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stability factors in the Black Sea region is the so called "frozen conflicts". So far, for different reasons and considerations, BSEC has avoided his implication in contributing to the settlements of these disputes. That attitude reflected what can be described as an application of the "ostrich policy". Now it is the time for a "shift" from this nonproductive imobilism. "Now", because we are witnessing major changes in the EU policy towards BSEC. The EU Communication on Black Sea Synergy A New
the need for a legally binding instrument (agreement, convention), within the BSEC framework devoted especially to fighting terrorism, which would be a major achievement of the Organization. Anyway, this represents a permanent huge task confronting all member states and BSEC as an institution. To my mind, in the BSEC region the task of combating terrorism should not be dissociated of the other one, that of fighting separatism. The experience demonstrated that very often terrorist acts (actions) are committed in order to
are parties to the three more significant treaties, establishing the international regimes for weapons of mass-destruction nuclear, biological and chemical weapons, NPT, BTWC and CWC respectively. But this doesn't remove the entire danger of WMD proliferation, which is considered as the most troubling security issue, and no country can consider itself immune. The strategic location of Black Sea ports and infrastructure is another aggravating factor in this respect. As it is known, since 1995, IAEA maintains Illicit Trafficking Data Base
t remove the entire danger of WMD proliferation, which is considered as the most troubling security issue, and no country can consider itself immune. The strategic location of Black Sea ports and infrastructure is another aggravating factor in this respect. As it is known, since 1995, IAEA maintains Illicit Trafficking Data Base (IDTD) which contains information on incidents involving illicit trafficking and other unauthorized activities involving nuclear and other radioactive materials. Since 1993, around 270 cases have been reported to the
which contains information on incidents involving illicit trafficking and other unauthorized activities involving nuclear and other radioactive materials. Since 1993, around 270 cases have been reported to the ITDB by Black Sea littoral states, 30% of which can be classified as "illicit trafficking" incidents. Additional 100 reports about alleged incidents in the Black Sea littoral states have been collected from open sources, 40% of which include elements of "illicit". The following eight problems which need national or cooperative intergovernmental solutions were
exists; ● Relevant national organizations need to cooperate bilaterally and multilaterally. All these issues deserve a careful and responsible attention not only on the part of littoral states, but from the part of all BSEC member countries and of the Organization as well. 4. Energy Security As is generally recognized by specialists and politicians alike, a matter of greatest importance for the BSEC region concerns the energy security. By its dimension, it is, obviously, a question of global concern. For a number
a matter of greatest importance for the BSEC region concerns the energy security. By its dimension, it is, obviously, a question of global concern. For a number of well known reasons, this issue is of particular interest for our area as such, but equally for Europe as a whole. Without having the same meaning for various countries, energy security involves essentially: a) the security of supply; b) the security of demand; c) the security of transit countries; d) the stability and
the BSEC region concerns the energy security. By its dimension, it is, obviously, a question of global concern. For a number of well known reasons, this issue is of particular interest for our area as such, but equally for Europe as a whole. Without having the same meaning for various countries, energy security involves essentially: a) the security of supply; b) the security of demand; c) the security of transit countries; d) the stability and reliability of contractual arrangements on energy
for various countries, energy security involves essentially: a) the security of supply; b) the security of demand; c) the security of transit countries; d) the stability and reliability of contractual arrangements on energy, and e) the safety of critical infrastructures as well as of their personnel. As emphasized recently, despite their different interests, all categories involved (producers, consumers and transit countries) have a major common interest: ensuring the smooth functioning of energy market, with a rational balance between the security of
countries, energy security involves essentially: a) the security of supply; b) the security of demand; c) the security of transit countries; d) the stability and reliability of contractual arrangements on energy, and e) the safety of critical infrastructures as well as of their personnel. As emphasized recently, despite their different interests, all categories involved (producers, consumers and transit countries) have a major common interest: ensuring the smooth functioning of energy market, with a rational balance between the security of supply, the
essentially: a) the security of supply; b) the security of demand; c) the security of transit countries; d) the stability and reliability of contractual arrangements on energy, and e) the safety of critical infrastructures as well as of their personnel. As emphasized recently, despite their different interests, all categories involved (producers, consumers and transit countries) have a major common interest: ensuring the smooth functioning of energy market, with a rational balance between the security of supply, the security of transit and
issue became a problem of special preoccupation world-wide. And rightly so, if one takes into consideration the impact of such infrastructure on human, national and international security. It is generally accepted that categories of critical infrastructure include vital sectors, such as: energy, in its large sense, information and communication technologies; water supply; food; health; financial; defense and public order; administration; transport; chemical and other sensitive industries; air traffic, ports and navigation. It is thus obvious that critical infrastructures represent large-scale dynamic
nature of the document to be adopted. Ideally, a legally binding instrument will be preferable. But realistically thinking, such an approach does not appear to be an achievable objective. On the contrary, what seems to be more feasible, at least as a first step, is the elaboration of a politically engaging document. This cannot be simply a "working document", expressing a series of considerations and good intentions, but without the desirable political impact and practical significance. In my view, an adequate
overall cooperation with the Republic of Korea. The paper introduces, both on North and South Korea, some information, received from the well-informed Romanian and foreign diplomatic channels, on the true political, economical and social realities representing the facts and things as they really were. As such an information were favouring the South Korean authorities, the Romanian high rank goverment officials, could not but, by degrees, to take them into consideration. So, they adopted a much more favorable attitude towards the Republic
Republic of Korea. The paper introduces, both on North and South Korea, some information, received from the well-informed Romanian and foreign diplomatic channels, on the true political, economical and social realities representing the facts and things as they really were. As such an information were favouring the South Korean authorities, the Romanian high rank goverment officials, could not but, by degrees, to take them into consideration. So, they adopted a much more favorable attitude towards the Republic of Korea and lately
autor, Dr. Lucian D. Petrescu, presents: the relations between India and Pakistan, beginning with 1947, the year of the separation, of the Declaration of the Independence and the events which followed, between the two states, including the Indian anti-Pakistan orientations, as a result of the division, by the British Empire, of the Indian Subcontinent, into two states; he wrights, also, about the pro-western orientation of Pakistan etc; he reminds about the wars in 1948, 1965 and 1971, the last one having
a result of the division, by the British Empire, of the Indian Subcontinent, into two states; he wrights, also, about the pro-western orientation of Pakistan etc; he reminds about the wars in 1948, 1965 and 1971, the last one having as a result the secession of West Pakistan from the country and the declaration of the independence of Bangladesh state. Reading this work, one can get aquantance with the unrest in that zone and the creation of Pakistan, as well as
one having as a result the secession of West Pakistan from the country and the declaration of the independence of Bangladesh state. Reading this work, one can get aquantance with the unrest in that zone and the creation of Pakistan, as well as about the Indo-Pakistan relations, after 1947, the explanations about the reasons of the competition between the two states India and Pakistan, the principal rivals in the zone of Asia. One can understand that practically that was a sort
as a result the secession of West Pakistan from the country and the declaration of the independence of Bangladesh state. Reading this work, one can get aquantance with the unrest in that zone and the creation of Pakistan, as well as about the Indo-Pakistan relations, after 1947, the explanations about the reasons of the competition between the two states India and Pakistan, the principal rivals in the zone of Asia. One can understand that practically that was a sort of a
India and Pakistan, the principal rivals in the zone of Asia. One can understand that practically that was a sort of a permanent war, not only in the military field, but also in the economic one, in the ethnic field as well, each one trying to atract on its own side foreign partners, mainly from the principal powers of the world, involved in Asia region, trying to get benefit for themselves from the events. In the work You can find a
relations between Romania and Pakistan, underlining the political, economic, cultural and other fields, the culminating point being reached in the middle of the 8-th decade, when the volume of trade exceeded 200 million USD-The author mentioned that the economic relations, as well as other fields, after the events in Romania in 1989, continued but at an unassuming level, mainly in trade and economic cooperation, due the large relations with the authorities and the trade circules, established in the previous decades, which
Romania and Pakistan, underlining the political, economic, cultural and other fields, the culminating point being reached in the middle of the 8-th decade, when the volume of trade exceeded 200 million USD-The author mentioned that the economic relations, as well as other fields, after the events in Romania in 1989, continued but at an unassuming level, mainly in trade and economic cooperation, due the large relations with the authorities and the trade circules, established in the previous decades, which remaind as
as other fields, after the events in Romania in 1989, continued but at an unassuming level, mainly in trade and economic cooperation, due the large relations with the authorities and the trade circules, established in the previous decades, which remaind as a tradition. The author of the work wrote about the efforts by Romania to save the life of the prime minister of Pakistan, Z.A. Bhutto, making use of the personal relations of the ambassador with the general Zia Ul
way the supper powers acted to direct the events for themselves and how far they used to go to cover their perfidiousness. The political instability prevailed in Pakistan from 1988, for several years, when Benazir Bhutto was in power, twice as prime-minister, from 1988 to 1990 and from 1993 to 1996. The way the supper powers and other main powers have been involved in the area of the Indian Subcontinent was also reflected in some chapters, mainly USA, former URSS and
182 16 Anita M. Naschitz, op.cit., p.199 17 Publicată în Editura Lumina Lex, la București, în 2003 18 Victor Dan Zlatescu, Introducere în legistica formală: tehnica legislativă, Editura Oscar Print, București, 1995, p.7. 19 Luc J. Wintgens, Legisprudence, as a New Theory of Legislation, în Ratio Juris vol.19, No.1 martie, 2006, în special pag.1 ,5, 10-24. 20 Ioan Vida, Manual de Legistică formală (Introducere în tehnica și procedura legislativă), Ed. a II.a, revizuită și completată