IONUȚ MAZÂLU* Summary Desiring to combat crime in a more effective way as a means of protecting their democratic societies and common values, the European Union and the United States of America concluded, on the 25th of June 2003, an Agreement on mutual legal assistance in criminal matters. Therefore, the purpose of this
in early May 2007, to ask the ICBSS to prepare suggestions on how to move forward for its consideration by the BSEC member states, before the end of the year"* So far, so good. The high professionalism of the ICBSS, as a think-tank of excellence in the framework of the BSEC, was already demonstrated. There is no doubt about the capability of the ICBSS to elaborate, with the participation of scholars and experts in the field, a good and sustainable proposal
end of 2007. The real question which needs to be answered honestly is the following one: are the member states and, consequently, their senior officials ready to adopt a meaningful document on strengthening security and stability in the BSEC Region? As far as ideas and suggestions are concerned, the present meeting represents an excellent opportunity for us to make pertinent contributions during our discussions. In this spirit, I intend to limit myself to the following issues: 1. Frozen Conflicts One of
2007. The real question which needs to be answered honestly is the following one: are the member states and, consequently, their senior officials ready to adopt a meaningful document on strengthening security and stability in the BSEC Region? As far as ideas and suggestions are concerned, the present meeting represents an excellent opportunity for us to make pertinent contributions during our discussions. In this spirit, I intend to limit myself to the following issues: 1. Frozen Conflicts One of the disturbing