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articulated a sociological system and a “monographic method” that were widely disseminated by means of University courses, textbooks, anthologies of specialized questionnaires, studies published in Arhiva pentru știința și Reforma Socială and, later on, also in Sociologie Românească (Romanian Sociology), as well as a growing number of volumes due to D. Gusti himself and to numerous members of his school (Traian Herseni, H.H. Stahl, Mircea Vulcănescu, Anton Golopenția, Octavian Neamțu, D.C. Amzăr, Ernest Bernea, Ștefania Cristescu, Ion Ionică etc.). To produce
sociological system and a “monographic method” that were widely disseminated by means of University courses, textbooks, anthologies of specialized questionnaires, studies published in Arhiva pentru știința și Reforma Socială and, later on, also in Sociologie Românească (Romanian Sociology), as well as a growing number of volumes due to D. Gusti himself and to numerous members of his school (Traian Herseni, H.H. Stahl, Mircea Vulcănescu, Anton Golopenția, Octavian Neamțu, D.C. Amzăr, Ernest Bernea, Ștefania Cristescu, Ion Ionică etc.). To produce the accurate
the diagnostic study of family budgets and often undertaken by Le Play’s adepts in countries whose language they did not speak, the Le Play monographs did not consider any social unit beyond the family and that, consequently, units such as villages, towns, cities, districts or regions remained unaccounted for; and that they did not examine the set of cosmical, biological, psychological and historical contexts, the set of economical, spiritual, political or juridical activities and the social will that was behind
unit considered. While fully acknowledging Le Play’s pioneering merit, Gusti was always careful to underline the differences that made his approach unique. At the beginning of the thirties, Gusti’s system and monographic method were fully developed not only as a result of the time he spent writing about them or discussing them with his assistents and students during his seminars, but also as a consequence of their multiple testing by pluridisciplinary teams in villages such as Goicea Mare (Dolj
the beginning of the thirties, Gusti’s system and monographic method were fully developed not only as a result of the time he spent writing about them or discussing them with his assistents and students during his seminars, but also as a consequence of their multiple testing by pluridisciplinary teams in villages such as Goicea Mare (Dolj, 1925), Rușețu (Brăila, 1926), Nereju (Vrancea, 1927), Fundu Moldovei (Câmpulung, 1928), Drăguș (Făgăraș, 1929, 1932, 1933, 1938), Runcu (Gorj, 1930), or Cornova (Bassarabia, 1931
developed not only as a result of the time he spent writing about them or discussing them with his assistents and students during his seminars, but also as a consequence of their multiple testing by pluridisciplinary teams in villages such as Goicea Mare (Dolj, 1925), Rușețu (Brăila, 1926), Nereju (Vrancea, 1927), Fundu Moldovei (Câmpulung, 1928), Drăguș (Făgăraș, 1929, 1932, 1933, 1938), Runcu (Gorj, 1930), or Cornova (Bassarabia, 1931). Gusti’s exhaustive monographs were exemplified by works completed during the thirties, such
Goicea Mare (Dolj, 1925), Rușețu (Brăila, 1926), Nereju (Vrancea, 1927), Fundu Moldovei (Câmpulung, 1928), Drăguș (Făgăraș, 1929, 1932, 1933, 1938), Runcu (Gorj, 1930), or Cornova (Bassarabia, 1931). Gusti’s exhaustive monographs were exemplified by works completed during the thirties, such as H.H. Stahl’s three-volume monograph Nerej, un village d’une région archaïque (1939), by Ion Conea’s two-volume Clopotiva, un sat din Hațeg (Clopotiva, a Village from Hațeg, 1940), by the eight volumes and twenty articles pulished by different “monographists
Leșu or Cornova and by the monumental four-volume Enciclopedia României, coordinated by D. Gusti, M. Vulcănescu, A. Golopenția and H.H. Stahl, and published between 1938 and 1939. (In this extraordinary Encyclopedia, sociological portraits of the counties and cities in Romania, as well as detailed presentations of industry, commerce, transportation systems, Romanian law etc. counterbalanced the up to then mostly rural dimension of the monographic research.) In parallel with the exhaustive monographs, members of the Sociological School of Bucharest developed summary monographs
Cornova and by the monumental four-volume Enciclopedia României, coordinated by D. Gusti, M. Vulcănescu, A. Golopenția and H.H. Stahl, and published between 1938 and 1939. (In this extraordinary Encyclopedia, sociological portraits of the counties and cities in Romania, as well as detailed presentations of industry, commerce, transportation systems, Romanian law etc. counterbalanced the up to then mostly rural dimension of the monographic research.) In parallel with the exhaustive monographs, members of the Sociological School of Bucharest developed summary monographs (monografii sumare
exhaustive monographs, members of the Sociological School of Bucharest developed summary monographs (monografii sumare), aimed at informing the administration of the country and the specialists, in a realistically concise manner, with respect to a greater number of social units, such as A. Golopenția and D.C. Georgescu’s 60 sate românești cercetate de echipele regale studențești În vara 1938 (60 Romanian Villages Studied by the Royal Student Teams during the Summer of 1938) and, later on, thematic monographs, such as D.C. Georgescu
units, such as A. Golopenția and D.C. Georgescu’s 60 sate românești cercetate de echipele regale studențești În vara 1938 (60 Romanian Villages Studied by the Royal Student Teams during the Summer of 1938) and, later on, thematic monographs, such as D.C. Georgescu’s L’alimentation de la population rurale en Roumanie (1939), A. Golopenția’s Starea culturală și economică a populației din România (The Cultural and Economic Situation of the Rural Population in Romania, 1940), L. Costa-Foru’s Cercetarea monografică a
elaborated rapid and comparable syntheses (summary monographs) and tried to effectively intervene (with the administrative authorities or directly in the villages) in order to facilitate evolution or even initiate positive local changes. In A. Golopenția’s words, these teams acted as “mobile sociological laboratories,” at a ratio of over 50 at the same time. During one year, between 1938 and 1939, work in such a Royal student team became an obligation for each and every student in Romania (the so-called Serviciul
was the General Commissary), and using the new possibilities of aerial photographs and sociological films in order to complement and synthesize the results of the monographic work. In recognition of the extraordinary fertility of Gusti’s School, Bucharest was chosen as the place for the XIVth International Congress of Sociology. Unfortunately, all of this came to a halt in 1939, due to WWII: the Social Service was suspended, the Congress was postponed sine die, and the extraordinary research and publication activity
the end of the fifties, the Sociological School of Bucharest was either decimated, with many of its members spending long years or even dying in prison (this was the fate of A. Golopenția, M. Vulcănescu, E. Bernea), leaving the country (as did C. Brăiloiu, Ion Ionică, D.C. Amzăr) or unable to publish until the sixties, some even until 1989 (H.H. Stahl, Octavian Neamțu, Ștefania Cristescu, Xenia Costa-Foru, Christina Galitzi etc.). Between 1930 and 1935, when Bernea, Brauner, Cristescu and Ionică came
a large number of eager young scholars and students that formed an active, resilient and organized structure, disseminated all over the country and directed by the Romanian Social Institute in Bucharest with its subsidiary centers in Timișoara, Cluj, and Chișinău, as well as by the Cultural Foundation Prince Carol (Fundația Culturală Principele Carol), both led by D. Gusti. This large community of followers, capable of informed social vision and of work conducive to reform was as important a feature of Gusti
number of eager young scholars and students that formed an active, resilient and organized structure, disseminated all over the country and directed by the Romanian Social Institute in Bucharest with its subsidiary centers in Timișoara, Cluj, and Chișinău, as well as by the Cultural Foundation Prince Carol (Fundația Culturală Principele Carol), both led by D. Gusti. This large community of followers, capable of informed social vision and of work conducive to reform was as important a feature of Gusti’s School
in Timișoara, Cluj, and Chișinău, as well as by the Cultural Foundation Prince Carol (Fundația Culturală Principele Carol), both led by D. Gusti. This large community of followers, capable of informed social vision and of work conducive to reform was as important a feature of Gusti’s School as its research and methodology. The Gustian sociological movement had come to be greeted and taken as an example in many countries and students from Germany, Hungary, and the United States were officially
by the Cultural Foundation Prince Carol (Fundația Culturală Principele Carol), both led by D. Gusti. This large community of followers, capable of informed social vision and of work conducive to reform was as important a feature of Gusti’s School as its research and methodology. The Gustian sociological movement had come to be greeted and taken as an example in many countries and students from Germany, Hungary, and the United States were officially sent or chose to participate in the monographic
large community of followers, capable of informed social vision and of work conducive to reform was as important a feature of Gusti’s School as its research and methodology. The Gustian sociological movement had come to be greeted and taken as an example in many countries and students from Germany, Hungary, and the United States were officially sent or chose to participate in the monographic campaigns, while numerous articles and studies published outside Romania addressed the main innovations of the Romanian
been organized by D. Gusti since the 1920s; the wide popularization in the media of the research monographic campaigns; the organization of Cultural Centers (cămine culturale) in every village of Romania by the Royal Foundation Prince Carol led by Gusti as well; the Royal student teams’ summer work and the huge amount of professional publications that it generated. Most importantly, Romanian sociology was, as Gusti had proclaimed it, a Sociologia Militans, devoted not only to social description of but also to
Centers (cămine culturale) in every village of Romania by the Royal Foundation Prince Carol led by Gusti as well; the Royal student teams’ summer work and the huge amount of professional publications that it generated. Most importantly, Romanian sociology was, as Gusti had proclaimed it, a Sociologia Militans, devoted not only to social description of but also to an informed social intervention in Romania. French Sociology in the Thirties Reading Bouglé’s synthesis, we can immediately notice both similarities and differences
different disciplines into Gusti’s Sociologia Militans, in France, sociological thought spontaneously infiltrated the main social sciences, leading to a widespread and characteristic sociologisme. Bouglé (1938) chose to stress in his bilan the encounters between sociology and psychology, ethnology, history, as well as social morphology (based on the convergence of demography, statistics and géographie humaine with a sociological approach), juridical sociology (sociologie juridique) and economical sociology (sociologie économique). He could well have added to these the flourishing research in sociolinguistics (by
into Gusti’s Sociologia Militans, in France, sociological thought spontaneously infiltrated the main social sciences, leading to a widespread and characteristic sociologisme. Bouglé (1938) chose to stress in his bilan the encounters between sociology and psychology, ethnology, history, as well as social morphology (based on the convergence of demography, statistics and géographie humaine with a sociological approach), juridical sociology (sociologie juridique) and economical sociology (sociologie économique). He could well have added to these the flourishing research in sociolinguistics (by Meillet, Vendryès
Georges Bataille, Jean Paulhan and Leiris (the first three strongly marked by Durkheim’s and Marcel Mauss’s ideas) were trying, during the same thirties, to bring together their moral, sociological and literary concerns; the relationships between technology and society as described by Weber in his work on the Rythme du progrès, Hubert in his research on the Celtes, or Abel Rey in his examination of La Science dans l’Antiquité etc. Bouglé’s bilan is rich and revealing. It is
and (b) assessing the adoption and further development or the contestation of Durkheim’s ideas by specialists in the fields mentioned above during the post-WWI years. a) We thus find a detailed analysis of Durkheim’s critique of introspective psychology as well as of his development of the hypotheses of collective representations and conscience collective or of the social mediation that allows the evolution toward concepts, categories and reasoning; of his ethnology inspired distinction between mechanical solidarity (based on a rigorous